(no subject)

Feb 06, 2008 10:20

 Before I begin the main portion of this entry, just let me say that the following conversation is why my dad rocks... well, one of many reasons my dad rocks.

Dad: So guess who I was standing next to in the airport today...
me: Who?
Dad: Archie Manning.
Me: Sweet. Why didn't you get Peyton's number for me?
Dad: He was on the phone. In the middle of it all he just stops talking, looks at the phone and says, 'gotta go, Eli's calling in'.
Me: Cool.
Dad: You know, I heard Peyton's getting a divorce. I mean, him and his wife have always had an open marriage and stuff, but I heard they're getting a divorce.
Me: Really?
Dad: See, there's always a chance.

When I told Sean of this conversation the response was a quirked eyebrow and a step back. Oops. Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned that I saw a contest on the DSRL (Double Stuff Racing League) website about "Win a chance to Lick the Mannings!" ... when I re-read the page I was disappointed to find out it said "Win a chance to Lick Race against the Mannings." *shakes head* Damn that selective... uhm...reading.


Anyway, the real point to this entry.

Last night I discovered the source of all drama. Now, I know some of you are pointing fingers immediately to specific bloggers, politicians, news agencies, Britney Spears, youtube, friends and other such individuals. While there are definately people in this world who love nothing more than stirring up shit, I am here to tell you that even though these people are annoying assclownbags (what, isn't everything made worse by adding 'bag' to the end?), they are not in fact the source of all drama.

The source of all drama: LACK of decent sit coms.

*nods sagely*

I'm telling you, readers, this is the answer. This is the font of all drama... a lack of good sitcoms in which to wrap ourselves.

You see, I think deep down, all of us have an inner gossip. We love to know what's going on in other peoples' lives for various reasons. Some of us feel the need to compare and contrast our humble existence to that of others... some just have an insatiable need to know.

There are some outlets for these levels of gossip. Some people keep it in their circle of friends and find that this can (and often does) create drama. What have we learned, kids? Drama = bad.

Some people keep up on celebrity gossip. Yeah, you don't know them, they don't know you and the inner nosy neighbour is sated for a while. Then you see trainwrecks like Britney Spears or Tom Cruise and you just need to turn off TMZ.

Reality TV? Psh, like you can call it that. That's the problem...we're onto the fact that it's rigged and pointless. It's been done before. Nothing new out there.

So last night I was watching a re-run of Friends and found myself nestled into a warm cocoon of drama free life. I remembered... "Hey! I used to watch this all the time. And there was no drama then..."

And that's when it occurred to me... We no longer have Ross/Rachel to care about. Chandler and Monica are fine with their kids somewhere and that's okay. We don't have the weekly window into Phoebe's antics. And Sex and the City and Queer as Folk.. they're all gone. I don't have a Brian Kinney or Carrie/Big relationship to worry about anymore.

Now, before you make assumptions, I'm not blaming the writer's strike for drama. I like the writers. They're my peeps. Besides, this was an issue before.

I don't know what to do about it. Better tv shows? Pacify the masses with more half-hour episodic drama where everything is solved in a half hour and no one goes on the hate the other for longer than Sweeps Week? Or should people just live better?

What do you think?

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