Aug 21, 2007 11:59
Sure, I'm not exactly a "housewife" or "homemaker"...but dude, right now I've gotta bone to pick.
What the fuck is up with people using lead-based paints in household items? I mean, the Christmas lights are one thing... most people expect them to be outside, right? But we bought a new vacuum cleaner (woot, and no I won't be that woman who goes on forever about the glorious wonders of her appliances) and when I was assembling it today I saw, in big bold print, PAINT ON THIS PRODUCT AND ITS CORD CONTAIN LEAD.
What the hell?
You know it's poisonous to us, you know this product is going to be touched, handled and otherwise used by us, SO WHY FUCKING USE LEAD-BASED PAINT!? It's in toys, it's in everything it seems, now.
What the hell?
Grow a brain, people, and quit using the stuff. Stop making it. Stop supplying it. Stop buying it. Stop! This isn't cool.