I thought it was a good script actually, although some little details were missing, so it wasn't my favourite ever. The direction definitely enhanced it though.
The M/A stuff wasn't at it's best, for sure. But for me it was good. It's not only that they had some nice dialogue together (although that's been missing for a couple of episodes this season, so I'm grateful it's there), it was also how they connected them within the story again, and how their fates were linked. I definitely agree it can and should be punchier though.
I actually enjoyed the Gwen/Arthur scenes just because it was amusing to watch Gwen spout out the same spiel, but doing it while rolling her eyes.
I agree Arthur wasn't especially...central(?)...to this week's episode. I guess that was because it was ultimately Gwen v Merlin, and Arthur couldn't have a clue about what either of them were up to, so I guess storywise he had to be in the background. I still think it was better characterisation this week, than the previous where he was just hacking through some shrubs for 20 minutes worth of scenes. I do, and always will, prefer episodes with more Merlin and Arthur together though. I don't think it makes it a bad episode with them apart, there have been great episodes where they've seemed quite distant from each other. But the best are always the ones where they are together physically, thematically and narritively.
The M/A stuff wasn't at it's best, for sure. But for me it was good. It's not only that they had some nice dialogue together (although that's been missing for a couple of episodes this season, so I'm grateful it's there), it was also how they connected them within the story again, and how their fates were linked. I definitely agree it can and should be punchier though.
I actually enjoyed the Gwen/Arthur scenes just because it was amusing to watch Gwen spout out the same spiel, but doing it while rolling her eyes.
I agree Arthur wasn't especially...central(?)...to this week's episode. I guess that was because it was ultimately Gwen v Merlin, and Arthur couldn't have a clue about what either of them were up to, so I guess storywise he had to be in the background. I still think it was better characterisation this week, than the previous where he was just hacking through some shrubs for 20 minutes worth of scenes. I do, and always will, prefer episodes with more Merlin and Arthur together though. I don't think it makes it a bad episode with them apart, there have been great episodes where they've seemed quite distant from each other. But the best are always the ones where they are together physically, thematically and narritively.
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