The best episodes are the ones that are dominated by Arthur and Merlin Yes! I was watching and suddenly this line you've always said popped up in my head. This ep certainly proves once again how true it is. Having said that, I admit though, that I don't think I can ever feel completely positive about any episode anymore. Fear of lack of continuity and of how it might go tumbling down the very next week will always be present from now on and certainly will affect my criticism. And here: He’s getting his Merlin Continuity Book out of his knapsack to check on how Arthur feels about magic in this point of the series Like you said, it happens again. What happens to 5.01 'can't trust the words of a sorcerer' speech? Still, for this instance I'll think of Arthur as being clouded by his grief here and behaving like proper grieving, fallible humans, if only to spare myself the frustration. Also, while I'm at it, I'll presume Uther wasn't going to kill Arthur, merely delivering some sort of ghostly teaching. It doesn't line up with his first talk with Arthur I think? I think Uther didn't mean to bring up his disappointment then. Arthur did, and was contradicting himself doing that (as Merlin later pointed that out, which I feaking love). The fact that he wasn't immediately angry the moment he saw his son and his last words before the veil closed, it has to mean Arthur > Camelot? Maybe? I hope?
With those two pointed out though, I think frustration runs a lot less deep this time. Not counting Gwen this time because I'm grateful they decided to tell and not show. Easy enough to ignore. God knows how painful it could be otherwise. However I still maintain that everytime Arthur mentions Gwen, his credibility as King drops a little.
There's a lot of good things left to counter the above mentioned thankfully. The Merlin/Arthur dynamic goes up a bit maybe. Granted, there are physical abuses here and there and people are certainly upset, but I think it's quite good-natured this time around. What I like is how there's a back and forth between them, Arthur even in his despair doesn't cruelly dismiss Merlin like he did in a certain ep; Merlin readily calls out on Arthur's crap on several occasions; and in between there are times they're shown, not just implied, really shown as equals. I love the Labyrinth of Gedref references as well as all the nods to other earlier eps. It's those little things, like you said. Leon and Gaius also fits very well in this. Didn't expect the Gaius scare either. Though I think their reaction has more or less to do with his new wig, echoing the audience's and all that. XD
I love Merlin/Uther scene so, so much. Basically the best 'fuckyou' Merlin ever delivers with his 'magic at the heart of Camelot' line. Uther's silent horror and Merlin's emotional outburst. It's beautiful. A step up from his reveal to Agravaine. I can't even imagine how Colin did it. One line he's breaking, exploding, the next a bitter catharsis with a dash of smugness, and in the last there's almost pity. Damn, this is a powerful scene all right. The next Merlin/Arthur scene is no less beautiful, I agree. I think it happens because Colin and Bradley shares equal weights in bringing the emotional this time, they each gives their best performance, and it works wonderfully together with the other's. Last time it happened, I think it was their last scene in 4.03? Then props for Uther for being a catalyst both times.
All in all, if I don't think too much about whether this development for Arthur might mean something at last, I really like this episode. I hope they'll keep true to the equality Merlin and Arthur has now and go from there. You know, I recently pick up Revolution, and having watched 5 eps of it, coming back to Merlin, I can't help but be grateful that our leads are such talented people and have great chemistry with each other. It's torture to watch a show where side characters completely out-act most of the main cast, as is the case of Revolution so far.
"Yes! I was watching and suddenly this line you've always said popped up in my head. This ep certainly proves once again how true it is" I probably do repeat myself far too often! I think, for me, as that is the core of the show and it's success, it's worth repeating. I'm a little bit like you too, I'm not sure how great the next episode will be. But at least we got a really great episode, in my opinion, within this season.
Yeah the continuity with Arthur going and rescuing sorcerers and all was a little dodgy. It was a great episode, so I'm willing to forgive it somewhat. I'm willing to let it slide just this once ;)
I think Ghost!Uther didn't want to kill Arthur and obviously when they were in the veil space he made no intention of it. I'm guessing though that when he got out and was a invisable spirit and could actually see things he throughly dispproved of, that's when he became a bit of a vengeful spirit and went after Arthur in frustration. He's always been strict with Arthur when he's defied him, I think in death it's no different and the powerless feelings he has just heightened the situation.
Ha! yes I'm grateful that the episode featured Arthur telling us of his love for Gwen rather than showing. Much kinder on the eyes and ears!
Are people upset about the whole hitting thing? I haven't read anyone elses review yet. For me, it didn't bother me in the slightest, although of course everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions; they are all equally valid. I would of course never condone violence or reacting violently towards someone, but I didn't see it in that context. For me it was a bit like two baby animals playing. I used to share a flat with some guys, and although they were grown men they used to play around like lion cubs. This was only when they were on good terms though. If they had a slight disagreement, they would never give each other a shove or anything physical. With this episode when Arthur's upset with Merlin or upset with himself he very quietly tells him to leave. He doesn't take his anger and distress out physically on Merlin. It's only when they are bantering and 'insulting' and playing about that he actually gets physical. It's acknowledged by both of them that this is the way they interact with each other, and Merlin is actually disappointd when Arthur won't banter back with him, as he knows this means he is unhappy.
There is an equality and an equal companionship that was really evident in this episode. Merlin was defending Arthur to himself, and Arthur clearly responded and started to believe in himself. He took Merlin with him and confided in him. If anything it's always been Merlin who hasn't treated Arthur with equal trust. Obviously he's scared and fearful about loosing him if he reveals his secret, but Arthur bares his soul to Merlin, but Merlin rarely ever does the same back.
You're absolutely right, there is a bit of smugness in that line that Merlin delievers to Uther. It's a nice reminder how powerful Merlin actually is. He subdues that power for Arthur. He could rule the world and Arthur, but he chooses not too. He believes that Arthur deserves that power and position and will respect it.
"I agree. I think it happens because Colin and Bradley shares equal weights in bringing the emotional this time, they each gives their best performance, and it works wonderfully together with the other's. Last time it happened, I think it was their last scene in 4.03? Then props for Uther for being a catalyst both times. This episode was the best since 4.03. There was a real beauty in the symmetry between this story and that one, with many of the same decisions, mistakes and turning points being made. Both boys were excellent. This episode didn't have all the bells, whistles, snow and aliens of the first two, but in my opinion it was more epic. The emotion, the 'quietness' of it, the simplicity and the performances just meant it gelled together wonderfully and had a powerful impact.
Like you said, I really hope they keep the equality of Merlin and Arthur too. It's been consistant and a highlight through all three episodes. I'm hoping that it's being set up so a reveal (please be soon!!) will blow everything apart, but I won't get my hopes up too much!
Yes! I was watching and suddenly this line you've always said popped up in my head. This ep certainly proves once again how true it is. Having said that, I admit though, that I don't think I can ever feel completely positive about any episode anymore. Fear of lack of continuity and of how it might go tumbling down the very next week will always be present from now on and certainly will affect my criticism. And here:
He’s getting his Merlin Continuity Book out of his knapsack to check on how Arthur feels about magic in this point of the series
Like you said, it happens again. What happens to 5.01 'can't trust the words of a sorcerer' speech? Still, for this instance I'll think of Arthur as being clouded by his grief here and behaving like proper grieving, fallible humans, if only to spare myself the frustration. Also, while I'm at it, I'll presume Uther wasn't going to kill Arthur, merely delivering some sort of ghostly teaching. It doesn't line up with his first talk with Arthur I think? I think Uther didn't mean to bring up his disappointment then. Arthur did, and was contradicting himself doing that (as Merlin later pointed that out, which I feaking love). The fact that he wasn't immediately angry the moment he saw his son and his last words before the veil closed, it has to mean Arthur > Camelot? Maybe? I hope?
With those two pointed out though, I think frustration runs a lot less deep this time. Not counting Gwen this time because I'm grateful they decided to tell and not show. Easy enough to ignore. God knows how painful it could be otherwise. However I still maintain that everytime Arthur mentions Gwen, his credibility as King drops a little.
There's a lot of good things left to counter the above mentioned thankfully. The Merlin/Arthur dynamic goes up a bit maybe. Granted, there are physical abuses here and there and people are certainly upset, but I think it's quite good-natured this time around. What I like is how there's a back and forth between them, Arthur even in his despair doesn't cruelly dismiss Merlin like he did in a certain ep; Merlin readily calls out on Arthur's crap on several occasions; and in between there are times they're shown, not just implied, really shown as equals. I love the Labyrinth of Gedref references as well as all the nods to other earlier eps. It's those little things, like you said. Leon and Gaius also fits very well in this. Didn't expect the Gaius scare either. Though I think their reaction has more or less to do with his new wig, echoing the audience's and all that. XD
I love Merlin/Uther scene so, so much. Basically the best 'fuckyou' Merlin ever delivers with his 'magic at the heart of Camelot' line. Uther's silent horror and Merlin's emotional outburst. It's beautiful. A step up from his reveal to Agravaine. I can't even imagine how Colin did it. One line he's breaking, exploding, the next a bitter catharsis with a dash of smugness, and in the last there's almost pity. Damn, this is a powerful scene all right. The next Merlin/Arthur scene is no less beautiful, I agree. I think it happens because Colin and Bradley shares equal weights in bringing the emotional this time, they each gives their best performance, and it works wonderfully together with the other's. Last time it happened, I think it was their last scene in 4.03? Then props for Uther for being a catalyst both times.
All in all, if I don't think too much about whether this development for Arthur might mean something at last, I really like this episode. I hope they'll keep true to the equality Merlin and Arthur has now and go from there. You know, I recently pick up Revolution, and having watched 5 eps of it, coming back to Merlin, I can't help but be grateful that our leads are such talented people and have great chemistry with each other. It's torture to watch a show where side characters completely out-act most of the main cast, as is the case of Revolution so far.
I probably do repeat myself far too often! I think, for me, as that is the core of the show and it's success, it's worth repeating. I'm a little bit like you too, I'm not sure how great the next episode will be. But at least we got a really great episode, in my opinion, within this season.
Yeah the continuity with Arthur going and rescuing sorcerers and all was a little dodgy. It was a great episode, so I'm willing to forgive it somewhat. I'm willing to let it slide just this once ;)
I think Ghost!Uther didn't want to kill Arthur and obviously when they were in the veil space he made no intention of it. I'm guessing though that when he got out and was a invisable spirit and could actually see things he throughly dispproved of, that's when he became a bit of a vengeful spirit and went after Arthur in frustration. He's always been strict with Arthur when he's defied him, I think in death it's no different and the powerless feelings he has just heightened the situation.
Ha! yes I'm grateful that the episode featured Arthur telling us of his love for Gwen rather than showing. Much kinder on the eyes and ears!
Are people upset about the whole hitting thing? I haven't read anyone elses review yet. For me, it didn't bother me in the slightest, although of course everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions; they are all equally valid. I would of course never condone violence or reacting violently towards someone, but I didn't see it in that context. For me it was a bit like two baby animals playing. I used to share a flat with some guys, and although they were grown men they used to play around like lion cubs. This was only when they were on good terms though. If they had a slight disagreement, they would never give each other a shove or anything physical. With this episode when Arthur's upset with Merlin or upset with himself he very quietly tells him to leave. He doesn't take his anger and distress out physically on Merlin. It's only when they are bantering and 'insulting' and playing about that he actually gets physical. It's acknowledged by both of them that this is the way they interact with each other, and Merlin is actually disappointd when Arthur won't banter back with him, as he knows this means he is unhappy.
There is an equality and an equal companionship that was really evident in this episode. Merlin was defending Arthur to himself, and Arthur clearly responded and started to believe in himself. He took Merlin with him and confided in him. If anything it's always been Merlin who hasn't treated Arthur with equal trust. Obviously he's scared and fearful about loosing him if he reveals his secret, but Arthur bares his soul to Merlin, but Merlin rarely ever does the same back.
You're absolutely right, there is a bit of smugness in that line that Merlin delievers to Uther. It's a nice reminder how powerful Merlin actually is. He subdues that power for Arthur. He could rule the world and Arthur, but he chooses not too. He believes that Arthur deserves that power and position and will respect it.
"I agree. I think it happens because Colin and Bradley shares equal weights in bringing the emotional this time, they each gives their best performance, and it works wonderfully together with the other's. Last time it happened, I think it was their last scene in 4.03? Then props for Uther for being a catalyst both times.
This episode was the best since 4.03. There was a real beauty in the symmetry between this story and that one, with many of the same decisions, mistakes and turning points being made. Both boys were excellent. This episode didn't have all the bells, whistles, snow and aliens of the first two, but in my opinion it was more epic. The emotion, the 'quietness' of it, the simplicity and the performances just meant it gelled together wonderfully and had a powerful impact.
Like you said, I really hope they keep the equality of Merlin and Arthur too. It's been consistant and a highlight through all three episodes. I'm hoping that it's being set up so a reveal (please be soon!!) will blow everything apart, but I won't get my hopes up too much!
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