* I would consider changing my legal name to Rarity Prince. Also, I liked Rarity before you did.
* Espeon was never my favourite Pokemon; Roserade always was.
* I've never played RBY or GSC. My first Pkmn games were RS and my very first starter was actually Treecko but then I decided Torchic looked more underground so I restarted the game a few minutes later.
* I've raise more Roserade in my life than you've raised Grass types.
* I like Grass type Pokemon, unlike you.
* I have Sun in Leo and Moon in Scorpio. Out of the 200 or so celebrity whose birth charts I've looked at, there's only like one that has this combination, and it's not the same because it's reversed. I don't even remember his name. Incidentally, there is a celebrity astrologer in France (you've probably never heard of him) who shares my LeoSun/ScorpioMoon combo.
* I liked Cloyster before it Gen IV & V made it awesome.
* I liked Gastrodon before Storm Drain was an awesome ability.
* I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who's ever used Magcargo / Sunflora.
* I once defeated Cynthia's Garchomp with my Cherrim.
* I once defeated a hipster's Groudon with my Meganium using HP Grass.
* My fave Eeveelution used to be Espeon but now it's Leafeon.
* My favourite singer is Lee Jung Hyun. You've probably never heard of her.
* My favourite Avengers are actually Black Widow and Hawkeye.
* My daemon is a wood grouse, unlike your daemon which is a wolf / dog / cat / mongoose / mammal / bird that isn't a grouse. My daemon's first form was a green peacock, unlike your daemon's first form which was a wolf.
* My favourite movie is Memoirs of a Geisha. You've probably never heard of it. Yes, I read the book before I watched the movie. I didn't plan it, either.
* My favourite HP char? Fleur Delacour. Problem?
* I read Jane Eyre before you did (at about age 8). In Spanish.
* My favourite poet? Jacques Prévert. You've probably never heard of him.
* My favourite adventure writer? Emilio Salgari. He's Italian; you're probably never heard of him. He's really famous... in Italy and Spanish-speaking countries. Have you read Spanish and/or Italian literature?
* I have never had a boyfriend, unlike most of you.
* I don't think a six-pack is the most attractive thing a man could possibly have on his body... unlike 99% of my fellow gay men.
* I actually like body hair and uncircumcised penises. Problem?
* I know things about you that you don't know about you, thanks to my ten (and counting) astrology books (including one called Sextrology which lets me in on what kind of fetishes you have) and your birth charts.
* I'm actually into astrology. Yoga, philosophy, tai chi, veganism, religion, science, etc. = too mainstream.
* All of my friends are really abnormal people: one is a communist, one actually likes Bill from Pokemon (who does that), one is an autistic genius, one has the most bizarro sleeping pattern ever and is a cat demon inside a human body, and one is a ginger who actually likes fictional gingers (Ron Weasley and Sansa Stark). I know, right? So fetch!
* You've probably never heard of any of my friends. If you have I'm pretty sure they're not who you think they are. Like, one of them thinks she's Dany Targaryen, but she's actually like Rhaegar Targaryen. I mean, really, I wouldn't befriend someone who was kinda like Dany (too mainstream).
* I can read in Finnish and Turkish even though I don't speak those.
* The song I'm listening right now is called "Tielle heitetty" by Värttinä. You probably can't pronounce that. You probably have never heard of them.
P.S. None of these are lies. Lies are too mainstream. You should try being honest for a change, even if you're not a hipster; it might do you good.