Of Eric, and David Anders Online

Oct 20, 2008 13:28

HAPPY ERIC DAY EVERYONE!! I really hope the True Blood torrent doesn't take forever to come out like it did last week, last week there was no Eric so I was fine but this week there is and I will die waiting. Also I made a poll over at trueblood_tv yesterday about what people ship, there were surprising results. I expected Eric/Sookie to win with those who read the books, and Bill/Sookie to those who have only seen the show, which is exactly what happened. However I was surprised with the amount of people who still liked Bill after reading the books, though I guess I didn't ask how many book they had read, I know a lot of Bill/Sookie shippers who refuse to read past book 2 (and remain in denial). I was also surprised (and pleased) to learn that there were a few Eric/Sookie shippers who have only seen the show since Eric has had so little screen time.

Also because procrastination FTW! I updated David Anders Online. There's some stuff I still need at add (ie. HD captures from last season of Heroes) but their old news so I'm not in a hurry.

actor; david anders, tv; true blood, site; david anders

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