The time it was windy

Apr 02, 2008 23:59

It was so windy today. During one of my lectures the power kept flickering on and off then during the break afterwards my friend and I where waiting to order some food at Einsteins (Deakin's pub) and the power went out and they weren't serving food any more, so we had to settle for something else. We just ended deciding to go home because we didn't want to wait 30 minutes, then find out the lecture was cancelled due to no power, plus we thought we'd beat traffic. We were wrong, I think the wind (100km+ speeds) caused all these problems, branches where on the road, traffic lights where out and there was a point on the freeway where you couldn't see anything because of all the dirt (their doing road works so the dirt there is lose).

I also found out the other day that I guy I went to High School with died in a alcohol related car accident. He apparent had a 8 month year old kid too.

uni; deakin

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