The time I watched BSG

Oct 08, 2006 01:23

So currently most of the contents in my room at in the living room, where going to put floorboards in my room tomorrow, hopefully won't take too long because I need my computer next two weeks for all my assignments.

I'm also using Semagic (ljwin32_sema) for the first time after a few people mentioned they used it to update their LJ's with it in my last poll. So far all seems good, no complains yet, though I'm not sure if it lets you upload image with it into your LJ photo space. The detect music thing is handy, saves me typing it myself.

Question: If you have extra userpics that don't run out before your paid account do you loose them? I'm pretty sure you can't have the extra userpics unless you have a paid account, but I'm not sure if you get that time back once you get a paid account again at a later time. My paid account runs out on Thursday and well my computer is going to be not in use while we do the floorboards tomorrow, and I don't know when is will be in use again, I guess I could use my brother's to re-new, that's if I find the time.

Also watched 03x01 and 03x02 of Battlestar Galatica, FRACKING AWESOME!! God I want more now!! Couldn't help but squee when they called Sharon, "Sharon Agathon". I also like the Kara/Leoben story, I kind of liked them together last time, though I like Anders too.. Is it next week yet? Also is anyone having problems with downloading the podcast for 3.01 and 3.02 of BSG?

Better get to bed, I'm going to be waken up early to help move the rest of the stuff in my room tomorrow morning.

lj; paid, rl; family, tv; battlestar galactica

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