SuMmEr Is HeRe!!

Jun 13, 2005 04:39

~yeah ok, so he broke up with me, big deal. i loved him alot but i dont need that anyway. i have good friends that i love and i care about and they give me full support~

this section is deticated to shelbi. i love her, and she CHANGED my year. it would've been so much different without her by my side. you kick ass babe ill never for get you

•id like to thank those of you who could watch me prefrom in the concert of love. i had such a great time! you guuys are the best.

•to candice, i just want to say that i love you babe and that you helped me so much backstage with makeup and cheering up. you are one of my best friends and i want to wish you good luck competing in vegas over the summer. you have done so much for me this year, girl, i love you alot.

•hey everyone! tell me what math class you are in next year!! (accelerated, high, collage prep, or accedemic support)

•cant wait for summer. im going to makos session 4, so go, it would be funnnn!!if you cant, however, call me!! im gonna miss 'yall.


here is my mini story pics for the end of the year!!

i had a great year this year. i came as more of a loaner, and then i met some friends......

and along the way,. i gathered more frinds.....

....and even MORE friends!!!.....

...but then....i met some really hot guys.

scott: aka; scotty the hottie with a body

jordan c.

shawn, what an austrailian puppet
ok, they are a little weird.....but they are like some of my bestfriends

i fell in love with brian.....

....but then he broke up with me and i turned into some weird ass emo girl (for a couple of weeks, that is)

...but life went on and im happy now. i always have mr. Gerard to laugh at and take pictures of in math class....

...and...i always have my friends and even mr.ferris to make me smile....

*~the end~*

now lets get to some fun stuff i did as the school year ended

1.) Tan festival

me and andice did Italy!

jordan and conner did, um ,Japan or China, i think China....!

chelsea and kasi did Great Brittian!!

i have no idea what robin and shawn did...(besides goofing off that is)

my baby: alyssa

katya is showing us her dance moves

shawn is having a good time it seems......but i dont really think he liked TAN, haha

2.) Concert of Love 2005 preformance

this is my jazz dance!!

this is my Hip Hop dance. can you find me??

thats the costume i wore for hip hop. its also the costume Gwen Stefani's backround dancers wore for some video

---I'll put up ballet and tap if you want----

3.)relax and have a yoga session with a good friend


hummm.... (ooops, the picture is backwords!) hummmm.....

4.) the next day eden slept over then the next day i had scrapbooking class and then the next day, i got my summer x-rays for the year and then the next day i got my rock climbing certification LISENCE!!........>>>to be contiinued...maybe<<<<
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