Mar 02, 2006 23:55
Today has been the longest ever. I drove back to Tampa from home at 7:30 after being out late the night before for my cousin/sister 16th birthday (it was well worth it!) I made it on campus just in time for my comp. class I had to give a presentation on my memoir I knew what I was saying but I was soo nervous and my mouth got really dry to the point where my voice got all raspy towards the end, but I pulled it off. I like the fact that out of everyone in my class I was the only one with a happy was about the Florida State Thespian Festival (I can't wait to go this year!!)
I went to the strawberry festival today...mmm...strawberries. We had soo much fun I don't think I had any actual food there, we had strawberry kabobs dipped in chocolate and elephant ears (think flat funnel cake with cinnamon and brown sugar) and strawberry shortcake. the best part was on the way out we passed by a booth where you throw ping pong balls at these little fish bowls and if you get it in you get one goldfish, well I got one then went to the pet store to buy a fishbowl and another goldfish the one wouldn't get lonely. I haven't thought of names for them yet though...I’m open to any ideas...
I’m a bit on the nervous side about Saturday at Renaissance Festival.