Media: Fic
Title: Love Is The Little Things (Part 2/?) - 'Pillow Talk'
Rating: PG
Pairings: Klaine
Spoilers (if any): none
Warnings (if any): implied sexual situations
Word Count: approximately 300
Summary: His heart and mind were thrumming with it, with the weight of what they’d just done and what it meant.
Author’s Note (if any): "Love Is The Little Things" is a collection of ficlets I'm writing that depict little snapshots from Kurt and Blaine's life together. Special thanks to
gameboycolor for giving me the prompts that started this and for being my cheerleader/beta ♥ Title for the series is from
this song by Pomplamoose. You can read the first ficlet (Summer)
here Kurt was supposed to be tired. That was how this always went in every historical romance he’d ever read - and he’d read a lot of them. The two main characters finally consummated their (usually forbidden) love and afterwards sank into a blissful slumber only to awaken scant hours later in a warm, comfortable tangle of limbs. (Until they realized they’d been barged in on, of course, usually by the villain or some outraged family member. Kurt was hoping to avoid that part.)
But he didn’t feel in the least bit like sleeping. Instead, he felt invigorated. His heart and mind were thrumming with it, with the weight of what they’d just done and what it meant. The way it had shifted parts of his heart and brain into new and dazzling pathways, how it had cemented everything that was already between them. The way it had felt - brief and awkward and fumbling but so very, impossibly good.
“That...” he struggled to formulate words capable of describing the experience, of articulating this thing that he was feeling. He realized fairly quickly that there were none, and settled instead on meeting Blaine’s eyes and clutching at his hand, squeezing it tightly.
Fortunately, the other boy seemed to understand. “Yeah,” he agreed, winding his arms around Kurt and shifting close. Kurt had to marvel at the way they fit together like this, like two interlocking puzzle pieces, their hearts as naked and bare and vulnerable to each other as their bodies had been. “That.”
And really, at the end of the day, that was all they needed to say. Their hearts already held all the words their lips didn’t know anyway, and they traded them in soft smiles and loving looks.