whiny whiny rant rant rant

Mar 01, 2007 08:04


studying abroad is not what i expected. I'm having trouble making friends that i havent had since the first day of orientation at wes (the day before i met Emmalee and Katrina) and beofre that-- high school. During the bonding field trip I fell quite ill and was barely able to get over to the dining hall for food. Seriously, I was so sick I didnt go buy soda to drink, and nearly kicked my caffeine addiction. I'm at one glass a day, which is nothing compared to what i drank over winter brake in ohio.

I am doing fun things, but Mark lives far away and wants to do stuff I dont want to do sometimes. So I find myself watching house and eating tim tams a lot of the time, which is fun but i could do it at home--except the eating tim tams part (tim tams are a delicious Australian biscuit (read cookie) made by a company called arnott's- and i dont think i could get them in the states) and also tim tams are f'in AMAZING!

This is how making friends works- you already have a friend or two that you know wants to hang out with you. maybe they are your roomate, maybe they are KAtrina and Emmalee and you know you all like physics, maybe they went to your highschool. your alliance is with them. when you want to eat lunch you call them and they come running. Then another couple people sit at your table and you strike up a conversation. if they are cool then you go and do something with them, like go to foss cross or a bilegata. And they can eventually become your friends.

Mark is the person who my alliances lay with now, but he cant come running to lunch with me across the city, and he's not even invited to foss cross because he doesnt go to wesleyan, he goes to uconn. I say hi to people i start talking to them , but then a highschool friend calls them and I've already bought lunch, so i stay where I am and read a book or something and they go running off somewhere else.

And then because i dont live on campus and i dont have an ra i forget when the bilegata is and miss out on a valuable oportunity to make friends. I'm having fun but its just not how i expected it to be.


I am making friends with marks flat mates, because i have have safety net to fall back on with them and we all often end up in the same place by default.
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