Well, a lot of people several months ago were doing lists like this and I thought I would finally jump on the bandwagon and write one up myself. Here it goes!
1. Finish this list.
2. Go through my boxes of notebooks and folders, organize them into the file cabinet.
3. Finish scanning photos for the
Collectively Speaking website. That's a family photo history project of my own.
4. Write one good poem a week for a month. (twice attempted: got to 13 & 17)
5. Shoot a gun.
6. Write one good story a week for a month.
7. Have photos/artwork on display in a bar/coffeeshop/other place. (B&N in July '05, Mia's in Aug. '05, and Common Grounds coffeehouses in Fall of 2005; collages in Ground Effects April 2007 and in Hutchins Library July 2007)
8. Paint a painting.
9. Make another mixed media collage (or more). (Made 7 of them!)
10. Sew Asian fabric "quilt." (need to finish it)
11. Read one article a week pertaining to my profession.
12. Obtain
Certified Archivist certification.
13. Learn about and how to do
14. Get poetry published in print in a literary journal/magazine.
15. Make a chapbook of poetry.
16. Read all the books I already own that I don't want to keep. (or give them away to public libraries like I did, 2006)
17. Lose 30-40 pounds.
18. Practice yoga or pilates on a daily or every-other-day routine.
19. Learn more about Photoshop / layers. (currently learning for work)
20. Save money for new/used car.
21. Visit my best friend Vicki in South Carolina.
22. Visit my family in West Virginia. (June 2006)
23. Visit San Francisco.
24. Visit Canada.
25. Visit Mexico.
26. Visit New York City.
27. Visit Chicago.
28. Plant a flower garden. (April 2009)
29. See U2 in concert (I have ticket). (Dec. 10th, 2005! Cleveland, OH)
30. Visit Mammoth Cave. (Visited the park, March 2008. Still want to tour the caves)
31. Sand and stain wood furniture.
32. Have a garage sale of the unnecessary trinkets and do-dads I have. (June 2006)
33. Write the postcards I promised I would write to other people. (July 2007)
34. Learn to drive a stick-shift/standard vehicle.
35. Continue learning to ride the bike.
36. Ride a motorcycle.
37. Get a third tattoo.
38. Get another piercing, in ears. (March 2006, third piercing in my ears)
39. Learn how to change my own oil.
40. Ride a train.
41. Watch a sunrise and sunset in the same day.
42. Own all Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD; I have seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. (no longer care for this one anymore)
43. Own all of Angel on DVD; I have seasons 2, 3, and 4. (No longer care for this one anymore.)
44. Ride a Greyhound bus.
45. Have a vegetable garden. (Spring 2009)
46. See the Pacific Ocean.
47. See the Atlantic Ocean (not the Gulf of Mexico!)
48. Have a party at my house.
49. Own a gas-powered push lawn-mower; mow grass regularly myself.
50. Organize all CDs, bought and burned.
51. Make a pizza from scratch.
52. Make homemade yogurt.
53. Meet LJ friends who live in Lexington Met Lisa and Jo (and others)
54. Meet LJ friends who live in Cincinnati (met Rachel)
55. Learn an instrument. (began learning Banjo, but... Need to pick it back up and practice!)
56. Meditate regularly.
57. Make a mixed CD of my favorite songs of all time.
58. Get KY driver's liscense. (June 2005) Got new one in OK in January 2009.
59. Get KY liscense plate and tag. (June 2005) Got ones in OK in January 2009.
60. Pay off JC Penny card debt ASAP. (July 2006)
61. Start making larger payments to student loans. (December 2008)
62. Re-design my Oral HIstory of Rolling Fork, MS, website.
63. Make homemade sundried tomato pesto.
64. Sell unnecessary furniture; replace with practical stuff.
65. Drink less coffee and drink more water & juice. (One cup a day should be fine.) (2009. One cup in the morning; usually more on weekends)
66. Hike somewhere every weekend for a month.
67. Make homemade basil pesto. (August 2005)
68. Visit Smithsonian
69. Go back to New Orleans post-Katrina.
70. Paint that idea I have of the purple iris (from a photo)
71. Visit my grandmother's cousin Dot in Pennsylvania
72. Get cowgirl boots.
73. Start riding horses again.
74. Ride a cruise ship.
75. Visit Library of Congress
75. Go to Eastern KY (April 2006/April and May 2007)
76. Take pictures in Bowling Green, KY. (March 2008)
77. Take pictures of the King Edward Hotel in Jackson, MS, before it gets torn down. (Dec. 2005)
78. Learn to crochet.
79. Organize all my photos and negatives.
80. Rid myself of unnecessary items of extra cookware, books, clothes, etc.
81. Clear all data off computer hard drive and burn onto CD.
82. Sell desktop computer and printer. (June 2006)
83. Buy laptop with money from selling desktop computer. (June 2006)
84. Sell TV. (December 2006)
85. Sell VCR/DVD player (December 2006)
86. Visit Detroit
87. Go to a week-long music festival/camp. (Clifftop, WV, August 2008)
88. Go visit family in Omaha, Nebraska.
89. Go visit Sherri in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
90. See Lucinda Williams in concert.
91. Build something like a backyard patio...
92. Make stepping stones
93. Build a cob wall, or something similar (with my millions of glass bottles to add design!)
94. Make those bottle cap necklaces
95. Make those journal book covers
96. Make the fabric/collage ideas based on Neko Case and Patty Griffin lyrics
97. Visit the parks here in OK.
98. Make collage books
99. Go to Tulsa
100. Make the 3-part painting/collage of the southern red oak
101. Break down the chakra collages, and re-use the pieces for other things.
I will be editing this post as I complete various things on the list.
Deadline for this list to be completed would be on March 9, 2008. That's wild, because that's the 4 years memorial of my dad's death. WEIRD. I guess its appropriate though. Dad always expected me to accomplish a lot.
Now, I will come back later today to finish this list. I'll also post-date it at that time, and link to it in my sidebar. :)
*note* Reason there are a few random things listed is that the person I took it from had a few things I want to do. So I kept them.
* I had not finished filling in the list, so I finished it now (May 31, 2009) and even edited out some things I had written before, and wrote in a few new ones. Hmm.