more things about me!

May 11, 2004 14:43

Well, yesterday I went for that job shadow interview thing and it was about what I thought it was --- door-to-door sales, yippee. I hate sales jobs, so I don't think that I'm gonna take it. Plus it's totally commission-based pay, and I don't like being paid just on commission. I mean, I like to know that I'm gonna receive money for the work I do, and be (hopefully) well-compensated for it. Whatever.
Leslie got that job in Indiana, so she's going to get recertified to be a lifeguard! Sounds exciting! Too bad that she's gonna be down there this summer cuz summers are always hotter than the springtime, LOL! She's looking forward to it, anyhow, so that's cool. I'm gonna miss her a bit, I think. Won't be able to visit her, although I probably wouldn't be able to do that if she was in state either, cuz she lives at her parents house. Oh well. "Que sera, sera" as they say. She should have some fun at the camp though.
I am still looking for a job. If anyone has suggestions, call me! And if you don't know my number and want it, IM me on AIM or write me back here and I will give it to you at my discretion, haha!
Eastern has yet to send me my paycheck, but it's been processed, so that's another $400 that I can look forward to! And when my taxes get back, probably in like a month or so, then I'll have another $400! When I get enough money, I'm going to take atrip out to the Kalamazoo area for the weekend or so and visit my peeps out thurr and Chrissy in Muskegon. I promised Chrissy that I'd go out to lunch with her and that we'd make a day out of it.
That's all I have for now! Check back for more info about who else, ME!!! Later.
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