Well..another pointless update.

Feb 08, 2004 15:13

Yes, I can't be bothered with an lj cut...meh

[Current Clothes] My Jammies.
[Current Mood] Half Aslee
[Current Music] PLACEBO ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!
[Current Taste] My Pinapple/Orange juice/diet sprite and ice combo
[Current Make-up] None, I just got out of bed!
[Current Hair] Messy
[Current Annoyance] Boredom and lack of interesting stuff to do
[Current Smell] My Lavender body lotion...mmmm yummy
[Current Favorite Artist] Placebo, AFI, Silverchair, Hanson,
[Current Desktop Picture] Brian Molko, shirtless with a whip *allsortsofgasms*
[Current Favorite Group] PLACEBO!!!!
[Current Book you're reading] I've got about 5 books I am currently reading.
[Current CD in CD Player] Placebo - Without You I'm Nothing
[Current DVD in player] Noting, my dvd player died.
[Current Color Of Toenails] At the moment, they're naked
[Current Refreshment] My Pinapple/Orange juice/diet sprite and ice comb
[Current Worry] I constantly worry.

-L A S T . P E R S O N-
[You Touched] Myself ;)
[You Talked to] In person, my cousin matty
[You Hugged] my cousin matty
[You Instant messaged] Joshy and Kaytee and Marianne
[You Yelled At] My aunt.

-F A V O R I T E-
[Food] Sushi, Vege Stirfrys, Pasta
[Drink] Juice's, water, smoothies
[Color] Black/Red/Pink/Purple
[Album] Placebo - Sleeping With Ghosts, AFI - Sing The Sorrow
[Shoes] DOC MARTENS Woot
[Candy] Skittles?
[Animal] Most animals.
[TV Show] Queer Eye and Queer as Folk...sensing a pattern?
[Movie] Tooooo many to list
[Dance] I don't dance. I can't dance.
[Song] Right now, Burger Queen - Placebo, Silver and Cold - AFI, Here Without You - 3 Doors Down, I Hate Everything About You - 3 Days Grace
[Fruit] Apples, Oranges, Banana's, Strawberries, Mango's, Raspberries, Blueberries, Peaches, Pineapple, Limes, Lemons
[Cartoon] Astroboy perhaps...but I like anime in general

-A R E . Y O U-
[Understanding] I try to be
[Open-minded] HELLA YES
[Arrogant] I try not to be, but I'm sure I've shown arrogance before.
[Insecure] Very
[Interesting] I hope so?
[Hungry] Not really
[Friendly] Nope, I'm a fucking bitch to most everyone.
[Smart] I have a high IQ...but I don't think I'm smart.
[Moody] Hahaha YES!
[Childish] I can be
[Independent] I generally am, but there are just times where I wish I had people to fall back on
[Hard working] I'm a procrastinator...pffft
[Organized] Nope, I'm nowhere near organised
[Healthy] *shrugs*
[Emotionally Stable] Fuck no
[Shy] Yes, incredibly. But people don't really think so o_O
[Difficult] Haha YES
[Attractive] I don't particularly think so *shrugs*
[Bored Easily] Yep
[Thirsty] Uh huh
[Responsible] If I have to be
[Obsessed] *grins big* Obsessed with only the best.
[Angry] Yep
[Sad] Yep
[Happy] A little

-W H O . D O . U . W A N T . T O-
[Kill] I don't want to kill anyone, but there are people that deserve to be killed.
[Slap] Hahaha, who I DON'T wanna slap would be a shorter list
[Get Really Wasted With] No one. I don't drink
[Get High With] As above
[Look Like] Myself I hope

-S T U F F-
[My Name Is] Mel
[All I Need Is] Love
[Love Is] The best, the worst, but the most fulfilling and incredible experience in the world if you find that *one* person
[I'm Afraid of] My fears are irrational and mostly emotional.

-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R-
[Pictured your crush naked?] *giggles*
[Been in love] yes.
[Cried when someone died] erm...yes I think so?
[Lied] *grins* I am the champion

-W H O-
[makes u laugh the most?] Everybody at any given time
[makes you smile] allll of my friends
[who do you have a crush on?] 'Crushes' are overrated
[has a crush on u?] No one :P
[is easiest to talk to] Erm...it depends on the topic I guess?

-D O . Y O U . E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] Lol, not particularly, I know when my special people will be on!
[save aol/aim conversations] If they're funny/snarky yes.
[wish u were a member of the opposite sex] Sometimes, How could you not after watching Queer As Folk?
[cried because of someone saying something to you] Yes, I'm overly sensitive.

-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend] *blinks* nope
[been rejected] Hehehe, do you think I'd put myself on the line to be rejected? HELLA NO
[rejected someone] Yep
[been cheated on] Yep.

-W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone] My sis
[you laughed with] My little brother

-D O . Y O U / A R E . Y O U-
[obsessive] When it comes to somethings/people
[could u live without the computer?] HELLA NO!!!! How evil of you to even suggest that!
[color ur hair] YES!!! W00T
[ever get off the ah pooh computer] *blinks* Was that supposed to make sense?
[habla espanol] No, I don't speak Spanish
[drink alchohol?] Nope...ew
[like watching sunrises or sunset] *nods* utterly beautiful...perfect moments in a world full of imperfection

-N U M B E R-
of times I have had my heart broken?: Twice.
of hearts I have broken?: NONE! I'm not heartbreakable
of girls I have kissed?: *smirks*
of guys I have kissed?: *smirks*
of tight friends?: 2
of cd's that I own?: about 200 including all of my old cd's and cd singles.
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