Apr 10, 2005 22:31
UGH!! I have had easily, one of the worst days. EVER! It all started after work last night, when I went to a party with some friends at work. The party rocked, we all had fun. Anyway, after the party, a couple of the not-so-sober girls and one of our guy friends came home with me*I was DD* to...drink more, and act out scenes from Kill Bill...and for those of you who don't know me...I don't drink. Which, I have to say, made the night that much more interesting. Anyway, that was all good, except that we went to bed at 6 this morning. I set my alarm for 9, because I had to be at work at 10:30 this morning. The guy had his car here, so he drove himself and the other two ladies to the mandatory store meeting this morning at 9 a.m....that I didn't have to be at because my last day at Circuit City is sometime this week. Anywho, this morning at around 11:30..I woke up on my own. Not so great. I jumped out of bed, somehow found Circuit City's number and called the brand new store director who's only known me for about 3 days. Being late is usually not my thing, of course I'm sure all he saw was some chick who had put in her two weeks and planned to not show back up. He was wrong. I need the money. Anyway, as I was rushing around to try to get ready I phoned my mom who had called me the night before and left a message. She tried to comfort my stresses, and told me how proud she is of me and how she doesn't want me to have a nervous breakdown. And I cried, because, that's what I do....and because there's alot more to that story. So, so far my morning wasn't going my way. On my way to work, I was sitting at a stoplight when BAM, my car shut off. I put her in park, and restarted her...no problems...except it freaked the hell out of me. All the cars behind me were honking and yelling. Stupid Oklahomans. I hate them all. So I finally made it to work, where this total bi-atch of a co-worker that I have decides she didn't want to show up at all. So, they fired her. Final ly, and asked me to cover the rest of her shifts for the week. Actually, I take that back...I saw dollar signs and voluntered myself. So I have to work 2 extra days. Oh well, money. I like money. Meanwhile, every customer I came into contact with today sucked MAJOR butt. I got yelled at for the stupidest things, my favorite though was because this guy had come in a couple of days before and insisted that I told him something *on a day I didn't work*. Come to find out, Courtney, this girl who everyone thinks I look exactly alike...had been the one who told him...and he was pissed at me because I didn't remember saying it. Gah!! Lame-O-s!!!! So...there's more, but I'm too tired to keep writing. I'm going to go pass out.