Sep 11, 2005 14:43
[A is for age:] 16
[B is for booze of choice:] Absinthe <3
[C is for career:] Somthing to do with forensic science
[D is for your dad's name:] Chris
[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] Booooozeee =P
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] Across five aprils - a year from now
[G is for favorite game:] Runescape
[H is for hometown:] Willenhall
[I is for instruments you play:] Bass, guitar, keyboard/piano, violin, drums
[J is for jam or jelly you like:] strawberry
[K is for kids?] I'm a kid =P
[L is for living arrangements:] at home with family + pets
[M is for mom's name:] Mandy
[N is for name of your best friend:] Becky
[O is for overnight hospital stays:] Too many
[P is for phobias:] Moths & Feet
[Q is for quotes you like:] can't think of any
[R is for relationship that lasted the longest] 5 months
[S is for sexual preference:] Boys
[T is for time you wake up:] 8.45 for school, whenver on weekends
[U is for underwear:] Thongs or boys boxers
[V is for vegetable you love:] potato
[W is for worst habit:] Being annyoing on perpose i guess?
[X is for x-rays you've had:] well over 20
[Y is for yummy food you make:] Lasanya <3 the only thing i can cook :P
[Z is for zodiac sign:] Aries