First of all... Chris got me sick. I'm not totally sick yet... but i know its coming. Wednesday i worked and i had to do pool duty for the sports camp. That consisted of changing the little kids in and out of their bathing suits/ clothes and just supervising the kids in the locker room. I also spent so much time just sitting there watching kids swim in a pool. I also had to hang out with the lifeguard all day. He so wasnt cute... and eww he also smelled like a sweaty football player/ wrestler. He needs to get that checked out and taken care of ASAP. I dunno he just seemed really hard to talk to also. But his other lifeguard friend who just stopped in for a little while.. i guess hes the lifeguard during the summer, hes a cutie. But hes a really big flirt. I guess he like flirts with the little girls too... i guess you can say he doesnt know hes doing it... cuz thats just dirty. He came up and was talking to me and yeah he tries way too hard. I also went to the wrestling meet after work with danielle. we had fun as usual and i hung out with chris too during the Central and Northern matches. Thursday was work too but i had to do the preschool camp. The day definately went by faster because i actually got to see more than 2 rooms all day. I never knew that little kids were so scared of the sound of a toilet flushing. I took this one little boy to the bathroom and he just sat there begging for me not to let it flush... and since its automatic i didnt know what to do. Like by the end of this whole thing i think both of us were about to cry. Finally after like 5 minutes he decided to tell me what to do.. put some toliet paper over the sensor and it wont flush. So i learned something from a 3 year old yesterday. While they were swimming yesterday this little boy came up to me and told me he had to go to the bathroom.. so i took him. He went it did his thang and came out holding his swim trunks in his hand. He started to run away as he was yelling "ok im ready!!" i was like holding back from laughing and i actually had to put them back on him. Today i had the same thing... i was just in charge of all of the little boys in my group. I dont get paid enough to deal with naked children. And little boys.... wow i never knew that they liked to rip off their clothes and just run around naked so much. There were 30 kids today... it was crazy. You like couldnt move around in the room... there were like 4 tables, 8 chairs per table... 5 people working... 30 kids and all of their coats and backpacks. I also got stuck playing soccer with them too... i suck at soccer. i went to go try to score a goal and completely missed... it was quite embarrassing. I have a feeling i may hate kids by the time this summer ends... i told my mom that and now shes happy... she thinks this is the perfect birth control for me. I'm so like tired... and i have to work again tomorrow. At least im making money this break. I'm not just sitting around on my butt. I still have so much math homework i have to finish making up. I also have a game tonight... if only i had energy. i also have to think about what im going to do during class tomorrow... fun.