Buffyverse unconventional pairing meme

Jan 21, 2007 13:56

Rules: Leave your personal preferences aside when answering the "if" questions, and think with the characters. For example, if you're a Xander/Spike shipper and then came a question: Would Spike choose Xander or Buffy? The logical answer is Buffy. Of course, there's no question like that here, but I just put that to make things clear.

When you answer this meme, post the questions and your answers in your LJ.

The Questions:

1- Which one is cuter: Wesley/Angel or Wesley/Gunn?
Wesley/Gun. They got the whole "brothers from different mothers" thing going on.

2- If Tara were straight, would she go for Xander or Spike?
Xander. because he's more like Willow than Spike is.

3- Which one feels more like Xander/Spike: Willow/Anya or Willow/Cordelia?
Willow/Cordelia if it's S1 Cordy, Willow/Anya if it's pre-BtVS Anyanka

4- Which one is harder to grasp: Oz/Buffy or Oz/Faith?
Oz/Faith. I don't think Oz would go for someone with so many issues.

5- If Spander were to happen, would the attraction come from Xander or Spike first?
Xander, ttgough he wouldn't admit it.

6- Which one feels more like Buffy/Spike: Spike/Xander or Spike/Angel?
Spike/Angel. For obvious reasons.

7- Which one makes more sense: Andrew/Anya or Andrew/Dawn?
Andrew/Anya, since they spnt more time together.

8- If Willow was more into vampires, would she choose Angel or Spike as a boyfriend?
I don't think she'd chose either of them, but... Angel.

9- Which one feels more like Xander/Cordelia: Xander/Larry or Cordelia/Willow?

10- Which one is sweeter: S6!Buffy/Spike or Wesley/Lilah?
What's the definition of "sweet"? Wes/Lilah. They were less s&m (s&m - not sweet), and they didn't end with AR.

11- If Buffy was gay, would she be more interested in Darla or Drusilla?
Darla. She'd have no patience with Dru whatsoever.

12- Which one feels more like Willow/Oz: Xander/Fred or Gunn/Tara?
Gunn/Tara. Gunn has the coolness factor.

13- Which one is funnier: Xander/Andrew or Spike/Andrew?
Spike/Andrew. By far.

14- If Xander was gay, would he be more interested in Lorne or Clem?
Lorne. Can't see Xander getting past the wrinkles.

15- Which one feels more canon: Spike/Angel or Giles/Ethan?
Giles/Ethan, but only before Giles returned to the Council. I do consider it canon, actually. But I'm more interested in Spike/Angel.

16- Which one is ickier: Buffy/Dawn or Angel/Connor?
OMG! WTF? Um... Angel/Connor.

17- If Angel got bored with blondes, would he romance Doyle or Wesley?
Wesley. All the way.

shipping, meme, btvs

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