Condoms are the glass slippers of the 90’s.

May 16, 2009 19:11

Someone left an orange at this computer. It’s leaving me with flash backs of my childhood. You know, Piccolo and such.

Today we were supposed to pull into Bahrain for three days of liberty. I know for certain that it will be cut down at least to two days. How do I know this you ask? Because, my friend we did not pull into Bahrain today. Losing one of three days of liberty in itself isn’t such a let down. God knows we pull into port often. The part that sucks is that we were scheduled to pull in hours before a certain large ship with a flat top pulled in. The “carrier locusts” as I have come know them. They were fortunate enough to arrive today, which means when we when we do get liberty tomorrow, the NEX will surely be in short supply of essentials. The bars, however, will be jumpin jumpin; and I have yet to decide if that’s going to be a good thing. Probably not.

The reason we couldn’t pull in today was because of a sandstorm. Heavy winds and such. Asi es la vida, right? Oh well. My main concern right now is that there will be calling cards left. I promised to call a certain wife of mine.

More to follow… I shall return with a story of shopping, drinking, and adventure in foreign lands.

I was listening to Sigur Ros earlier. I learned of them by listening to, which was one of my favorite websites (along with this one) when I worked at Subway. My first cd of theirs was called “Agaetis Byrjun” and it was given to me by Joey as a Christmas present. Christmas was spent at Papa’s house that year. I have since become a huge fan of the Sigur Ros, as they are one of my favorite bands.

Book Update:

The Dark Tower III - The Waste Lands

Roland and his pals have finally made it to Lud. There was a close call on the bridge with Oy, but hes ok… for now. Jake on the other hand has been captured by the Grays. Susannah and Eddie are on their way to find Blaine the train whilst Roland tries to save Jake.
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