Oct 26, 2010 21:08
This month started with a 2 day stay in the hospital for abdominal pain. The cause was not found and I was sent home. I was again in the ER with the pain 3 days later. This time they suggested that I might have crone's disease, or diverticulitis, The only way to tell is to have a colonoscopy. I don't have insurance. So the 100 dollars to see my doctor, then the referral to the local hospital that deals with us poor folks will take months to get into plus that red tape paperwork.
I went and looked up my choices and found that I have all the symptoms of diverticulitis. Until it passed I am on a bland almost complete liquid diet. Fun fun... but on the bright side I have lost 8 lbs.
I am president of the social work club at school this semester. We just did a breast cancer walk on Saturday. I didn't get to go (even though I set up the event) as I had to work but I hear it went well and all had fun. Next we are setting up a hunger simulation before Thanksgiving. It promises to be really interesting.
I have only one more semester after this. I just have to make it through til May. I can do it I know I can. Just until then I am so out of the loop on everything. I have had my mom take over most of the day to day on Mr. C. I can't do my sophomore year again and my senior year at the same time. I was falling behind in both. And poor D. I haven't seen in her weeks. It is sad and I miss her. We however still talk everyday before I fall into bed and pass out til the next day.
Soon I will have my life back, or at least a reasonable facsimile of it. I wonder what I will do with all my spare time?