What's an everything-but girl?

Apr 07, 2009 20:02

RL Date: 4/7/09
IC Date: 5/27/19

Lakeshore, Fort Weyr
The lake's shore is a broad crescent of golden-hued sand, stretching from the southwest wall near the feeding grounds and arcing toward the southeast and overlooking the blue waters of the lake. Where the lake deepens, that water turns a murkier blue-green, hiding an untold number of perils in its depths. It is an oft-used location for dragons seeking a place to sun or for residents and riders who feel a need to take a stroll; the sand is generally kept pretty clean and while there are no shells, there are periodic bits of obsidian and other volcanic stones to be found if one feels like picking around.

In the argument between dull, drizzly weather and fair, fine weather, the latter has the upper hand at this exact moment. The rain showers are likely to continue later today, but a break in the clouds in the late morning sends Jaeyi outdoors, on some sort of a break. She's eating toast out of a napkin, walking along the lakeshore, enjoying a chance to get the hell outta those sweltering kitchens if only for a little while.

That same break in the weather has Ysar heading outside for a bit of fresh air. She's been cooped up in the lower caverns for the better part of the week, doing inventories and sorting through clothing in stores. There's still a good deal of useable cloth in the skirts and dresses, though some are just plain too old to use. But, despite a rainy dawn, the skies are clear for the moment, and so it's outside she heads. She carries a small basket containing gloves, shears and strings; looks like she might be considering harvesting some of the aromatics in the herb garden. Or maybe flowers to brighten the resident common room.

Break time, and Vani is wandering out to the lake. While she has nothing in her hands to occupy her time, she is looking towards the lake and then doing a scan of the lakeshore and those around. Jaeyi gets a look, same with Ysar as she's on her way to the garden. Instead of waiting to catch up, Vani takes to a light jog to catch Ysar. A smile towards Jaeyi and she offers a soft, "hello."

Jaeyi, dubious; "Best hurry on that." She lifts her toast-bearing hand to indicate Ysar's basket-of-whatever, her eyes cast skyward to underscore the doubtful look she wears to survey the woman's apparent occupation. "It looks like it's going to start coming down again any minute." Just over yonder, off to the east, the silvery drizzle still shines in the diffuse, tattered morning sunlight. For Levania, already putting toast back in her mouth, she lifts her empty hand and curls her fingers in an abbreviated wave.

Jaeyi is given a smile and a nod. "I know, but I couldn't stay in those lower caverns any longer, or I'd go mad," she says, pausing in her mission. Vani is given a smile, as well, and a quick nod. "I don't believe we've met," she adds to the cook. "I'm Ysar, Assistant Headwoman. If you need anything---fresh bedding, pillows, things like that---just let me know." Then, turning, she says, "Morning, Vani. I missed you at breakfast. Everything going well in the nursery?"

Levania smiles at Jaeyi for the wave and then looks over the baker for a moment, "'m Levania. Can call me Vani, everyone does." She turns her gaze back to Ysar. "Oh? Breakfast? Yeah.." She trails off, flushing a bit of red at the statement. "Been eatin' with Kwei... But yea, things are fine. Get 'long with 'em all just fine. No problems."

At 'go mad,' Jaeyi's eyebrows climb a little worriedly, and she gives Ysar a second once-over with a little extra drama; need she be worried? The friendly-enough offer is taken with a lessening of her concern, a smile blooming in place of her speculative expression, and she chews-and-swallows her toast quickly to offer a smile much sunnier than the day to the woman. "Ysar, nice to meet you. We had a passing-glance at the party, I remember. Jaeyi the Baker-- if you need any..." She trails off, indicates toast as an example. "And Vani, also a pleasure." And what the world of teenage boys wouldn't give to be part of this little meet-and-greet.

Ysar's brows lift with interest when Vani mentions her eating companion. "That's nice," she says, smiling wider at her roommate. "Is that also why you've been coming in late from dinner the past few nights?" Teasing, that's what it is. Gentle ribbing, nothing cruel or mean in the tone. She glances at the baker, then following her eyes eastward, Ysar grimaces. "Probably," she says with a sigh. "I'd so hoped it would clear up today, but it doesn't look like my wish will come true." Taking a deep breath of the humid air, Ysar nods at Jaeyi. "That's a pretty name, and I remember you from the party. Those cream-filled pastries were to die for!" Eyes roll in pleasure. "Positively decadent. I think I gained ten pounds just looking at them."

Levania lifts a brow slightly, "it is." She offers, "a baker? Must be fun, makin' the food." A grin before she's glancing at Ysar and flushing a shade of red. "I 'ave not been comin' back late." Lies, of course, as she fidgets slightly. "Oh, you made the pastries for the party? They were good.. What else d'you make?" The question has her looking towards Jaeyi curiously.

Fun. Jaeyi's smile is... arcane at that term, hard to say if she actually thinks it's any fun or just thinks the term is amusing. "I like feeding people," she decides by and by, unfolding the napkin she carries to reveal an extra slice of the cinnamon-toast with a want-some? glance between the two other girls. Ysar's assertion-- she greets that with a wrinkle of her nose; "If you gained ten pounds, you're sure hiding it well." With chubby-girl envy of Ysar's figure. Sudden: "Your Kwei's girlfriend?"
You're** --that's what I get RPing at work ;)

There's a soft chuckle from Ysar, and a shake of the head. "I was just teasing you, Vani. I'm glad you and Kwei are getting along so well." A bit wistful in tone, that. "I haven't seen him much in the past few weeks. Please tell him how much I enjoyed the dance." And then she's laughing at Jaeyi's comment. "Thanks for the compliment, but you've got the kind of curves that make the rest of us jealous." It's the truth, after all. No sense being less than honest. "I've heard a lot of good things said about the quality of desserts lately. I can only assume it's because of you, Jaeyi. Those of us with a sweet-tooth are really glad you've come here." That's a sincere statement if there ever was one. "Ooh... a bite, maybe?" ---Of the toast, of course!

Levania is quirking a brow at that smile, curiously but she offers her own. "Well, 'm certain you do a good job. Bein' as the food is good." There's a chuckle as she eyes those pieces of toast, but, not being forward she just smiles. At least, since Ysar is taking the offer. "I know.. Ah." Pause, blink and stare at the question before she nods slowly. "Yeah, 'm his girlfriend." She agrees after a moment before she's looking between both women. The comments on curves has the girl looking between both of them still before she nods agreement with Ysar. "Mhm. Really likin' the desserts."

"Take the whole toast. Those curves that make you envious?" With her empty hand, Jaeyi gives the upper round of one hip a smack, shaking her head while her hand stays there. "Don't need more cinnamon toast, promise." The whole parcel, toast and napkin, holds out toward Ysar expectantly while she turns a brightening smile toward Levania. "I met him. Kwei. Very faithful little boy you have, just for your own peace of mind."

"Oh, well, thank you," Ysar says, taking the napkin and toast. "It smells great," she adds, sniffing appreciatively. "Here, Vani, I'll split it with you," she offers, doing just that. Half is held out to Vani, the other is lifted to her mouth. "Mmm... it's delicious," she says around a mouthful of toast, hand held in front of her face to hide the chewing. When she swallows, she brushes crumbs from the bodice of her dress, chuckling. "I think the only reason I keep my weight down is work," she tells Jaeyi with sympathy. "Otherwise, I'd blow up like a puffer-fish." To demonstrate, she "puffs out her cheeks" then exhales. "When I was a little girl, I was really chubby. I got teased a lot because I was kind of fat." True sympathy there. "I've only been slender for a couple of turns."

Levania chuckles softly, watching Jaeyi with amusement showing before she's blinking at that statement about Kwei. "Ah.. I know. Don' think he'd do it. Don' tend t'worry. I know he flirts, though." There's a slight shrug but that blush is still on her cheeks. The toast is taken with a look of glee, but rather than taking a full bite, she's nibbling. She looks at Ysar, frowning slightly as if trying to picture the younger woman but gives in not too long after to glance between the two other. Nothing to comment on about weight from her as she nibbles that toast.

Kwei strolls over from the bowl proper.
Kwei has arrived.

Jaeyi, tapping her fingers against the end of her thumb 1-2-3, "Count your blessings, Ysar. Trust me." The three girls are somewhere along the shoreline, enjoying a rare break in the day's drizzly weather; off to the east, the rain's starting to blow back this way, but-- for now-- all is dry and bright directly overhead. "Most of them do," she continues, turning back to Levania for that, nose wrinkling a little mischievously. "And /most/ of them follow-through with it, too. But not yours." And her sigh, though tragic, is clearly just-for-show.

Flirting is a subject about which Ysar is woefully, inadequately schooled. She listens to Jaeyi talking about Kwei, and smiles very wistfully. "Well, don't worry about me trying to take him away," she assures Vani. "He's very nice, but I'm a little old for him---and he's never really flirted with me." She smiles, though, then chuckles. "Though his language is very flowery, I must say! Quite a silver tongue on him. I could almost classify him in the same category as some of the more verbose riders." Eyes are twinkling when she says this. "And, he's cute." Then she's looking over at Jaeyi. "Well, I'm grateful I grew out of the baby-fat, at least, but I'd still enjoy having curves like yours." She doesn't have a bad figure, but it's more slender than curvy.

Levania stops nibbling on her toast, frowning. "Followin' through with flirtin'? Ah.." A pause, "like T'rev." She muses and takes another bite from that piece of toast in her hand, chewing and swallowing before she smiles. "I don' think he would. 'less like.. I was okay with it. Not that I am or anythin'. But, I don' mind flirtin'." She muses. Ysar gets a look too, and she's staring at the other woman with her brows quirking upwards. She has nothing to say to that, clearly, as she puts the last of that toast in her mouth.

Kwei is taking the chance with the rare break in weather to get out from his classroom duties and studies to clear his head a bit. So it's with hands in pockets as he trudges along, head angled up, watching the clouds skipping through the sky as he slowly walks along the shoreline. Eventually he spots the group of girls and a smile appears as he continues along the shore towards them.

"If you're asking me to make you fat..." Jaeyi seems game for that, grins helpfully at Ysar-- anything to turn the whole world chubby! Ah-like-T'rev earns a very bright bob of a nod, a hand opened indicatively toward Levania for that assessment. "Exactly. Like T'rev." So says the voice of experience. "Which means you're an... everything-but girl?" she guesses of Vani's proclivities, all kinds of happy to gossip with girls, presently oblivious that there's a boy incoming, what with Kwei out of her periphery.

Ysar is keeping a weather eye out for the rain, and as it seems likely to come back at any moment, she frowns. "I'd best be getting to the herb garden," she muses. "I promised to get some of the comfey for the Infirmary while I was out here." She looks like she doesn't want to leave good company, but even breaks aren't without work for her. "If you can give me curves like yours?---I'm game," she tells Jaeyi. "Just so long as the weight gain's in all the right places." A grin and a nod for the baker. "Drop by our room sometime," she invites. "We can talk boys and flirting and pastries." She takes a step toward the nearby herb garden, leaving in this nick of time because she misses the talk of T'rev. "Take care, and clear skies," she calls over her shoulder. Kwei, sadly, isn't noticed in her hurry to get done before the rain comes back.

Levania blinks at Jaeyi, "everything-but?" A pause and her brows go upwards before she's shaking her head. "Oh, no.. No. Not with T'rev or anythin'.. Ew. He just flirts in front of me all the time. My older brother an' all that." She's making a face, but, is oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend is well on his way over. Ysar is given a look as she takes off, "have fun." Is chimed after her before she's turning towards Jaeyi once more.

Kwei is probably thankfully far enough away that he's not heard any of the conversation so far, once he's within hailing distance though he calls out a big "Hello ladies." To the pair that are left. "I hope Ysar wasn't running away because she spotted me coming?" He asks them as he draws close enough for easy conversation. He ends up positioning himself so that he is closer to Levania than Jaeyi.

Just a little clear of her throat and Jaeyi clarifies, "I didn't mean with T'rev specifically? I meant--" But she stops, her eye twitcing a little at the misunderstood implications; /ew/! "Yeah, sooooo not what I meant." Her fingers wiggle a farewell at Ysar, some remark about how she sure will drop by, but she's mid-conversation with Vani here. "I meant--" But the second attempt to clarify is cut short by a not-girly-voice, and she shuts up with a smart, sunny smile in place. Placement isn't lost on her, but just another finger-wiggle to greet the Harper, no complaints.

Levania gives Jaeyi a soft ooh, and a nod. But, she's going red and redder as Kwei arrives. "Ahh. Hi Kwei. Nah.. She wanted t'avoid the rain..." She notes, fidgetting as she gives Jaeyi a look of apology. "Ah, I didn' flirt or anythin', b'fore." There's a glance towards Kwei and she shifts herself in a position closer to him.

"Oh that's fine then, nothing to get me all paranoid about then." Answers Kwei with a grin as he comes to a halt and reaches out for Levanias hand. Passing a look between the pair of them. "Am I interrupting?" He asks, his face alive with curiosity, the kind where he really wants to ask what they were discussing but is probably too polite to. "It should stay clear for another half hour or so." He says glancing back upwards for a moment, an appraising look evident.

Frank, amused, Jaeyi answers that innocuous little am-I-interrupting with a cheerful, "Yes. But it's okay, you can stay." As if it is in her power alone to grant him permission to interlope. "I'm fresh out of cinnamon toast, but you can walk with us, as apparently that's the order of the afternoon," and she hitches her head to indicate the very vague and aimless wandering along the lakeshore that's been taking place thus far. "Before what?" In a sudden throwback to Levania's words.

Levania takes Kwei's hand as he reaches out, twining her fingers with his as she answers his question with a shake of her head. Jaeyi's response gets a soft giggle as she gently squeezes Kwei's hand before quirking her brows up. "B'fore ever. Not at the cothold.." Shrugging, "don' think I flirt, or if I do, 'm not good at it."

Kwei laughs at Jaeyi's comment. "Oh well then, I'll keep my hollow apologies for another time then and try and ponder what has my dearest here blushing so furiously." He adds the last as Levania takes his hand. "This direction then." He says tugging Levania in the indicated direction. "You're too shy to flirt much I think." He tells Levania. "You seem to blush at the thought, never mind anything else."

The kind thing to do, the thing that would take Vani off the hook, would be for Jaeyi to change the subject. Buuuuut, "We were discussing the everything-but girls. Which, apparently, your dearest--" A term that makes her grin just a little. "--is not one of, lucky for you." A glance down at the hand-holding questions the /lucky/ in that remark, mind, but she doesn't comment to the matter. "Doesn't take much to get good," she adds, stage-whisper to Levania.

Levania follows Kwei as he tugs at her hand, turning redder at his comments. "Kwei.." She mumbles softly, then, she's giving Jaeyi a look as well as she brings up the discussion. "What is an everything-but girl?" She prods for an answer, shaking her head at Jaeyi's last comment. "Don' need t'flirt.."

Kwei glances back at Jaeyi, a raising of his eyebrows accompanying that remark, he's not heard the term before or probably the kind of girls it refers to. "Everything but what?" He asks the baker curiously before checking on Levania. "I'm sure it's a handy skill to have, it can work wonders when you want someone to do something for you."

"I'm sure," begins Jaeyi confidently, her smile quirking into dangerously amused territory, "that you'll both figure it out eventually." And she's the youngest person in this conversation? Really? "Are you suggesting, good Harper, that anyone would flirt as a means to an end?" She gasps as if aghast, hand laid dramatically over her heart.

Levania blinks at Kwei, "why would I go an' do that? 'm sure I could find a way t'do it on my own." She points out softly before she's eyeing Jaeyi. Her brows go up, "don' know. Can't figure out what you mean." The last comment earns a soft laugh, and she shakes her head. "Kwei is good at flirtin'."

Kwei shrugs his shoulders a touch at the refusal to tell and just continues on. "I'm sure it's something to behold?" He questions idly before adding a wink in Jaeyi's direction. "Sure, no one would stoop so low as to flirt to get their own way, though it's got to be said it's good to see how much some people are willing to do for the sake of a wink or a smile." He turns back to Vani with a grin. "Should try it sometime, just make sure you're confident about it and see how you get on."

Jaeyi, again in a sort of conspiracy tone to Vani, "Why do for yourself when someone else can do it for you?" Once more, she opens her hand toward Kwei, evidently quite in concord with his line-of-thinking in terms of winking, smiling, and confidence. "And, if they'll do that much for a wink and a smile, imagine what they'd do for just a liiiiittle bit more, hmn?"

Levania glances between the two, frowning before giving Kwei a look. "You shouldn't encourage me t'do things like that..." She mutters, gripping to his hand tighter before eyeing Jaeyi. "Don' see the point.. In makin' someone do somethin' when you /can/ do it yourself. The sake of havin' 'em do it?" The two are eyed again, and her brows draw once more into that frown. Clearly, the young woman is surrounded by bad influences.

Kwei nods his head in agreement to Jaeyi, "Well of course, that's the entire principle behind it isn't it." He agrees. "Leave them wishing and wondering." He grins and squeezes Levanias hand. "Don't worry dear, it can be considered an art form, and something that is a part of my job." He says. "Though I'm sure there are bigger and better tales about it than I'll ever have a chance of appearing in." Bad influence? Probably if truth be told, though still an awful lot better than most.

Frankly, Jaeyi answers to Levania's confusion with a candidate, "To some extent. If you'll pardon the pun from a Baker-- it's empowering to have someone eating out of the palm of your hand. If you can accomplish that with long lashes and a pretty head-tilt?" She illustrates both, though not with as much verve as she might if she had a /real/ audience. "And then there's the part-of-my-job people," with a half-laugh at Kwei.

Levania rolls her eyes at Kwei, sighing softly. "'lright." She mumbles, clearly not going to argue the point anymore. A glance at Jaeyi and she quirks her brow. "Don' see.. The point in it, but.." She shrugs and then glances between the two again with a sigh.

Kwei smiles and nods his head. "I have to be suave and sophisticated if the occasion calls for it, there may be a day when I have to step in to settle disputes and it's a useful tool to accomplish what I need to keep the peace." He explains by way of justification. "Anyway for now, where we headed? Didn't someone mention cinnamon toast earlier?"

"But not everyone does, don't worry too much about it." Jaeyi's tone is just short of a head-pat for Vani, certainly a fond-looking smile for her seeming confusion (ineptitude?). "Weeeeee," she begins, gestures between herself and the other girl in a way that thoroughly indicates Kwei was not part of the original /we/, "were not headed anywhere, just getting outside before the rain came back. Where were /you/ headed?"

Levania shakes her head at Kwei before smiling, "nah, we had some. But, can always go get some more." She offers before she's looking at Jaeyi, curiously and laughing softly as Jaeyi states what they were doing. "Can come in with us, Kwei. B'fore the rain comes back."

There's another glance up at the sky as they walk, Kwei studies it for a few seconds before he says anything else. "We should be good for a little bit longer but I'd recommend starting to head back towards shelter." He tells them. "One of the good things I picked up from my upbringing was a good weather sense, though I can't figure it out as good up here as I can down on the coast." He adds. "I was just out getting some fresh air and some calm time before I'm due back in for another class with the youngsters."

Cheerful Jaeyi says with a song-like lilt, "Nooooo, we can't. The toast's all gone, that napkin was the last of it." And now the napkin is empty except for crumbs. "But if you're suggesting we go in and get food..." She wheels about on one heel, already set to head back in the direction of the Weyr.

Levania hmms softly, nodding at Kwei and turning them as Jaeyi does. "Mhm. Meant goin' back, seein' as Kwei suggests we head back." There's a bright smile, teasing at that as she takes her turn in leading Kwei now as they start back towards the Weyr. "Those lessons goin' better for you now, Kwei?"

Kwei rolls his eyes at Jaeyi and shakes his head. "Food would be good, just a snack for me before I'm back in for class, least this one is just the young'uns, they tend to sit better for my playing, not like the older ones, they're all firmly out doing their afternoon chores by now." He hopes. "Hopefully it won't start raining before we get back to cover, either that or we find out how fast you both can run?" He teases.

Jaeyi, tilting a look upward; "Personally? I'd just as soon get wet as run." And half the Weyr's male population would probably just-as-soon it turned out that way as well. "I'll go set some things aside for you two, hmn? And you can just... come get it when you're ready," she suggests helpfully, perhaps just to give the two some alone-time? Perhaps because people who are "dating" but not taking it seriously just creep her out? Either way, she does pick up a brisker pace intended to put some space between her and the hand-holders.

Levania nods to Kwei, settling closer to him as they walk. "Don' really feel like runnin', don' mind gettin' wet, but.. I imagine we could make it b'fore it comes." Jaeyi is given a curious look and she nods, "if you want to. Not much of a trouble to put our stuff together ourselves." The other is given an odd look as she spaces out from them.

Kwei smiles briefly at that thought, though he certainly doesn't voice it. "No it's fine, you don't have to." He tries to say to Jaeyi, even as she's starting to pull away form them. "I didn't even wink or smile, it's no bother." He adds with a grin even as he's tugging Levania a little closer to him so he can let go her hand and wrap his arm lightly around her waist instead.

Far sunnier than the day's threatening to become, Jaeyi answers, "No, trust me. I do. I'll leave a tray for you in the kitchen." With a wiggle of her fingers back over her shoulder, she starts off at that half-brisk pace toward the Weyr. "I'll see you two kids later," is her parting remark, put just before she's out of earshot.

ysar, *jaeyi-apprentice, kwei, levania, jaeyi

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