Very little interest in music.

Apr 01, 2009 19:19

RL Date: 4/1/09
IC Date: 5/9/19

Herb Garden, Fort Weyr
The herb garden isn't only a feast for the taste buds, but a veritable feast for the eyes and nose as well. All manner of herbs -- from medicinal to the edible -- are grown here and tended to on a regular basis. The area is fenced in, separating it from the rest of the grounds around it, with a trellis arch over the gate leading into it. There are pathways made from bits of irregularly shaped stones that lead between the various plots and patches of the exquisitely aromatic plants, each section deineated with small signs to indicate what's been grown where. Others have been planted in pots or in boxes, though this treatment is only for those that can't thrive in the native soil.
There are a few benches scattered throughout the sprawling garden, providing places for quiet conversation or for gardeners to take a rest. Toward the southeastern corner of the garden is a smallish shack, which contains things such as clippers, baskets, watering cans and other useful tools.

Afternoons for Kwei are a time of joy, mainly because he's been helping the journeyman teach in the mornings and the afternoon is his own study time. He wanders through the gardens, his harp in it's case until he comes to a particular bench; he sets the case down and gets the harp out as he settles down with a light strum to check the tuning.

Speaking of picturesque-- not only is there a pretty girl out collecting herbs on a fine afternoon, now there's harp music. Leaning back with her weight on her folded legs, sitting up straight with a handful of wintergreen and scissors, Jaeyi looks for the source of this definitely-not-gardeny sound, her first reaction to frown. Not because it's unwelcome, but because it's not /normal/. After a moment, having trouble identifying Kwei on his bench, she pushes up from her knees to her feet and, leaving her things behind, cuts through the beds rather than the paths, only stopping short once she's identified the culprit. But she says nothing, perhaps loathe to interrupt?

Kwei only has to make a few minor adjustments before he starts playing properly, launching into the haunting ballad that he played at the gather. Without the singing this time though he's concentrating on the notes that he's playing, to anyone who was listening that knows music will realise that it's slightly different in places. He breaks into a smile as the last notes fade away and he reaches into the case to pull out a wax tablet, it's only then that he notices a pair of feet nearby and looks up. "Oh hi."

A lot of people would notice the little differences. Jaeyi is not a lot of people. Music is music is music; though she listens, seems interested, she does not pick up on the minor changes. Though, at the end, she claps a subdued staccato and ventures a little closer at that. "Oh, hi," she echoes easily. "Seems a strange place to rehearse."

Kwei places his tablet down on the bench next to him with it's stylus going down next to it. "It tends to be quite quiet out here most of the time, so much better than being in the caverns where stray kids can give me abuse." He explains with a bit of a grin appearing. "I don't think we were introduced properly at the gather, my names Kwei." He offers up, as he leans an arm over the top of the harp to pin it against his leg so he can offer her his other hand.

Jaeyi, half-repeated under her breath, "Tends to be quiet." Which remark quirks a brief, wry smile before she asks, "Is that a subtle way of implying that I'm interrupting you?" Because, for her, it would be odd for a boy to go chasing her off. But then he's offering a hand, and that's a little more like what she's used to; absently checking her own for dirt, clean enough, she obliges a brief little handshake. "Kwei. Quite a name. I'm Jaeyi."

Kwei smiles at her and shakes his head. "Not at all, I quite like the company when I'm playing, an audience to critique is always a bonus especially when I'm learning new pieces." He explains before the introduction part is done. "Jaeyi." He repeats the name, as if testing how it sounds before he waves a hand at the bench. "Feel free to continue with your work or take a seat to listen, I don't mind." He tells her. "You can even give me a request if you like, though there are no promises that I can play a request or even play it well in some cases." He grins.

"How about..." Jaeyi looks back toward where she left her basket, as much an excuse to cast a pretty glance over her shoulder as anything else. She lists in that direction a moment after, lifting her voice a little so she can still be heard even while retreating. "How about, I'll find something to clip near enough that I can still play at being an audience, and you can... surprise me." Lucky boy! "To be honest--" There's more to that thought, but it will just have to wait till she gets back with her basket of herbs.

Kwei continues to watch her as she talks, a slight smile playing across his lips as he does so. "That side of it is over to you then." He tells her as he turns to the table to make a few marks on it, musical notes before he turns his attention back to the harp and the retreating curves. His fingers flit across the strings of the harp a few times till a song comes to mind; a lilting melody starts to emerge from the strumming, faint at first then slowly getting stronger as he plays on.

Jaeyi makes good on her promise to come over and be a good little audience, collecting up what she's already clipped and ocming up with some convenient excuse-- lavender or something early-blooming enough to be useful already-- to settle to her knees a few feet from Kwei's bench. The thought she left unfinished never does get completed, as she's enough of an appreciater not to interrupt Kwei, even if she can hardly tell a drinking song from a ballad. Quiet, him playing, her scissoring, not particularly exciting but quite idyllic if anyone were looking on.

Kwei continues to play, the music flitting up and down the beats until it comes to a close. "What kind of songs do you like? Do you prefer the ballads or the more upbeat reels and jigs." He asks her even as his fingers pick out a few different tempos to emphasise the choices he's giving her.

Clip. Clip. Cough. "Much as I'm happy to play audience, I'm not much of appreciater, truly." Jaeyi has the grace to sound a little apologetic for it, to lean back again into a kneeling position and shrug helplessly for her lack of musical couth. "Play what makes you happy, and then at least one of us will be enjoying it to the fullest?"

Kwei laughs at that and shakes his head as he looks over to where she kneels. "Well thank you for the honesty, so if what I play sounds crap to you, I'll know it must be truly dreadful." He gives her a cheeky wink and launches into a lively jig, even though it doesn't sound so good on the harp as it would on say a fiddle it's still passable.

"Ah, but if you play something that doesn't sound like crap to me," continues Jaeyi happily, her scissors picking up the rhythm of Kwei's song absently and snipping along in-time. Or close to in-time, not quite spot-on. "Perhaps you'll get a reward for your efforts, hmmn?"

Kwei chuckles at that initially, his brows rise at the mention of a reward. "Well well, that really depends on what you had in mind?" He asks even as he starts to play a ballad much more suited to the harp. He knows this one better so for once he's not spending the entire time watching the strings.

Here's a struggle: What Jaeyi would say to just about any other boy... and what she'd say to a Harper who, for height-and-features, probably strikes her as a bit young. Eventually, it's ambiguity that wins out: "Something sweet, I think," with a sideways look over at Kwei, tapping a sprig of lavender against her nose without really smelling it.

Kwei is at that age that thanks to hold bred upbringing doesn't really have much of a clue despite all his usual charm. "Sweet?" He repeats questioningly as he continues to play, his fingers still flitting lightly over the strings as the gentle melodies of the ballad carry on. He can't help continuing to watch her though it doesn't affect his playing, with the occasional glance to make sure he's still on track.

"Mn." Not much of a response to start with, as Jaeyi looks like she's really mulling over what sort of prize to give this boy in particular. A Turn from now... maybe two... there'd be no dilemma, but she surveys him through the pretty veil of lashes; "Sweet. As in, not sour? Sugary? Aren't you Harpers supposed to be little wordsmiths?"

And he's the elder of the pair of them, they do say girls mature faster than boys though. "We can be but there are times when it's good to hear things like that direct from the source." He explains as he plays. "That way I get to hear your lovely voice, better than me singing along at times."

No, it's not a blushing little giggle, just a chuckle while Jaeyi commends his effort with a half-teasing, "Ah, quite a flattering little thing, aren't you. --What's your particular flavor then, Kwei?" With the drawl over flavor, she could mean a lot of things, but let's assume she's talking about the aforementioned sweets, perhaps?

Kwei just smiles back at her, an intrigued look showing on his face as he watches her and her reaction. "That depends a lot on what is on offer doesn't it." He says as his fingers continue to fly through the bars of the ballad and into another. "For instance you wouldn't want to end up craving a sweetroll when you only have cake and ice cream to choose from."

Really now? So says Jaeyi's raised eyebrows, her look very slightly more intrigued with implication than it was with the idea that Kwei's just too young. "Welllll," with a long drawl, pushing up to her feet with her weight braced forward on one knee until she unravels. "Let's assume you can have anything you like." She ought to add 'within reason,' but the gap where it would fit right in? Never gets filled. "I'm versatile, you see."

Kwei continues to play while he watches her move, a smile still on his face. "Anything, that does leave the imagination to run wild." He replies. "The problem with anything though is that there are restrictions, I'm sure I'd upset my girlfriend with certain anythings so what would you recommend?" Perhaps something that will spoil the mood, but then again you never know.

"What would /I/ recommend?" Jaeyi lays her hand lightly over her chest at the stress on the pronoun, the particular emphasis on her particularly. Since her judgment might be suspect. Coming over, now availing herself of the early offer to join Kwei on the bench, she sits down prettily on one end of the bench, her hands folded oh-so-innocently on her knees now. "Personally, I would recommend keeping in mind that what certain girlfriends don't know won't hurt them. Will she mind so much if you're only indulging in little sweet things?"

Kwei continues to play through the ballads as he watches and listens to what she says. "A moment of weakness and I'll know about it which is enough I'm afraid, the only sweet things I'll be indulging in are the baked variety." He tells her, "But you are a baker aren't you?" He asks teasingly.

A great, sad, lovely sigh leaves Jaeyi. "Commendable fidelity, dear boy. Damnable as it is." She sends over one of those pretty, sidelong looks as if to ask if he's quite sure? Absolutely? Then a bright smile and she straightens up, drawing her clasped hands neatly over her knees. "I am a Baker. So tell me what tempts your palate, Kwei."

Kwei nods his head with a light sigh of his own. "No matter how sweetly tempting you may be, I'm afraid I still have all my hold bred values to cling on to and really my girlfriend is the sweetest thing right now." He continues playing the harp as he looks at her. "Though truth be told I prefer pastries."

Important; "Right now." Jaeyi looks fairly confident about the implications there-- confident as a girl used to getting what she wants, certainly. "So let's talk about pastries then, since that's all the more you'll play. If you were to get a treat all your own, what would it be?"

Kwei smiles at that and gives her an impish wink. "For the foreseeable future." He corrects. "I kinda like those danishes, the ones with the raisins and a touch of icing on the top, all the pastry goodness with just a touch of sweet to top it up."

"Oh, I rather think nothing about the future is foreseeable," says Jaeyi, answering his impish wink with a knowing little smile. But, to the more tangible matter of what she can /actually/ do for him (rather than what she pretends she might like to do to him); "Danishes with raisins and icing. Implying we're not quite so fond of our wholly sweet delectables. So noted. Tomorrow, then, just for you."

Kwei chuckles as he continues playing his music while they talk. "I do like a bit of sweet, but sometimes it can be too overpowering for my palette." He explains, "The raisins help to give a slightly different sweet touch to it." He says. "If that makes enough sense, or do I know as much about baking as you know about music?" He adds the last with a teasing smile.

Jaeyi, blithe; "Raisins are mostly a texture thing, to be honest. Something plump, soft," back to the double entendre. "But Baking isn't like Harpering, from what I gather. You have things like theory and we-- well, me personally? I just like giving people what they want."

Kwei continues playing along as he smiles at her a low muttered. "Mmmmh!" at her description. "So you mean utterly desirable but oh so very bad for you if you get too much?" He double checks with her, the tempo of the music he's playing steps up a notch.

A perfect little blink and Jaeyi asks, the portrait of pure innocence, "Is there such a thing?" As too much.

Kwei laughs at that. "So you don't think old auntie Maud hasn't had too much?" He asks her with a wink. "You on the other hand?" He raises his brows a moment in an exaggerated motion.

"I like to think that, when I'm an old auntie, that I'll not be termed as having had enough." With a figure as soft as hers, of course, she will probably have had too much and then some by that age! With rounded eyes, with another pretty blink, Jaeyi asks, "Do you think I've had too much?" Her poor little heart.

Kwei chuckles and shakes his head. "I doubt it very much right now, you still have such a fine figure and a certain sugary sweetness about you." He admits with a smile, his fingers however do bring the music to a close as he glances up to the skies. "However right now I need to get going before I get carried away." He tells her with a wink, leaning over to place his harp away in it's case before his hand moves along the bench towards her to collect the wax tablet and stylus.

Jaeyi, at carried away-- "It could be wooooorth it." There's a sing-song tease in that, wholly aware that she's chasing a tail she'll never catch, but there's always something particularly delightful about the unattainable, isn't there? Helpfully, with the end of one finger, she pushes his wax-and-stylus toward him, dark eyes tilted all woefully at the impending departure.

Kwei's hand closes over the stylus and tablet, one of his long fingers tapping her finger lightly in the process. "In the here and now, perhaps." He says with a smile, "That and I'm a Harper and you I'm afraid are still taller than I am." He says with a laugh, he is pretty slight as well as being shorter than she is. He packs the rest away and gets to his feet, slinging the case over his shoulder in the process, he offers her his hand again before parting.

Jaeyi gives the hand a brief, companionable shake-- nothing untoward about it for all the rest of the play thus far. "Thank you for the company, Kwei," she concludes amiably, glancing toward the work she abandoned in favor of said company.

Kwei takes her hand and bows down low to plant a light kiss on the back of it. "A pleasure to meet with you Jaeyi, I enjoyed the sparring, and my apologies if anything came over the wrong way." He says before letting go.

Just a headshake. Nothing came over the wrong way. Or the right way. Woe is she. Jaeyi lets it go at that, either way.

Kwei turns and walks, "See you around." He calls back with one last look over his shoulder as he goes.

*jaeyi-apprentice, kwei, jaeyi

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