The end of Edeline's, Milani's, and Sunniva's long day.

Sep 28, 2008 20:07

RL Date: 9/28/08
IC date: 11/14/17 --Note: I have taken up playing Edeline through the completion of the Tillek plot. Please ping if you'd like a scene with her. :)

Nighthearth, High Reaches Weyr
With its entrance located between the kitchen and the living cavern, this tiny bubble cavern is cozy, always kept warm and is filled with comfortable chairs and a small round table. At the far end, there's a hearth, outlined in ruddy, aging bricks, where a pot of stew simmers in the evening hours. Generally quiet, the nighthearth is the haunt of insomniacs and those seeking quiet from the bustle of daily Weyr life.

Quiet. That's what Edeline has found in this niche. She sits in a comfortable chair in front of that low-flickering hearth, her shoes slipped off and left to warm on the bricks, her socked-toes reaching toward the embers. Her hand lays slack in her lap, fingertips just holding on to a scrap of paper that looks read and re-read and then read again a few extra times. Understandably, she looks like a woman with a lot on her mind, unfocused eyes pointed unseeingly toward the fire.

Footsteps sound coming up from the rest of the caverns and Milani heads for that same hearth. She misses the occupant of the chair as she drops into the next one over, and casts her own shoes off, wriggling toes free of socks too and folds up in a bundle of limbs in the chair. Next her hair comes down out of the the prison of pins and braids she keeps it up in while working and that's when she takes note of the other woman. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." Curious blue-green eyes scan Edeline for a moment. "Milani, assistant headwoman, I'm not sure if I know you."

Torn from her thoughts, Edeline folds the paper into the curve of her palm, lifts her eyes from their unseeing stare to turn them toward Milani, a long time between when they land and when they really focus on the young woman. A smile comes-and-goes quickly; "Milani. I don't think we've been introduced directly. I'm Edeline?" The lilt, the pause gives time for Milani to make of that name what she will. "It's nice to meet you."

"Oh!" Startled just a little, Milani's interest sharpens just a little but her smile for all that is friendly as she extends a hand politely to the holder woman. "Nice to meet you too, Edeline. Are you finding everything you need? Comfortable and all that?" Falling into hostess mode.

A brief and amused look comes-and-goes in the same way her little smile did just a moment ago while Edeline registers Milani's reaction; about what she was expecting. "Everything is very well for me here, thank you. I'm being-- taken care of." She only stumbles a touch over the terminology, just enough to impart that she's well aware that she verges on imposing on the Weyr's hospitality. Hand-shake, check.

"Well that's good," Milani says, sounding pleased to hear that news. Her hand-shake is firm and then she's stretching arms up above her head and leaning back in her chair. "Long day for me, how about you?" Head tilting out from the chair just a titch and her gaze goes briefly towards the paper in the other woman's hand then politely away. Apparently with the initial niceties dealt with, Millie drops easily into casual mode.

Sunniva heads in from the inner caverns.
Sunniva has arrived.

Edeline doesn't. Which isn't to say she's excessively formal, but the quick familiarity of weyrfolk hasn't yet penetrated the out-of-place veneer. Instead; "My day is--" Unfinished. "I'm sorry to hear yours was bad. At least now it's nearly over, you can look forward to tomorrow?" She searched for the silver lining with a half-smile. She and Milani sit in side-by-side chairs in front of the hearth, both with toes warming, both looking like they're seeing the end of a long day.

"Oh not /bad/," Milani says with a laugh and pulls her legs up a little more, skirts down over feet and arm wrapped around her knees. "Just long. I think though that we're starting to get near to the end of the tithes, which is good, means focusing more on candidates. And there's always something good to look forward to I think." She tilts a curious look over at the holder to perhaps check on whether or not this is the case with the other young woman.

Duties done and released early for the day, Sunniva has made a brief detour to get a bit of reading material from somewhere and is on her way to visit the nighthearth for some peace, quiet, and warmth. Ghost-quiet steps bring her to the entryway, which is where she stops when she espies others already in the room. The book is hugged a little closer to her, only daring to set foot within once she hears a familiar voice. "Hello, Milani," is low-pitched, with a glance and a "Hello to you, as well," tossed toward the unfamiliar figure.

"How..." Edeline is spared the necessity to come up with something to say in response to Milani's closure with the tithes, her attention allowed to divert upward at the next entrance. She lowers a subdued nod to the young woman, her eyes trying to pick out a knot with which to identify the girl even while she finds and utilizes a mild smile. Perhaps in response to the seeming reticence, to the book-hugging and the tentative entrance, she offers cordially, "Please. Join us. We're toasting our toes." Hers wiggle.

"Sunniva!" Milani has a bright and energetically warm greeting for the other holdbred woman. "Come meet Edeline?" she invites with an open-handed gesture. "And um, oh I should say this right, yeah?" She takes a breath and rattles off formal introductions. "Edeline of Tillek, this is Sunniva of Four Sons and a candidate for Rielsath and Malsaeth's clutch." Beam. She got it all out. "It's nice and roasty toasty right here by the fire, relaxing." Unless you know, she's talking.

There is a knot; it just happens to be looped to her belt at the moment. Sunni inclines her head in an echo of Edeline's nod, her smile a muted mirror. "As long as I am not interrupting," she states, green eyes flicking from Edeline to Milani. The smile warms a bit at the assistant headwoman, friendly and somewhat encouraging at the introduction. She looks to Edeline again and dips into a shallow curtsey. Oh! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Edeline, on the heels of Milani's introduction; "Edeline of the Reaches presently, as Tillek is..." She pauses again, one to choose the precise word rather than loose one that's just close-enough. "Tillek is being looked after by other means." She sits forward in her chair, drops her eyes to follow the line of the curtsey, extends her hand upward once it's complete. "Lovely to meet you, Sunniva. And I wish you luck on the sands."

That explanation from Edeline makes Milani flush just a little bit, but she only nods and looks between the two. "Not interrupting no, we were just resting a bit, end of a long day and everything. All's well in the barracks, Sunniva?" Millie asks next, even tired her energy seeming unflagging.

"To be fair," Sunniva notes with a slight twitch at the corner of her mouth, "I am more from Fort than Four Sons, as it were." Sympathetic. Her head bows for a moment and then she smiles, "Thank you. I shall most likely need it." She moves away, though only to lay claim to a chair that's somewhere nearby and then to rest the book in her lap. To Milani, "It is well enough; better than the resident's dorms, in some ways, but still too dreadfully /busy/ in there to enjoy reading."

Edeline smiles as if to convey some forgiveness to Milani for the turn of phrase, the little expression at once reassuring and unassuming-- not that Milani /needs/ forgiveness, but it's there just in case. She lapses into silence when talk turns to the barracks, listens with her eyes back-and-forth from one woman to the next.

"Oh that's true," Milani says, one hand lifting to her face and she laughs a little, sheepishly, but otherwise doesn't seem overly bothered by any gaffes. "And it's true, it is awfully hard to get some solid reading done in the dorms or the barracks. There's lots of little corners for readin around here though. What kind of book have you got?" A curious peek, Sunniva's way.

A brief, bright smile is given to Milani, then the book is given a considering look. "Healing," is her initial description, Sunniva's fingers riffling briefly through the pages. "Or, to be more specific, dragonhealing." There, see? She finds a diagram of wing structure and shows in, in demonstration. "T'zhar recommended that I keep up my studies, regardless of my luck on the sands."

Properly if briefly interested, Edeline looks over the wing diagram with the appropriate nod of understanding-- dragonhealing indeed, no argument there. She waits a moment after Sunniva's explanation before she's slipping from her seat, tucking her scrap of paper in her pocket. "Will you excuse me, please? --This seat's warm if you're looking to stay." That for Sunniva while she steps into her own shoes.

"Oh, keeping up, good plan," Milani says of Sunniva's choice in reading materials. "I've got a history book back in my room, but I don't know if I'll be able to stay up to read any of it tonight." Edeline's words bring her head back around and she actually looks a little disappointed that the young woman is leaving. "Oh, heading off to bed? It was nice to meet you Edeline, hope to catch up with you again. The lake should be frozen enough for skating soon if you like it." Beam.

"It is difficult, but it shall be worth it." Some day. "Oh," follows when Edeline seems to be preparing to leave. "Oh, yes; do take care, Edeline." Sunniva smiles amiably enough, though she doesn't immediately rise to take the other woman up on her offer. Then, a blink and a look to Milani follows. "Skating? Really?" Huh.

Edeline smiles at Sunniva's question-- sure, heading off to bed. Shoes, composure, she nods her goodnights and slips out quietly toward the inner Weyr.

sunniva, edeline, milani, ^tillek plot

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