Shanlee and N'thei manage to be nothing but cordial.

Aug 04, 2007 09:46

RL Date: 8/3/07
IC Date: 12/26/12

Common Room, High Reaches Weyr(#868RIJLs)
This small cavern has the crisp smells of a recent cleaning, mingled with its more usual smells of klah, woodsmoke, and people. Baskets of glows are scattered about the room, lighting up dark corners and generally providing a cozy atmosphere. Several chairs sit at a large, round table, and more chairs are against the walls, waiting for use. A large, soft fur is spread out in front of a small stone hearth which keeps the cavern warm for its occupants.

For a weyrling to find a quiet place is no small treat. N'thei sits in a low chair next to the bright-burning fire, his long legs stretched out before him, his arms thrown over the back of the chair. He looks like he's had a bath not too long ago, and his clothes look crisp, but he seems now to have dozed off in front of the fire, his chin dropped forward on his chest, his eyelids drooped closed.

Warm, quiet and retreat seems to be what's drawn Shan to the common room too. Glass of wine in hand, the greenrider's steps meander their way over to the hearth, seeking its warmth. Casting a sidelong glance over to the occupant of the chair near her from under lowered lashes, a chuckle is kept low out of deference for N'thei who seems to be sleeping there. Looking a little drawn herself, she simply returns to idle study of the flames sipping at intervals from her glass.

N'thei does not appear to have opened an eye, though there may be a flutter of lash, or perhaps just a shadow from the flicker of flames; "Where I'm from." The voice comes low and rumbly, thick with the edges of sleep. "We say 'good evening.'" Now he stirs in earnest, drags his hands down and rakes them across his cheeks, leaving his eyes more open in their wake.

Strangely enough, faint color touches at Shan's cheeks, as if she'd been caught doing something she shouldn't when the bronze weyrling makes his observation. Lips twitch in amusement however as she swings her gaze back over to N'thei "We I come from." his words re-used "One allows a tired man his rest." Tipping the glass his way, the dark red head dips "Forgive my lack of manners." the light voice held low for the quiet of the room "Good evening, Sir." Realizing what she'd just done in terms of the wine glass, a light frown appears and the item in question is quickly deposited on a nearby table followed by an a apologetic flicker of eyes back to the large man.
*.....Where I come from....

"Ah, forgive the chide then." N'thei folds his arms blandly across his chest, sinks down farther in the chair (if that's even possible!), and aims a drowsy look back at Shanlee. "Don't look like you've just made some great faux pas. I'm over being devastated. For now. Drink, drink." The invitation sent with a nod toward the glass of wine, none of his gestures particularly elaborate this evening, loathe as he is to interrupt a good bout of laziness.

"From what I've been told lately. Chiding is apparently something I'm in need of." lips press together a moment, then relax as Shan pushes that notion aside. Head canting to one side, eyes taking in the laid back demeanor of N'thei and his further words, the greenrider moves her head slightly from side to side in a negative gesture of taking up her wine again. "I'll likely just fall asleep and then end up having one of the weyr brats paint my face purple or something." amusement touches through as a glance is sent in the direction of the children's cavern. Turning toward the ever present pitcher of klah that's laid out on a table to one side, weariness straining at the petite form, she offers over her shoulder to him "Klah?"

N'thei looks aimlessly at the pitcher; "Klah? No, thank you. I'd sooner drown myself in it than drink it these days." Though he seems to bear no particular ill-will toward klah itself, or even the situation, merely a half-amused statement of fact. "One would hope you'd wake up before much paint could be applied, but I suppose that's the risk we all take." Having noted the thin lips, brief as that was, he adds, "Someone has perturbed you, I take it."

With her offer turned down, Shan sets about pouring herself a mug of the steamy brew and adding the extras to it. Slim hands wrapped around its warmth, the chair alongside N'thei is taken up. Legs are lifted to curl up under her, all in silence until finally settling her head back against the padded back a long guarded look is shifted sidelong onto the bronze weyrling "What perturbs me is losing control over my temper and allowing them to get to me." Slight shoulders lift and fall "But then again, I doubt they'll ever speak to me again and to be honest? I'm not really that cut up about it either." faint remorse taints her tone and negating the words so blithely spoken.
*.....and negates the words....

"Cut up enough that it makes me look like pleasant company." N'thei laughs weakly, mostly through his nose, and rests his drowsy eyes in Shanlee's general direction, though not with the same sort of half-fervored interest he might have shown only a few weeks ago. "Praytell, who's gone and gotten under your skin? Shall I have a little talk with them for you?" Knuckles crack as he turns a fist, chuckling.

Shanlee's gaze narrows on N'thei, a shadow flickering in the green depths "That's unkind N'thei." the next muttered to herself "Or likely I just deserved that." The mug drawing close study now as the greenrider seems all too aware of her shortcomings, his latter actions and words do draw a lopsided smile from her however "You'd defend my honor?"

Choosing his words with something like care, "If you want to call it that, then certainly." N'thei finds a toothy smile for the greenrider, rather lacking compared to the brighter smiles of which he's capable, but he puts it out there anyway. "Now tell Uncle Nate who's been teasing you, little girl, and I'll put a stop to it. Fess up."

"No, I deserved that." Shan repeats with a drop of chin, though this time louder for N'thei's benefit. Fine brows arch upward and her lower lip caught between teeth in amusement. Clearing her throat, its to no avail as a light chuckle spills out "Uncle Nate huh? You can't be that much older then me." The humor slips a little for her next "The harper seems to think I'm a coldhearted bitch that is only interested in the appearance of people and how it reflects on the weyr." lips twist "Can't say I did much to dispel the first though, in fact I think I retorted that he was exactly right and that I live my life to bring misery and hurt to others." Here the brows drop and knit together. She must be tired, for such things would never normally be confessed to someone she still didn't know too well.

In a little window to his own morals, N'thei raises an eyebrow, cocks his head, and inquires simply, "And why do you care what the harper thinks of you?" He does not argue the case one way or the other, only looks at her with frank curiosity and mild amusement, no more thought given to their relative ages.

Mug conveniently to mouth, Shan's able to school everything away behind that mask of hers before the vessel drops away "I don't care what he thinks of me. Jays! I've been called worse and likely at the time it was true too. I do, however, care that he seems to think I look down on Maddie for needing a bit of guidance." Now the irritation shows through in her tone "The man can take a short walk off a cliff for all I care, I'm tired of having my words twisted." A very unladylike snort is given as the subject begins to rankle again and so is set aside with a deliberately slow exhale of breath "I believe there's to be bonfire down at the lake shore for Turn's End. Will you and Wyaeth be attending?"

"In all fairness, the man is a harper." N'thei makes it sound like an affliction even, some incurable disease, might as well be leprosy. "What can you expect of a harper, really? Give him fewer words, and he'll have less to twist, smaller barbs to nettle you." His eyes betray a little sympathy, bright gray with a trickle of humor. "I hadn't given it a thought. I don't care for ice, bonfires notwithstanding."

Shanlee's hand stills the progress of the mug back to her lips and fixes an intent look on N'thei seeking out his eyes to read the truth in them and surprise for his words reflecting in her own. "Yeah? I'd expect a harper to have some degree of diplomacy and maturity really but then as you so rightfully point out - harpers can be masters of manipulation. He's the second one I've met like that and if not for the very clear differences I'd swear the two were brothers." Irritation having slipped by degrees, the greenrider leans her head back against the chair once again "I'd offer a few solutions to keeping warm but none of them would be fair to mention so I'll go with a safer option. Rustle up a thick blanket from the stores, find a spot real close to the fire and just enjoy the company."

N'thei suggests gently, a remarkably kind tone when he cares to employ it, "I hate to suggest it, but perhaps you rather enjoy harassing each other? You and the harper, hm?" A chuckle leaves him at the notion of less politic ways for keeping warm, and he starts to unfurl himself from the chair; contrary to appearances, he has not been absorbed into its cushions just yet. "There are better ways to enjoy company than sitting in the freezing with a face full of smoke. But I hope you find the party to your liking. Let it cheer you up."

A rueful smile paints across Shan's mouth, the kind tone and gentle remark taken for what it's meant to be "Maybe so. I think it just best to steer clear of him, I have enough genuine conflict without conjuring up more out of thin air." Balancing the mug on her stomach, the greenrider meets his chuckle with one of her own, interest coloring both tone and eyes "And how would you prefer to enjoy company?" his words on letting the party cheer her up draw a dryly amused mock salute "Yes uncle Nate, I'll endeavor to do so." a wink ending the tease.

N'thei does not look convinced. Nor does he look inclined to argue. Instead, standing, he moves away from his chair now, absently drags his forefinger along the back of Shanlee's chair as he makes to leave the room. "How I would prefer such a thing, ma'am, is hardly fitting talk for weyrlings. Enjoy your klah, wine, whichever it is you prefer this evening. Always good to have a chat."

Watching as N'thei stands and moves, Shan has to twist her head around once he steps behind her. And indeed color splashes once again onto the apples of her cheeks, though whether to the topic or her chastisement to him at their last meeting remains unclear. Meeting his eyes unflinchingly "That wasn't what I was referring to." no chastisement, just simple statement "Clear Skies N'thei." her tone carefully held level as she swings her attention back to the fire and away from the tall man.

You walk out to the hallway and caverns below.

|n'thei-weyrling, n'thei, shanlee

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