Teonath and Wyaeth made babies. Part two.

Mar 15, 2008 20:55

RL Date: 3/15/08
IC Date: Early morning on 8/31/15, about 5am.

To recap, there were 19 eggs that resulted in 1 gold, 2 bronzes, 4 browns, 5 blues, and 7 greens. PC Impressions are: E'dre (Aleudre) to brown Wroth, Carisandra to green Iesuth, Fraya to brown Rhadruth, Jaeni to brown Zechoth, L'vae (Louvaen) to brown Bremuth, Laylia to blue Avorath, Leova to green Vrianth, Lujayn to gold Rielsath, Niena to blue Masoth, and Viviana to green Ashmyth. NB: I left the list of gallery watchers off the tags, because the tags were getting crazy! XD

On the sands, Wandering free from her egg seems to suit Sparkling Waters Green just fine but while she could stay all day enjoying the warmth of the sands other needs intrude as well. It's then that she really sees the white things surrounding her. A world with such interesting things to see couldn't be all bad, could it? She quickly heads towards a cluster of candidates, a note of familiar greeting sent to them as well. She stops short as they back away from her and she moves on to try to find the truly interesting one she knows is out there somewhere. She slows down her bouncing stride so she won't miss anything -or anyone- interesting.

On the sands, Once giggling, now still, the Stargazing Egg's occupant seems to have quieted as her neighbor's hatched, though once the surefooted brown is on his way, it can't be left behind. So the polished ivory brushed with dark silver begins shake from within, a glistening silver talon poking through the top and wrestling a breathing hole open.

On the sands, Fraya gives Laylia a look, "Why where you looking at the /claws/? You're not /supposed/ to try and freak yourself out." Though she glances at the claws anyway with a soft oh. "Maybe they are lovely.. Better watch out though." Jaeni gets a look and a gentle smile. "They aren't scary at all. I think this one is rather lovely, you know.. Quite interesting.." She giggles, tilting her head. "Wonder who he'll pick..." A glance towards that green and her brows raise.

On the sands, Leova says, highstrung laughter subsiding into a snicker or two, "No idea," only to offer, "Weyrling? Hands full. Right." She wipes her own damp hands on her robe, shifting again, catching the fragile-looking green's call and giving her a wary look before checking on the others.

On the sands, Viviana shakes her head at Lujayn, her eyes wide. "I don't know, up close and personal, they are rather ..daunting, don't you agree." She sighs, watching the blue,then the brown, then the green. Vivy's becoming rattled and breathes deep and slow. Peeking over Niena's shoulder, she blinks. "There are a lot of them out there, got to keep on your toes." She manages a small smile in reply to Lou but it's not a full on two-dimple smile, she's too nervous to concentrate. "Don't look at claws, oh no, not a good idea."

On the sands, Right when the Hint of Courage Egg shatters, Rhonda sneezes loudly-- and maybe that's what sealed the deal. The lanky, new-hatched green no sooner gets her limbs sorted out than she rushes-and-tumbles toward the girl, nearly bowls her over. Frizzy hair in her eyes, nose running from her sneeze, Rhonda blinks dazedly at the dragonet while she murmurs, "Ishawith," over and over.

"-I- would have, had I actually seen the eggs before this morning, or night, or whatever it is right now," Xie tells Caitlyn. He nods again in agreement with Fayre, watching the sands below quietly.

On the sands, There's Moll again, on hand to collect the sneezy weyrling with a quick comment of congratulations and a beckoning wave toward the ledge. "I don't think we have tissue, Rhonda, but come along anyway."

On the sands, Sparkling Waters Green is too determined to stop now. Wedge-shaped head dipping passed a blonde-haired girl, the little green is choosy as she ambles along. The patter of her steps slow as she goes, wings lifting to flutter when one step causes her to slip down in a kneel. It's only when she straightens that she reaches her joyful destination, eyes turning the color of calm as she offers her head to a black-haired and blue-eyed young woman.

On the sands, Laylia shrugs her shoulders lightly, "Because, they're ... the first thing that came out of the shell." She answers Fraya, and grins broadly. She then turns to watch the antics of the green that's got it in her head to choose someone.

Caitlyn blinks aside at Xielar, again offering up her opinion in a shrug, then rubbing at her eyes and yawning loudly - trying to shake off her too-early rising.

On the sands, Something's caught the Witchlight Velvet Blue's eye, and he hauls his head around toward whatever it is abruptly. He stays that way for an impressively long time, given the chaos still unfolding all around him. Like one enchanted, he has to shake his head to clear his vision and begin moving again, a slow croon built up behind his muzzle.

On the sands, Leova, checking on the others, manages to spot Rhonda if only while she's leaving. Leova waves in a way that nearly clocks her neighbor in the head, regardless that the girl won't see her, and turns back around with a sudden satisfied sigh. She takes a deep breath before letting it go again. Slowly. Still faster than the velvety blue is moving.

On the sands, Fraya claps her hands for Rhonda with a giggle before glancing towards that green again a pause and she looks in that direction with another clap of her hands. Then she glances at Laylia with a quirk of her brow. "Well.. Um. You should've waited?" She grins again, fidgeting with a glance towards her feet. "Hnn." Up again and she eyes the blue, shifting her feet.

On the sands, Viviana steps from behind Niena, kneeling fast, to catch the Spring Water Green's head in lap. "Ashmyth? Me? You are sure about this? Are you alright sweetling? OF course we'll have food. Would you like eggs..oh meat, yes, meat." The blazing heat of the sands is forgotten as she gently hugs the little green's neck.

On the sands, The breathing hole of the Stargazing Egg widens as the metallic talon rakes ruthlessly down to the ground, pushing herself free of her months-long cage and shaking her damp, glistening golden body free of any remnant shells to stand proud, curious, and lively in the lash of her tail.

On the sands,
Sun in Winter Gold

Streamlined in lean athleticism, brilliant sunfire hide stretches thin across her fine, swift form, the blinding gold of light melting a once-frozen landscape. Winter clings to her sleek underbelly and the tops of her paws in mottled shades of white-gold and heated amber, unable to remain consistent as the sun's bold reach claims her hide. Appearing like glistening dewdrops, melted snow graces the very tips of her sharpened neckridges, their lethal descent traveling the length of her long back, past the outjuts of delicately sculpted wings, to smooth and trail off at her double-pronged, playful tail. Long, thin wingspars, wrapped in near-sheer hide, open to reveal buoyant frosted sails that appear as if they could unfurl further but are instead held close, swept back aerodynamically and meant for airspeed. Incongruously wizened ridges arc over her inquisitive eyes, prominent fixtures on an otherwise slim, youthful, and innocent face.

Caitlyn nearly bounces on her seat, murmuring loudly, "Oooh, the blue's chosen! Oh, he's so pretty!" Her point 'helpfully' shows others just what she's talking about. ANd then a sunshine in winter gold erupts from that stargazing egg, and Cait's attention is temporarily given to her. "Ooo!"

On the sands, Emilly slips through the chaos again, her aim another newly Impressed greenpair. "Ashmyth is it?" Emilly's voice is still quiet and serene as she reaches Viviana's side. "This way, mind that egg shell there," she points out to the two. "There's food aplenty where we're going."

On the sands, Lujayn begins to say something, anything to get her energy out in words, but it all stops when it's not some face in the crowd that's meeting a dragonet, but Viviana. "Vivy," Her words are caught in a laugh, eyes watering. "Beautiful, congratulations Vivy," And not much more comes from her mouth, though it keeps moving.

On the sands, WHUMP! Lonesome Watcher Egg, so still up to this point, chooses this moment to fall over on its side in the sand with no warning. Perhaps stunned by that tumble, it stays quiet after that, regaining its bearings before it tries again.

On the sands, Niena beams toward Viviana. "Oh, congratulations! She's perfect!" She doesn't even need to raise her voice. Then, noticing that both people she was standing next to are now claimed, she edges over to fill in the gap. With no greens to watch she looks at the brown and the gold once, then her eyes are drawn back to the blue dragonet.

On the sands, When N'thei's agitation drives him to move and to move towards Emilly, Satiet's dark lashes throw wide, a tilt of her head cast in that general direction. While her expletive can't be heard, it's more than visible by those with a talent for lipreading, and as if watching a trainwreck, she can't pull her pale eyes away until N'thei's done what she thinks he's going to do. Quickly, her lips thin, slim arms crossing over her chest, and a deliberate turn brings her focus back to what is happening on the sands.

Xielar watches as the gold hatches from her egg, blinking in surprise. "Wow... A gold... Look, Fayre, a gold!" He nods in the direction of the gold hatchling before looking to Viviana's Impression. "Wow, things are really hopping now, aren't they?" he asks the other Istans.

On the sands, Viviana stumbles as she rises, tripping over her own robe. Nervously, she makes sure that her newfound love is not damaged by her clumsiness. "Food, come, let's follow the nice rider, shall we?"

On the sands, Fraya claps once more for Viviana. "Oh! Vivy! She's /pretty/!" She exclaims, squeaking at the sigh of the gold, anything else from the girl is cut short with that squeak and strangled in her throat. Slowly she relaxes and nudges Laylia. "Lookit. She's going to go to someone. Maybe you're sour enough for her." The girl teases with a laugh, slightly bouncing on the balls of her feet.

On the sands, Laylia lifts a hand to give Viviana a wave, even if it's not a congratulatory shout. She seems pleasant enough, lifting a hand to toss her red hair over her shoulder as the runnertail keeps getting tossed on the wrong side of it. "Look, /lucky/ weyrlings having to deal with Vivy." She says with a snicker, and then looks at the gold and scrunches her nose at Fraya. "Really now."

On the sands, Gilded Machiavelli Brown turns aside from the group of candidates at the last possible minute - sharply enough that perhaps his wings kick up some of the sand into the air around them. His muzzle is canted as he freezes in place, watching the creeping progress of the velvet blue with a shuffling, visible wariness - though he echoes his sibling's croon with one of his own, the noise lacks a certain emphasis behind it. Sharp talons dig into the sand as he begins stalking away, hungry, swirling attention shifting back to the white-robed figures.

On the sands, N'thei finds a moment at some point, while he's on his way back from delivering Aleu-- E'dre to return Satiet's silent profanity with a careless shrug of his shoulders. His intent is clear with the gesture: After everything else, /this/ upsets her?

Amaris smacks Fyra excitedly as the gold appears. "Guess we were both right on that." She says with a smirk, watching the little queen. "Wonder who's gonna 'press her."

Fee lets out a little 'ooh' at the arrival of the gold, tugging at her companion's sleeve in excitement. "A gold, Ar, see! She's pretty - and she's not a blue." But her eyes don't stick to the gold, they wander, taking in each of the hatchlings in turn, and some of the candidates as well. "Where's that blue got to now? Oh-- there."

On the sands, Jaeni tugs on Fraya's sleeve. "Wow, look at her. Now that's pretty. Oh yes, very pretty." The gold is given a good look over before the blonde is nervously eyeballing the dragonets that are currently wandering around the sands. "Why can't they just pick some people already and... stuff." Nervous, nervous.

On the sands, Emilly looks between Weyrleaders as she returns from guiding Viviana and Ashmyth to the Weyrlingmasters and her lips purse faintly, but there's more pairs to catch and she's got to watch her footing too as more and more shell joins sand on the ground.

On the sands, Exuberant, reckless, the Witchlight Velvet Blue gives voice to his triumph when he makes his selection. A brassy bugle sounds when he locks eyes with his chosen weyrling, when he spreads his wings wide as if to show off for the red-haired, blue-eyed woman he's picked to be his rider. He rushes to her, his boxy head jutting eagerly toward her.

On the sands, Fraya makes a face. "Vivi isn't bad, Laylia. And really. I'm serious." She laughs and looks towards the brown. "I saw, Jae. She's pretty. Yup.. But you know how I feel about "Weyrwoman Activities". Shardin' boring. Boring. Boring. I feel sorry for whoever that gold goes to. Yup." She grins at Jae and looks around at the hatchlings again.

Fayre's red rimmed eyes furiously dart around, trying to keep up with all the action on the sands. "Oooh, lucky weyrling. Seems like a good blue." She says in agreement with Caitlyn, affirming the statement with a nod. "Aye, a gold indeed," is her simple response to Xielar. She chuckles a bit and adds, "Someone's about to get a heap of responsibility with that dragon, eh? Bet the clutchparents are proud though."

On the sands, Lujayn watches the brown's approach, warned against those scary browns already, though a bit of gold registers in her mind and she turns automatically to see this new hatchling. "And the blue...he ran off somewhere?" She asks Leova, feeling Viviana's absence now. Looking between gold and brown, her hands find themselves at her waist again.

On the sands, Sun in Winter Gold's curiosity doesn't remain still for very long, her tail capturing her attention first. With a crow of innocent delight, her sleek frame lowers to skulk after the playful flick of her tail, until a glance up brings the galleries into view and the gathered people looking down onto the sands, at her and then beyond her, a slight turn following the gaze of the audience to the candidates. How curious. How worth exploring.

On the sands, Laylia looks a little confused as the blue makes his way over towards her, not just towards her, but rushing. She nearly sidesteps the little thing, but when it proclaims her as his, she leans down to wrap her arms around the blue's neck. "Avorath?" She asks, then looks to see if someone's looking to get her and her little blue off the sands.

On the sands, As stunned by the Lonesome Watcher Egg's last attempt as it was, the Orbital Oddness Egg is jolted awake from its long sleep, trembling and shaking as the sands piled around the egg slip and slide loosely; limbs stretching out until a foot *pops* out in a crackle of flying shell bits. But just as the unremarkable blue and amber egg animates, the Lonesome Watcher Egg isn't daunted by that unsuccessful and shocking first attempt for long. It rocks and rocks and turns end over end as it rolls past the Orbital Oddness Egg, but only shows a couple of very tiny chips and lines for all that effort.

On the sands, Emilly doesn't even get to re-take her position at Sands' edge when Laylia and Avorath meet and she slips behind Fraya to collect the new-bonded pair. "Congratulations Laylia, follow me please to get your beautiful blue fed."

On the sands, Louvaen is watching the still, cobalt blue when the slow patter steps of the little green pass near. He follows her with his eyes as she moves over to Viviana, and when the girl kneels a delighted smile is sent towards her. "Oh," he breathes again, a happy sigh. "That was adorable." And then he's turning back to the eggs, blinking a bit as he notices the lively athletic gold, then shifting his attention rapidly as another bugle sounds and the velvety blue rushes forward... "Laylia!" Happy excitement colors his voice for the older girl, a grand smile given in congratulations.

On the sands, Niena gasps. "Oh, Laylia -- you are so very lucky." Her voice is soft again, so much so that the new Weyrling may not even hear it. And then Niena turns back toward the eggs and, perhaps less hopefully, toward the brown and the gold still prowling.

On the sands, If it tries again, maybe this time, *this time*, it'll work, and it's said a third time's the charm. Lonesome Watcher Egg gives it a final attempt, the dragonet within throwing himself against both sides of the egg until the tiny chips and the slivers of cracks explode, surprising not only in its suddenness, but also in its loudness; for the sturdily massive brown within trumpets his arrival with all the strength of his very young lungs.

On the sands,
Booming Bumbler Brown

With outsized paws and bristling eyeridges, this huge, deeply dark brown cuts an impressive figure for sheer size alone. His features are roughly hewn, as though carved by someone who had only the most basic idea of what a dragon should look like: prominent brows and blunt headknobs that sweep back over a haphazard line of near-black neckridges; a short snout and square jaw that merge with a squat-looking neck. Painted a swarthy mud brown, his burly shoulders are nearly indistinguishable from the barrel chest and bulging belly that comprise his imposing midsection. Even his wings are tough, fibrous things, opaque rather than the translucent film of daintier dragons. But for all his massive, predatory breadth, his smallish, deep-set eyes twinkle beneath the overhang of those beetling brows, warm and gently naive in their child-like innocence.

ANd looking at the gold is abandoned when that lovely blue focuses on his chosen, his wanted - and Cait finally makes out who it is. She suddenly all loud, obnoxious cheering and clapping, calling out, "YeaaaAAAHHH! Awesome for both of you, Laylia!"

On the sands, Fraya almost screams at that blue, but she holds it in and /scoots/ closer towards Jae. "Look.. Look! It went to Lay! It was right next to me! Yay Laylia!" She scoots more, glancing behind her and grinning at Emilly before she turns to watch the hatchlings and fidgeting. "Shells, Jay."

On the sands, Leova's attention is caught by Viviana's departure, perhaps the more so for having missed her Impression itself. Such chaos. She keeps trying to keep her breathing slow, slower than the way the velvety blue is rushing now, even with that dark, gilded brown stalking the way he is. "Somewhere," she agrees. "In front of someone. Can't see. Can't see who, I mean." Another deep breath, this one teetering on the edge of a yawn but not quite falling over. She gives the snowy gold an odd look: was there supposed to be one of those? and keeps looking even as another is hatched.

Xielar watches as Laylia Impresses Avorath and shakes his head, saying idly, "Wow, that happened so quickly." He glances back toward the other hatchlings still on the sands with the candidates and shifts, getting a better look.

On the sands, Sun in Winter Gold explores, unable to keep still now that she's discovered a world worth nosing her slim muzzle into. Up and down the sand she traipses, enjoying both the attention and the new sights from attempting to peer beneath the ill-fitting robe of a young Tillekian boy to skipping past and kicking up a cloud of dust at a former healer apprentice. A lively figure, it's almost hard to tell where she might go next.

On the sands, The Twelve Dancers Egg hardly teeters before the bronze inside simply bursts from the shell, splits it neatly in half while he steps from the fragments. He stumbles a few steps before he gets the hang of walking, at which point he marches directly over to a pair of boys. Unlikely friends: Henrist is scrawny with freckles, Satrund is older and muscular. The little boy gulps, the larger one steps forward. Fortune favors the bold! S'trun announces, "He's Sevierth!" A grin spreads while he walks away from his pale-and-shaken friend with his proud-and-gleaming dragonet.

On the sands, Lujayn's laughter turns to a little giggle, something she wouldn't be caught dead doing otherwise, but something about the curious gold, the showoff blue, and Laylia's good fortune has her giddy. "There he goes, Laylia's got him," The lively gold captures her attention again, roving across the sands. "Oh, that brown doesn't look scary. He's cute." About the newest hatchling.

"That blue I liked went to a girl," Fee reports, as if no one else is watching but her. "And I think his name started with 'a', but I didn't hear it properly." She shifts away from her brother, stretching her neck to get a better look. "Lots of eggs gone, now."

On the sands, Kept busy, Moll pops up at opportune moments to retrieve weyrlings that haven't been caught by Emilly and N'thei. Back and forth, back and forth, she leads the new pairs to the ledge and returns to keep an eye open for Impressions. "Let's get food for he who is Sevierth then. This way, Satrund."

On the sands, Jaeni huddles closer to Fraya, the two of them now becoming part of an ever decreasing group of people. "Congratulations, Laylia!" She calls after the older girl. "Wow, who'd of thought? Where's Leova, did she impress, is she still here?" She asks her friend, peeking around at the remaining candidates.

Amaris can't help but laugh at the little golds actions. "I think she's a bit confushed. Looking up the wrong robes that is." She says with a snort before kicking at the bench in front of her, making the boys turns back. "I can't see." She says roughly and after they giver her a scowl they separate a bit, giving her a better view of the sands.

On the sands, Booming Bumbler Brown comes a-tumbling out of his egg, trumpeting, and then quickly steadies himself on all four large talons, blinking at his sudden surroundings. His head swivels down to the remains of the egg he had bursted out of, giving the pieces a nudge with his snout. Woops. But he is not discoraged, as with a warm deep rumble to his dam, he begins to head off in the direction of the white-robed candidates.

"This clutch certainly is full of fighters, eh? They're all so..." Fayre makes a few aimless gestures in the air, perhaps resumbling something of a square or rectangle. "Solid." She chuckles a bit, a glimmer of cheerfulness invading her sleepy eyes. "Well, 'cept maybe the gold. She's more silly."

On the sands, Fraya giggles softly, glancing at Jae. "Don't worry.. And.. I think Leova is over there." Finger point in some off direction, she's not looking. Instead she's looking at that new brown. "Shells.. He's big.." A giggle and she bounces on her feet. "I like that brown, Jae.. Do you see him?" Kind of hard to miss. She laughs softly, crossing her arms as she looks to the bronze who hatches and Impresses as quickly as he came.

On the sands, Oh there goes one now! Someone forgot to breathe, got overheated, maybe locked his knees, and the young man faints flat on his back on the sand. One of his friends rushes to try to support him, too late, and it's only a matter of time before someone's able to drag his light-headed frame out of the heat toward the bowl.

On the sands, Snap. Crackle. Pop. All feet present and accounted for, bright blue in shade, but the dragonet's body is still caught within, cracks and striating outward from where limbs came through. Finally a sweet-eyed blue face makes an appearance through the rounded tip of the Orbital Oddness Egg and the hatchling trundles onward, still egg-clad.

On the sands,
Between Earth and Sky Blue

From a cherubic nose to a broad, steadying tail, an unending shade of a deep, cloudless autumn sky stretches across the softly rounded contours of this blue. Chubby legs, out of proportion with the length of his frame, lead down to paws that darken about the edges from where silvered talons extend, while stubby wings extend to reveal cloud-swirled patterns in the veining of heavily opaque curtains. Lazily sloping neckridges rise along his back, past wide shoulders, up along a short neck streaked with iolite, to crest softly over his headknobs, like worn out stepping stones towards the heavens, polished to a fine grey-blue sheen. There, a sweet, rounded face with a blunt-ended muzzle and low-sunken eyeridges hanging over small eyes culminate the image of a leisurely afternoon, filled with unfocused dreaminess.

On the sands, "Fraya look! Someone passed out! Do you think he's terrible burned?" Jaeni asks, concern coloring her face. It's only when the older girl points out the other brown that she finally turns her head and looks. "Oh, another one. He looks nice this time. Not scary. Not like he wants to eat us." She looks for Leova, spots her and waves as if this was a friendly gathering, no stress or anything. "I hope Igoro doesn't impress." She notes as an aside.

On the sands, A roundabout path brings the Gilded Machiavelli Brown past the candidates one more time, but takes him no closer to making a choice of them. His eyes unreadable except for the hunger that overwhelms all other colors, he still displays remarkable patience, playing his cards close to the vest until the last possible minute, when he, suddenly and decisively, lunges to kneel at the feet of the round-faced girl with the dirty blonde hair.

Caitlyn looks rather 'puffed up' as Laylia and her blue move off the Sands - the Istan woman grinning over at Fayre and Xielar. "That was a grand pairing. Blues are always underestimated, I tell ya. They're the BEST." And as she turns back in time to miss the fainting human on the sands, Cait *is* in time to see yet another blue pop from his egg. Will the woman never cease squealing with joy? "ANOTHER one!" As if all clutches are absent of blue dragons...

On the sands, Lujayn waves to another section of the candidates, "Leova's here," She mouths, but is drawn away to see a...walking egg? No, that's the blue, and one hand flies to her mouth to stifle what's sure to be an unwelcome chuckle.

On the sands, Kazarin is distracted entirely while the Ruby Road Egg wobbles and finally shatters, but he happens to be looking at just the right moment to see the clover green dragonet that falls out. Hardly a moment is wasted between the two of them. She is still shaking shards off her slick skin when they lock eyes, when he hurries to help her find her feet. "Don't worry, Kellnith, you look just fine!" K'zarin beams from ear to ear while he helps pluck shell fragments off her gleaming hide.

On the sands, Leova, hearing her name, waves outward into the chaos as though to hail a lifeboat. Finally she glimpses Jaeni waving too, and gives the wave even more emphasis before standing back on her heels and flexing her knees a few times so maybe she won't pass out too. Out of nowhere, maybe to Louvaen more than anyone, "Why do some of them make noise at Teonath," awkward with the pronunciation but more or less managing it. "How do they know?" But then she can't see Jaeni any longer. Just the dragonet in front of her. She stares.

On the sands, Fraya glances at the new blue, giggling softly. "Aw.. Look at him." She pauses turning her head to peer at the boy who's passed out. "Oh... I don't know. Maybe we should see later.. Write that down somewhere.. " She laughs softly, "And good. You shouldn't be scared of them..." She trails off, eyeing that brown near her. "Oh. Jae!" She giggles and scoots out of the way once more. There's a green again and she claps her hands. "Yay Kaz!"

On the sands, Moll's starting to sweat pretty good now while she rushes to be at a new weyrling's side before there's time for the daze of Impression to get the better of them. "Does she look just fine?" she asks in a quiet voice to the candidate nearest to K'zarin and Kellnith, then a bright smile for the weyrling who never heard a word. "Come along!"

On the sands, There is yet no movement from the Deceitful Demonic Shadows Egg. It sits in a serene silence that seems strangely out of place with its garish colors. There may be chaos around it, but this egg shows no signs of participating, unlike its neighbor, a mud-splattered, sandy brown egg. The most delicate of shivers passes through the Clay Sentinel Egg barely stirring its surface in a visible manner, but enough to displace sand grains around itself, more like the tremors that presage the explosive force of an earthquake than actual motion.

Amaris catches sight of the boy as he faints, her eyes glued to him as he's dragged away from the sands. "The boys are acting like babies today." She comments as the poor candidate exits the sands. With a yawn she stretches her arms, blocking the views of those behind her for a good while before dropping them down to her side loudly. "Sure is early."

On the sands, Booming Bumbler Brown's large foot comes down on a large piece of shell with a loud CRACK, and he stops with a rumble of surprise as he looks down at the broken shards. He doesn't hesitate this time at it. Instead, he lifts his claws and side-steps it before he causes more of a mess. With another resounding rumble, louder this time and aimed to the candidates, he starts bounding his way out with more determination.

On the sands, How many grimy palms have wiped nervously across white robes by now? There are a few candidates starting to look dazed as the heat and the hurry of the sands gets to them, more than one with a glassy sheen to their eyes while they watch the dragonets scurry from their shards to their new riders.

On the sands, And what does Jaeni do when the dragonet lunges into a kneeling position in front of her? She screams like a maniac. Because of course, this is one of those browns from earlier that wanted to eat her. And that's what he's come to do. She's thrown her hands up in front of her face protectively and that's when the scream ceases. She pulls them down carefully to peek at the brown. "Oh, Zechoth. Of- of course. We'll eat. Maybe more like you're eating. Oh. Oh." She's delighted now that the terror has been swept away. A long look is given Fraya before she allows herself to be led of the sands, Leova is given another one too.

On the sands, Louvaen snaps his head around at the loud exploding egg, eyes lingering on the trumpeting brown that emerges. The exploring gold then catches up his attention again, a soft chuckle sounding in his throat as she explores the younger Tillekian's robe. The marching bronze is watched intensly, a smile given to his chosen Satrund before Lou looks away... to rumbling brown, to newly hatched blue, to the gilded brown that lunges to... Jaeni! Congratulations!" he calls, then leans closer to Leova at her words. "I don't know," wonderingly, musingly. "Maybe, she speaks to some of them?"

Xielar rolls his eyes as he listens to Caitlyn's remark. "Whatever you say, -bluerider-," Xielar tells her pointedly. The dock worker pauses as he watches the progress of the hatchlings' walks around the sands. "Is it just me or do candidates talk a lot?" he asks Fayre, nodding down toward Fraya and the others on the sand. He grins, however, as he watches the brown's surprise at the sound of his foot against shell. "He seems pretty interesting, don't you think?"

On the sands, Niena giggles as she watches the mobile egg. "He's adorable!" She says to no one in particular. Then she glances over toward the aristocratic brown as he stumbles toward Jaeni. "Congratulations!" she calls out, then once again divides her attention between blue, brown, and gold, especially the blue.

On the sands, In a rare moment of regal quiet, Sun in Winter Gold pauses, her slender neck striving to stretch as high as her wing tips reach while her head cocks from side to side in thoughtfulness. Rainbow-filled eyes, inquisitively bright, gauge the offerings before her -- and then her mind is made up, decisive movements animating her low-held, racing body to traverse across the breadth of sands to eventually stop at the feet of a tawny-haired, grey-eyed girl filled with sly, playful mischief. Claimed.

On the sands, N'thei passes Moll while she's doing the same thing, leading people to and fro. He's fallen into the swing of this task quickly, even if it means he's doing a bang-up job of pointedly ignoring looking in Satiet's direction. He's just in time to stop at the side of the new brownrider; "Jaeni? Ze-somethingth?" He steps up beside the blond, beside her gilded brown dragonet. "This way." There's every expectation that she'll follow unquestioningly, for he starts promptly toward the ledge.

Fayre's mouth pulls into a tight grimace as one of the candidates falls. "Well, better than a mauling, I suppose. Surprised more haven't gone down, considering the heat plus the early morning hours." A grin twitches at her lips at Caitlyn's joyous reactions. "Not that you're bias, eh?" She nods sagely at Xielar. "Well, yeah. They gotta do something to control their nerves, y'know? I babble on like a fool all the time, so I can't really blame them."

On the sands, Satiet does a good job of pointedly ignoring N'thei - that is until Jaeni screams and it not only causes her to swing her head that way, but Teonath also. Bloody murder, where?

On the sands, The Straw Spun Egg leans to the side slightly as if bent over by some wind that only it feels. The angle of that lean sharpens suddenly, and deep striations slide up along wheaten blades of grass that part suddenly to release a slight, vapor blue dragonet. Just as his feet hit the sands, his shell topples over on top of him, disintegrating into a rain of a million sunny shards. Blinking muzzily through the fading dust of his egg, the tiny blue takes off with a sudden start for Igoro and despite his size, knocks the candidate flat on his back, trumpeting gladly. "Sure! Sure! Let's eat, Stilkith!" I'ro laughingly agrees.

On the sands, Moll finds a moment to send a hurried smile across toward Emilly before she rushes to collect I'ro and Stilkith-- lots of Is in that. She leads them across the sands, avoids getting the paths of the other staggering dragonets along the way.

On the sands, Leova keeps staring, even as she flexes her knees. Flexes her knees. Flexes her knees. Finally she thinks to blink, and swallow, but just then Jaeni shrieks and she about jumps, a shudder of a hop that has her missing about everything else. Even the huge brown's rumble just blends into it all. She gets just the one glimpse of Lujayn and swallows again.

On the sands, Lujayn nearly jumps out of her sandals at a loud shriek, and hardly seems to settle when the noise abates. Blinking several times, she looks as unsteady as the poor lad dragged to the bowl, and for a moment her eyes are closed to accompany a look of profound confusion on her face. "Oh, yeah," Eyes snap open again, every inch of her body shaking. "That makes sense, Rielsath." Legs shaking, she bends to steady herself against the gold's athletic frame, grinning from ear to ear.

On the sands, Fraya giggles at Jaeni as she screams, clapping her hands nonetheless for her friend. It's then that she looks around for the gold and another clap for that pair. "Yay! Lujayn! I feel sorry for you!" She glances around, alone now. "Well, shards..." She puffs her cheeks up and makes a small pout. There's silence from the girl for once. She is eyeing the dragons left now, curiously.

Xielar shrugs back at Fayre, saying "I think I'd be too busy looking..." He blinks suddenly as he watches the gold Impress Lujayn, "Wow... I guess the Gold's made her choice then..." He trails off again and watches the rest of the sands, curious eyes going back and forth between hatchlings and candidates.

On the sands, N'thei returns in due time to catch Lujayn's Impression to the queen, to file away the name Rielsath somewhere. His self-appointed task keeps him from having to register much expression for it, and it also gives him the luxury of being among the first to approach the new goldrider. He says something in an undertone, to her? To himself? Then; "Persie and I'daur will take care of you two just off over here." He's already set to turn away from the pair and lead on.

On the sands, The stillness is shattered. The Deceitful Demonic Shadows Egg splits into two jagged halves, red-and-black bisected with a muted crunch as a hatchling-sharp talon breaks the surface. The stickiness of the shell leaves it clinging a moment longer, leaves bits of it stuck to the hide of a parched brown dragonet that stands with uncanny agility amid the ruin of his egg.

On the sands,
Rain-Dappled Desert Brown

Lean physique dappled with gray, this brown dragonet may be as awkward as any at birth, but the potential grace with which he'll move in adulthood is etched on every parched line of his body. Although long in length, he's narrow in form with a scraggy ranginess that elongates the look of limbs already ungainly from birth so that his wings seem ridiculously oversized and his legs look comically small, skinny-but-promising. His hide is an unadorned landscape of parched earth-brown, little to break up a seemingly endless vista of cloud-shadowed desert. Brindles of gray blend seamlessly into his baked-clay coloration, the cool undertones difficult to discern as he's newly hatched and still glistening but becoming more pronounced as he dries-- the first splatter of raindrops soaking into a parched landscape, the liquid gray filtered into the cracked sand.

On the sands, Trinly, a pretty girl whom everyone had practically stamped as a future greenrider the minute she arrived, watches her circle of friends dwindle while the hatching progresses. She's wilting in the heat, but she manages to shine a smile every time another green dragonet is shelled!

On the sands, Leova sidesteps a little closer to Louvaen with Lujayn and the others gone on her other side, taking refuge there from which to look at the rest of the sands. "Maybe she does. Speak to them. Maybe... Oh. Would you look at that."

On the sands, Niena smiles over to Lujayn, again saying "Congratulations -- I bet your grandmother is so proud right now." Then, "Oh my, another brown." She looks toward the remaining boys then, in afterthought, at the remaining girls, before tearing her gaze back toward the comedy team of blue and brown still at large.

On the sands, Much like his egg did before him, Booming Bumbler Brown WHUMPs across the sands, his trundling gait throwing sand clouds in his wake to obscure the vision of whoever might be in his way: dragon or human! But his whumping around becomes purpose-filled, his hulkish frame moving with surprising speed across the way until he's butting into the side of a girl with light brown hair and large, round eyes.

On the sands, Flop. The Smoke and Fire Egg just falls over, just like that without any warning. It lies still for a few seconds then starts to rock and roll back and forth hard enough that it seems to be casting up actual smoke all around itself. Moments later the middle seems to just melt out of existence and two long, incandescently green wings rise from the egg's center, the rest of the shell crumbling into so much ash as a regal, aquline face observes the world around. Sliding nimbly forth, the intensely viridian hatchling stops in front of lanky, lean Sheldor from Nabol and fixes him with an intent look, then imperiously leads the way off the sands. "Idriloth needs a bath /right away/!" declares Sh'dor.

On the sands, Lujayn nods, more focused on the gold at her feet than anyone approaching. There's a nudge from somewhere inside and she looks up, suddenly aware again. "We- she's awfully hungry," She explains, starting right away for somewhere that can provide the needed meat.

On the sands, A tall young man standing at the end of the loose candidate circle shifts his feet against the heat of the sands. His dark eyes move about towards his fellows before the clutch reclaims his wary attention.

On the sands, Between Earth and Sky Blue stumbles and trips a few more times as he weaves his way a little drunkenly around the immediate vicinity. Whoaaaa. Finally he stops to take a deep breath and re-orients himself. His egg-clad shape waddles onward, nosing interestedly into the half-empty remaining shell of one of his clutchmates. A big long crack slo.ow.ly slides down the shell still clinging to his body as he continues to explore.

On the sands, Fraya turns her head slightly to watch the brown, letting out a soft scream as she's nudged into. There's a moment of shock, her mouth opens slightly and then closes. "Ah.. Wait? What? Food...?" She blinks, slowly turning her head and dropping to her knees to peer closely at the brown beside her. "There's.. Oh.. Rhadruth? No /wonder/ you sound like.. Shells.." She trails off, stuttering. "Shells.. Rhadruth." That's all she can say, apparently.

On the sands, Seized with violent undulations, the Clay Sentinel Egg turns about on its axis, its surface shifting and changing like the crazy froth atop a storm-swept sea, faint cracks sliding through its array of colors.

On the sands, Emilly returns from dropping off another pair and dabs at her forehead lightly with her hanky and my goodness if there isn't another pair to pick up. She heads right on over to Fraya and Rhadruth to lead them off away from the heat. "Fraya, what a nice big fellow you've got there, just this way both of you please, I'daur and Persie are waiting for you with food and oil."

On the sands, Pressing inward slightly as if all the air has been sucked out of it, the Clay Sentinel Egg suddenly explodes upward, a shapely green head erupting from beneath the surface of its topmost point. Bright orange eyes, intent in regard look around briefly then with another effusive shake, the rest of the egg is pushed aside to reveal the drab olive hatchling within.

On the sands,
Beyond the Limits Green

The dusty olive of a fitted wool coat shapes this lithe, lean-limbed green, her narrow and angular face refined with a maturity beyond her years. Large eyes of uncommonly intense color convey strong emotions and the sense of hidden schemes, keenness whittling the jeweled facets sharply. Down her long gracious neck and across lithely sculpted shoulders and haunches, the patina of densely woven heathered gray alternates with twists of burnished green, shadows dark as charcoal gathering about her joints. Long-sparred wings of sage, appearing too delicate to enable flight, spread to reveal an undercurrent of ropy resilience through muscles and tendons that are draped with the fine sheen of a faded silvery sisal lining. A nonchalant strength slides fluidly through her gangly frame, sporadically visible in the ripple of muscular movement and in the swish of her elegantly long tail.

On the sands, Fraya glances at Emilly, staring. "He.. Says he's hungry." She finally squeaks out, slowly rising to her feet in a daze. "Shells..." And she follows Emilly out, still in a daze.

On the sands, Moll's newest charge lags behind some, and she has to double-back to collect Sh'dor and Idriloth and usher them off the sands with a remark about getting baths when the time comes, about finding a better time-and-place to pause.

Amaris's curiousity perks up at the gold impression but only momentarily. In no time she's facing Fyra, brown eyes scanning her friend's face. "New queen for Reaches.' She says obviously before picking at a thread from her dress which is poking out of the hemline.

On the sands, Niena beams over toward Fraya. "Oh, he's just wonderful. I'm so glad he found you!" She almost-but-not-quite jumps up and down for her friend. Then she's once again watching the blue moving egg, the brown, and suddenly -- the green. She turns all her attention to the most recent arrival.

On the sands, Louvaen looks over as Lujayn is claimed to the gold, a deep breath taken as he witnesses the new queen's Impression. Smile settled on his lips with the exhalation, he gives a little nod of his head towards the athletic pair. Flicking his eyes to Leova, he gives a little shrug and then takes her last words as an indication to look towards the hatching brown. "That's the quietest brown yet, I think," he murmurs. But that said, his attention shifts to the loud brown, the egg-cracking brown, as he moves to Fraya. "Oh, Fraya! Wonderful!" he calls happily.

On the sands, Rain-Dappled Desert Brown never misses a step. Even fresh from his shell, his movements are guided and certain, his path pre-determined. His too-large wings fold along his sides, the tips leaving twin trails in the sand while he walks surely away from the two halves of his egg. Amid the dwindling chaos, he's a bastion of calm.

Xielar looks on as Impression after Impression occurs on the sands, smiling. The dock worker does appear to be awake now, despite the early start to the day. He holds his head with his hands, arms resting against his legs. "Wow, that's a pretty green," Xie offers to Fayre.

On the sands, Between Earth and Sky Blue bumps into another bit of egg and falls down onto his rear end, blinking widely. The net effect: that crack in the shell 'armor' around him falls to pieces, freeing his wings. Immediately aware of the sensation, the low-slung blue gets to his feet, undaunted by the fall and spreads his wings wide, staring at them in dreamy distraction. Suddenly something snaps him out of it and his focus becomes intense as he trundles towards a specific Candidate.

On the sands, Turned on its side, the Amazing Escape Egg has lain very still for a very long time. Finally it begins to shimmy and shake from side to side in silent desperation as if bound tightly in chains it cannot break free of. A few nearby candidates eye the egg nervously, uncertain whether or not to move to help or not. Overly excited, pudgy Ferean strides forward only to come to a sudden halt as a sinuous celadon shape worms its way free through an expected crack at the very top of the egg. Turning nose over tail, the green stares up at the ceiling for a moment as if catching her breath, then rolls once more to sit up and stare F'ren right in the eye. "Yes. I'm all yours Haraith!"

Unlike Xielar, Fayre seems to be growing more sleepy as time goes on; perhaps it's the sweltering heat of the sands wearing on her. "Not used to being in the heat in something other than my sarong. Oy, I thought it'd be cold in High Reaches." She nods at the dockworker and a tired smile forms on her face. "Sure is. They're almost all gone now, eh? Both dragons and eggs."

On the sands, Leova swallows. "Still quiet," she says, glancing from the dappled brown to Fraya's back and back again. Calm. And the stumbling egg. And the heathered dragonet whose wings she can't quite see, yet. But then the egg stops being a leggy egg and starts being a dragonet and a dragonet in motion, and she watches out, in case.

On the sands, Not too many eggs left; Moll looks a little relieved when she finds a moment to check the numbers. But there's only a second before she fires back into action and crosses the sands for F'ren and Haraith. "Well, you're all ours for a while, but we'll sort that out later. This way please."

Caitlyn seems rather surprised to see Lujayn paired with the new little gold, but she hardly has time to spare when her gaze fixates on that silly blue once again - the Istan once again cheering as he makes his choice. "Aallriiight!" She turns to grin at Xielar and Fayre, and suddenly pokes the woman in the side. "Stay awake, you! If I can, *you* can." Grin.

On the sands, Clumsy bumbling around on the sands is concluded with a bad fall, a trip over a piece of abandoned shell that has the Between Earth and Sky Blue nose-planting in a hillock of sand. Nevertheless, he picks himself back up again, sneezes the sand from his nostrils and presses on doggedly towards a willowy young women with sea-green eyes and sandy hair.

On the sands, Down the line of remaining candidates, the Rain-Dappled Desert Brown spares barely a glance for each of them, only enough to know that he needs to keep going. One after another, he passes them by without a mark of hesitation-- they simply are not the one for him. He's getting to that one, step-by-methodical-step leading him closer.

On the sands, Louvaen watches the gren shake herself free of her shell, then lets his gaze linger on the calm brown leaving his egg so surely behind. The green's claiming of pudgy Ferean is watched with a grin before he turns to tile a curious look to the trundling blue. "Niena! Congratulations!" he calls when the willowy blue looks to her.

On the sands, Beyond the Limits Green takes a moment to gather herself together once she's egg free, observing her surroundings intently. Her gaze shifts from the immediate panorama of broken eggs and wandering hatchlings up into the stands and she takes it all in, absorbing sights, smells, sounds. Finally, she gets to her feet, stretching long, lean limbs experimentally and with a little nod, begins a methodical examination of every remaining Candidate on the Sands.

On the sands, Niena suddenly stumbles forward, all her usual grace forgotten. "Masoth? Yes, we can do everything together!"

On the sands, Sweaty palms are rubbed along the wrinkled hem of Cesaira's no longer quite white robe. The popping of the Shades of White Egg nearby only increases her nervousness as a pudgy, pale cornflower hatchling tumbles out of its pure-hued confines. Taking a few steps back, the girl looks like she might turn and run as the green bears down on her. Something stops her in her tracks though and she lifts a hand that her very own Pirioth slips her head under, crooning delightedly. The new rider only remembers to call out the blue's name loudly to the stands as they turn to leave, chin lifted with pride.

On the sands, N'thei selects Niena out of the draining mess, his smile catching on her stubby blue dragonet. "I'll have to catch his name another time, Niena." He takes a quick study of the girl, probably just to make sure she's not about to faint or anything, then flourishes in the direction all the other weyrlings have been lead so far. "Come this way, Persie and I'daur are all ready with food and oil for you two."

On the sands, Beyond the Limits Green completes the circuit of the remaining few, nimbly side-stepping a large shell remnant and turns her head over her shoulder almost coyly at those she just examined. Maybe she'll make up her mind, maybe she won't. But something, something indefinable is drawing her back towards those white-clad figures and she must turn back, must complete her quest. Yes. /There/.

On the sands, Moll blinks and arrests her jog when Cesaira calls out so jubilantly. "You could have waited," she says with a laugh, already halfway to the ledge when the weyrling makes her proclamation. "Kids these days."

On the sands, Leova looks and looks. The sands are cleared almost to shards, and it makes it easier to see Niena with her new lifemate before hard, but harder to look around. Who's left. What's next. Though the cornflower blue chooses quickly, the other two draw things out. She waits. Ready for examination. Ready to step back. Ready to run.

On the sands, Calm certainty has lead the Rain-Dappled Desert Brown to his choice. The oversized wings that trailed in the sand since birth flicker with contained excitement, the rainbow eyes that whirled with flecks of reddened hunger now turn upward with adoration in the facets. Satori: he has made his choice in a pale man of messy hair and hazel eyes.

Caitlyn's poke has its intended effect and Fayre jolts, fully awake. "Ack! You've got a strong finger, Wingleader. Darn dragonriders and their muscles." Her stomach suddenly rumbles loudly and the pudgy assistant headwoman looks sadly down at her pudgy tummy. "Oy, hope we get to eat soon. Wonder what the feast will be like this early in the morning."

On the sands, After much careful observation of the sands and every candidate thereupon, the Beyond the Limits Green has concluded her quest and she pulls her feet in under herself and walks very decisively, unwaveringly straight towards a tawny-skinned young woman with tumbled auburn hair and amber eyes.

Xielar chuckles softly as he listens to Caitlyn and Fayre, looking to them before noticing the other hatchlings making their choices on the sands.

On the sands, A few experimental shakes disturb the Blood, Hair and Fingernail Egg from its comfortable resting place on the sands. One more shake and then it goes still until all of a sudden it explodes outwards with all the strength of a gale force wind, shell fragments flying every which way, some dangerously sharp. Pouncing onto the sands with aplomb, the flame-tinged bronzeling within, glares around the immediate are for a second then leaps in a few short bounds towards a cluster of female candidates. No. All wrong. Another group proves as unyielding of an adequate choice. Finally, he spots him, standing all alone, head bowed, tiny Eledro, the youngest of all the candidates. Pale-haired E'dro's head jerks upward wide-eyed before the dragonet even reaches him and with tears streaming down his face, cries out: "Hroxeth! You found me!"

On the sands, Moll collects the weyrling from the very last egg with a smile both congratulatory and relieved. The three of them march off the sands together and stay on the ledge this time with Moll trying to repeat the name Hroxeth to herself with little luck.

On the sands, Turns out, maybe Leova wasn't ready at all. As all the world drops away, her breath holds without her willing it. And holds. And she's staring. And then she reaches out to her Vrianth with both hands. And breathes. "You."

Fee positively beams as the last weyrling gets walked away, turning to her companion to tell him, "That was /gorgeous/. Thanks for bringing me, Ar." He offers her his hand, smiling, and together, they wander out again, the girl bubbling on about the hatching, the man listening in silence - but still smiling.

Fee walks down a short flight of steps and heads out through the entrance to the bowl.

On the sands, N'thei finally wears a more familiar expression, one edged with a smirk, when he walks up to Leova in the middle of her staring-and-breathing. Another undertone, another unheard murmur, then he opens his palm toward the ledge where the other dragonets and weyrlings have gone. "Come."

On the sands, Louvaen watches Niena go with a smile, watches the next blue's Impression. Looks out what once was so many eggs, now mostly shards. He fades a step closer to Leova, turning to look towards the two methodical hatchlings. The green. The brown who comes to look up at him. Louvaen's posture freezes. Eyes widen, and then sink shut under peaked brows. A breath is taken. Held a long moment. Let out raggedly. But then a wondering smile curves on his lips and his eyes open again, rimmed heavily with moisture. A single sharp exhale carries the sound of an incredulous laugh mingled with something like a relieved sob. Sniffing once, the new rider reaches out to touch a gray dappled ridge. "Bremuth," L'vae welcomes with a think voice. "I can't wait."

On the sands, Bremuth rests with supreme patience while L'vae holds his breath, strangles his sob, mists over. Only after hearing his own name again does he move from his haunches, does he refold his flickered wings and tilt his brindled head with a questioning look at his weyrling.

On the sands, Emilly works her way over to L'vae and Bremuth with a little smile. "Bremuth did you say, Lou-- hmm, we'll get that sorted. Please come this way for food and oil. The Weyrlingmasters are just over here ..." and she gestures lightly with one hand to guide the two away.

Fayre's shoulders slump slightly as the action of the hatching begins to wind down. "Oh. Have they all impressed, now? I can't tell." Her chestnut eyes light up and she eagerly continues, "Does that mean food now?"

On the sands, Leova maybe doesn't quite get the words concept either, yet, but something of what N'thei says must get through. She laughs. Low. Exhilarated. And takes her Vrianth with her, along with Bremuth and his L'vae, a hand riding the curve of her dragon's long neck. She doesn't need words for that.

Calliosae glances towards the Sands, assuming it's finished and the young harper stands slowly. In silence, she turns and heads from the galleries with a bright smile upon her lips.

On the sands, As the last egg hatches and Impresses, Satiet pushes herself off of Teonath's back haunches, a sidelong -look- for N'thei, wherever he might be, before the porcelain features smooth politically and she turns to the remnant candidates to give the speech of sympathy and welcome. The latter invitation lifts so her clear, cool voice reaches to the galleries, "You are all welcome to join us in a breakfast buffet in our living cavern and," the raven-haired woman's lips twitch, shaping into a lovely, if crooked, smile, "We apologize for the ill-timing of these eggs."

And in that crazy, compressed amount of time...it's all over. The Istan applauds for the final Impression of Bremuth and his young man, then looking at Fayre. Little Infelice has stopped humming, perched proudly, quietly on Cait's shoulder. "Uh...I think so. And yeah, there's *always* a big feast afterwards." A wry grin for the pudgy woman, and it's then shifted to Xielar. "Up for some breakfast? On 'Reaches!"

On the sands, L'vae laughs again, the sound thick with emotion. "We can go. We'll go," he assures, is wonderingly assured. Looking over at Emilly, he grins. "L'vae. Alright. Thank you." He steps out beside his brown, his Bremuth, to follow.

On the sands, Taking time to watch Emilly and the last weyrling leave the sands, N'thei returns conveniently after Satiet's delivered her speech to the remaining candidates, for whom he has a summary glance but no rousing speech or anything. "Breakfast buffet?" Unapologetic, he offers his elbow toward the goldrider in a stately invitation that looks very proper for those in the galleries, for those that can't see the baiting twitch that drags at the edge of his smile.

Xielar nods again to Fayre, telling the other Istan, "Sounds good to me. I still need to rummage through their stores to find some good boots for my feet too." He grins briefly before getting up from his seat in the galleries.

On the sands, Emilly gets things squared away and disappears off the Sands, again careful not to trip over any shells.

l'vae, emilly, satiet, |n'thei-weyrleader, n'thei, fraya, @hatching, leova, laylia, niena, lujayn, |wyaeth and teonath, e'dre, jaeni, viviana

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