Tavrie takes candidates to touch the eggs.

Jul 13, 2007 22:23

RL Date: 7/12/07
IC Date: 9/21/12

Candidate Barracks, High Reaches Weyr(#430RAIJs$)
This is a large, high ceilinged cavern cut from the rock. There are rows of depressions on the floor, couches for the young dragons who will soon live here. For now, cots have temporarily been brought in for the candidates while they bide their time, waiting for the exciting day when the eggs will hatch. Men keep to one side and women to the other. At the foot of each cot lies a small press for storing clothing and other small items.

The cavern has been decorated with old dragon tapestries hung on the walls, their colors slightly faded. A threadbare rug in the middle of the room bears the emblem of High Reaches Weyr, a mountain range in black on a dark blue field. A few low tables, chairs, and pillows have been scattered about the room, and baskets of glows placed strategically throughout the room keep the place well-lit. An opening in the southwest leads out into the Bowl.

Tavrie wanders in from the bowl.
Tavrie has arrived.

The door to the barracks slips open with a creak and then drops closed again with a loud, resounding bang. For those paying attention, Tavrie, one of the junior weyrwoman has just entered the barracks. The candidates unlucky enough to have been daydreaming may have been caught by surprise with the slamming of the door on its unhindered closing. Knitting her hands together behind her back, the petite woman paces into the room smartly, smiling in an amiable and yet slightly disconcerting way. Dinner hours are upon the weyr, though early eaters or late workers may not have scampered off to the living cavern just yet. The goldrider looks over the assembled crowd with an expression of amusement and mischeif.
Tavrie's eyes glitter rather wickedly as candidates fall here and stumble there. When most seem to be staring at her in a suitably startled manner, the goldrider's grin fades and a serious look appears on her face. "Evenin', Candidates," she says in a calm voice that is loud enough to be heard but not hard on the ears. "For those of you that are new around here, I am Weyrwoman Tavrie, lifemate of gold Nabrimeth, the dam of the clutch now hardening on the sands. Welcome to High Reaches Weyr and welcome to candidacy. I hope that it is treating you well, and yet that you are being worked hard," she introduces. Here, the small woman pauses, warm brown eyes looking over the faces as if she were drawing them into her mind. "If you would be interested, I am willing to take a small group of you out on the sands to...get to know the eggs a little bit. While some are at dinner, I figured this group would be about the right side. If you would like to come, please rise and come over here where we can have a little...talk," she informs them.
*belatedly: latently=blatantly (doh!)

Ayson is distracted momentarily by Madison and her falling all over the place. It almost causes him to notice someone is blatently staring at him, but a chance glance in that direction does make him notice. He furrows his eyebrows when he looks at Talien, but then focuses his attention onto Tavrie when she begins to speak. He listens and then quickly, quietly puts his shirt and sewing kit into the press at the end of his bed. His boots are pulled on and soon he's standing up, heading towards the indicated spot.

The youngest of the group is perhaps the first to try to get in line. She tugs and pulls on her foot as she finally gets it loose from the ever grabbing cot and manages to scramble to her feet and she gives a bright smile to those around before she marches upwards to the Weyrwoman. "Ma'am." Madison says, looking up at her. "When we are finished may I ask you a question. It's something to do with our Weyrleader." Weyrleader is breathed out in a rather annoyed breath. She manages to sneak next to Ayson, trying to jostle for the first spot. "Ladies first!" She tells him, grinning broadly up at the much larger young man.

Nathein's late to get in line, has to put away his letter and find his shoes. He hasn't got anything to say on the matter, though his interest is clearly piqued, though maybe more by Madison's over-eager reaction than by the offer in and of itself. There's a brief smile flickered toward the goldrider as he approaches, but nothing personal to exchange.

Raykini slowly cocks his head to the side, listening patiently to the weyrwoman speak. Finally he purses his lips tightly in thought, watching the others start to line up for the egg touching. "Egg...touching...?" He repeats slowly, reaching up to rub a hand against the back of his head. "I've never been to one before, I'm sure it won't hurt to see what it's all about..." He pushes himself slowly to his feet, taking his time to join the candidates which obviously puts him at the end of the line but he doesn't really seem to care about it too much.

Talien is considerably slower in straightening from her cot and working her feet into her boots. She even goes as far as unbraiding her hair as she heads toward the spot indicated by Tavrie. With only a little whispering here and there, she even manages to find her way to a spot just one person behind Ayson - of whom she resumes her study by now staring at the back of his neck, her attention from such diverted momentarily by Madison.

Tavrie watches the group assemble intently, her interest somewhat akin to the curious manner of a feline as she shifts almost restlessly. A polite nod is given the youngest candidate in return for the word 'ma'am. "Even weyrwoman would sound better than 'ma'am, hon. I'm not so old," she notes, wrinkling her nose in mock disgust. Shifting her gaze, Tavrie lingers on Nathein a moment, returning his smile. Ayson, Talien, Raykini -- all are noted again. "Good, I see we have many interested people. First, I'd like to make sure we're ready. Check your shoes to make sure your feet will be protected. Holes won't do for this," she begins. "Also, have something to drink now if you have anything close at hand. It is hot enough to shock those that aren't used to it. I've sent word to the kitchen and someone will meet us with fruit and water when we come off the sands," she begins. "When you're set, meet me outside the entrance to the hatching grounds," she notes. And with that, she turns and disappears through the door.

Tavrie meanders out to the bowl.
Tavrie has left.

You meander out to the bowl.

You go towards the western side of the bowl.

You walk through the tunnel, emerging in an enormous cavern. You walk up a short flight of steps into the galleries.

Hatching Galleries, High Reaches Weyr(#510RIJQas$)
Tiers of stone carved benches rise uniformly above the hatching sands, set against both the southern and western walls of the enormous hatching grounds. The warmth radiating from the sands make the cool stone benches a welcome change, especially for sand baked feet. One section of the galleries has been roped off for special spectators, and the seats within have cushions done in the dark blue and black of the Weyr. To the east, the cavern narrows and short flights of steps lead down to the cavern entrance or to the sands themselves. From the galleries, the many dragon ledges are visible, scattered all along the hatching cavern walls.

Down on the sands, a generous clutch of eggs is guarded by the broody queen, lovingly turning them as they harden. Curious visitors and weyrfolk finished with the day's tasks come here to view the eggs, and make their own guesses to what lies within them. Firelizards perch on the benches, watching for any excitement on the sands.

Tavrie strolls up into the stands from the entrance to the bowl.
Tavrie has arrived.

Ayson arrives, keeping some distance between himself and the always excitable Madison. The man shoves his hands within his pocket, waiting for some other command about what they do now that they're here. If he's aware of Talien staring at him while they go, he doesn't seem to notice outwardly except maybe for a few puzzeled glances her way once in awhile.

Toward the end of those looks from Ayson, Talien lifts a brow and gives him a knowing look. She might even be taunting him for all that a very small grin appears before she finally looks away to study what she can see of the sands. A nervous wringing of her hands dispels any confidence her posture otherwise holds, as does the occasional glance toward Tavrie.

Long legs notwithstanding, Nathein manages to stay to the back of the cluster of candidates all the way across the bowl, all the way toward the hatching grounds. He hitches his thumbs into his pockets while he walks, takes a few curious looks at the goldrider -- the understandable curiosity for a junior weyrwoman -- and keeps to himself other than that.

Raykini keeps pace with the rest of the candidates, his gray eyes focusing on the leader of the group -- the weyrwoman. He doesn't speak as they proceed forward, choosing to keep his silence instead. However, as they walk into the hatching gallaries, he casts a curious look over at the sand, "Is she going to try and hide them again once we get down there?"

Madison pads up with Ayson, brushing herself off as she looks around the others as she grins. "I think that they're my size now. The eggs I mean." She looks to Ayson and then back to Nathein and grins. "It's pretty neat, I guess. I wonder what they feel like." The young girl says, chuckling. "I'm nervous." She looks to the others.

Tavrie awaits the group of candidates at the entrance to the galleries, lounging in the very first seat in a rather nonchalant manner. When they begin to trickle in, she looks them over and rises to her feet, pacing over to meet them in a confident stride. Tavrie arches a brow at Nathein, seeming to catch one of his glances and then turns to gauge Raykini. The young woman lifts a finger, signaling for a moment of patience. "Now, this is the time for us to settle down and for you all to listen carefully to me," Tavrie begins, moving around the group and settling in close to Madison. The ex-nanny offers the youngest candidate a sincere yet motherly look that speaks of a hidden sternness. "I have instructions for you and believe me when I say that they are a matter of life and death," she notes, countenance serious now. "This is Nabrimeth's first clutch, likewise, my first time doing this with her. As you have noted, she is protective and a little bit skeptical of such things. I have assured her that no harm will come to the eggs and that this is important for you if you are to truly step onto the sands boldly when it comes time for her little ones to pick a lifemate. She has agreed that I can bring you out tonight, provided she watches you carefully and I do likewise," Tavrie pauses, coming up for air in her speech. "The rules are simple. When you enter, show her and the sire your best manners and courtesy. You may wander amidst the eggs and touch them carefully. No knocking or strange things like that. If Nabrimeth takes an interest in you, stop what you are doing...possibly back up. When I say it's time to leave, stop immediately and walk quickly and quietly off the sands. It is in -your- best interests to do this," Tavrie continues. "Are there any questions?" is added. "This is not a place of play. I can see you must work on staying calm, Madison," Tavrie points out.

"I will be most careful." Madison says as she nods to Tavrie as she moves up towards the entrance. "She was mad at me once, but I bowed and said she was pretty. That might work." She says, grinning.

Nathein starts an answer to Madison for all her exuberance, mouth open to begin the words when Tavrie starts speaking. Wisely, he quiets to let her finish her speech, little reaction save the steady raising of his eyebrows as she goes from the potentiality of Nabrimeth taking an interest to the possibility of rushing off the sands. At the end of it, he settles on nodding gravely; understood.

Raykini wrinkles his nose as he listens, crossing his arms over his head. He gives a little nod to her words, turning his head to the side to stare at the ground. "I'll be sure to be careful on the sands." Yes, he's rather keen on staying alive himself.

Ayson's eyebrows quirk a little in what might be considered amusement when Tavrie utters 'no knocking or strange things'. He's silent, even when he shoots Talien a baffled, nervous look for the one she gives him. He gives a nod of his head when the speech is finished.

Despite Talien affording Tavrie the full of her attention she still wrings her hands together. In rapid succession, her knuckles pop before she makes a conscious effort at stopping. Fisted hands fall against her sides, Talien offering Tavrie a somber nod.

"Well then, since you all seem to have gotten the point, you can follow me down and get to know the eggs a little better. This will help -a little- on the big day. And I do mean a very little," she teases, that same feline playfulness exhibited again. "Just remember...listen for me, watch the gold, and whatever you do...use common sense," is her last note of caution. This said, Tavrie strides readily down the stairs and out onto the sands. Coming up to the now wary gold, Tavrie calls to her. The queen lowers her head to the rider's level and Tavrie rests her hand there, turning to watch the candidates carefully.

Tavrie has left.
On the sands, Tavrie comes down a short flight of steps from the galleries.

Madison has left.
On the sands, Madison comes down a short flight of steps from the galleries.

You head down a short flight of steps to the hot sands.

Hatching Sands, High Reaches Weyr
The sands are stiflingly hot beneath your feet, nearly burning through your footwear and keeping even this large high cavern quite warm. A mound of sand has been gathered up in the center of the cavern, and this is where the queen has laid her eggs and watches lovingly over them as they harden. The sands have been neatly arranged around the many mottled eggs, though the queen is never quite satisfied and frequently turns and repositions each egg.

Bordering the sands to the south and west are the tiered benches of the galleries. Ledges for spectating dragons jut out from the cavern walls in every direction high above. A dark passageway leads off the sand towards the senior queen's weyr.

Talien comes down a short flight of steps from the galleries.
Talien has arrived.

Raykini comes down a short flight of steps from the galleries.
Raykini has arrived.

Raykini comes down the steps rather carefully, having pulled his hands out of his pockets at some pont, fixing the sands with a rather steely gaze. "It's hot down here." He mumbles quietly, pulling at his shirt with his fingers. And, as his boots touch down on the sands, he pauses, bending low to the dam and sire and remaining there for a moment or two. Finally, he rises and his eyes flickering to Tavrie, as if making sure it's okay to proceed forward.

Coming out onto the sands, Madison smiles a bit at Tavrie and she gives a deep bow to Nabrimeth and Wrencath, smiling. "Hello beautiful Gold, Handsome Bronze." She says, smiling at them both before she moves towards the sands. "I feel like I'm baking." She says as she moves to the eggs

Nathein sweats. A fine bead of sweat breaks out across his forehead and the back of his neck, and he loosens his collar in response. Passing Madison, rolling up his sleeves, he speaks out of the side of his mouth; "Laying it on a little thick." He dips his head in a low nod toward the gold, partially inclined at the waist but not a full bow, and approaches the nearest egg tentatively.

Ayson comes down a short flight of steps from the galleries.
Ayson has arrived.

Ayson walks slowly down the steps, eyes focused on the eggs and making sure that he doesn' trip. He gives a partial bow, similar to Nathein's before moving fully onto the sands. "My respects." The man says clearly, making way for anyone behind him. He makes his way cautiously around the eggs, appearing nervous as far as actually touching them is concerned.

"Unlike you." Madison says to Nathein as she approaches Defender of the Sky Egg, "I actually mean it." She gives him a broad, tight lipped smile to the much larger man. "I'm not full of what these dragon's poo out." She places her hand onto the Defender egg, tentatively touching it. Fingers make first contact before her palm connects with it. "They're so beautiful." She says, sweat beading up on her face.

Nabrimeth nudges away Tavrie's hand and lifts her head a little higher to watch the people with ease. The gold rumbles low in her throat, turning to sniff at Nathein and then tilting her head to take in little Madison. Raykini is observed next, the gold's gaze green yet. She shifts, pushing sand up against one of the eggs. Wrencath perks up a little, seeming to fidget as his gaze shifts from the protective mother to the newcomers.

Talien lets a few candidates move ahead of her, staying rooted at the entrance as she watches their progression and the reaction of the dam before striking out on her own. While she tries going for a confident bearing, her shoulders and movements are too stiff and jerky to be of any conviction and when it comes time to pass before the gold, Talien affords her a shallow and equally stiff nod. Wrencath's fidget and shift earn him a similar accommodation before Talien steps toward one particular sea-blue egg.

Raykini shifts rather nerviously in his spot, offering a nod in greeting to the gold as he's eyed, making his way carefully through the sand, frowning a little as he does so. he doesn't speak to the others, instead, he kneels rather curiously next to a egg sticking out of the side, keeping his fingers to himself for the most part. "The pictures are so much better up close." He murmurs, casting an appreciative look to them. "What causes them to produce images, Weyrwoman?"

"Still." Nathein smirks blandly at the little girl, his hands laid on the egg with care. "There's polite and there's..." Trailed off, he ends a shrug to Madison and studies his own palms on the egg with his lips quirked thoughtfully askew. He meets Nabrimeth's study with a calm-seeming smile, wordless under scrutiny.

Tavrie sighs in exasperation, head shaking. "Now Nabrimeth, you know as well as I do where this is going. You can't keep them shelled up forever," the woman notes. She shrugs at Raykini. "I've often wondered why the eggs look the way they do myself. I must admit, no one has ever had a good answer for me and I don't have a good one for you, either," she admits with a sheepish grin. Nabrimeth snakes her head around to have a look at Talien, does she seem unsure? Guilty? The gold's lip curls slightly. The moment passes and her attention shifts again, gaze locked onto Ayson thoughtfully. Wrencath, doesn't seem to know what to do with himself, so he lingers on the edge of the eggs, peering over them wistfully.

Ayson slow route through the sands brings him to a gravelly looking egg. He hesitantly puts his hands on its shell. Eyes are lifted when Nabrimeth casts her gaze onto him. He does swallow a little, looking nervous as he averts his gaze from the much larger creature. He looks around the sands, moving to another egg, finally finding himself near Talien. His voice is soft when he asks, "Are you feeling alright?"

Raykini nods his head as he listens, a thoughtful gaze coming to his face as his eyes drift downwards, stretching out a finger to trace the images, "In all my turns...I've never seen anything so...beautiful...for a lack of a better word. You can't see them very well from the gallaries." But he's mostly talking to himself, putting his thoughts into words. He pushes himself to his feet, wrapping his arms about his chest.

Nathein runs his palm down toward the base of the egg, his fingers curved and just brushing the sand before he starts to straighten. After listening to the exchange between Tavrie and Raykini, he mumbles, "They look like eggs to me." With a shrug, he grazes his hand back to the top of the egg and steps away, looks for another one.

Tavrie yawns, the heat seeming to make her tired. "My favorite?" she queries. "I suppose...I like that blueish one," she points at it, smiling. She calmly watches the group, face neutral. After a moment, the gold recieves her scrutiny. Nabrimeth is seeming more and more uncomfortable. Claws rake at the sand anxiously and she swings her head increasingly quickly to keep sight of the candidates. "Alright love, alright. Calm down, I'll see them out," she says. "Sorry to make it a short visit, but let's head back up and right on outside, candidates!" Tavrie calls across the sands. "As promised, they should have drinks for you out in the bowl with the fresh air," she calls. Nabrimeth offers a faint his, lowering her head and seeming to offer encouragment for them to hurry.

Nathein doubts Raykini, that much is obvious. Straightened, he has a good view of the other candidate and time to give him a dubious look, one hand still absently placed on top of the out-of-place midnight blue egg. "You never saw eggs? Even right before they're scrambled and served up for breakfast?" Given pause, he glances down at the egg under his palm; "I'll admit these are a little different than breakfast eggs..." And quick as that, he follows directions and moves toward the bowl.

Raykini rolls his eyes a little in annoyance, "I've had eggs before." He states, even as he backs away from the newest one he's taken interest in, waking away from them as calmly as possible. "But they never looked like these." And he's off dissapearing into the bowl.

"You know," Talien says suggestively, "It. I think it's you, at least, 'cause you're the only one who could've." Making an earnest effort at keeping her voice low enough not to disrupt the other candidates, Talien spares the egg before them another look and doesn't look terribly inclined to touch it again... until, of course, it becomes her last chance to do so. With one last brush of her hand against the eggs surface, Talien turns to follow the others out.

Breakfast eggs? Nabrimeth's growling fades and her attention snaps onto Nathein, teeth now bared in a flash of lethal white at the mere thought being mentioned. Not just a little different, a lot different. What was once a growl is building now toward a roar.

Ayson straightens, his hands slipped into his pockets. His attention again slips to the large gold before he's quickly moving off of the sands just before whispering to Talien, "I don't know what you're talking about. You have something to tell me you /think/ I did, we can talk after." His eyes widen visibly as the gold's growl turns into a roar. He doesn't break into a run for the stands, but he sure is moving faster.

"Wait!" Madison moves over in front of Nathein between him and the gold dragon. She hurries over across the sands, keeping away from the eggs. "He's stupid, beautiful gold!" The young girl says, holding her arms upwards. "Please don't be mad at us, please. He didn't mean that. No one wants to smash the eggs, we love them. They're beautiful." The little one is trembling like crazy, even as she continues to talk. "I promise, I wouldn't do anything to them and he wouldn't either. He just has a big mouth and doesn't know when to shut up."

Nabrimeth sweeps around to put her back to the escaping candidates, curled between the eggs and the stairs like a greedy canine with a bone. Tavrie pats her on her way by. "You aren't making a good impression, love," she states. Nabrimeth just snorts. Wrencath, for his part, heaves a whuff of a sigh and goes to try and comfort his mate.

The gentleman doth protest; "I'm not stupid. Let's just..." Here, Nathein reaches toward Madison's forearm with the intent of drawing the girl off the sands as directed. "I'm sorry," he thinks to add toward the gold, the concession sent with an apologetic nod and just a little flicker of fear in his expression. "Let's go."

Tavrie heads up a short flight of steps to the galleries.
Tavrie has left.

Talien's steps quicken with the gold's rumble - to Ayson's reply she offers a terse nod. Madison's reaction garners a look over her shoulder, but it doesn't last long. Attempting to keep ahead of and just infront of Ayson, Talien hurries on her way to the exit.

You head up a short flight of steps to the galleries.

You walk down a short flight of steps and head out through the entrance to the bowl.

Western Bowl, High Reaches Weyr(#880RIJs)
Standing on the western side of the bowl, the high crownlike spires of the Seven Spindles on the north wall tower magestically above the roughly ovoid bowl floor. Near you, a large boulder stands, placed almost exactly in the center of the bowl. This side of the bowl is busy with the constant flow of residents and visitors around the entrance to the living cavern to the southwest and the lower caverns to the west. To the north, the large opening on the upper wall leading into the hatching grounds catches your eye. Directly below it, the ground entrance to the same area seems almost tiny. Northwest, the weyrs belonging to the junior queens of High Reaches are accessible from a short set of stairs and a path of carefully laid black marble leads from them to the entrance to the living cavern. To the south, a few ground weyrs remain unoccupied, in case any visiting or injured dragons need them.

The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. while Timor winks as a waxing crescent though the smaller Belior closes its eye to dream. There seems to be a light breeze and the fall air is pleasantly warm.

Talien comes out of the entrance to the hatching grounds.
Talien has arrived.

Raykini comes out of the entrance to the hatching grounds.
Raykini has arrived.

Ayson comes out of the entrance to the hatching grounds.
Ayson has arrived.

Madison comes out of the entrance to the hatching grounds.
Madison has arrived.

Ayson follows the group from the sands and then into the bowl. While things are still quiet and before the juice seems to be distributed, he finds Madison and hisses at her, "Are you trying to get devoured? You do some truly foolish things, I can't think of anything more so than throwing yourself at a dragon that is getting really angry." He shakes his head at the girl and simple walks off away from her and a little distant.

Just as she promised, a table as been set up just outside the entrance to the galleries and a few of the kitchen helpers have assembled glasses of a thin fruit juice that looks more like a fruit water. Slices of various fruits can also be found on trays as well as one tray of large cookies. "Thank you all for being good sports and good visitors. No talk of breakfast again though, hmm?" she offers with a sly wink. Clearly, the woman is amused and not angry. "Nabrimeth will get better and better, I know it. Good evening to you all," she says, making her way to the table to expidite a quick retreat. "There's rules here, too! Drink some juice and eat a little fruit. No cookie without fruit, them's the rules!" a robust, elderly woman notes, waving a laddle at the group. "You need liquid and good stuff in yah after the sands," she reaffirms to them, attempting to hustle the young Madison up first with concern.

"Eggs, fruit, juice..." Nathein trails off expressively, sends an apologetic look toward the goldrider much the same as he did to her dragon. "Breakfast seems like a natural subject." Chastised, he slips off to collect something cool and find a breeze to wash it down.

Madison moves up and takes one of the mugs and the fruit. "I'm fine, really!" It looks like Madison has taken a bath. She's still shaking a bit from defending of Nathein in the sands. She flumps down into a chair and takes a large drink before she munches on the fruit. "Not a kid." she tells the woman.

Talien keeps around the edges of the group, skirting the assembled mass until she's at the tail end of the line forming for post-sands refreshments. With a steady, deep breath, she hooks her arms around her middle and patiently waits her turn.

Nathein finds the breeze and wanders off with it.

a'son, madison, nathein, |nathein-candidate, talien

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