[Jaeyi] Picnic for five... or ten...

Apr 07, 2011 17:47

RL Date: 4/6/11
IC Date: 6/2/25 --Since my log is in pieces on my work PC and home, I stole this log from Ella. :D

Fair enough weather to all but require people to get out and about, Jaeyi's enjoying the remnants of an afternoon free, down by the lakeshore with her son. The tattered old patchwork quilt is there, spread with the detritus of what used to be a lunch along with some toys, weighted down at the corners by small piles of rocks, but both the boy and his mother are down closer to the water, alternately daring to approach the waves and then scurrying away when they lap up to the pebbly shore, an age-old game of tag with the water.

Fiorella is taking advantage of the afternoon for a very similar thing. Well, not the picnic with a toddler, but getting outside and basking in the warmth of the early summer. While she does notice people about the lake as she walks down the path its that familiar looking tattered quilt that catches her attention enough to look a little closer at just who is about, an action that has her soon spotting Jaeyi and TJ. Its with a smile that she lifts a hand to wave as she calls out a greeting, turning her steps to bring her onto the beach.

As brave as toddlers are under the right circumstances, there's that equal propensity toward sudden bashfulness. From running against the waves to running to his mother's legs, Tejay peers uncertainly at Fiorella-- a familiar face, sure, but not everyday. Hefting the boy up to one hip, her feet now coated with sand, Jaeyi trudges up toward the blanket again, calling a cheerful, "Helllllo, Ella!" The curly-haired child buries his face in her shoulder, only willing to peek for now.

"Oh, you're going to be shy now are you?" Fiorella says, those words directed towards Tejay with a smile as he peeks over at her, fingers curling and uncurling in a little wave to the boy. "I swear he's bigger every time I see him," she comments to his mother then as they meet at the blanket. "Its nice to see I'm not the only one who's loving the weather."

"He's bigger every time he moves, it seems like," Jaeyi answers with a laugh, making an 'oof' noise while she adjusts the boy's perch on her hip. Bashfully quiet though likely not to last for long, the boy continues to peek experimentally now and then while his mother lowers herself as gracefully as she can to the blanket, waving Ella after if she's so inclined. "It seemed silly to be indoors on a day like this, and T'rev's off doing T'rev-stuff for the day, so here we are. How're you?"

Fiorella nods, settling herself on the quilt as well when Jaeyi takes a seat. "Ahh," she says of T'rev, "I hope he gets to enjoy at least a little bit of the day. He must be liking it though, now that it's warm." They both know he's not exactly partical to the cold that Fort gets in the winter. "I'm doing well though thank you. Speaking of summer days..."

There's a moment's pause while Jaeyi lets the boy climb out of her lap, gives him a strict directive about how far he's allowed to go-- which also means trying to be sure he's understood her-- and situates herself in such a way as to keep an eye on the plump toddler. He picks up the remnants of some crackers and, checking to see if he's going to get in trouble with a backward peek, starts edging off the quilt while the Baker comments, "Mmn, I suppose he does, you'd probably have to ask him. I think he's more acclimated to the winter than I ever will be, lucky him. --Speaking of summer days?"

Fiorella nods. "Well he did have that time at Telgar before he transferred here.." she remarks as perhaps nothing more than a thought outloud. "But," she continues with a nod, "Speaking of summer, I was hoping maybe you could find time to maybe put together a picnic for my turnday?" she asks hopefully. "Unless T'rev has other plans. It's not until the end of the month," she adds to note that there's plenty of time to consider, its not an 'oh, by the way can you do this for tomorrow' request.

"I'm sure we could put together something," Jaeyi answers, none too fettered by the asking. Half of her attention stays on her child, now busy experimenting if it's possible to combine a handful of dirt and a handful of cracker crumbs. "How many people will be picnicking? Are you talking about three or four or fifteen or forty? I hadn't heard of any plans, but that doesn't mean T'rev doesn't have any." 'Talk' isn't usually high on their list of priorities, see.

"Thanks," Fiorella chirps. "Not many I'd imagine," she replies, apparently how many she hadn't exactly determined yet. "I don't want anything real big. I figured you and T'rev, Tejay," she includes the boy, green eyes turning a glance towards him and then back to his mother. "Nissa.." the rest she sorts out in her head over the course of a few seconds. "I'd say no more than ten maybe?"

Jaeyi counts off on her fingers, silent but keeping track-- her, T'rev, Tejay (enh, she waffles her hand since he's doesn't count as a full person), Nissa, and Ella, of course. "That's, like five? Four and a half, if you figure-- yes, rocks taste yucky, put it down, please-- if you figure that TJ is more likely to eat rocks than real food. Five and ten are different numbers," she answers, laughing at her own brilliance. "But we can aim for ten, I suppose, and have leftovers. Anything you do or don't want at this shindig?"

Fiorella nods, "Well, ther's a few I'm not sure of yet," she explains. Five and ten are different numbers, yes. "I'll try to get you a better number, but I would think somewhere around that." As for what she'd like.. "Well those little berry tarts," she starts, fingers going around to show the size she's talking about, "that you make are my favorite. But other than that I don't want anything terribly fancy. Just something light and picnic worthy."

Nodding right back, Jaeyi answers, "All righty, I think we can do that. I'll scribble some notes for you maybe later today--" Or tomorrow, since she's as flaky as her pastry crust at times. "--and you can let me know if you need any changes made, and we'll go from there, hmn?"

"Have I told you how wonderful you are lately?" Fiorella asks the baker. She's not trying to suck up or anything, not at all. "That sounds wonderful," she agrees to checking over what notes she makes in the next few days. "I really do appreciate it, but I suppose I should be getting back soon. I have a few things to finish up," she explains. Its not that she wants to leave.

"No, but I'm ready to bask in my own glory whenever you feel like mentioning it," Jaeyi answers sunnily, lashes a-fluttering in a simpering way. The boy, running madly in circles around the perimeter of the quilt, stops finally and comes crashing back against his mother's legs, chattering away in words only he can understand, a good reason for Jaeyi not to look devastated at Ella's impending leave-taking. "Mmn, I understand how that goes. Good luck with the few-things."

"You're welcome," Fiorella replies with a bright smile as she slips back to her feet. "And the two of you have a good rest of your afternoon." Beat. "Bye Tejay," she adds, fingers wiggling in a wave to the boy. "Thanks again Jaeyi, I'll catch up with you later." And with that she's turning to head on her way.

*jaeyi-journeyman, fiorella, jaeyi

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