[Jaeyi] T'rev doesn't think Jaeyi's idea is all that awesome. Yet.

Sep 19, 2010 17:10

RL Date: 9/19/10
IC Date: 10/15/23 --Back-dated.

Arch-Ceilinged Weyr, Fort Weyr(#1226RA)
Split into two rooms, this weyr boasts a comfortable sitting area to welcome visitors near the hearth, where a brown leather couch and two chairs stand atop a rug woven of the Weyrleader's favorite rusty shades. Just beyond the sitting area, a table that seats six constitutes what some might call a formal dining area with a hutch standing against the wall beyond that holds dishes and a large collection of drinking glasses as well as a sideboard for serving food. A wine rack, well-stocked with a wide selection of wines, ports and brandies resides in the corner, ready to serve.

Separated from the receiving area, is the sleeping room, which bears a fresh coat of cream-colored paint and bright tapestries on the walls, one of which depicts Nerat Hold, likely a token of respect for T'rev's origins. The bed is a large, sturdy wooden frame with a simple rectangular headboard with rails along its back. Other furniture here includes: a comfortable lounge chair, the side table that goes with it and some wicker chairs for guests. Portable shelves are set up to either side of the hearth to hold the Weyrleader's books. The entrance to the bath is curtained off at the back of the chamber.

It's early still, the autumn air cool with just a touch of mistiness to it that catches the colors of the newly risen sun and paints the sky in pretty colors. T'rev's gaze turns upward towards his own weyr, expression thoughtful and he nudges Mecaith awake both physically and mentally to get the bronze to unwind from Elaruth long enough to convey him home. "She can come with if she wants," he drawls out the offer, "But I gotta go wash up, change and start to get crackin'." Apparently mentioning duty is what gets Mecaith to stretch and allow his rider up onto his back for the glide up to their weyr. Once there, T'rev peels out of his clothes, jacket and boots left to hang and stand in the entryway, things worn yesterday carried to the hamper and left there as he calls out curiously: "Jae?" Like he's not sure she'll be here.

It wasn't uncommon for Jaeyi to be up and about at this hour as recently as a month or two ago, to be yawning her way through dressing and washing her face and heading down to make sure breakfast got served. But, as T'rev would know by now, she's been working things out with Melkyn here at the Weyr and her colleagues at the Hold to separate her time from actually being /in/ the kitchen so much, and is thus still in bed at this hour. She sleeps straight through Mecaith's arrival, through the clatter and rustle of discarded clothes, through the tossing of them into the hamper, but rubs her eyes at the call, scooting up to half-sitting. "Well, I'll be damned," tiredly teasing. "If it isn't the Weyrleader himself, and me still being all lazy in bed. I better get up." Actions fail to suit words.

Chuckling softly, T'rev pads over, completely immodestly and leans over to press a kiss to Jaeyi's forehead. "Hey, wasn't sure if you'd be here or not," he says candidly, then shifts to sit on the bed's edge. "Was gonna get washed up and stuff," T'rev adds mildly and slides on hand over in search of hers, aiming to thread fingers together. "You get enough sleep?" he asks next, a faint note of concern in his voice.

Jaeyi shrugs to preface an airy, "What's 'enough?'" She'll enjoy an eye full of T'rev on his way over, true, but it's the laced fingers that prompt a genuine little smile, just starting to slide back down to her pillow before she pauses to ask, "Do you think you have that under control, or are you gonna need help?" The 'washing up and stuff.' As if it's a real ordeal, the kind of thing for which it's only natural that a person might seek outside help. Even amid the little levity, she leans her head and looks to catch his eyes, her own questioning beneath raised brows: he's all right, right?

"Enough so you're not feelin' draggy and that funny burnin' behind the eyes thing," T'rev elaborates and smiles again, seeking to draw those fingers up to his lips for a series of little kisses across knuckles. "Hmm. I think I might be able to manage, yeah. Though if you're feelin' up to helpin' out I won't say no." His tone is good-natured and a humorous brow-waggle follows. Yeah, he's just fine. "Gonna be a busy day," is acknowledged however. "But I'm plannin' to be home for supper. I figure we oughta give T'kyn a few days to move out before we go settin' you up in style with just those stairs to climb instead of always needin' a ride up here." Another kiss is aimed for the side of her thumb, around a little lopsided grin and twinkling eyes.

Testing, knuckling her eyelids with her free hand, Jaeyi deduces, "Yeah, I got enough." From there, it's easy enough to hook her arm around T'rev's shoulder, to let that serve as a brace for sitting up the rest of the way, scooting with quilts all bunched up around her to return the favor given to her thumb with kisses for his collarbone. "I had a good think about that last night, relocating and all, but we can talk about it in the bath as well as we can here. Without making you late for your busy day, hmn?" So smart, this one.

"Good," T'rev answers softly as her arm goes around his shoulder and his free hand reaches to brace her hip through blankets as she scoots up to full sitting. "Ain't got anything scheduled just yet, but Hattie's workin' on it," the Weyrleader confesses. "So in the bath works just great for me." The hand laced with hers tries to guide her other arm around him and he turns his head to nuzzle lightly at her cheek. "Want to be carried n' pampered?" is the next offer.

Jaeyi's, "How fun for you," is pretty bland, not exactly ripe to envy T'rev for whatever his day may entail by the time the new Weyrwoman's done with workin' on it. That question, that offer deserves a laugh, as if she's so much the independent type as to insist on getting there under her own steam, as if she'd do otherwise than to loop her other arm around him as well, laced fingers flush to the back of his neck. "Is it better to be doing this with Hattie than it was with Cirse? I was pondering last night on whether it'd be better to work so closely with a friend or with someone whose strictly business, so which is it?"

"Won't be too bad, at least one of those visits'll be to Lord Visrain and t'other to Astivan and neither of them is a hardship," T'rev answers with further candor as his arms shift and he leans in a bit to get a better grip on her to swing her up into his arms prepartory to standing and heading for the baths. Her question pauses him long enough to answer however, with a little grin. "Better. Mostly because I know what t'expect from Hattie. And we trust each other." He hefts her closer then, pushes to his feet and heads for the bathroom, ducking out through one curtain and in past the other. "It's also just plain different this time because I've done the job before and I know how I /want/ to do things. Don't think I'll be needin' to figure things out on the fly so much."

"My my my, it's almost like three and a half years makes a big difference," Jaeyi comments over a quiet laugh at the whole 'won't be too bad' part of that, so cavalier about making nice with the Lord-types now. There's a second where she clearly starts to regret this whole 'carry me' plan, her fingers releasing the quilt with obvious reluctance till she tucks in close to his chest, shivering out of habit than actual chill. "Plus," she adds helpfully, "you're pretty good now at not sounding like a bumpkin when you have to, so you won't have to work on that so much." But here's the real issue; "Are you happy to have the job back?"

"Imagine that," T'rev jokes gamely of three years as they step into the steamy confines of the bathroom and he walks around to where the steps lead downward, just plain walks right into the water. "Not soundin' bumpkin-like will definitely come in useful," continues humorous but then he tilts his head to find her eyes with his. "Yes and no at the same time. I know I can do it and I know I've missed parts of it and I haven't been happy watchin' someone else mess with friends n' colleagues in ways I don't agree with. But I know this is gonna change things again and that'll need workin' out." Breath out as water rises to his waist. "Mostly, I'm glad you're a journeyman now so I don't have to pretend that I don't love you or that we're not spendin' time together." Pause. "No lies, this time. Not about that anyway."

Honestly, "Yeah, that goes a long ways," with another little laugh. Jaeyi looks to lower herself into the water now that it's there, taking a moment to pull her hair into a knot at the back of her neck, since it's uncombed and ripe for disaster if it gets wet like that. "It also brings up my very bright idea, if you wanna get yourself situated and I'll wash your back for you while I enlighten you as to my brainstorm." How she goes on being totally oblivious to the fact that that, every time she has a bright idea, /catastrophe/ invariably follows is just one of those mysteries that may never be solved.

Jaeyi getting wet. Never fails. There goes T'rev's gaze a-wandering and it takes a moment for his brain to reconnect with more serious things. Like getting his back scrubbed. "Sounds good," he remarks still with a returning touch of humor and a lingering trail of fingers along the side of her arm as he steps toward the side of the pool to draw a basket of various soaps and hair care products closer to the edge. A few steps into deeper water and he bends to dunk himself beneath the surface, comes up rubbing at his face, then settles on the shelf that lines the circumference of the pool. "So, hit me with this lightnin' flash of yours," he invites, regardless of the inherent dangers of Jaeyi's brainstorms.

Yeah, 'cause back-scrubbed is /serious business/. Jaeyi rummages around amid the copious crap she needs for a bath for nice, safe, T'rev-smelling soap and makes a big lather on a wash cloth, following over to quick-whisk away the droplets coming off the ends of his curls and kiss the back of his neck before the serious business gets under way. Thankfully, this time, it doesn't sound as much like something likely to back-fire too tremendously on her; "Well, I was thinking that, since we're going to have to move again anyway, it might be smart if I went ahead and took a room, hmn? Thataway the baby won't keep you up at night, since I don't think you can get away with skipping Big Important Weyrleader Stuff 'cause you're tired, but I can always shuffle things around."

That kiss sends a visible shiver down T'rev's spine and he makes a quiet murmured sound of appreciation in spite of the fact that he just spent most of yesterday afternoon and well into the evening tangled up with the new Weyrwoman. Her suggestion however, is met with silence as the lather makes its way across his back. "D'you mean a room to sometimes have as a back up, or d'you mean you won't be movin' with me?" he asks after a moment, tone perhaps frighteningly neutral.

Whatever she /meant/, past tense, "Iiiiii mean whichever one you think sounds like a better idea." Jaeyi and her lack of poker face don't expect him not to know better, and, while she scrubs, she clarifies, "It's really not so much to do with 'with you' as-- well. Don't you think you're gonna have your hands full without weyrmate and baby underfoot? Not that I think that you'd think we were underfoot, but this was really very logical and made sense to me last night, just so you know." While he was tangled up with the new Weyrwoman, she was pondering logistics; his night sounds more fun than hers.

Who'd a thunk. Jaeyi. Pondering logistics for that long. "I think that maybe we should give things a chance first, but that maybe havin' a backup is a good idea," T'rev answers after a moment, head turned to cast a glance back over his shoulder. "It's a really big weyr, Jae. I'd like t'think there's room for my family in there without anyone 'bein' underfoot'." He looks down at the water's surface, sweeps his hand through the little ripples and collection of suds. "I know you're just tryin' to think of what might be best. Yeah, I'll have some really busy days and I'll have some days that won't be so busy, so if you and the baby're gonna need a safe place to be on those days that I'm not so available, that's fine. Just ... don't cut me out before we've even gotten a good idea of how things're gonna work this time?"

Tossing the rag to the edge of the bath and splashing a few palms of water at his soapy back, Jaeyi makes it clean enough not to be tasting suds before she kisses between T'rev's shoulderblades, saying in between, "I'm not cutting you out, I'm just. Trying to think of ways to make things easier. You never actually /lived/ with your babies before, after all. Anyways. If you think it's not a good idea, then I guess it's not a good idea. You're not going to cut your hair off this time, are you?" Hi, subject change!

Kisses do the job of distracting T'rev at least a little and he turns around to gather Jaeyi back into his arms. "I know you are Jae, I know. I just ... I want to at least try," he claims with a faint note of frustration in his voice. "Doesn't have to be every night. So I do think it's a good idea to get yourself a room. We talked about it when you came back to the Weyr remember? Even when there wasn't a baby yet. I just really want to still be able to come home to you. Hell, half of what made this job so hard last time was not bein' able to do that." Subject change: "Nah, not like I did last time. Though it does need a trim." Because well, it really does. He has a bad habit of letting it get a little shaggy.

"Well. Then. Wouldn't it make more sense if, instead of us coming and staying with you sometimes, you came and stayed with us sometimes? Then, if you had a big day or something coming up, you could come and say good night and go home to your own quiiiiiiet bed." Jaeyi reasons gently, looking sorry for him at his frustration but-- seriously, she doesn't get a lot of good ideas (or even halfway decent ones), can she be blamed if she's not happy one of the few is being shuffled off on account of sentimentality? Combing her fingers through the curls in question, putting kisses on T'rev's cheeks, she nods distractedly about needing a trim, starting to lose focus. 'Cause naked bathtime, it's a wonder she's made it this far.

What Jaeyi gets in answer is big fat puppy-dog-eyed hurt look. There's likely a lot of sense in that suggestion, but maybe the day after a flight when he's trying to re-connect with his weyrmate wasn't the best time to hit him with 'Hi honey, I want to move out, so you can sleep better at night'. "Y'know, we don't gotta figure it all out right this second," is what T'rev settles on for an answer. "Put in for the room and we can work it out when we get there, okay? For now, I really -- I want you to be there. With me. I don't want to be alone like that again." Aha. That might be the crux of it. His arms tighten around her and yeah, naked bathtime, it has the usual expected effects. "I love you," T'rev murmurs down near her ear.

Yeah, well. 'Hi honey, I just got a big promotion, let's move house while you're seven months pregnant.' But Jaeyi softens at his insistence, 'cause she's got about as much fortitude as a stick of butter on a hot afternoon, and however sound her logic might have been, she gives it up with a nod at his request. "I know that," and she does, no matter what else rattle around in that empty head of hers sometimes. "But gosh! Selfish me. I haven't even /congratulated/ you yet." Considering where her hands are headed, her version congratulations should help with the reconnecting.

"Thanks," T'rev says very earnestly as Jaeyi relents, though shortly the work of her hands drives anything like sensible thought out of his head and hey, water's good for the whole 'sex while 7 months pregnant' thing isn't it? On the far side of reconnecting, T'rev keeps his arms around Jaeyi, regardless of the whole dampness factor. "It'll be different this time, Jae," he says, well after he's breathing close to normally again. "It'll be different," he repeats, like he's determined to make sure of that, on top of believing it. "I should finish gettin' cleaned up though. Go talk to T'kyn and the wingleaders. I'll be busy most of today and the next couple of days, meetings and whatnot, but I'll be home for supper."

Jaeyi, kindly, refrains from saying a word about irony-- it'll be different, right after all these meetings, yep. She holds a look on T'rev for a second, a brow climbing, but she only settles a few kisses against the side of his neck, quiet, warm, unarguing. A good thirty seconds goes by before she unwinds her arms from him, smoothing hands across his chest while she leans against the edge of the bath; "You probably better put some clothes on, then. I dunno that T'kyn will appreciate you being naked the same way I do, may not be the impression you really wanna give as Weyrleader."

Irony'd probably be lost on T'rev right now anyway. That and he probably means it about being home for supper where he used to spend half the night doing work in the council room before. He does, however, laugh at that suggestion, expression warming and he leans down to kiss her very very soundly. "Mmm. Yeah, he'd probably call me 'kid' again. Or worse," T'rev jokes with a little wink. "Wanna help me pick out an outfit to be all impressive in?" This as he reaches over to catch up something to wash his hair with, lathers up and winds up with a stack of suds on top of his head. Not impressive.

Jaeyi's only idly washing herself, really, kind of playing with her own soap enough to make a lather and scrub her arms and face, mostly watching T'rev. "I can't imagine why he'd ever think of calling you kid," she says effusively, eyes pointedly pinned on the suds. "But I'd be happy to help you get dressed, sure," with a beam, precious little pretense spared: her version of help likely isn't going to result in things happening very hastily.

T'rev peeks upwards at what's visible of that crown of lather and chuckles. "Yeah well, this is why I need t'dress the part. That and there's Lordly hands to go shakin' too," he adds. "And thanks, always appreciate a good opinion on what t'wear." And if it doesn't happen hastily, T'rev isn't likely to complain. He dunks down to rinse off, reappears with water running down his shoulders, digging some out of his eyes. "Allrighty, all clean, feelin' good, best get to it. Soonest done, soonest I'm back," he announces cheerily.

Like hers is one to value, Jaeyi points out, "I have a very good opinion on what you oughta wear." Certainly, her musing has nothing whatsoever to do with water running off his shoulders and all, nothing to do with an unresisted desire to traipse her palms where the water went afterward. "I'll go take a wardrobe inventory," she resolves dutifully, at least making a token effort to appear supportive of his busy-ness. Or maybe just contemplating having sex in the wardrobe. It's hard to tell sometimes.

Certainly, palms over his shoulders and downward steals some of T'rev's breath and his eyes close, visibly relishing the feeling of her hands on him. "Mmmhm. You do that. Otherwise I dunno if I'm gonna manage to get out of the bath atall today," he says laughingly and opens his eyes, bends to kiss her again. "Anything you need me t'pick up for you today while I'm out n' about?"

So so so so /so/ gravely, Jaeyi looks T'rev square in the eyes and says, "That would be a real shame, wouldn't it." The fact that she might be able to get stuff from his being out and about hadn't occurred to her yet, obviously, and it buys him a few brief reprieve from Li'l Miss Handsy, who decides presently, "No, nothing really comes to mind. Mmn, lemme rephrase that. All the things that come to mind seem to have more to do with one or the other of us tied to the headboard, /not/ with you off shaking Lords' hands. So." Ho-hum, real shame.

"Completely awful. Hattie'll give me one o' her looks dont'cha know," T'rev replies with a little grin, but his arms go around her and he pulls her tight against him, drops his mouth to the side of her neck. "Mm, that sounds real good. Save it for later? Maybe I'll sneak in on you 'round lunchtime, hm?" Temptation, temptation. "Or I can surprise you with something," the bronzerider decides with way too much mischief in his voice. A few more kisses land before he pushes away with a little groan. "Okay. Gotta dry off. Get dressed." And maybe douse himself in /cold/ water.

"Ohhh well, I guess you do need to get things started off on the right foot. Though I don't know why you can't just put things off a day." Sigh. Jaeyi goes off to pick out something decent for T'rev to wear, no matter how indecent she'd rather be, only making things moderately difficult for him-- she's got his shirt on, for example, so he'll have to take it off of her before he can put it on himself. NB: "I have to help with lunch, so it won't do you much good to come around then, but I'll see you for dinner."

Emerging from the bath mostly dried off and still toweling his hair, T'rev looks absolutely charmed by Jaeyi-in-his-shirt. He too tries to keep the groping to a minimum as he peels it off of her to put it on, but yes, there's still some of that going on. "Darn. Guess that means no tyin' to the headboard. But I could always put you on top of one of them barrels in the back storeroom and see what that does for fun angles," he 'threatens' with a waggle of his brows, followed by a kiss that's meant to be toe-curling. "Don't forget about me while you're busy makin' lunch. You know I'll be thinkin' about you even when I'm bein' all official-like and behavin' myself on the outside."

It's definitely not a no; "That would sure set the tone for your Weyrleadership, hmn?" Jaeyi sends him off with an answering kiss, with some very promising groping in return, pants or not, and the assurance, "I won't forget. Be good." Now to get herself dressed, a far less entertaining task, and go make about a billion sandwiches for weyrfolk, still less entertaining. Considering her daydreams, she's lucky not to wind up cutting off her fingers today.

Straightening up his collar, T'rev just grins. "Hey, this one's already startin' out ten times better than the last one. Ain't no tears involved," he says more seriously and his forehead touches down to hers for a moment before he turns to take care of pants, boots and the like. "I'm always good," is his jaunty farewell as he heads out to find Mecaith and to be a good little Weyrleader. Only the barrels in back stores'll be able to say just how this particular turn as leader of Fort was inaugurated.

Jaeyi's version of a good little Weyrleader and T'rev's version are clearly not the same thing. She could care less about handshakes; she just wants to tie someone to a headboard, dammit, before she's too big for that sort of thing. The clock's a ticking on that one.

Yay for dessert. After dinner. Apparently with restraints.

Bah. Dinner. Time-consuming stupid meal.

With dessert!

Jaeyi, big fan of 'skip to dessert.'

Always :)

^knocked up, *jaeyi-journeyman, jaeyi, t'rev

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