[Jaeyi] So ready for bed.

Aug 15, 2010 09:52

RL Date: 8/14/10
IC Date: 6/25/23 --Not too racy.

Kitchen, Fort Weyr
Fort's kitchens are large, well-appointed and designed for efficiency. Granite counters, smoothed and polished through turns of use are tucked between the banks of stoves and ovens that share a wall with the living cavern's hearth. A swinging door at the end of the hearth area leads into the living cavern for easy set up and service of meals. Additional work space is available at half a dozen marble-topped, wooden islands that line up along the middle of the kitchen beneath hanging racks, bearing copper pots, pans and other equipment. Each island has drawers that hold smaller equipment like spoons, whisks and rolling pins. Supplies are kept on shelves along the walls or tucked into the islands, with bulkier items available in stores through another swinging door at the back of the kitchen. A row of utility sinks lines the wall alongside the door to stores for food prep and dishwashing.

The kitchen is busy almost all day, the only 'dead' time is typically between midnight and 4am when the bread bakers go on duty to bake the daily bread.

Things are mostly buttoned down for the night, just a few people working on breakfast prep, bread and the like, and the dishwasher still busy clanging away at the pots and pans and dinner dishes. There's still some service going on, of course, some people still scraping at the remnants of dinner or dessert, but the actual cooking is pretty well wrapped up. Even for Jaeyi, who is just putting things away for the night, closing a spice cupboard, wiping her fingers on a cloth, throwing some grapes at Sugar-- who balks at this /fruit/ business and, with a grumpy squawk, disappears into *between*. "Yeah, I feel about the same way," she mumbles, but eats them anyway.

The door swings open and admits one tired looking bronzerider who scans the kitchen, spots Jaeyi and in spite of visible fatigue comes up behind her and slides his arms around her, fingers lacing across her middle. "Hey beautiful, ready to call it a night?" he murmurs, ignoring any titters or people who still continue to gossip about the two of them, like they're not weyrmated and all proper now.

The dishwasher still seems to have some sort of /issue/ with T'rev, never mind this has been going on for four years now, and clatters things that much more noisily as if to prove a point. Because this has been going on for four years now, Jaeyi has learned to turn a deaf ear to it, relaxes almost immediately into those arms, not as wilted as T'rev, but "So ready to call it a night." She's not aware of his fatigue yet, still with her back to him and her own arms folded so they cross over each other, fingers curling around his biceps, indulging in the simple pleasure of a hug. "Let me put up my apron and I'm ready."

Likewise, T'rev totally ignores the clatter-fest that greets him. If the dishwasher has an issue, he can darned well bring it up. The bronzerider's arms tighten just a little and his lips drop to the side of Jaeyi's neck briefly, not fresh, just affectionate. "Long day, sweetheart?" asks solicitously and his hands linger on up her arms to her shoulders, where they massage briefly then release her reluctantly for putting up of apron.

Jaeyi's as reluctant to go as he is to let her, but she slips away after a moment, untying her apron and looping it over a hook on the wall nearby, running a hand over her hair afterward. "No more than they usually are, I'm just tired and wanna be petted." Turning back, now she notes his fatigue and cocks her head, adding, "I'm not the only one, looks like." Coming back, her turn to wind arms around him; "Long day, sweetheart?"

"You're workin' for two now," T'rev says with a little grin, watches her go and his arms welcome her back as she returns. "Yeah, I did a lot of running around today," the bronzerider admits. "Here there and everywhere," he concludes and tilts his head to press a kiss to her forehead. "I think I can be convinced to do a bunch of spoilin' tonight though."

Resting her elbows on his shoulders for a time, fingers raised to brush through his curls, Jaeyi offers, "I'm sorry for you. Where'd you have to run to?" Leaning her forehead into that kiss, exhaling a happy sigh at his latter words, she adds, "Did you eat? I don't have anything packed, but I can scrounge something for you before we go if you need something. I may not get out of bed ever again once I get in it, so speak now."

"Boll, Peyton, Ista, Nerat, and out to where the caravan is on the road for Cedri," T'rev rattles off the list, head tilting back a little into the touch of those fingers. "I ate with the Terrivs," the bronzerider confirms, "but if there's dessert ..." he casts a winning smile downward. "Though if you just point me at the right dish or whatever, I'll get it," he says, hands sliding down her shoulders and along her back again. Someone mutters something along the lines of 'get a room' in the depths of the kitchens.

Glancing back toward one of the trays that hasn't gone out to the caverns, Jaeyi explains, "I made pecan tarts earlier. Bourbon-pecan. They're a little less sugary that way, it seems like." The whole 'he'll get it for himself' idea meets with a dubious look upward, shaking her head with a last tightening of one arm around him. The heckling has no impact, really, her fingers combing his curls for a few spare brushes before she moves away again, looking for the whole setup-- tart, whipped cream, spoons. "That's a lotta places in one day, T'rev. Why?"

"That sounds great," T'rev says about bourbon-pecan tarts and smiles down at Jaeyi, lets her step away then follows after. Good puppy. "Sweeps. Courier duty. Being a good dad?"

"Boll, Peyton, Ista, Nerat, and out to the caravan," Jaeyi repeats, shaking her head like the list is dizzying. Dropping things into a basket liberated from a cupboard near her own workstation, one of those things she finds it convenient to have on hand at all times, she will let T'rev carry that for her-- good puppy-- while she she slips a hand into his. "Maybe I oughta take you home and spoil you instead."

"Long day s'all," T'rev says with a grin and takes the basket obediently, hooks it over one arm, curls his hand around Jaeyi's. "I'm thinkin' maybe we take each other home and trade off on the spoilin'?" he suggests with a wink. "Long as this day was," he says more seriously, "I'm not the one who's pregnant. I'll be okay with a good night's sleep."

Jaeyi starts to nod, self-pitying, but instead lets her brows crease to comment, "I'd be really confused if you were," the one who's pregnant. "Especially if it was mine." Blinking at the thought, she tries not to get too bogged down by the confusion, instead; "I'm thinkin' maybe what you're thinkin' is a damn fine idea. I really wanna be in bed right now." Whether she means that in usual Jaeyi terms (fucking) or just good-night's-sleep terms, saying it while she starts out of the kitchen and past the pissy dishwasher earns another of those "getta room" mutters. But he's conscientious about saying it in a mumble that they-- specifically T'rev, with the muscles and all-- can ignore.

T'rev can't help but laugh at that one. "Well you know, if humans were built atall to share the way some sea-critters are, I'd take my part of the burden and gladly, but we ain't, so, next best thing is givin' you a foot rub n' bringin' you peaches." He nods though as she confirms that they're on the same page. Bed. Destination number 1. "C'mon, let's get home," T'rev says firmly and leads the way out to Mecaith.

"See, you say that," Jaeyi begins, half in jest, "but I have to think-- if men were the ones that had to have babies, they'd be a lot more careful where they put their dicks. And I'll trade you the foot-rub and peaches for naked tarts, hmn?" She means she'll get naked and feed him tarts, though, really, any way it's possible to take that is perfectly acceptable. If nothing else, weariness prevents her from so much as whimpering about the flight home, has her just as content to nestle back against T'rev and trust that Mecaith's not going to let her fall to her death. And it only took four years and a bun in the oven to get there!

"I /am/ usually careful," T'rev protests mildly, though 'where' isn't usually applicable, just uh ... 'how'. Maybe. Ahem. "Sounds good," the bronzerider agrees readily to foot-rub-and-peaches-for-naked-tarts. Because Jaeyi naked as a tart, or with tarts, definitely good both ways. On the ride home, T'rev is not naughty-fresh, just snuggly and Mecaith as usual keeps the flight smooth and careful for his most frequent passenger.

Arch-Ceilinged Weyr, Fort Weyr
The arch-ceilinged inner weyr itself would have been circular if it weren't for the reddish brick wall to the left, which both gives separation from the bathing area and provides the single flat wall in the whole place. Against that wall, shelves of books frame a large but plain bed made up with a simple red and white quilt, with a low dresser sitting at the bed's foot. The room's focus, however, is the hearth set opposite: large enough to host a decent-sized fire, though the mantel is very plain, its tiles having faded from the matching brick color they had been overpainted long ago. Before it is a warm-toned rug upon which sit a comfortable upholstered chair and side-table, angled to take advantage of the fire in cool weather, a handful of floor cushions at their feet.

Not too far from the hearth but closer to the front of the weyr are a round table and two wicker chairs, by which are a narrow, tall cupboard and, protected from the hearth's heat, a wine rack well-stocked with bottles.

Three kids by three different women and T'rev calls this careful? Jaeyi will leave that part out, since she's not exactly one to judge as these things go, but really. Careful? Anyway. The lack of freshness either in the kitchen or the ride up has no bearing on the fact that, once she's on the ground again, she's shedding clothing even on the walk from the ledge to the bed, stepping out of her shoes, skirt, shrugging off her blouse, leaving all of it and her underwear in a pile at the foot of the bed and climbing in at once. Immediately, there's a long, luxuriant sigh and the announcement, "I'm never leaving this bed again ever."

Yes! Careful! Usually. It's not T'rev's fault most Pernese birth control methods are at the 80% efficacy rate or lower! THe bronzerider picks up after her as she strips her way to bed, piles the clothes into the hamper, puts the basket down on the table and then stands there, looking down at her with quite the adoring and admiring look on his face. "You are one /gorgeous/ woman," he tells her sincerely, then turns to get in on this whole stripping business, before he sits at her feet, picks one up to start in on the foot rub part of the evening.

Drawing pillows around her until she's got herself propped so she can watch T'rev easily, among the few times that her hair will be spilled all over the sheets without being tangled and tattered, Jaeyi curls her toes against his hand with a slow lowering of her lashes, immediately content. "You're not," she begins, quickly fortified by the surroundings and the attention, shedding the petulance and unhappiness that had edged her manner in the kitchens, "exactly hard on the eyes yourself. If you bring the basket, I can make good on my part of the bargain too?"

"I just ... never get tired of lookin' at you all stretched out like this," T'rev answers with a fond smile and keeps on with the foot-work. "Mm, will in a minute, let me get both feet first? Because if I bring you the tarts, I can't guarantee I'm gonna be able to keep my hands to myself," the bronzerider notes. "At least, not unless you tell me in no uncertain terms that I'm not to touch you until you're ready." Because they've played games like that before.

Jaeyi, stretching languidly but expertly, curling her fingers over the headboard and arching her back like she's so in need of that stretch, offers around a playful yawn, "Look all you like." His latter comments bring a slow smile to bloom, the thought dawning on her all but visibly, and then its all quick nodding. "Yes. That. Go and get them. I'm confident you can keep your hands to yourself plenty well when told."

If she's going to stretch like that? He's going to look a lot. His hands do keep moving along her foot though until she shifts direction. "Oh ho, I see how it is," T'rev drawls out, pleased and draws her foot up to give her toe a playful nibble, then sets it down, pats the top and gets up to get the tarts for the tart. Back at the bedside, she gets the plate of pastries and he sits back down to get back to work on her other foot, though he's also watching her expectantly.

"Mmmn, not yet, you don't." Jaeyi eyes him with a squint briefly, speculating, and then turns her attention to the basket, arching her foot briefly in answer to his hands. She's not immune. But. She liberates a tart, setting it on a napkin next to her on the bed, leaving off the whipped cream at the moment though she nestles the bowl in among the pillows. "Bite," she directs, leaning forward with a morsel broken off in a pinch between her finger and thumb.

"I don't?" T'rev says cheerily enough and does as bidden, leaning forward to claim that bite and making sure to tease at her fingertips as he pulls the sweet into his mouth. Chew. Swallow. "Shells, that's good." Just the food!

The next in her palm, the same, "Bite." Jaeyi can still take particular pleasure in watching someone enjoy her food, even if she's still a little queasy about eating them herself. Next perched off the bend of her knee, belly, cleavage; unfortunately, tarts are only a few bites each, and she's out by then, frowning to point out, "I should have brought a proper pie. Oh well. Good thing we have whipped cream, hmn?" And there are a lotta places she could tolerate T'rev's mouth, provided he can keep is hands to himself and she can keep from telling him he doesn't have to.

There will come a time, when each of those instructions becomes distracting enough that T'rev abandons rubbing Jaeyi's feet in favor of dedicating himself to worshipping every other body part with lips and tongue and no hands until neither of them can take it anymore. "Whipped cream, is good," is all the substance of his comment about running out of pie, because, well damn. Jaeyi. Naked except for whipped cream. What brain?

Jaeyi lasts a commendable time tonight. A sugar-free diet these past weeks makes her particularly indulgent with doling it out to T'rev, sticky and squirming and hardly keeping her hands off of him the whole time. Eventually, when the bowl's on the verge of being scraped clean, she reaches for his hands, pulls him down to her, murmurs an encouraging whisper to his ear, and to hell with games. What's better after a long day than sticky, wound-up sex?

Strung out and wound up indeed after all that, when Jaeyi pulls him to her, T'rev is all too happy to get thoroughly lost in his weyrmate, makes enough noise to satisfy any need to know that yes, damn, yes, she made him feel fucking good. And for once it'll probably be only one round, because they are tired. After, in spite of the sticky, T'rev curls up with Jaeyi, arms wound around her and burrows his face into her hair as he drifts.

There's no big fuss about needing a bath, only enough stirring afterward to put the dishes out of the bed-- 'cause sticky is one thing, but sleeping with dirty dishes is silly, even for these two-- to drink a glass of water under healer's orders, and Jaeyi nestles into his arms cozily. She'll even stay in bed come morning rather than drag tired and queasy to work, send T'rev off for the day with slow, sleepy sex as a starter.

Before he heads off come morning, T'rev makes sure her water glass is filled back up and that there's plenty of lightweight food items to scrounge. The basket of peaches on the table has been kept fresh ever since he realized it's one of the few things she can eat right now. And he'll check in later of course, to make sure she's okay.

Jaeyi will still be in bed. Having had a bath and some snacks. So probably it should be 'back in bed,' but whatever. The point is: Jaeyi, bed, all day, happy, the end.

^knocked up, *jaeyi-journeyman, jaeyi, t'rev

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