[Jaeyi] Isandre doesn't have a magic potion, sad.

Aug 13, 2010 17:52

RL Date: 8/13/10
IC Date: 6/22/23 --Guess what. I stole this.

Infirmary, Fort Weyr
The walls of this oval cavern have been smoothed, and white-washed and get regular cleaning from the way they gleam subtly on any given day. Cots line the walls and stand in aisles towards the back of the cavern, ready to serve human patients. At the far end of the cavern, a short passageway is blocked off by a curtain and leads into the central hub for the dragon infirmary. Several ground weyrs that face out onto the Bowl all exit on the inner side, into this hub which is well stocked for the treatment of dragon injuries and spacious enough to accomodate the smaller dragons.

Supplies are stored in various drawers and glass-fronted cabinets that display a myriad of the most commonly used items. A discreet door off to the side provides access to the still room where more sensitive items are also kept. A large sink with functional plumbing -- including hot and cold taps -- is located toward the southernmost corner.

Summer has settled in but lightly - the days are still relatively cool, but humid enough to make Isandre glad she has a job that keeps her inside most of the day. The afternoon has brought with it a spattering of complaints - headaches, sour stomachs, banged toes - nothing major, just enough to keep her from slipping away. In fact, she's just finishing up with her last (for now) patient, carefully tying off the ends of a bandage around a young boy's arm. "Ye keep that clean," she chides him as she helps him down from her examination table, "and next time, mind yer mother about playin' by the slide, ye hear?" Gigglingly unrepentant, the boy accepts the candy she holds out to him and dashes off, towards the caverns.

Jaeyi takes a step back when the boy goes running past, flattening herself against the door so he can squeeze by and go tearing off to wherever it is that young boys go at midday. Once he's gone, she steps forward again, exhaling and shaking her head at the energy of youth. For her part, looking wilted and overwarm (kitchen work can be a bitch in the dead of summer), she slouches her way over to the newly freed Isandre, saying despondently, pout in full evidence, "I'm sick, Isa. Fix me."

The plea, an echo of one heard months ago, turns Isandre's head, one eyebrow raising up. This time, however, her response is neither sarcastic nor taunting, just a simple, "What do you mean, sick?" Wiping her hands off on a cloth, she moves to intercept the baker, not quite coming within touching range as she guides the woman to her table, kicking out a stool to make it easier for her to mount it. "Like, head cold sick, stomach sick, sick and tired of annoying males and their unreasonable demands?"

"Like. I should've taken a long trip *between* when I had the chance kinda sick." Jaeyi clamors up the stool and plops gracelessly down on the table, feet dangling like she's no more grown-up than the little boy that just got chased out. "I'm so tired of peppermint tea and dry crackers, there's just no way I can stand seven more months like this. Fix me," all petulant and expectant; wave your magic wand, healer! Almost at once afterward, she tips her head curiously to add, "What male is making unreasonable demands?"

"A lo- oh." Isandre is not, contrary to the belief of many, that terribly slow. One eyebrow raises thoughtfully as she moves to lean against the counter, hands tucked behind her back to support her as she regards the baker thoughtfully. "It must be th' water. Really, someone needs t' check th' filters or someaught." Whatever else she mutters is for her ears alone - a low unintelligible grumble at best. "Unfortunately for ye, Jaeyi, there ain't much I can do for ye other than, well - peppermint tea an' crackers. Morning sickness is part o' the territory when ye be carryin'. Good news is, though, it don't always last the whole pregnancy. Most women only experience it for a month an' change."

A bit tartly (neither of her usual versions of 'tart', either), Jaeyi points out, "It's got nothing to do with the water. It's T'rev. This is his fourth." She holds up four fingers to really drive home that point. Four. 1-2-3-4. Four. "For all I know, Hattie's is his, too, and who knows whose else." There's a short pause and she adds, "No, I take that back. That was mean. I'm cranky. I can't do this for any more weeks, Isa. Fiiiiiix it." She will, when she's done whining, get back around to Isandre's whole 'men suck' reference.

"One more reason to ensure I never end up in his bed," Isandre replies laconically, a quick spark of self-mocking humor in her pale eyes. "Fortunately, I'm probably the last person that needs t' worry about such things. Alas, Jaeyi, I donna know what t' tell ye. Even my mother had no idea how t' stave off th' sickness, only t' ease it once it set in. Crackers, tea, grapes, lemons, t'matoes, strawberries, lettuce..." A baker like Jaeyi might notice she's listing off fruits and vegetables with high water content. "Drink a glass o' water afore ye go to bed, spread yer meals out during th' day so ye never have an empty stomach..." She trails off, shrugging helplessly. "It's yer body gettin' used t' the changes wrought by the wee one, an' the only thing that'll cure that is time."

"Okay, except." Jaeyi takes a big breath and lets it out so her shoulders sag tragically. "I'm a Baker, Isa. I can't be all queasy all day, it doesn't work like that. Imagine if-- I dunno, the smell of numbweed made you want to get sick, what would you do to get better?" See, in her world, there must be some magic secret cure that Isandre knows about, no matter how she insists otherwise, and she turns all big sad eyes to the Healer to try to get her to share it. It's a last-ditch effort on her part, the pleading. "It's not really his fault." T'rev's. "I mean. It's been four years, this is the first time it really happened and, like, I didn't do anything about it."

"Ye shouldna be queasy all day," Isandre frowns, brow furrowing slightly. "Th' sickness should pass after a few hours, 'specially if ye've been treating it with tea and crackers. Though - an' I hate t' tell ye this, being a baker and all, there's some women for whom certain foods are, ah... uninviting when they're gravid. If ye spend much time around them, th' scent of them alone might be makin' ye sick." Shaking her head slowly, she tugs her hands from behind her back, spreading them in a 'I don't know' gesture. "If th' smell of numbweed made me sick, consistantly, I'd avoid it or I'd learn t' deal with the nausea." It's clear from the miserable compassion in the healer's eyes she wishes she did have some magic herb that would fix all of the other woman's troubles. "It takes two, I know, I'm just... amused by th' number of pregnancies of late."

Okay. So this is really her last-ditch effort; "What if I promised to give you a biiiig hug and a cake if you fixed it?" No? Jaeyi sighs again, slumps her shoulders, and clasps her hands together on her lap, feet dangling disconsolately. "Sex is better when there're no consequences at all," she concludes sadly. "Why're you mad at men?" It's still sulky, yes, but it's an attempt to divert her attention from her own tragedy of the moment.

"As enjoyable as the hug and the cake would be, I'm not a miracle worker," Isandre replies sadly, shaking her head. "I can give ye a tea t' fight the nausea as might work better than straight peppermint, but I canna guarentee anathin', nor can I give you anything t' prevent it. That takes time." Shaking her head, she leans forward, slipping a hand forward snake-quick to tap a quick, comforting pat on the baker's arm before she retracts herself to her rather oversized bubble of personal space. "Not mad at men. Not overly fond of 'em, but ain't got no reason t' be mad at 'em. Ye," and her eyes twinkle with amusement, "got more cause than I."

Leaning back with her palms beside her, fingers curled around the rear-edge of the table, Jaeyi puffs out another little sigh and promises, "Once I can stand the idea of it again, I'll send you a cake. --See? If you could cure me, you could have a cake right away." There's a quick, hopeful beam afterward, brightened if not quite to her usual chipperness. "You said, hmmmn, what was it? Males making unreasonable demands? Who's been bothering you?"

"If I could cure ye right away, Jaeyi, I could retire an' live off the millions o' marks I'd make off of women like ye," Isandre snickers in return, shaking her head. "I kin wait for the cake - as ye know, I hardly need any more paddin'." She lifts a hand, patting her lightly padded stomach. "Ain't no man botherin' me," she replies, and is that a hint of petulance? "But ye, lady, I know have your fair share o' attentions from th' lesser sex, so, wasna sure if ye were physically sick, or just sick o' bein' - ah - appreciated."

"Try some grapes and lemons and strawberries and..." Jaeyi trails off, flicking dismissive fingers to recall the list of things Isandre recommended as tempting to a fickle stomach. "I'd say count your blessings, Isa, but you seem a little bothered by it? Most of them aren't worth more than a half hour and a sigh of disappointment afterward, if that helps any. But what's your type? If you had your druthers, who would you take to your bed?" Whether she means to play matchmaker or just pass the time idly, she does seem interested in Isandre's 'plight.'

Shrugging her plump shoulders, Isandre tucks her hands behind herself again, eyes flickering off into the distance as she listens to Jaeyi's words. "Dunno. Bothered don't seem the right term - I made my peace with the deficit long ago. Don't mean I don't wish for a bit o' cuddle now and again," she adds, with a wry smile. "Can be mighty lonely from where my kind sit." As opposed to the eminiently cuddleable Jaeyi? "Dunno," she repeats, allowing her eyes to drop to the floor - such faciniating shiny stones - and rolls another shrug. "Ain't thought on type much. Ain't much interested in th' bedding side - just th' companionship. Ain't no concern," she adds, with a toss of her head, eyes coming to rest on the baker's face once more. "Got too much t' do to go all mooney over some man again."

Never mind the silliness that might be evident in such an offer, Jaeyi says readily, "I'll cuddle with you," and seems to mean it, too. "I don't have as many girlfriends as I used to, it seems like. With everything--" She waves vaguely, letting that term speak for itself. "--it seems like they all slipped away from me." Ho hum. "Though the infirmary's probably not the best place for it, hmn? This table isn't so comfy, really."

"If it were comfy, people'd be comin' to visit me just so they could sit on it," Isandre points out dryly. Sighing, she shakes her head. "Th' thought, and offer, are appreciated, but I ain't in need of pity cuddles. But I'm yer friend," she adds, "or wouldna mind bein', as we barely know each other. I've only seen ye naked, after all," is added with a wry twist of her lips. "An' I can't say much for anyone as'd abandon a friend simply 'cause circumstances ain't the best."

Jaeyi points out with sly humor, "A lotta people've seen me naked, sweets, and I wouldn't count most of them as friends once the lights come back on." She scoots toward the front edge of the table, reaching toward Isandre's near shoulder with her own outstretched hand, trying to snag her sleeve with a pinch of her fingers. "Maybe just a hug, hmn? I could use one, and it seems like maybe you could. It's not quite so much fun as a cuddle, true, but it's a start."

"I suppose a fair share have seen me naked, as well, as I ain't got the benefit of a lover with a bath in his weyr," Isandre replies, deadpan. "But I sure as 'ell didna invite them to." Though she stiffens as Jaeyi reaches out, her reaction - typical, for her - fades almost immediately, and she allows the baker to draw her closer. Despite her reticence, there's nothing awkward about the hug she offers. "Are ye okay with what's happenin' t' ye, Jaeyi?" she asks, a bit hesitantly. "'Cause if ye ain't, we can still fix it."

If ever a person were made for cuddling, it's Jaeyi, and she folds the Healer up in her arms readily, staying on the edge of the table where it's easier to supply that embrace. "Maybe that's the real reason, then? Like, if you did invite them to, probably you'd have more lovers than you could shake a stick at," she offers brightly, reaching to pet Isandre's cheek with a palm. "I am. I mean, not the getting sick part, I don't like that at all. But I want to have a baby, all mine to love and look after. And T'rev's as good a father as you could hope for. So." From one blunder to another, so goes Jaeyi.

"I don't want a lover." An unfamiliar bubble of panic sounds in Isandre's voice before she quashes it ruthlessly, grimmacing. "I certainly don't want a bevy of 'em. No offense, as ye be in th' family way, but I don't want t' risk that m'self." Still, she presses her cheek briefly into the baker's palm, before backing away, allowing her arms to drop to her side, hands sliding into the pockets of her pants. "Well - as long as ye be prepared for all it entails," and she nods her head to the woman's belly, "jus' mind ye come t' me regular-like so's I can keep an eye on ye. For the love o' little apples, Jaeyi, if ye be hurtin' or tired or not well, /tell/ me." She doesn't need a repeat of Hattie, thank you.

Honest question: "Why not?" Jaeyi drops her hands back the way they were, leaning on her palms behind her, contemplating her stomach for a moment when it's brought up again. At the moment, there's no mark of her pregnancy at all; it's not as though she'd be the first girl to frown at a little extra padding around her tummy. "It can be nice to have a lover or a few of them. You don't have to have babies just because you have lovers. I've had lots of them and this is my very first baby I decided I wanted to keep. --And don't worry. I don't plan on dying or even nearly dying. I'll tell you if something's wrong, promise."

"I don't need no man t' complete me," Isandre murmurs, pulling away completely and moving back to her counter and her big ol' Bubble of Personal Space(tm). "Wouldna be right t' lose a child just 'cause I made a mistake - I kin help others, it's their choice, but if me dam had done that, I'd not be here now. So how could I repay that by aborting? An' why risk puttin' any child through what I did for a moment's pleasure?" Shaking her head, she tucks her arms over her breasts, hugging herself. "Ain't interested in such things. An' ye be sure ye tell me - I lose ye, or come close, an' they'll have me knot for sure this time."

Jaeyi, tilting her head far and far to the side; "Who said anything about completing you? You're not moving in and setting up house with someone who's just your lover, hmn?" With a lashly look that would be a lot more lovely if she wasn't here 'cause she can't stop vomiting all morning (try to ignore that part), she adds, "And who said anything about a man specifically? You don't get pregnant if you just have Very Special Girlfriends." The Healer's latter comments almost, /almost/ make her frown, certainly blink a few times. She doesn't say anything, mind, but there are times a person doesn't have to: wow, Jae sure feels like a bad person now, thanks.

As worldly as Isandre may be at times, she remains, at the core, a hold-born girl - even if where she grew up is no proper hold at all. So - she makes no apology for her words, a bit too preoccupied with her own personal pity-party. One statement, however, snaps her head up and she stares at Jaeyi for a moment. "Girl- no. I - " And here she pauses, frowning over the thought. "I don't think," she says very slowly, "that I could find a woman... appealing... for that kinda thing. I know gender shouldna matter, but thoughts an' feelings are two different things. I ain't never seen a woman that calls t' me that way." And the glance she offers the baker verges on apologetic - for not finding Jaeyi sexually attractive? Or for being so provincial?

"It's okay," Jaeyi answers to the apologetic look, one shoulder lifted heedlessly, certainly not offended by the lack of interest. Just the whole 'you're a monster baby-killer' thing, that still stings a touch, but she's nothing if not hasty to forgive. "A lotta people feel that way, so it's not like it makes you weird or anything. Still, it can be pleasant, and you don't have to worry about babies, that's for sure."

Hey, Isandre did offer to take care of her problem - just because she won't abort, doesn't mean she judges others. But - "I'm sure it's very nice," the healer murmurs hastily. "Don't get me wrong, I kin see th' appeal of it. For one thing, I'd imagine a woman's much better at knowin' what pleases than a man. It's just..." She trails off, shrugging ruefully. "I think of a woman, an' I just don't feel th' excitement." Then she frowns, and sighs. "'Course, I think of a man an' I rarely feel th' excitement. Maybe I should get a canine."

"Ew?" Jaeyi squints dubiously at Isandre for that notion, clearly having some visuals she's not appreciating, hence all the squeezing closed of her eyes and stuff. Ew ew ew. "Mmmn, I totally think you should canines at the /waaaaaay/ bottom of the list. Like, celibacy's probably better than that idea. A lot better. Did I already say 'ew?' 'Cause, really, ew."

"Wh- EW." Even Isandre looks nauseated. "I'mma clean yer mind out with lye," the healer grumbles. "I meant for companionship - kin cuddle a pup without all th' sex gettin' in the way and what not, and all ye gotta do is feed 'em a bit and they'll love ye forever. I didna mean... ew." Hastily, she digs in her pockets, looking for her bag of sugar-candies. Taking one out, she pops it in her mouth, then offers one to Jaeyi, with the comment, "in case ye got th' taste o' bile in yer mouth same as I do."

"Oh." Jaeyi, much relieved. "Oh, well, that's reassuring. I thought for a minute-- well, let's just say I know a good mindhealer and I'd be sure I dropped your name to her." Crinkling up her nose, she shakes her head at the offered candy, even turns her face away a little so as not to be confronted with the stuff. Sadder words were never spoken: "I can't eat candy, it makes me sick." That's why she's here.

"I'm crazy, I ain't insane," Isandre replies dryly, still making a disgusted face. "And I ain't so hard up for somethin' atween my legs I'll resort to that nonsense." With a quiet shudder, she withdraws the candy, brow furrowing slightly. "Jaeyi, d'ye get most sick when confronted by or cookin' sweets?"

That's a good question. No, really. Because-- "I don't know? I mean, that's kinda all I cook really, so it's not like I can say I don't get sick if I'm making bread or something?" What Jaeyi means is that she has no basis for comparison, she just doesn't know that precise turn of phrase so as to employ it. "Oh Isa, this is just awful." Back to pouting; she was better off talking about Isandre having sex with dogs.

Ew. Ewewew. No. Anything is better than that. "Ye know how women get cravin's when they get pregnant," Isandre asks slowly, though she doesn't wait for a reply before she continues with, "well, women also gain aversions t' certain kinds o' foods, like fruits, or types o' meat, or... sweets. It may be," she murmurs, frowning in sympathy, "yer body ain't happy with th' smell, or taste, o' sweets right now."

Watch the desolation settle in fully, face falling, eyes starting to tear up even; "But I like sweets." Jaeyi's lip may even start quivering in a second if things keep going along this track. She tries to tuck them together for now, so as to avoid that, but it's likely not far off.

"I know," Isandre soothes. "I know ye do, but ye don't like bein' sick, and it may be the only way we can keep ye from bein' sick is t' keep ye away from sweets until the aversion fades or your body adjusts t' yer pregnancy." She looks just as sad as Jaeyi - after all, the baker's sweets are, in general, the highlight of any meal. "D'ye think ye can go a few days without makin' anything sweet? Just t' see how ye feel?"

"Maybe but." But but but. "It's my job, Isa." The bigger issue, the one that does get the lip to wobbling, comes when Jaeyi adds, "Plus, people will be sad. We have dessert every day and you can't just tell those kitchen girls or apprentices to make things, all you'll get is-- well, nothing special, anyway. You didn't live here before when Melkyn did desserts, it was desolate."

Sympathy wells in those pale green eyes - after all, Isandre knows exactly how the woman feels. "Are there any desserts ye can make that don't involve baking, or sweets? Maybe some nice gelatins, or fruit dishes? I mean - if ye can't stop, then ye can't stop, but I can't help yer stomach if I don't know what's causin' it, hon. It's yer choice, all I can do is support ye through it, whatever ye decide."

Jaeyi, nose crinkled again, "Do you wanna eat gelatin? I don't." She heaves another big sigh, kicking her feet a couple more times to really underscore her desolation, so much woe, then drums up what's meant to be a plucky smile. "Well, I guess I probably won't die, though this is pretty stupid, but crying at you about it won't fix it, hmn? No mentioning this to T'rev, though, he's being really good to me, and I don't want him worrying about things he can't fix."

"Not particularly - I'm merely offerin' alternatives." Isandre sighs softly, leaning over to rest a hesitant hand on the woman's arm. "I wish I could give ye better news - but as far as I kin tell, there ain't much. Except, there's a likely chance this'll all fade in several weeks, a month an' change on the outside. An' if it don't, well..." She trails off, looking a bit forlorn that she can't offer better help.

Bolstering breath complete, Jaeyi slides off the table and pat-pats Isandre's hand in an answering (less timid) way. "It's okay. I guess it was kinda silly to think you could fix it, or else why would people drink peppermint tea and eat crackers in the first place, really. Thanks for letting me whine, anyways. You're sweet. In a way that doesn't make me want to be sick." Beam.

"It's good t' know I don't make someone sick," Isandre replies drolly, smirking as she squeezes the woman's arm, then retreats back into The Bubble. "An' it wasn't silly at all. People depend on healers t' make 'em feel better - which is good, otherwise we'd have an even harder time getting ye all int' the infirmary than we do. Jus' keep with th' crackers and tea, try t' drink a glass o' water afore ye go to bed, and try spacin' yer meals out some. See how all that helps."

That's a lot of edicts for a person who generally subsists on sugar with a side of sugar, but Jaeyi nods like she means to give it a try, anyway. "Mhmn," she says, which isn't exactly a promise, but it's the best she's got on short notice. "Thanks again," and she's off to... well, not work, that's for sure. Probably mope.

^knocked up, *jaeyi-journeyman, isandre, jaeyi

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