[Kh'vrim] Let's call this a second date.

Aug 12, 2010 10:53

RL Date: 8/11/10
IC Date: 6/16/23 --Yep. I did indeed steal this one.

Technically, it's still morning. So the fact that Kh'vrim yet again has that look about him as a person that's just rolled out of bed isn't so awful, though now he seems to be lacking any particular industry to carry him through to the afternoon. Presently, he's hunkered down in the shade provided by his dragon's shadow, resting his shoulder's against Trenyath's ribs, his hands laced together to support the back of his neck, legs outstretched, shoeless toes wiggling with the tickle of one of those so-lovely ocean breezes. He's palm fronds and peeled grapes shy of idyllic this morning.

Same goldrider, sans one dragon this morning. Instead Nenita has a clipboard across one arm and a pencil jammed into her mouth. She's chewing on the end as she trudges across the sand. Having just left the Beach House, passing those bungalows and clearly on her way to the Sandbar. Somehow the sight of Trenyath hasn't sparked any recognition and she hasn't yet noticed his rider, frowning as she is down at a piece of paper. Eyebrows furrowed, she comes to a pause nearby and flips a page over and stares at the bar in the distance. Her eyes do a sweep around and it looks as if she's getting ready to turn around, maybe she forgot something.

With one eye squinted closed against the glare of the sun, Kh'vrim watches all this for a time wordlessly, letting Nenita do her clipboard-carrying thing without comment from him all the way to the point she turns back around. Then it's, "I'm over here," as if he was the very thing that she seems to have forgotten, one hand slid from behind his neck to cup around his mouth so the words carry across the breezy distance from where he's lounging to where she's trudging.

Hey, that voice is sort of familiar. But not that familiar. Prior to the call out her visual attention had been gradually shifting down to the Beach House again, her feet almost going that way. Instead there's another pause and she lets the clipboard hang low, turning to see where that masculine voice is originating from. And ah, Kh'vrim. She rolls her eyes up and then drops them again. Since he's on her route back to the place she forgot something, she angles towards him. "Not looking for you. You're back, are you living here now? Or just sleeping on the beaches?"

Not looking for him. "No? Well, you found me anyway," in a 'lucky you' tone. From cupping his mouth to shading his eyes, Kh'vrim's hand curves against his forehead while he looks up at Nenita's approach. "Neither. Do you always ruin a fine day on the beach by carrying that thing with you?" His forehead lowers just slightly to indicate the clipboard she's toting while he makes the effort to slide a little more upright, scooting his shoulders up Trenayth's side.

"Well, isn't that just peachy." Nenita replies and gives the beach a once over sweep with her eyes. "Not always. But the beach isn't exactly a novelty for myself. Perhaps for you, you just have sand. Either way, I have work to do. Can't spend my day lounging on foreign beaches." The clipboard ends up close to her chest and she looks to the right and then left, taking in the length of Trenayth before shifting attention back to his rider.

Like he feels the need to take umbrage for 'just have sand,' Kh'vrim offers in a sulky undertone, "There're some cactuses, too." As though he might even go to all the trouble of standing up afterward, he reaches a sitting position and draws his legs up toward his chest, bare feet on the just-have-sand under him. "That's a shame," he adds for her remark about having work to do, his momentum arrested, deterred. "I'd've offered to buy you something cold to drink if you weren't too busy. Oh well." And stretches his legs out the way they were before, getting re-comfy.

"Right, right. Cactuses. I hear that's where your water comes from? You have big stretches of cacti because you lack proper waterways or rain." Nenita nods as if this is all coming back to her, tapping her lip thoughtful. Smiling cheekily, there's a brief lift of her eyebrows before her expression smoothes. "Oh, I wouldn't want to impose on you anyway. You're awfully busy out here getting a tan." One hand uncurls from the clipboard to wave vaguely.

"I hadn't heard that one before. Interesting." The bit about the cacti and the water. Kh'vrim mulls it over for a second, lips turned down into a thoughtful frown, then he shrugs to dismiss the thought; anyway. "It'd hardly be an imposition. See, in addition to the sand and the cactuses, we also have a lotta sun at Igen. So I can always do this there. If you'd like the company, that is." There's a too-charming flash of dimples to answer her cheekiness, so damn sweet of him, ain't it?

"I'm just wealthy with information." Nenita informs him, taking that now free arm and using it to flick back a piece of her hair. Messy, as usual. "But as previously mentioned there's a lack of water out at Igen, so I'd hate to deprieve you of the opportunity to see the ocean. Plus if I accepted you into my company you'd might ask me to touch your head again or something." Overly dramatic drawl to her voice, accompanied by another quick eyeroll. Attach quick flash of smile here to signify jokingness.

Rubbing the top of his head with his own hand once more, squinting thoughtfully at the length of stubble there-- needs a shave-- Kh'vrim points out, "I told you that I'd respect your boundaries on that one, didn't I? Besides." He does finally stand then, using his dragon's side as a way to help brace himself to his feet. "You'll come around on your own sooner or later." He tosses a quick glance to his discarded footwear, decides to leave it there under Trenayth's supervision, and turns as if to fall in step beside Nenita. "Where're we headed this morning?"

"Back that way," Nenita gestures towards the Beach House. "I forgot some papers in there when I was catching a quick breakfast. Unfortunately I'm going to need those for this afternoon, so." Shoulders are lifted and then dropped again. She watches as he works his way to his feet, another person much bigger than her. There's an amused twist of her lips and a glance upwards. "Maybe more like later." Once he's all standing and stuff, she begins the steady pace back. At one point pausing so that she can pull the sandals off of her feet.

Since he didn't actually care about her business, he does no more than 'ahhh' politely at the explanation of where she's going and why. It's a threadbare pretense at best. Kh'vrim's steps shuffle to a stop long enough to let her remove the sandals, resuming again appropriately when he comments, "So, for future reference, the food in your lower caverns is total shit, is it? That people'd pay for food, I mean."

The board gets slipped under her arm and the sandals are hung on her fingers. As for his future reference, he recieves something close to a dirty look. Actually, it is a dirty look. "The food in my lower caverns is not total shit. It's good, quality food that tastes decent. Outside food is for outsiders, who want to be pay for something fancy. Or you know, regular people that want something a little more flavorful. Do you often go places and insult people there?" She asks, redirecting her eyes away from him.

"Often?" Kh'vrim deliberates the terminology for a second before he shakes his head, nope, and dips his head down to be sure he gets the full force of Nenita's dirty look. "I was just asking," he points out with amused defensiveness, puffing out his cheeks in an attempt to avoid getting caught in a grin at her taking of offense. "Don't get all mad, I just thought there must be a reason people're willing to part with their money if they don't have to. If you say there's not, then there's not." The snicker does get the better of him by the end; "Proud little thing, aren't you."

She's looking away now, so he's safe from being caught mid-grin at her offense. "And the best way to bring that up was 'total shit'?" Now Nenita looks at him, like she's not so much expecting a response to that question. The snickering doesn't do much to soothe her ruffled feathers though. "Yes. I worked in those kitchens until I got searched, I'm very proud of them and the people that work down there." She glances at him, quickly, before turning away again. "Sometimes you want to take a girl out and not to the living cavern. Not everyone enjoys going on a picnic either. Plus, table service."

Shrugging, Kh'vrim answers, "What's the alternative? Some delicate, pointed questions?" He shakes his head in a serious 'not happening' way, looking over at the end of that toward Nenita-- specifically, toward what she's looking at that isn't him. "You have my apologies," for what they're worth, cloaked in a touch of humor as they are. "I'll make sure, next time, to just go on assuming the worst rather'n risk asking. We don't really have restaurants where I come from, see."

"How's the food in the lower caverns, any good? I see you have a lot of restaurants." Voice mimicking as she goes, waving around her pair of sandals. She's not doing a good job imitating his voice, it's pretty much 'default man' that's she's gone to. As for what she's looking at, it's a nothing point up ahead. "See, very easy to ask questions without making the other person potentially want to kill you. And without having to go on assuming the worst in life. Are you a very 'this or that' sort of person? Little middle ground?" She asks, hazarding a look his way.

"How dare you ask a question like that, of course it's good!" is the shrewish rendition of a reply, with Kh'vrim giving the mimic right back to her, high-pitched and pissy. "It seems like, with some folks, no matter how well you gild the lily, the question'll still be taken the wrong way, so why not just ask it straight out?" Which, yes, means he assumes Nenita would be pissed no matter how he turned the phrase. "That's a bit of a personal question for a second date, idn'it?" he answers, looking sidelong back at her, brows twitched with a combination of suggestion and humor.

Nenita has to laugh and reaches out to push into his arm. If it makes it contact? It's a highly ineffectual shove, but that's probably the point. "I would /not/ answer like that but thanks for some more not so flattering assumptions." She shakes her head and laughs again, short this time. "Second meeting, there hasn't been a first date yet. So we couldn't possibly be on our second. And I don't know, it doesn't seem to be highly personal. I haven't asked when and where you lost your virginity or anything."

Kh'vrim rubs his arm where it's been shoved like it's hurt, even pushes up his sleeve to check for a bruise, showing the offended area to Nenita for a once-over; still pristine, so he lowers it with a last rub of his palm, poor baby. "/Yet/," he repeats in a pointed, grinned undertone, a big breath afterward implying that he intends to plow ahead rather than dwell. "True, you haven't, nice to know my sexual history's on your mind." So pleased. How far are they walking that they're still plugging along, anyway?

Forty five miles. It's very close, calm down. Yet, maybe that was a mispoken bit of information. There's a long suffering sigh that follows the earlier laughter. She'd roll her eyes if that wasn't a repetitive action by this point. "It's /not/ on my mind. I was just saying that in comparison to- To my question that you never answered anyway. Are you like this on purpose? No, don't answer that. I think I know the answer." Look, it's mere yards away now and growing increasingly closer.

Kh'vrim lets a good half-dozen seconds pass after he watches Nenita through her comments, his smile conscientiously contained-- so conscientiously contained that it's impossible not to notice that it's not actually in evidence, more obvious for its omission this time. Finally, "Sorry, you just seem easy to ruffle. I guess I can't help myself. Let's go have a drink before you make good on that earlier half-threat to wanna kill me." He glances down-- and down-- and down at her before adding, "Though part of me would like to see how much effort it'd cost you to try."

"I'm not easy to ruffle." Nenita defends, just a touch sulky there and then another look directed his way as they approach the steps of the Beach House. She reaches the door before him, quick to get that door and usher him on inside. While she waits for him to turn his head down appropriately enough, "I could take you. Bigger they are, the harder they fall. Mouse and giant. Lower center of gravity, etc..."

Like he's so endeared to her sulking, Kh'vrim answers, "Awwwww. But you are. Don't pout about it, though. It makes you look all young and cute and vulnerable and that makes me feel pervy." He steps inside with a shout of laughter, making sure to size up the goldrider holding the door for him on the way passed her. "I forgot about how a lower center of gravity means more than the hundred pounds I've got on you, doh. What do you drink?"

"You probably are pervy." Nenita comments from behind the door she's holding open. Ducking in behind him, she catches up and leads the way to the 'bar' area. Just a girl tending at the moment. She holds up a set of papers and waves them at the goldrider, setting them down at the corner of the counter. "Ah ha!" Looking almost delighted that they're safe and sound she scoops them up, clips them onto her board. "I'm sorry? Oh! Right now, girl drinks. I save the hard liqour for when I'm alone." Said just like she's sharing a secret.

Kh'vrim's, "Okay, yes," comes along with a shrug while he contemplates the bar, searching for some sort of recognizable booze. "But who needs to feel that way all the time, y'know? I save the feeling-sleazy for when I'm alone," is the answering secret, one hand lifted to hide his mouth like he doesn't want the girl tending bar to hear his deepest-darkest. "One girl drink, please, and one--" He flounders, clearly taking unsure whether or not he can order just any-old-thing at this joint. "--beer, I guess." Out of the side of his mouth, he adds, "Why you gotta pick all classy places with wood paneling and no sawdust on the floor?" (Thankfully. What with the bare feet.)

The girl at the bar is giving him a strange look, but she retreats and gets the girl drink and beer. They're passed across the counter once they're done. "Feeling sleazy alone probably isn't a great deal of fun. But I admire your restraint." Nenita replies with a wry little grin. She takes her glass with a polite smile to the girl. "Because I left my papers here, you wanted to come with me and buy me a drink. Next time I don't plan on bumping into you I'll try to remember to leave my work in a crappier location so that you can be comfortable if I maybe see you. Sound fair?"

Notably, "Neither's hard liquor any fun alone. We should combine our alone-time activities some day. They seem like they go-together-- you get drunk and I feel sleazy for taking advantage of it." Bright smile, Kh'vrim is so pleased with himself for solving such a puzzle. Anyway, he pays for the drink, having to dig down deep in one pocket for his marks, then to turn with an elbow on the bar and survey the surroundings idly. "Sounds fair," with a 'drink to that' tip of his glass. "Though, it seems easier to just plan on bumping into me instead of leaving papers laying around in the hopes I might turn up."

"Being taken advantage of while I'm drunk, you're right. I can't really think of a better time than that." Nenita takes a careful sip of her drink, through the fancy straw. Pushing the little umbrella out of the way. After all, she probably has to leave to do some work soon. She'd clink with him, but hers would probably spill on the floor. "That would probably make sense. But I'm /not/ entirely certain that I remember what your name is. Starts with 'K'..." Her dark eyes roll upwards, thinking on that. "Kh'vroom? Kh'vin?"

To the first, "I'm happy to oblige. Lemme know the next time you plan to go on a bender, I'll make sure to clear my schedule." He's partway through a drink when she goes on, and, eyes turned up from the rim of the glass to Nenita, he shakes his head slowly, lowers his glass, and swallows so he can exhale a long, sad-sounding sigh. "Now you're just being mean. Here I'm buying you drinks and offering to violate you while you're drunk, and you can't even be bothered to remember my name. Guess I better mope on back to Igen, then."

"Sure, I'll send you a personal invitation." Nenita informs him, wryly. Since she was never quite sitting, it's easy to push off from the bar while she shoots him a faintly amused smile. "Kh'vrim. Kh'vrim and bronze Trenayth of Igen Weyr. We remember, we just like to tease. Try to have a sense of humor or you're going to be doing that moping on back home a whole hell of a lot." She flaps her clipboard at him. "Thanks for the drink. Work, it calls."

Kh'vrim will stay and finish his beer where it's cool and sand-free. Also, the girl behind the bar's sorta cute, so hello-there.

kh'vrim, nenita

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