[Evaly] No cuddling.

Apr 02, 2010 17:13

RL Date: 4/2/10
IC Date: 5/15/22

Waterfall Pool, Ista Weyr
From high above a majestic waterfall thunders, dropping into a broad, shaded glade and its deep, stone-bottomed pool. The constant roar of the water plunging from the top of the plateau drowns out the sounds of the ocean. A curious stream runs from the pool to the sea through the jungle greenery that keeps the water constantly cool.

A few dozen paces from the stone ring of the pool is a flat, grassy area, spotted with occasional wildflowers and little clovers and removed just enough from the splashing water that voices are more easily heard. Behind the pool, the cliff wall is rocky; ancient-carved steps meander up the wall, just far enough from the waterfall to be passable though moss and dampness make the path exciting. Another, less dangerous path seems to lead back to a tight squeeze and a certain shower if one chooses to pass behind the waterfall.

It rained this afternoon, so everything's got that half-damp, very clean look to it. The skies are clear now, thankfully, though it's still relentlessly humid, which probably accounts for the handful of people lounging around the edge of the pool, swimming or just dunking their feet in the water. Not so long ago, Evaly must have been one of those people, though now she's just taken up residence on a towel in the nearby clover, flopped on her back, chewing a sprig of grass, utterly idle.

Candlario is taking a tour of the jungles. He has shucked the shirt and it's laying over one shoulder, soaked. Something is keeping his pace slow and thoughtful and now and again he bends and parts the greenery to peer into the ferns or vines. As he nears the sound of water his path takes him in that direction but the search continues, so fixated on his quest that he's not even noticing the lady stretched out in the greenery a few feet away.

So the lady (debatable term) collects one of her discarded sandals and, after weighting it just briefly, lobs it toward Candlario's shin. Evaly's not a bad shot with it, probably just beginner's luck, and she waits until it's likely to have hit before she goes right back to flopped amid the clover, one hand behind her head, the other twiddling her chewing grass. Hum-de-dum, wasn't her.

"Ouw!" Candlario actually barks and stands upright, doing that macho pose that guys do when about to take on a fight. Chest up, arms out slightly, neck all arched as he looks around the clearing. Back, forth...oh...."Evaly...." The posturing melts away as though he wasn't just about to get into a brawl. "you look...." pause, "great." Then he goes and wrecks it, "Wanna cuddle?" The sandal is fetched up while he awaits her reply.

Evaly nibbles nibbles nibbles on the end of her grass, like she's debating and needs something to occupy the time while she does so. Finally, "Yes. Alas, you look pretty much sweaty and gross, so I guess now just isn't the right time for it." She sighs as if so put out by this, throws the little bit left of her sprig off into the clover, and lays the back of her hand against her forehead, woe. "What are you looking for? Perhaps I've seen it."

Candlario pretends he wasn't expecting to be turned down by that offer, "I'm not sweaty. It's the rain. I am squeaky clean." He grins over at her, wrapping his big hands around the shoe launched at him. "Meoko said this gold firelizard stole his pipe. So, firstly I'm looking for firelizard eggs. He's pretty much out of luck ever finding the pipe."

Squinting against the last bit of daylight, Evaly gives Candlario a dubious once-over for his comments about rain and cleanliness, then lifts her hand and flicks her fingers in his direction, dismissive. "Either way, you don't look ripe of cuddling at the moment. Some other time." The answer for his occupation is treated with less suspicion, but still doubtful. "Why? Would you want a firelizard egg, I mean. You do realize they expect to be fed and oiled and generally cared for, right? Though I guess if you're that desperate for cuddles..."

Candlario laughs, "liar. You're just toying with my emotions. And--I would request that you kindly not tell the women around that I'm an easy mark for free food and drink." The words come out in laughter though, as though he's in on her great joke on him. As for the firelizard? He shrugs, "I -want- one. To carry messages. I don't care how much oil and food they need. If my captain has some strange goldie stealing his things, I'd rather it be one working for me." He gives her a funny look, "you don't cuddle firelizards. You cuddle felines." So there.

"Correct! I am just toying with your emotions. Is it working? Do you feel appropriately like a plaything?" Evaly toys with a smile for a few seconds after that question, comparing the appearance of this mountain of a man to the term plaything, and quite enjoying the irony. "/I/ cuddle neither firelizards nor felines, but I catch your point. If I happen to see any eggs--" Laying around in the clover. "--I will be sure to let you know. Can I have my shoe, or are you planning on wearing it?"

Candlario grins, "oh, that's alright. At least you're up front about it." He pats the shoe against his palm, regarding Evaly in amusement, "I didn't take you as the cuddling sort anyway." Nevermind hedging around being her plaything, just giving a sly smile at her, maybe it's fun to be caught in a woman's web. "I just need one egg--even be willing to buy one if you hear of a clutch." Surely there has to be a market for such things. "If I give you the shoe back, you aren't going to club some boy with it are you?"

Evaly hooks her remaining shoe with her toes, lifts her leg from the ground to cross it over the other one, calf resting on her knee, sandal dangling from her foot. "I might," she answers as a possibility. "But I might do that whether you give it back to me or not. Having two feet, I also have two shoes, you see. You could keep it as a memento, I suppose, but that would be a little weird, don't you think?" With a twitch of her brows, amused, she adds, "If I happen to hear of an egg vendor, I'll pass along your interest." For a small finder's fee, no doubt.

Candlario steps closer, taking the little foot in his big hand, "not really a shoe guy." He notes to her, "Although, if I didn't know who you were, I could search the island for the lovely girl with the exact same foot-size and find you--so I could finish drinking booze with her." From the tone, it isn't likely he would do any such thing. His thumb caresses the arch of her foot and he slips the sandal back on. "Anyway Spitfire...gotta go. You don't work yourself too hard. Take a break now and then for goodness sake."

candlario, evaly

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