[Jaeyi] Dressing in drag actually rates low on the scale of weird stuff Jaeyi and T'rev do in bed.

Feb 28, 2010 09:20

RL Date: 2/27/10
IC Date: End of month 1, Turn 22 --Another stolen log. This one from T'rev, who used the towel icon, yay! I added in the notes at the beginning, though.

From T'rev
Morning after the Ista meeting/Chielyth's flight, in the usual fashion, sealed, plain:

Because I promised to tell you if it ever happened: Jiella stayed over last night.

And incongrous as it might seem, added on a little bit lower:

Miss you. Come up soon?

But then again, such is the nature of these two.

From Jaeyi
Yay for Sugar! T'rev gets a reply-- rather than Jaeyi just showing up in her panties-- though it has the careless tipsiness of having been written in a big hurry.

i'm so the last person that ought to say this to people, but be careful? _apparently_, there are sometimes consequences!

p.s. i don't think this week but maybe next week? (see what i mean about consequences! ha ha)

p.p.s. i miss you too

really the last p.s. i have a present for you! ...not that kind of present, you pervert.

The Lap of Luxury
Somebody's moved on up to a deluxe apartment. Comprised of a sitting room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a small dressing room off to the side, this suite is among the more lavish at the Hold, a step down from those reserved for "family" but a lot better than most Journeymen's accommodations. Tricked out with expensive furniture from a velvet settee, deeply cushioned chairs, a thick hearthrug in the sitting room to a monumental four-poster bed overflowing with luxurious linens, a dressing table with a nearly flawless mirror, glintingly polished wooden dressers and nightstands in the bedroom to a deep, claw-footed tub with working plumbing in the bathroom... yeah, this room got the hook up.

Though cleaned daily by the Hold staff, there are traces of a young woman who cares little for tidiness. There's nothing /dirty/, no dishes or actual filth, but there's often bits of lacy frippery strewn around the bedroom and dressing room; jewels that most people couldn't even fathom affording are left to spill out of an expensive jewelry box; cosmetic dishes are left uncovered and there are often little firelizard-prints of powder and lotion on the vanity.

There's a quiet knock on the door on a day when Jaeyi's not otherwise engaged, around about afternoon-time, which is often when the cleaning staff come through. And should the baker open the door that's exactly what she'll find in the corridor, a stoop-shouldered woman of generous proportions, head bowed carrying bucket and mop and all the other accoutrements necessary to clean up a room. Her accent is beyond thick, voice deep. Poor thing, cleaning maid is probably the only gig 'she' could get. "M'ere t'do y'r room, miss, if ye be not mindin?"

Jaeyi kind of opens the door for the woman. That is, she turns the knob and pulls the door inward, making sure it's wide enough for her to pass without much effort, but she doesn't go to all the fuss of holding it open for her or anything. "Come in, come in," she says, distracted but not unfriendly, presently engaged in the all absorbing task of setting shoes out at the foot of the bed, deciding which pair best matches the outfit spread out on the coverlet. She's only half-dressed herself, which will probably wind up being lucky in a bit, slip and stockings and jewelry and the rest still being decided. "A bar of soap dissolved in the bathtub, so it's real slippery, so be careful if you're going in there?"

Keeping 'her' head down still, the washerwoman nods a few times. "Yes'm. Turn th'bed down f'r ye f'r later too?" 'She' queries and trudges inward to put down bucket and mop and everything, though brown eyes slew sideways from beneath the curtain of gray hair that partially obscures 'her' face, lingering on Jaeyi-in-underpinnings. The bucket is set down, mop leaned against the wall just outside the bathroom and the 'woman' busily organizes rags and a bottle of cleanser, pausing to wipe up some of Sugar's little paw prints.

"I think I can handle it, but thank you. Just, uhmn, there's a huge basket of laundry." Because Jaeyi changes clothes at least three times a day, not counting 'jammies,' and she takes the shoes that don't quite match over to one of the closets, opening it to reveal said basket of laundry. "Where's Semmy?" she adds abruptly, tossing the shoes in with all the others and peering at the, uhmn, woman now, lips pursed. "She's not sick, is she? She told me she thought she was getting a cold, and I told her I'd send her some tea if she was." And she probably chatters with most of the staff, yes, totally oblivious to anything bizarre about this one, too easily distracted.

Humble: "Yes'm." More wiping up of spilled things and gosh does this cleaning 'woman' ever have big hands. Wiping down the vanity is abandoned though as 'she' bends to pick up an abandoned bit of clothing to bring over to Jaeyi for storing, presumably, since the baker's got the closet open. It might be vaguely disconcerting when the cleaning 'woman' reaches for her, only T'rev is then looking up with eyes brimful of merriment and tells Jaeyi quite delightedly: "Yes'm, she's real durned sick. Had t'take a sick day an' everything."

There's definitely a disconcerted-- disoriented moment even, when Jaeyi starts to pull away from that embrace with a bunch of highly confused blinks, palms flat to push away this very forward cleaning woman before the eyes, merry as they are, give it all away. "And people say you can't get good help nowadays," with one hand groping the fake figure and the other reaching up, a finger coiling around the gray wig to pull it off to the side. "Do you have some idea how crazy you are?"

"I'm the best help ever," T'rev promises, letting that bit of clothing drop vaguely in the direction of the laundry basket and wiggles his ample 'tush' invitingly. The wig slides comically to the side, revealing slightly sweaty but unvanquished curls. "Crazy about you is what. Couldn't wait 'til next seven and Semmy thought it was the funniest idea ever and totally appreciative of a day off. Though I s'pose the marks didn't hurt none either," he notes thoughtfully then smiles at her brilliantly and reaches up to pull the wig the rest of the way off before bending to kiss her soundly.

Jaeyi puts the wig with the laundry, too, hopefully to be remembered before the basket actually goes off to be washed, because that would be a bizarre one to explain, and finger-combs to fluff some of those curls for T'rev. Helpfully. "No, just plain crazy," she argues lightly; not to say she's not utterly delighted to see him, but it is a bit nuts. On the other side of that kiss, reluctant to part that long but at least she's started /thinking/ about things now and then, "I better lock that door. Whether the rumor winds up that I made out with an old cleaning woman or that the Weyrleader snuck in dressed like a crone-- well, neither one's very good for me."

Charming is the grin that T'rev favors Jaeyi with on the other side of that kiss and a cocky response to being called plain crazy. "Yeah, better t'be careful or this whole rigamarole won't do either of us much good," he confesses, a touch of rue to his smile as he releases her, though his hands linger along her arms. While she's locking the door, he pulls off the dowdy frumpa housecoat thing he's wearing and starts to .. un-pad. Which takes some doing. He actutally has a couple of throw pillows creatively molded to his chest with a wide swathe of bandaging and about a half dozen folded towels packed into a pair of stretch-pants under the housecoat.

Jaeyi fortunately knows where the key is, seeing as she 'entertains' every other night. Locked, the door serves as a good place to lean, arms folded, head cocked, to watch the unveiling of T'rev with attention that is amused and aroused all at once, not all that uncommon, considering what these two are usually up to. She's interested in the cleverness of the disguise, true, and will probably have fun helping him get it back on later, but for now... "I'd offer to help, but." He's stripping, so she's not gonna.

Half-way through pulling out a towel from his crotch, T'rev looks up and laughs brightly, strikes a brief pose. "Amazin' what a few towels can do, huh?" But then he stops funning around in order to get the rest of the towels out and lobs them into the little pile of hips and thighs he's got going on. Since she's watching and clearly interested, he puts on a little more show for her, getting into the whole stripping business and once proudly naked, holds his arms out in a 'ta da' motion. "Help yourself?"

One arm unfolds, and a finger crooks to beckon T'rev in all his shameless nudity. "Do you know," Jaeyi begins, making sure to keep her attention on his body and not his eyes, 'cause she can look at the body like it's a buffet-- help-yourself-- but it'll be all sappy if it's his eyes. "Do you know, I have never been fucked against this door before? It being the middle of the day, I don't even think anybody'd be in the corridor to hear..."

That's an invitation that's way to good to pass up and T'rev grins from ear to ear, eyes positively wicked, which might counter any possible sappiness as he prowls across the room to her and his arms slide around her, one hand hitching up that little slip she's got on for a good fondle. "I'm thinkin' we'd best be doin' something about that," he murmurs in far more intimate tones and promptly kisses her again with all the heat that that proposition just built up behind it. He starts backing her towards the door as it goes on, hands /busy/ with getting her at least closer to naked than she currently is, which isn't far at all really.

Fortunately, what little clothing Jaeyi already had on is pretty easy to get out of the way even if it doesn't come off completely, panties she quickly kicks off to one side, a slip that starts out just kinda pushed up but will eventually get wormed out of. With her arms around T'rev's neck, her legs around his hips, and her back jammed against the door, it's not the most normal time for a giggle but, well, "I'm so glad you got in." Shortly, it'll be 'thanks for coming,' see.

Breathless and a little flushed already, T'rev winks at Jaeyi as hitches her up against the door. "Me too," he murmurs and then well, it's all about 'getting in' and 'getting it on'. Poor door. Poor anyone walking by. Thanks for coming and coming and coming, definitely. A lot more sweaty with his face buried in the curve of her neck, T'rev breathes and breathes after, one hand still curled beneath her thigh, the other pressed hard into the door. "Now this door ain't no virgin no more," he declares in a low, satisfied drawl, clearly aiming to make Jaeyi either giggle or outright laugh again.

At least if anyone is eavesdropping, they'll know that Jaeyi and T'rev are not only sex addicts, they also have super-dorky senses of humor, because that low comment gets the laugh, and it's a pretty good one. "Oh, that lucky door. If everyone's first time was that good..." There'd be more sex addicts? Finger-combing his curls again, which need some new attention after more exertion, she finds the floor with one foot to support at least some of her own weight, kisses the side of his head where it's bent to her neck, and adds, "I really am so happy you're here."

"One door at a time," T'rev continues the joke, grinning widely enough she might feel the shift of his mouth agains her skin. Dorky indeed. "I should dress up and come visit more often," he claims more seriously, tilting his head back a little so he can see part of her face, his hand unglues itself from her thigh and slides up her side careful not to tickle and on up her arm to curl against her cheek. "They're still treatin' you well, aren't they?" Where 'they' means 'Esraval' doubtless.

"Probably not the sharpest idea. A lovely surprise, but making a habit out of it?" Jaeyi crinkles her nose and shakes her head, as much so she can shake a curtain of hair over the two of them as to deny the idea of him sneaking in on a regular basis. It's a nice, dark veil over that one side of her face, and-- not that it's possible to get a lot more intimate than they just were-- it blots out the surroundings, so it's just the two of them. "Does it look like I'm neglected or mistreated? Really?"

T'rev's thumb wanders down the line of her cheek, then his fingers wander towards that veil, make a familiar and fond gesture: a curl caught and wound slowly around his finger. "I know. But it was worth it for the look on your face." A shift of hips. "And this." Cheeky grin. "No, it doesn't. Looks completely posh," T'rev says with a little laugh and brushes his lips to the tip of her chin. "I think that mattress looks really nice and bouncy in fact. How about testin' out the bed?" Brow waggle.

Jaeyi repeats, "Posh," and makes a face again, peering through a part in her hair at the room before she kisses between waggling brows. "It's more... soft and fluffy? Than bouncy, really, but I'm sure we could get it hopping in its own way. First, though." A kiss to each of his cheeks and she's untangling herself, hand waved toward the soft-and-fluffy bed to direct T'rev over yonder. "I got you a present! Go and be naked in my bed and I'll scrounge it up for you, hmn?"

"I can deal with soft and fluffy. Comfortable is good," T'rev says merrily and lets out a little sigh as her feet both drop to the floor, but he uses the door for leverage and pushes back, tucks her hair up behind her ear and ambles on over to the bed. He moves her outfit first, to the back of a chair, then draws back the covers and flops down, lounging in fact, with his head propped up on one hand. "Now I'm all curious," he says with a laugh.

"It's a Turnover gift. Sort of." Jaeyi intends it only to be a quick glance, making sure he's getting comfortable, but the look winds up lingering for a few extra seconds, enjoying instead of just checking up. Shaking her head, reminding herself to keep moving, she sits briefly to rummage among things in her dressing table, finally finding a large-ish box at the back of a drawer, which she brings over to the bed promptly. "I commissioned it at Turnover, but it just got finished the other day."

That lingering look is met with a little smile and a return look that would probably tip the scales on the sappy-meter. It's also a highly lascivious look. But. Box! "Happens sometimes," T'rev agrees, easy-going about the delay. "I'm lucky I got your dress in time."

Chattery, "I was gonna wait until your birthday and give it to you, but it's burning a hole in my pocket, sorta." The box, which is probably a ten-inch cube and made of stiff cardboard, gets placed almost gingerly on the bed by his head-propping hand, and Jaeyi scoots on to the fluffy mattress next to it, sitting against the headboard with her legs drawn up and her arms looped around them. "It's a pretty dress. Looked gorgeous pooled on your floor, I thought."

"We'll just have to come up with somethin' else for our birthdays," T'rev drawls out, amused but also touched as he reaches out with his non-propping hand to turn th e cube to find a way to open it, then sit up a bit to actually do so, with both hands. He looks up at her briefly, eyes twinkling. "You looked gorgeous in it. While it was still on. But it did kind of make a strikin' puddle of color with my shirt."

Leaning over, putting a kiss to his forehead, Jaeyi echoes, "Something else." She looks a touch flattered, mostly touched at the compliment, but then intentionally pushes away from him so the attention's back on the box. Inside, carefully padded, is something that only someone like Jaeyi would get suckered into buying, a real impulse item with no practical use at all: a snowglobe. Whoever made it has some talent, the glass polished, the wooden based prettily varnished, and the small scene inside rendered in meticulous detail. Rather than a snowfield, it's a beach in miniature, blue paint for the ocean, beige for the sand, and a little wooden beach-house right in the middle of the softball-sized globe. To match, there's sunset-colored glitter and slivers of glass to float around when it's shaken-- very pretty, totally useless. Which is a good metaphor, heh. "It plays music, too."

T'rev lifts the snowglobe out once he's got the box open and squints at the scene inside and his face goes all soft. The globe is turned to set the glitter spinning and floating and the rider smiles slowly, looks up at Jaeyi with ... yeah that's one soppy damn grin. Useless as the object is, it's got meaning for the two of them. "Yeah?" about the music and he lifts the globe a little higher to check for a wind-up box. Found, his fingers turn the knob to start the tune up, but then he's reaching for her hand to bring to his lips. "We'll go there soon. Maybe finally have pineapple upside-down cake for those birthdays and fuck for three days straight."

Amusedly, "The Smith that made it, he made fun of me. He said it didn't make sense." Jaeyi cocks her heard for the first pings of the tune, Moreta's Ride, and seems satisfied when it starts plucking out the music-box notes. "Because it was a beach house and Moreta's Ride." From kissed, she cups her fingers briefly under his chin and adds, "I wanted to ask him if he could do tiny naked people on the porch, but I think he would've told me to take my business elsewhere." She wiggles her toes a little at the possible birthday plans, obviously likes the idea but doesn't confirm it right then and there. "Pleeeenty of time to figure out all that."

"Makes sense to me," T'rev says firmly and then goes quiet as he recognizes the tune and just /smiles/ at Jaeyi like a complete and total idiot who is head over heels in love with this loose woman who doesn't even live with him. "Have I ever sung it for you?" maybe a little incongruous and then he's laughing and carefully setting the snow globe aside to pull Jaeyi into his arms. "Yeah. Also, plenty of time to mess up your bed and maybe some more of your furniture before I sneak out again." Inviting. But then down by her ear after he's starting kissing hi way up her neck: "Thank you ... and I love you."

Jaeyi shakes her head at the first question, about to answer it verbally before she gets waylaid by a slow-spreading grin for the comment. "Sneak out again?" She tosses a pillow over the snow globe just to be extra safe, curling into him with her chin lifted to make the kisses that much easier to accomplish. "T'rev, sweetie, I'm not unlocking that door any time soon. You're pretty much stuck here. At my mercy. Indefinitely." Or until she needs sugar, which probably means 'within the next few hours.' "And you're welcome. Thank you for remembering your promise, though I think I haven't giggled so hard over a note in a long time."

Indefinite prisoner in the lap of luxury! If the jailer is Jaeyi, T'rev's not going to complain. "Right here, right now, bein' stuck is not somethin' I'm at all unhappy with," T'rev answers and does something suitably naughty and distracting with his hand under the covers. Laughter rings forth however and he kisses the tip of her nose. "Good. Least I can do ... is make you laugh." And hopefully come. A lot. For as long as that door stays locked and a certain Lord Warder doesn't come knocking.

For all Jaeyi called it 'happiness in small doses,' she actually gets a pretty decent serving of it this afternoon. And she'll perpetually get to harbor a secret smile when she locks her door in the future, an innocent "oh nothing" dismissal should that certain Lord Warder decide to inquire after it. Eventually, when it's getting dark out and that much less likely anyone will notice, she'll sit on the end of the bed and watch T'rev get back into his costume with a few pointers about where he needs his padding, most of the terminal sadness that he's leaving shoved under the amusement at his appearance. And the realization that she'll have to tell Semmy to be sure to change the sheets tomorrow morning.

It's with an understandable measure of reluctance that T'rev spills himself out of Jaeyi's bed and back into the persona of washer woman. He jokes around half in and out of that costume, dusting off the tops of bits of furniture and playing at making the bed, but eventually, he's back in that housecoat and wig, nothing left behind except some good memories. Jaeyi's gift is tucked into his 'bosom' for safekeeping and there's a last kiss to tide them both over with, his hands curved to her face tenderly before he steps away with bucket and mop and so on to make his discreet way out. Jaeyi'll have plenty of reason to grin about the door because T'rev leans against it for a moment, runs a hand down the length of the wood paneling and presses a kiss from his fingertips to its edge, winks at Jaeyi and ducks out, hopefully to gales of laughter.

*jaeyi-journeyman, ^strumpet, jaeyi, t'rev

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