[Jaeyi] Fiorella asks Jaeyi about first-kisses.

Feb 08, 2010 19:31

RL Date: 2/8/10
IC Date: 12/24/21

Great Hall, Fort Hold(#809RJs$)
Within the safety of that tall cliff, the Great Hall is a long, columned space, hung at regular intervals with banners in Fort's colors and tapestries depicting the Hold's illustrious history. A raised area holds the Lord's table and ample room is available to set up trestles to house a large number of guests for a meal. A staircase leads off into the upper levels of the hold and many doors provide access points to the kitchens and other ground-level areas.

Miserable, pissy rain has made for a track of mud from the doors through to the main corridor, with people bustling in and out throughout the day. Though the floor's been mopped a dozen times already today, people still keep trekking in more of it, and it's become something of a spectator sport-- at least, it has for Jaeyi. She sits at a table near the middle of the room, her head cocked, watching a few burly men who were likely out for some last-minute chore before winter really settles working their way across the hall, reaching a place where someone else left a slick puddle, nearly slipping and falling, cursing, and moving on. She takes a bite of cake, as if the near-miss and the eating of cake are somehow tied together.

Fiorella runs in from one of the cooridors that adjoins with the great hall, and yes she does run - to be scolded at least once almost as soon as she enters the more open space and public view. No running! There's a grin tossed back over her shoulder for the woman doing the scolding, though she does turn to a walk after catching one of those puddles and nearly sliding into someone else. "I'm so sorry," she appologizes quickly to the man. Who was running? Certainly not her. Its a certain baker that does happen to catch her eye then with a cursory glance across the room and its that direction that she turns her feet.

Jaeyi takes another bite of cake, this one at Fiorella's expense. She must be doing pretty well at this game, judging by the dent she's made in her dessert, now smashing some crumbs till they stick to the tines by a little bit of leftover frosting. "Hey, Ella," she greets once the mouthful is down. "You're lucky. I saw one of the other girls just about break her neck earlier this afternoon. Better to slow down. Or sit down, if you really want to play it safe." She nods to a chair, encouraging just that.

"They just don't know how to have fun with it," is Fiorella's reply, complete with a bright smile as she slides into a seat beside Jaeyi. "But..." she grins, reaching over to snatch a larger sized crumb from the baker's plate, clearly comfortable with that little invasion. "A little bird told me someone got a promotion and didn't tell me." How dare she do such a thing. Really.

Eyeing the peril of the puddle, Jaeyi lends a doubtful tone to her comment; "Are you sure you wanna be the one to try to teach them?" She tilts her head, contemplating Ella for a second or two, then scrunches up her nose doubtfully. "You can have the rest if you want. At the rate I'm going, it'll be stale before I finish it." Though a likely looking old uncle has just wandered in, hobbling on a cane and headed straight across the path of muddy water. "Little birds have big mouths," is her wry remark.

Fiorella shakes her head, "No, I didn't say anything about teaching them though. Just they don't know how." Big difference there. "They probably wouldn't think it was fun anyway." So there. Another shake of her head for the offer of the cake. "No thanks, I'm okay." Eyes narrow a bit for that remark however. "Come on, you must be at least a -little- excited still." And the simple fact that she's not acting it seems to bother her, but then she was all worked up to be estatic for the accomplishment.

"You sure? It's raspberry-laced vanilla cake," Jaeyi explains, turns the plate so the stripe of raspberry jam is visible in between the layers of white cake. "Which is really just a fancy way of saying I found a bunch of preserved raspberries to use up." But it makes for a pretty cake with its pink-tinged lattice work of frosting. The old uncle survives his trip, and she sighs, puts her fork down, resolutely following her own rules. "Mmn, I guess I am? I mean, okay sure." No, she's not. "Really, though, it's not like it changes anything. Still doing the same job I always was." Witness: cake.

Fiorella looks from cake to baker and back. "You had to go and tell me that, didn't you," she teases, even as she tugs the plate her way. Jaeyi should certainly know by now that raspberry happens to be one of her favorites. "You don't seem excited," she adds around a bite of that cake that makes it to her mouth before the words can be spoken. "Did you at least tell someone?" and the way she says 'someone' it should be clear enough just who she means.

Jaeyi, putting her elbows on the table and propping up her cheeks on the heels of her hands, watches the plate get dragged away and grins, a squished grin because of the way she's sitting but a grin nevertheless. "I could've lied and said it was a ketchup cake, but I'd hope you'd know better by now." Gross concept, yes, and she crinkles her nose at it-- or maybe it's at the quality of Ella's question. "I didn't really tell anyone. Little birdies seem to have taken care of alllll that for me." Stupid effing birdies. "Anyways. You seem awfully cheerful for such a dreary day. Howcome?"

Fiorella giggles. "Ketchup..." Right Jaeyi. "Eww." But apparently funny nonetheless. "But I don't think you'd -ever- make such a thing." And thus Pern is safe! or something like that. A frown momentarily touches her expression for that, but she nods. "Right, well at least they know then." Which is the important part apparently as a smile returns almost as quickly as it had disappeared. How come? "Well... it's been a good seven," she replies with a grin just before taking another bite of that cake.

"You wanna talk about why it's been a good seven?" Jaeyi prompts, head cocked to lean more on one hand than the other, a questioning tilt. "Or should I just hold out for the rumor mill? Apparently it works quicker than lightning around these parts."

"Well you could wait, but it might take awhile," Fiorella replies. She looks left, and then right and when the coast is deemed clear she leans in a bit closer. "What was it like the first time you kissed a boy?" A question, but still that might well give Jaeyi insight as to what.

There's a question she doesn't get every day, and Jaeyi frowns a little about it. "Like, for real kissed or just kissed in general? Because I think I was about seven when I kissed a boy?" Probably bullied the poor boy into doing it, too, judging by the clear of her throat and the quick flicker of utter amusement that claims her expression. "Why? Who'd you kiss?"

"Like for real kissed," Fiorella replies, still keeping her voice low least they be overheard. Faranth forbid anyone hear her ask about that. "I didn't say I did," she nearly whines, pouting a bit for the question turned back on her like that. "Besides. I asked first."

Jaeyi shrugs honestly, one shoulder raising so her chin bobbles just a little where she still leans on her hands. "I dunno. I guess it was nice enough, considering neither of us knew what we were doing. I was twelve? So." Do the math. "Who'd you kiss? You might as well tell me. You wouldn't be asking if there wasn't a reason, after all."

"Oh." Well that's obviously not what Fiorella was looking to hear as an answer there. And she's thirteen so at least that's not all that far off there. "Well, actually, he kissed me, but..." She grins, still not saying who just yet.

"It got better?" Jaeyi offers after-the-fact. "I mean, within a few months, it wasn't just sort of fumbly lip-touching. It was--" T'rev's fosterling. There are things the Baker /really/ needs to keep to herself, ahem. "Anyways. If you're not gonna tell me, I'll just have to ask around. 'Excuse me, old auntie, do you know who Fiorella's been kissing?' I bet you someone'd find out real quick like that."

Oh, like T'rev hasn't told her things he probably shouldn't before already. Pulease! That's why she was asking Jaeyi in the first place. Most likely source of getting an actual answer rather than the run around. "No!" Fiorella squeaks, "Don't do that," grabbing for the baker's wrist least she get up and go do just that right at that moment. "It was Astivan," she finally answers in a whisper.

Yeah-well, Jaeyi's not about to take responsibility for Ella's presumed innocence, so let's just keep things limited to first-base, hmn? "Aww," she says predictably, clasps her hands in a starry-eyed way for the revelation. "That's so precious. He's about as cute as a little boy can get, too." Beat. "I mean, not that he's so little, but anyway."

Fiorella blushes, full out pink coloring her cheeks. "It was kinda.. awkward," she admits, ducking her head. "The second time was better though.." And the third. "And well... he gave me this," she adds, procuring from her pocket a little brass curtian ring with diamond shapes etched into it. "And he said he really likes me." All still whispered and the treasure itself barely shown above the table. Like Jaeyi said herself. Gossip is so easily spread.

Seriously. "So cute." Jaeyi leans forward to glimpse the treasure, another awwwww written all over her face, and then settles back again with a new question; "So howcome you're carrying it around in your pocket instead of, mmmn, wearing it?" She manages to wear a token-of-affection on her own ring finger, and /she/ actually has a reason to worry about it being noticed. "Assuming you really like him back, I mean. You do, right?"

"Stop it!" Fiorella pouts, quietly of course. That I'm so happy you're giving me that attention, but its so embarassing! "It doesn't fit really," she admits, "its too big." Might fit on an index or middle finger, but even then it doesn't exactly fit so well. "And well..." That last question trips her up, "Sort of.."

"You could wear it on, like, a chain around your neck. I have about fifty of them if you ever want to come and pick one out?" Jaeyi's not wearing her own chain for example, necklace-free today. She might have been on the verge of offering Ella one right then and there, but one of the apprentices from the kitchen-- one that's older than Jaeyi, in truth, and has definitely been at the Hold longer-- stands in the doorway with an expectant look on her face, prompting Jaeyi to add, "And that's my cue to go check on my pies. Congrats on the smooch, Ella."

"Maybe I could come by your room tonight?" Fiorella suggests in reply to that offer. "Pick one out. If you're sure you don't mind giving one out..." She colors again at that congrats, not that the previous one had complete faded yet either. "Thanks..." she returns with a nod, "Wouldn't want them to burn."

Jaeyi's parting words? "Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow?" Ahem. She scurries off busily.

*jaeyi-journeyman, ^strumpet, fiorella, jaeyi

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