[Jaeyi] T'rev helps Jaeyi feel better (for now).

Jan 17, 2010 09:18

RL Date: 1/16/10
IC Date: 10/2/21 --Back-dated.

T'rev's Weyr, Fort Weyr
Split into two rooms, this weyr boasts comfortable sitting area to welcome visitors near the hearth, where a brown leather couch and two chairs stand atop a rug woven of the Weyrleader's favorite rusty shades. Just beyond the sitting area, a table that seats six constitutes what some might call a formal dining area with a hutch set off to the side that holds dishes and a large collection of drinking glasses as well as a sideboard for serving food. A wine rack, well-stocked with a wide selection of wines, ports and brandies resides in the corner, ready to serve.

Separated from the receiving area, is the sleeping room, which bears a fresh coat of cream-colored paint and bright tapestries on the walls, one of which depicts Nerat Hold, likely a token of respect for T'rev's origins. The bed is a large, sturdy wooden frame with a simple rectangular headboard with rails along its back - this is the same bed he move from Telgar to Fort. Other furniture here includes items brought down from his high up weyr: his comfortable lounge chair, the side table that goes with it, the wicker chairs for guests. New are the portable shelves set up to either side of the hearth to hold his books. The entrance to the bath is curtained off at the back of the chamber.

Arguably, this is one of those 'morning comes too soon' moments. T'rev is likely to be up before Jaeyi is and he's quiet about it too, slipping out of bed to put klah on to brew, pulling down what supplies he has on hand to put together a little breakfast. It's not fancy, but it's good food. Then he returns to the bed and slides in beside the baker, lies there with his head propped up on his hand and tucks a fold of the quilt more around her shoulder, given how much she hates feeling cold.

For all it started out strange, Jaeyi wound up getting a good night's rest, sleeping soundly through the night. Unfortunately, she pays for it with the first peeking open of her eyes, which comes around the time the bed jostles a second time, when T'rev returns to it. "Ow," is her genius commentary on the matter, put when she reseals her eyes and, curling up tightly, manages to sink farther below the horizon of the quilt, letting it ride up to cover her nose, then eyes, then up to her forehead. Champagne-drunk may be bubbly and fun (for the most part), but champagne-hungover is the /worst/.

"Mornin', sweetheart," T'rev says softly, mindful of that hangover. "Klah's on and I can get you some water. Should help with that headache. Or a little bit of headache tea." His arm slides around Jae + quilt and his head drops down onto his upper arm. Good boy, he brushed his teeth too so she doesn't get a whiff of morning breath.

Muffled, "Can you get me a big ol' dose of hindsight?" Otherwise, she may not be coming out of there any time soon, though Jaeyi will cuddle closer to warm-body from beneath the dark and the coziness where the headache is kept at least somewhat at bay. "Water would be good. Enough to drown in," she adds drily, at least as dry as her throat sounds, lucky her!

"Wish I could, darlin'," T'rev says sincerely and aims a kiss for the top of her head then reaches over to the side table where he left a glass of water and a reed straw earlier. "Here you go, I can even tuck it under the blankets with the straw if you need me to."

Likely, given the shuffling going on under there, Jaeyi's rubbing her eyes now, and, shortly, peers back up from beneath the quilt once more, facing the light of day as blearily as one might expect. "No," with a sigh. "I'll spill it all over." Caaaaarefully, bracing her weight on her hands, she slides up to where she's sitting up at least a little, blanket tucked around her like there's some pretense of decency in this particular bed.

"I'd hold it up for you," T'rev says quite seriously about the glass, but then he scoots over and offers it over to her instead. "How much did you have?" he asks casually, brown eyes searching her face a faint touch of concern to be found in his expression.

Jaeyi takes the glass, fiddles with the straw a second, and decides to forego that little bit of thoughtfulness and drains it with absolutely no delicacy. She even winds up having to catch a couple of drops off her chin with her palm before she's done, pants a couple times to get her wind back, and holds the glass back to T'rev blankly. "Uhmn, two? Twelve? Somewhere in between there, I'm pretty sure." Knees drawn up, she props one elbow on them, then puts her hand up to her forehead, meets his faintly-concerned-look through her splayed fingers. "I'm not dying or anything."

Glug. Down the hatch. And T'rev takes the glass back, mouth quirking wryly to the side. He reaches towards her chin where there might be a missed drop or two to wipe off gently, though his thumb goes wandering down the curve of her neck for a few inches until he draws back looking faintly guilty and turns away to put the glass down. "That's a lot for you," the Weyrleader notes. Oh so he has noticed in spite of offering her wine on occasion. "I'm ... more worried about why you were drinkin', Jae. A hangover might feel like death but no it won't kill you."

Hah! "Tell me about it," being a lot for her. Not about the fact that thinking that was funny makes her squint and put her hand over her eyes for a second. Jaeyi waits till that passes, then peeks open one eye again to look sideways at T'rev, to reach for his wandering hand before it gets too far away. "I had a bad day. And it seems like-- well, if you have a bad day and a lotta free drinks, you maybe ought to put them to good use?" Really, though, it's that... "I think I fucked up. A lot this time."

Hand caught, T'rev's fingers curl around Jaeyi's warmly and he aims to draw her hand up to his lips. What she says though brings his gaze upward again and the pang in his eyes is visible. "Yeah. I've been known to knock back a few on a bad day," he admits then falls silent, swallows. "Fucked up?" Prompting gently even as he scoots a little closer and aims to wind his arm around her.

"It might be a stupid way to cope, this drinking business. Next time, candy." Jaeyi starts to nod firmly, catches it before it gets to be a bad idea, and just sags into T'rev's arm instead. Much more comfortable there. "I-- hmn. You remember when you said 'obligations?'" Presumably so. "Yeah, those got spelled out yesterday in no uncertain terms. And I've never, like, had to... I don't like this idea of belonging to someone. It doesn't sit right." To say the least. As intelligently as she's attempting to approach this, she's also found that hand again and threaded it with hers, tightly now.

"Admittedly, it ain't all that smart, no. But it does kind of put off the 'this fucking hurts' part of some --" T'rev breaks off and his breath catches. That arm tightens around Jaeyi and his fingers curl closed atop hers, sealing the lacing of fingers. "You don't belong t'anyone but yourself," the Weyrleader blurts out, but there's a certain heaviness to his voice and a pang of understanding on his face. "And you can't back out now, can you?"

Jaeyi has no further arguments about the benefits of drinking away one's woes. Obviously, it wasn't the smartest thing she's ever done, but that same sentiment is what started all this, isn't it? And that's why she makes a wry face for a moment before exhaling a sigh, commenting, "I think Fort's Steward might beg to differ with that." The pang, which she regards without flinching, is answered with a truthful shake of her head. "Not unless I wanna kiss my whole career goodbye. Which I don't, especially, want to do."

And thus are some of T'rev's worst fears realized. "You could come back here, couldn't you? I mean, I know it's not Fort Hold, but I don't think even Cirse would turn you away if you wrote to ask to have your contract back ..." he trails off and looks down at the wrinkling of the blanket where it gathers up toward her. "What ... did he say to you, Jae?" The question comes out very low and T'rev takes a moment or two before he looks up again at the baker.

"I have a feeling," Jaeyi begins with a bitter humor, "that I won't exactly get to stay a Baker if I so much as pack a bag." Shifting, pushing with her heels so she can scoot a little more upright, she reaches to cup his chin with her hand, so there's less chance of staring at blanket-wrinkles and more necessity for keeping his eyes on hers, bloodshot as they might be at the moment. "He just-- told me the way things are going to be. It's more just how he said it? Or, maybe, what was implied? I can't really explain it, except I feel... like I've been bought and paid for."

Silence on T'rev's end as she lifts his chin and there's visible misery in his eyes. "I --" he starts, stops and then he just pulls her into his arms and holds her against his chest. "Shit," he mutters after a moment or two. "Shit. Shit. Shit. That fucking bastard. I should go shove my fist up his pretty, smug face." Now there's a rare thing. T'rev. Threatening violence.

Calm; "I don't think that'd be a very good idea." After a good night's sleep, Jaeyi seems to be coping a little better, or maybe it's just as simple as being cuddled and able to tuck her forehead under his chin, lean her cheek to his chest. "And you can't really blame him, if you think about it. I did this to myself. Kay said so last night, I wanted this, remember?" Where her nose crinkles decisively.

Hands move through Jaeyi's hair, smoothing out curls and his lips find her forehead. "I know that, it just ... I'd like to, dammit," T'rev says feelingly and sighs softly, tangles his fingers up in a handful of hair he just smoothed out. "I can blame him if I want to and myself too for not tryin' to argue you out of it." Pause. "But ... yeah. I knew you wanted the Hold really bad and the opportunity was huge. Just ... not at this kind of price and I was afraid it'd go this way. Hoped it wouldn't and ... dammit."

"Then you go on blaming him if it makes you feel better." Jaeyi hasn't got a great deal of energy, still, to put behind her voice, but the tone would be appropriate for patting a small child on his head, there-there, little boy. This next costs her a little more effort, said after a soft sigh, "But don't blame yourself. I would've gone anyway, even if I didn't want to, there was no saying no. And I like the Hold, I like working there, but I've never /actually/ been someone's whore before." Seriously, for all the quality of it is comically troubled; "It's not as much fun as I thought it would be." A /big/ dose of hindsight indeed.

That actually makes him laugh a little and T'rev tries to tilt her gaze up to his, expression caught between that brief expression of humor and sad-hurt-little-boy. "You can be so stubborn sometimes," he tells her softly, and for all there's that rue in there, he's fond in saying that too. "I've never thought you were, if it makes any difference." Earnest as ever. "And even if you are ... you never will be in my eyes." T'rev bends to kiss her then, putting a whole lot of feeling behind it.

So stubborn. "Stupid, too, which really isn't a good combination." Jaeyi twists her lips askew while she mulls over that pairing of faults, the twist turning to a half-smile for his attempts at reassurance. The smile itself is authentic, it's just that his particular remarks only go so far toward making it all better. Although accepting of the kiss, the intent of it, even, she sneaks a finger up in between his lips and hers, nose still alongside T'rev's. "You brushed your teeth, and I still feel like I've been cleaning stables with my tongue."

"Not stupid," T'rev argues and lifts his hand to draw her finger away. "Just ... maybe in a lot of ways, we're alike, you and me. We want to think the best about people," the Weyrleader says slowly, thoughtfully. "And as a lot of folks have been pointin' out to me lately, that ain't always how the world works." This is the end of innocence? He smiles a little thinly and brushes his lips to her forehead. "Want to take a bath? I'll scrub your back for you and wash your hair. You'll have to manage your own teeth though."

Not as bothered by it as she could be, maybe should be, Jaeyi insists, "Noooo, I'm pretty sure I'm stupid. You can only take 'naive' so far before you've gotta accept stupid as the alternative." And, so T'rev isn't counted as stupid right alongside her, she notes quietly, "You tried to warn me, T'rev. So did Kay. So, if you and me are alike, then you better learn a lesson here. Sometimes, you have to actually trust other people's judgment, even if one of them /is/ just about the most cynical person you ever met and the other one-- well. Your faults aren't the ones on trial." With a pat-pat for his cheek, the edge of his chin, then a slow nod when her hand drops away. "I think a bath'd go a long ways, yes."

Another breath and T'rev nods slowly. "Yeah. I-- I should've listened to Isobel," the Weyrleader says quietly and looks stricken again for a moment. "Shells. She /married/ the bastard." And he shakes his head a couple of times, then gives Jaeyi one more hug and slides off the bed, hands held out to her. "Bath then. And I'll re-schedule my morning."

"She'll be okay," Jaeyi says with calm confidence. "Isobel, I mean. Esraval likes her. And he's not-- cruel? I guess? As long as you do what you're told..." She trails off over a shrug, a fact with which she's just going to have to come to terms, her smile coming slowly and wryly before she scoots after him to the edge of the bed. Hand in his, she adds a firm look to him; "But next time your girlfriend's all, 'so I'm totally leaving and moving away,' at least make a token effort to stop her? It would've been nice." Criticizing T'rev doesn't come easy, but if all the cards are being laid out, she'll do so, even if it's with an apologetic half-smile his way.

"I hope so," T'rev says with a quiet sigh. "She ... made a connection here," he says rather vaguely and draws Jaeyi to her feet. What she says next brings a stricken look to his face and he pulls her against him tight. "Shells, Jae. Can't win for losin'," T'rev claims and turns his face into her hair, his shoulders shifting with the unsteady pace of his breathing. "You know I didn't want you to go. But it wouldn't've been right of me to try 'n stop you. Selfish, y'know."

Jaeyi doesn't say a word about this connection of Isobel's, though her brows have to rise with intrigue at the notion. They smooth out pretty quickly, though, and she hurriedly folds her arms around T'rev in turn, saying, "I'm sorry. I should've kept that one to myself but-- I'm working on that, so I thought I better tell the truth." She curls a hand around the back of T'rev's neck, fingers in his hair, palm flat to his neck. "It's okay. I'm not angry at you. I just wish you were, sometimes. Selfish. More selfish. Even remotely selfish would be okay."

"No, it's okay to tell me," T'rev says with a little shake of his head. "If we can't be honest with each other, we ain't gonna make it," the Weyrleader says a little bluntly and his hands curl upward along her shoulder blades. "For what it's worth, if you're sayin' your goin' again, I'll throw myself bodily down on top of you t'keep you from goin'. That work for you?" he queries, a touch of his more usual mischief returning to his expression.

Pragmatic; "Well, all my stuff is there, so I kind of have to go back. Plus-- ah." Jaeyi only gets the joke after she's started trying to logically explain why she's going back to the Hold, which is pretty bad! Tap-tapping her temple, a knowing little smirk spreading, she answers, "I think that'd at least stall me for a little while? Though, mmn, can we save that for a while? Bath first, sweetie, and we can hope it makes my head feel better then I can make your head feel better?" There. Ba-dum.

Grinning now, T'rev drops a light kiss to Jaeyi's forehead. "For what it's worth, I'm not actually tryin' to get you in the sack." Wait they were just /in/ the sack. Without any sex going on. "Er, you know what I mean. But. I really do mean, bath and relaxin' a little so your head will feel better," the rider says sincerely. "Not that I'll be turnin' you down if you then feel like gettin' it on," T'rev says with a little drop of his head to the side and a thoughtful expression that doesn't last. "C'mon, beautiful. Let's get wet." And yes, that's a very wicked little wink as he leads the way. True to his word, T'rev is actually capable of tending to Jaeyi in the bath without actually /tending/ to her. Like that. Until she's good and ready and makes the first move.

It's Jaeyi and T'rev. Eventually, regardless of how bummed she might be about some things, she'll get it up for him again. It takes damn near a whole bath, which is a marvel considering the pair of them. From the bathtub to the bed to that breakfast-stuff that T'rev made back to the bed to some talk of how Jaeyi's going to sneak out to the bed again to-- "Can you just reshuffle your whole day and then I can just sneak out way late tonight or early or whatever?" Beat. "If you say 'no,' I'll probably cry. Just so you know."

At least it's a constant. You can almost always cheer these two up with copious amounts of sex. "The Gather's still on," T'rev murmurs into the curve of her neck and he smiles slowly. "A lot of folks'll be down there. And Isobel and Esraval are off on their little wedding trip. And I haven't taken any real downtime for a bit. So. Yes. I'll call out sick," T'rev says with a low chuckle. Mecaith does not quite approve of the little white lie about T'rev having a stomachache, but he passes it along anyway to G'fry who'll take care of the wing and the Records will just have to wait for a day. Because the Weyrleader has a Baker to cuddle with all day. All. Day. They haven't done this for ages. It's possible T'rev might not even be able to /walk/ at the end of this one, but hell, he'll be smiling anyway.

It doesn't fix anything or change anything, but it works for what it is: a chance to ignore the inevitable at least for a little while. Plus, sex is a really good way to cure a headache. And Jaeyi had a bad headache, so it takes a lot of sex! Kisses and cuddles end a long night-day-night before she's sneaking off to thumb a ride back to the Hold, presumably feeling much better~

^strumpet, *jaeyi-sr app, jaeyi, t'rev

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