Top 10 tags (OOC)

Jan 13, 2010 11:38

For the record, the actual top 10 are: N'thei, Jaeyi, *weyrleader, *apprentice, T'rev, !vignette, *snowstrike, satiet, *sr app, and *glacier. Which obviously means they're all muddied, being that I use this journal for all my characters. So here they are kinda by character:


The Tillekian Brewfest: Links to part 1 and part 2. Part 2 has some good stuff with Wyaeth and N'thei actually taking charge in something of a crisis situation, and there's some "stuff" between Satiet and N'thei. Which was always good for the buh-factor.

B'yan finally gets what's coming to him: One of the (many) times N'thei came unleashed.

Satiet and N'thei-- denouement?: Picking one log out of all those was damn near impossible. This one's pretty pivotal, though, even if it's not necessarily a good example of what went on between them.

Random acts of violence.: This scene just always stuck with me as kind of where N'thei's head was and is after Satiet died-- confused, useless, violent.

amerie-- Caveat: Jaeyi and M'try have logs with Amerie, too.
Is this becoming a habit?: The beginning of the end of Amerie and N'thei.

Abject misery loves company. Even Milani's.: The point at which N'thei no longer wanted to kill Milani.

Paying a woman to do a a job that doesn't start with hand- or blow.: These two never really hit it off.

A'son and N'thei at the minehold: the gunpowder treason and plot.: This remains one of my favorite logs of all time for some reason.

Midnight muffins.: A very Persie thing to do.

*cromcoal plot
Thieves in the night. Caught.: It was all downhill from here, folks.


Jae and Kwei talk a lot about their respective crafts.: Two apprentices! Double your fun.

Gramps's cooking show.: When Jaeyi first went to the Waystation and things... changed... for the better.

*sr app
D'kai is highly flammable. And hot, but that's unrelated.: I just like this log.

Hot wax hair removal treatment.: Back when Kwei was fighting the urge.

kaida-- M'try also has logs with Kay.
The scruffy old cat's outta the bag.: Kay never says a word in this log, which is how it should be!

*seahold plot-- Another shared for M'try.
T'rev and B'kaiv are both jackasses.: When T'rev (stupidly) told Jaeyi about how he was going to let Kai punch him.

b'kaiv-- Shows up on all three characters' lists.
Put out or shut up.: Definitive.

Ella's birthday party.: Little girl all grown up?

Thankfully, Cirse can't read minds.: When Jaeyi learned that Cirse wasn't that terrifying. Phew.

Depends what's on the menu.: Typical, typical.


That whole sunrise-in-the-garden with Amerie thing.: In case it wasn't patently obvious, M'try has a big ol' crush.

Mohraith and Liath wind up rolling in the mud. Their riders (thankfully?) do not.: Mostly cuteness between dragonets.

Vanissa and M'try clear the air.: In the wake of Nissa's discovery about M'try's porn, they make up.

Atreyan's mop-bucket. Vanissa's old ladies. Maitrey's rest-day.: Candidates doing candidate stuff.

Maitrey spends most of this log playing with his pencil. Which is not a euphemism, I swear.: Mait totally scored.

~ooc, n'thei, m'try, jaeyi, !vignette

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