Nathein gets searched by Shanlee.

Jun 30, 2007 20:46

RL Date: 6/30/2007
IC Date: 7/25/12

The exact IC date for this scene is unknown. I guesstimated 7/25/12 based on the date of the last scene I had. The scene was actually run on TooMUSH because NC has been down. The @descs were all captured from previous logs that Shanlee and I had and provided. The scene originally started on 6/24/2007, but it ended after only a few poses when my internet broke down. For all intents and purposes, this scene happened at the end of the 7th month in Turn 12.

Benden Hold - Fireheights(#468RJ)
Standing atop the cliff, you see the whole of the region laid out below you. Firepits spread out around you, and sacks of firestone are kept piled here to resupply dragons fighting Thread over Benden. Visiting dragons often perch here, keeping the watchdragon company.

The stray breezes up here are welcome against the heat, though they remind you that winter will all-too-soon return. Beneath you, lush green crops spread across the ground, and the lowing of a herdbeast carries to your ears. Loud sounds carry up from the kitchen as the cooks of Benden begin to prepare the evening meal. Fairs of firelizards playfully wheel through the sky.

A steep stairway cut into the cliff leads down to the courtyard.

Early enough in the afternoon that the guard is relatively light, apparently right in the middle of changing shifts, three of the guards have a makeshift table in a bend in the wall - keeping the wind to a minimum. The fourth person at the table is none other than Nathein, and he remains sitting while his three table mates, looking grumbly, stand up and start off. Left to his own devices, the big fellow starts counting marks into a coin purse.

Blasting out of *between* Kaylith hovers a breath or too over the fireheights bugling her greeting to the dragon on watch. The firelizards cavorting about around her crooned at with delight. Whisper light, the little green executes her landing with as little fuss as possible being sure to avoid the humans moving about then almost immediately turns her head to Shan, a whuffling sound that seems to hold a querying note is brought forth. Shaking her head in amusement, the greenrider shimmies down her side and sets to tugging open the carrysack at the dragon's side "I don't think you'll find any up here, but if you insist." A strangely colored rock - purple in fact is tossed to the ground in front of the little green, and a wrapped package extracted by the petite redhead. Green eyes sweep the area, touching first on Nathein a hand in greeting lifted his way, then the rider of the watchdragon in whose direction she now heads.

The guards give their due respect to the arriving dragonrider by way of nods and "Benden's duties" as they pass, but there's a sullen look about them as they head to the inner hold. Nathein, on the other hand, draws the ties on his coin purse with a satisfied smirk, allowing himself time to be distracted by the green's arrival. He starts a more familiar greeting toward Shanlee, but - seeing she's got errands - settles for a wave-and-a-smile routine.

Shanlee gives the traditional return of "Reaches duties." to the guards a curious look sent their way for the sullen demeanor. Being that this was not a hold even in her sweep area, they're soon put out of her mind. A few low words exchanged with the watchrider as the package is handed over. Not long after, light laughter filters out from the Reachian rider followed by a deeper accompaniment from the other "I'll be sure to let her know. But mind what I said. I'm not taking the 'scores' if you don't attend." Grinning, the man waves her off. Kaylith for her part has set about tap-tapping the odd rock around the clifftop seeming to enjoy negotiating it's way around the firepits. And now, Nathein is afforded proper greeting "Afternoon Nathein, taking in the sun?" eyes drop quickly to the movement as he draws the coin purse closed.

"I do like to keep up with my tan," Nathein answers glibly, turning his face briefly toward the afternoon sunshine. His eyes never do leave the dragon with her rock, and he's soon enough nodding in that direction to ask frankly, "What's she doing?" Discretely, he drops his coins into his vest pocket, finally looking away from Kaylith's odd doings to smile up at the greenrider.

Surprise for the glib return arches a fine brow upward "Your tan. I see..." a sweep of eyes over the seated Nathein "Usually folk try that at a beach of in swimming trunks. Not generally fully clothed and atop the fireheights." smooth in their delivery her words making it clear she wasn't buying that as an answer from him. Twisting her head to glance over her shoulder at Kaylith, a dramatic roll of eyes ensues then "The last time we were here there were some little girls playing hop-scotch. She was convinced they'd be here again and she could play with them." The tap-tapping ceases momentarily as the little swings her head up and down as if agreeing with this then sets right back to her 'game' "She's had the thing since weyrlinghood." The Reachian rider's attention only coming back to the man as he smiles she misses the coins being settled away.
*or in swimming trunks....

Nathein suggests with a gracious gesture to indicate the Benden valley all stretched out below them, "Beggars can't be choosers. I can't /get/ to the beach." A raise of his brow is all he has to answer the idea of Kaylith playing hopscotch, that and a rake of his eyes along the length of the dragon - considerably longer than the length of a little girl. "What brings you to my neck of the woods again?"

Kaylith being typical of female nature shows off by arching her slender neck coyly then sending the purple rock skittering across the plateau with a swift tap of tail that almost sends it over the edge. This of course undoes that flirtatious pose as the little green goes scuttling off after her treasure. Pulling a chair out and turning it around to straddle it, Shan slings her jacket across its back then dangles her arms over it "D'estian's niece is a weyr resident and is getting handfasted soon and wants him at the ceremony. He tried to plead...." a glance going to the watchrider in question "....not having finery. We just fixed that." a wink sent to the rider as she catches his eye. "Do you normally just sit about and tan? Or does the Lady Jeracynn have you hard at work?" the greenrider's tone turning vaguely sly.

Nathein watches long enough to give Kaylith her dues, paying homage to the shrine of femininity, before he looks back to Shanlee and her choice of seating arrangements. Up go his brows, amused. "I keep myself occupied, and thank you kindly for asking, miss. Pass along my sympathies for D'estian, and congratulations for his sister." He seems entertained by the whole shebang.

Rock caught in time and gently guided away from its precarious perch, the little green continues on with her task of negotiating firepits and such. Whuffles and warbles seem to stream endlessly as she goes about her business all for the time being ignore by her rider in such a way as to suggest this were simply the nature of the dragon. Whether Nathein's amusement were for her seating mannerism or her words his amusement is met with a faint smirk for his first "Oh I'm quite sure you do Nathein of not Benden or anywhere else it seems. What I was interested in was just what those tasks would be? Surely not a weaver, or a vintner. Stablehand perhaps?" all asked in a tone of complete naivety. The downcast eyes hiding whatever other clues may be hidden there. A flick of eyes to D'estian then back to Nathein "Hmmm....think the girl needs her head seen to but then that's just me and my cynicism speaking."

Nathein manages to look offended as the word 'stablehand' comes out of Shanlee's mouth. He rocks back in his chair, reeling away from the very word, the corners of his lips turning down. "If you weren't such a little girl, those'd be fighting words, miss." He dusts off his sleeves with an absent flick, chuckling at the continued chatter. "Future husband is not up to snuff?"

Green eyes narrow at the use of the diminutive word in association with herself. "Just try it." Shan challenges with a stubborn tilt of pointed chin, however lips curl slowly into a smirk for Nathein's reaction to being called a stablehand. "Could be worse, could be a porcine farmer." slight shoulders shift nonchalantly at his manner "I'll just keep on pushing until eventually you either go insane or tell me what I want to know." the almost too cheerful to not be wary of. A soft snort is uttered "Apparently a good match. Good looking, stable work, devoted, blah , blah , blah." a slim hand lifts and flutters at each of the last three words as bored disinterest is feigned.

Nathein narrows one eye at Shanlee and her porcine-farming, but he doesn't take the bait this time. Leaning back, folding his arms loosely across his chest, he addresses the latter half of the conversation instead. "So she finds herself a good-looking, devoted, blah-blah-blah and you think she needs her head examined. Praytell." Pointed pause. "Why?"

The faintly smug cast to Shan's face may suggest that she saw Nathein's non-response to her words as some sort of victory won as she fixes him with a long look to his question then slides her attention off to the view. Condescending the tone used now "Because those that are all aflutter and in 'love's' trap, tend to wander around blind don't they? So blinded by pretty words and promises the truth could bite them in the butt and they'd still question its existence." The subject is quickly dismissed as with a pointed look sweeping across the table and the immediate area then landing on Nathein in a near accusatory manner "This is Benden and not a wineskin in sight?"

"And if the pretty words and promises turn out to be the truth?" Nathein doesn't commit to the argument one way or the other to judge his tone and expression. Waving a hand carelessly across the table top, sans wineskins, with nothing but a few peanut shells as remnants of the previous card game, and he says, "I don't carry them around with me as a general rule. Are you suggesting a field trip?"

Shanlee shrugs "Then all the best to her." her tone bland and offering no more on the subject. The sigh that breathes out as Nathein makes it clear he is not in possession of wine could be comical if not dramatic. "And what is you do for thirst all the way up here whilst....tanning." again a faint slyness drifts across the last word. "Fine." suddenly the wingsecond stands as if a snap decision had just been made "I'll get my own." And true to her words she turns to try and hail down her little green muttering under her breath about hospitality, men and various other things likely going unheard.

Nathein explains mildly, "We were drinking beer, but the beer left with the boys." There's a little lament there, but it's curbed as Shanlee starts muttering and goes tearing off like that. "You seem a little cross about all that, miss. Would it make you feel better if I went off and fetched you a bottle of Benden's finest white?" He even stands up with the offer, stepping over the edge of the table - since there's not enough room to go around it - to follow behind her.

Kaylith seems to sidestep just as Shan reaches her side. The greenrider moves in the same direction reaching for the carrysack only to have the little green bugle a playful note and skirt around the other side. It's lucky her back is turned to both Nathein and D'estain for annoyance is starting to show quite plainly on the fine features. When Nathein's words reach her the 'dance' with her dragon halts. Turning slowly on a booted heel, the most beatific smile appears "You'd do that? Bendan's finest white?" the purring of the words and demeanor for some reason just not sitting quite right on the petite redhead as the man's step over the table is observed with some small amusement.

"I won't swear to the finest," Nathein back-pedals a little, already shading toward the stairs to the courtyard, though he does pause to take stock of Shanlee and Kaylith dancing thusly. "But the finest I can pay for on short notice. Stay. Make yourself comfortable." That he seems wary in the face of purring must be a fluke, though he does rush.

Ahhh.....and such is the taste of victorious use of feminine wiles and the smile Shan produces bears charming testimony to this. "You are indeed a true gentleman." lashes lower against pale cheeks as the greenrider drops a ladylike curtsey. Kaylith stops dead in mid-thwack to rumble a disbelieving snort for her rider's ridiculous play acting. As Nathein, turns away the Reachian rider grins at D'estian who'd surreptitiously been watching the whole scene play out with ill-hidden amusement. Clearly he knew the redhead better then to believe it for one minute. Chair turned around the correct way, she drops into arranging a suitably ladylike posture to await the big man's return.
*As Nathein turns away,

Nathein's gone longer than he needs to be. Not long enough to make a person feel abandoned, mind, but longer than it takes to jog over to the Vintners and pick up a wineskin and some glasses. When he returns, it's with those things and some cheese and a couple of apples all on a tray, and he puts it all down on the table wordlessly, only raking a look across the now primly seated greenrider with a knit between his brows.

Involved in some sort of unheard conversation - at least from Kaylith's side, Shan misses Nathein's arrival muttering a "Shush you, it worked didn't it?" to which the little green merely drops her jaw in a draconic grin. Curling her rock protectively within her tail's curl, the little green seems to have abandoned her game and be settling for a good bake in the sun. "Ahhhh, Nathein. You returned and bearing...." fine brows lift at the unexpected presentation of cheese and apples, then slink to the wineskin and glasses " too?" All pretences aside a now, wariness crosses her features at the look from him "Uhhhhh....thank you?" the tone subdued "I...was just teasing back there." her hand waving backward in the direction of where she'd been standing "I didn't think you'd take me seriously." her frown matching his.

"Call it an excuse to flee before you got even more weird." Nathein clamors over the edge of the table again, sitting back down in his corner chair - nevermind that there's a perfectly good chair that won't have him climbing over tables. "Eat. Drink. Be merry. Better than getting all worked up about some girl getting married when it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you." He even has a pocketknife for cutting cheese and apples.

Shanlee throws her head back and laughs delightedly for a moment, the sound echoing across the fireheights and startling the little green to wakefulness once again "Weird? Now that's more what I'm used to hearing." approval shining behind mirth filled eyes. Having lost interest in pretending to be something she wasn't the greenrider leans forward, crossing arms over themselves on the tabletop, drawing back for just a moment as Nathein once again climbs over the table to avoid getting knocked on the head. "I could care less." the reply flippant for the girl getting married. Reaching for the wineskin, the rider sets to expertly uncorking it and filling each glass to half-full. One slide the man's way, one drawn close to herself as the eats are taken care of.
*One slid the.....

Nathein's careful with his bulk, no worries. He keeps his knees and feet well away from Shanlee's head, and he settles down to draw his own glass the rest of the way across the table. Opening the pocket knife, starting to core the apple, he keeps his smirk halfway hidden under pretense of trying to avoid cutting off his fingers: "You certainly seemed to care a minute ago."

Having been woken from her short-lived slumber the little green fixes a disgruntled stare on Shan, whuffling irritated little noises on and off "Enough." The command given in distracted delivery which could be to either the dragon or Nathein for his comment. Watching as the big man settles himself into the chair, the rider hides her amusement at his careful movements behind the upraised glass that touches her mouth. A long sampling sip, then "So what makes Nathein get up each morning? What gets your heart racing and your mouth dry hhmmm?" a most unusual question to be sure, but delivered in such a conversational tone as the glass is tipped his way it might just be polite enquiry.

"Two different answers." Nathein slices the apple into eighths and sets half of them on Shanlee's side of the table. "Usually, people being noisy gets me up in the morning, and running too far and hot weather gets my mouth dry." He takes a sip at that opportune moment, measuring the taste of it with a so-so tilt of his head this way and that. "But that wets a person's whistle, doesn't it?"

"Answered and yet not." Shan raises her glass in toast to Nathein's neat sidestep a small smirk playing at her mouth for his tactics. "Let me put it this way then." a slice of apple lifted in long fingers and waved at him "What matters to you in life? And no dancing around the subject this time." Settling back in her chair, wineglass in one hand the other bringing the fruit to her mouth to have the edges nibbled at while the greenrider awaits the man's response with a carefully appraising look fixed on him.

Nathein swipes away a chunk of cheese with his thumb and his knife, looking it over speculatively. Truth be told, the wine is good enough - probably cost him a pretty penny - but it's nothing to write home about. "What do you want to matter to me in life, little girl? You're hell-bent on finding out something about me, but I can't for the life of me figure out why." Tipping his head back, he drains the glass in one swallow, then looks curiously across the table, waiting.

Now Shan would have risen to that bait if the low growl that spills out moments before what happens next is a sign of anything that was to come as yet again her stature is pointed out by Nathein. Tired of being ignored it seems, Kaylith emits a loud demanding bugle right as the rock she'd been nursing with her tail is suddenly flying across the ground and right for the four shins situated beneath the table. Whether it hits her rider's or the man that seems to currently have her attention clearly has not crossed the little green's mind. The latter of the big man's query for the time being lost on the greenrider as that sound rips her attention away moments too late to stop the dragon's action.

Nathein claps a hand over his shin, reacting to the rock hitting his leg while he ducks against the sound of the bugle. "Shells!" He nearly knocks over the table as he turns to get his leg out from under it, peering toward the dragon accusingly. "You can't explain to her that you're trying to have a conversation here?"

Smugly pleased, Kaylith sets off to 'verbalizing' in a series of bright warbles and rumbles what clearly her rider had not been 'hearing'. Distracted by the barrage of noise coming from her little green Shan raises both hands palm up in the air in her direction in a warding gesture "Okay, okay I get it. Will you stop now? Jays!" Turning back to Nathein a grimace on her face, the greenrider ducks under the table likely to try and get a look at the injured shin "Shards! I'm so sorry Nathein. It's my fault." Words muffled out from underneath the table "Did it break the skin?" almost crawling off the chair now to peer closer "She tried to tell me but I thought she was talking nonsense. She does that you know. Talk nonsense."

"I think I'll live," mumbles Nathein a little glumly, drawing up his pant leg to peer at the welt left where the rock hit him. "But I'm apt to have a bruise on my delicate skin." Chafing the spot with his fingers, he draws his cuff back down and waves off the apology. "Maybe you ought to start listening to the nonsense when it involves violence to my person."

Raising herself to her feet, Kaylith pads over full of little apologetic noises and croonings as she too tries to get her head under the table to see what damage her 'treasure' had caused. Gently pushing the green snout away before the table got knocked completely upside down, Shan withdraws herself and sits back up fingers rubbing at her temple bemusement shadowing the green of her eyes. "I've got numbweed with me?" an attempt made as embarrassment brings color to pale cheeks. Nudged a little too hard by accident by the little dragon, the wingsecond almost topples off her chair "But first....." a glare sent her way ".....Kaylith wants me to ask you if you would....." another questioning look sent the green's way "....well if you would stand for Wrencath and Nabrimeth's clutch?" the last coming out in a slightly mumbling way. Nathein given a searching look which flicks back to Kaylith a brow raised and then settles on the man, the redhead and her lifemate both waiting in unmoving silence.

Nathein asks bemusedly, "Why do you carry around numbweed?" Pausing, he looks toward the dragon with his brow crooked and his expression enlightened - ah, that explains it. But the enlightened expression is short-lived, exchanged for one of downright incredulity. "And be a candidate?" At least his incredulity is subdued. "I thought we were just going to drink some wine and make out..."

Having allowed Nathein a moment to absorb the question and give his reply, Shan chuckles quietly "Aside from being Snowstrike's wingsecond, I'm also a trainee dragonhealer. Hence, I carry numbweed, redwort and suturing line." The dark red head nods slowly as she now fully accepts her little green's call on the matter, complete sincerity written across the rider's face "And be a candidate. If you'll stand?" the question re-iterated. Amusement flares then wanes with a dramatically disappointed sigh "First time in a long time I'm wined and dined and she deems you worthy of search."

Nathein gives Kaylith a reproving look, one that follows up with a longing look at the wineskin. "First time in a long time I've wasted that many marks in one fell swoop that fell short." He's clearly stalling for time enough to mull over this offer, rubbing his hand across his mouth thoughtfully. "Well, tell her I'll accept - but with the caveat of leniency. I've never been a candidate before, and it's been nigh six years since I followed orders."

Kaylith simply returns the reproving look with a near regal toss of head, retrieves her rock and moves off, her job in her mind - completed as Nathein accepts. Lips purse for the marks the Bendenite had spent, as a look is shot his way under lowered lashes. Again if carefully observed, the very faintest of color has crept onto the apple of the greenrider's cheeks and just as quickly disappeared. "I'll look after it for you." a hand stealing toward the skin. Lips curl into a full smirk for his attempt at leniency, the Reachian rider's laugh dropping low "Oh no you don't my dear man." chin coming up to look him squarely in the eye "For you see, -I- am the candidate co-ordinator for this clutch." Leaving him to take in that little tidbit of information, the petite redhead stands slowly and carefully recorks the 'skin "Is there anyone here you need to apprise of your departure?" all businesslike now.

"Then you're exactly the person to whom I should appeal for leniency, aren't you?" Nathein rummages around until he finds a charming smile, slipping it across the table just as the blush manages to fade from Shanlee's cheeks. "No one who can't find out just as well from a note in a few weeks. But it's gracious of you to ask."

"You can always try Nathein, you can always try." flicking a wink his way, the brow Shan raises in keeping with her next words "Though I warn, I expect all as does greenrider Rylla, to pull their weight and the older ones...." here the brow settles back down and the grin widens for this light dig " look out for the younger ones. The weyrs find themselves in hard times now as does Pern herself. Thread...." the look a pointed reminder to what might soon be his concern too " no joking matter for anyone least of all dragonriders." Her mouth slipping the smile to a wryness "It's my job." is corrected to her graciousness. Canting her to one side the big man is studied once again in a thoughtful manner "You would come with me now?"
*Canting her head to....

Nathein scratches at his lower front teeth with his thumbnail, a bad tell of thoughtfulness and worry. "I've got no problems looking out for the younger folks, as long as the younger folks look out for me in return," he concludes eventually. With a gleaming smile, he answers, "Sure, why not. Pretty girl, excitement and adventure..."

Halfway back to Kaylith to stow the wineskin, jacket slung over her arm, Shan turns, and seriousness of a deep nature likely telling to her own feelings on the subject written on her face "I will expect the same of them. Thread cares little for age, and hard as that may be on the younger of our candidates its best they understand what teamwork means before they face the Sands and possible impression." Wineskin safely tucked into the carrysack, slow steps bring her back as the flight jacket is shrugged into, Nathein's last drawing amusement once again from beneath the worried wingsecond's demeanor "Flattery Nathein, will not excuse you from nanny duty." perhaps the duty named was a tease or maybe not - hard to tell really. "If you'd like to gather up your things, we can be on our way. We'll meet you back up here? Or would down in the courtyard suit you better?"

Nathein stands then, collecting the uncut apple and putting it into his pocket - one for the road. He casts another longing look at the wineskin as it disappears and makes his way over/around the table again. "What," he begins, shifting his way around the little greenrider more closely than he needs to, "does it take to get out of nanny duty?" In the clear, "I'll come back up when I'm packed."

Glance flicking the same way Nathein's had gone to the carrysack and its wineskin cargo, Shan presents a faint smirk "Candidates...." she let's this linger a moment "...may drink, but not get drunk. You'll find a full set of rules in the barracks on the board." not about to touch on the other that was likely to bring further glumness to the Bendenite. Chin tilting up just so as he steps closer, to catch those grayish-blue eyes of his, the greenrider seems to consider this question. Even opening her mouth as if to give reply in a way he may be expecting, then sadly shutting it as lips form into a slight curl, her tone dropping low "You don't. Taking care of a hatchling is much the same as taking care of a" the term oft used hurriedly replaced "And so nanny duty is undertaken." an ingenuous smile appearing as she turns abruptly and heads back to her dragon.

Nathein asks before he trots down the steps, "A carpe-what? Carpet?" He eyes Kaylith momentarily, trying to reconcile the idea of her as a carpet, a thought that keeps him amply occupied as he packs, no doubt. What he winds up with is a little rucksack about half-full, his personal effects apparently quite minimal. "I got better uses that looking after a bunch of weyrbrats, you know," he adds on stepping back up to the fireheights.

"Hhhmm?" Shan catches something about a carpet coming from Nathein just before he disappears down the steps. With some nudging from Kaylith, the greenrider completes the query for herself while the man is away presumably packing, though what he appears with is eyed dubiously "Sure you don't want to take less? I mean she is one of the smallest greens to be hatched recently." Turning to catch up a strap with a hand, the wingsecond swings up easily and settles between the emerald green neckridges. Bending, a hand is extended downward to aid his ascent to "Put your feet in those loops" advice given and following on its heels a grimace forms "I hear you there. Not my favorite part of candidacy either." pause "Nannies didn't appreciate my calling them carpet crawlers." wink.

"Ahh. Carpet crawlers." Nathein guards his rucksack defensively, swinging it across his shoulder in an effort to prove just how light it is - and how disinclined he is to part with it. "Rug rats," he continues, putting his toe into the loops as directed. He eyes the hand offered down dubiously, squinting between it and the greenrider to which it is attached. "Girly, you're all kinds of too small to pull me up by yourself."

Complete agreement showing in the firm reply Shan gives to his own twist on babies "Exactly!" Carefully guarding the humor that threatens for the defensive manner over his belongings, green eyes might give hint to it. The last however, and the eyeing of her proffered hand sets the narrow jaw in a tight line "Wingsecond!" Nathein's sleeve cuff grabbed at and yanked upward with likely more strength then he anticipated "Or Ma'am!" given in clipped tones. "Feet in loops!" the latter commanded as how exactly she aimed to help him "Hand for balance."

Nathein's sleeve gives more than his arm does, the cuff pulling over the end of his fingers and the collar all askew because of it. "They're in, /ma'am/, but you are - " Shaking his head, he tugs the elbow of his sleeve to set it to rights, taking Shanlee's hand long enough to let her think it's of some use if that's what makes her happy. Truth be told, he hauls up more of his own management, though.

Schooling irritation for the clear implication behind the title stressed, Shan fits an overly sweet smile to her mouth as her hand is taken and Nathein makes his way up. "Attach yourself to me with this." a second waist strap is held out likely pulled out of the carrysack earlier when firestone sacks were unbuckled and resettled across Kaylith's fore ridges. Tossing a glance backward "Ever gone *between* before?" a faint smirk accompanies the query "You can hold onto me if you get scared."
*is held out, likely....

Nathein answers honestly, "No." And he doesn't sound thrilled about the notion now, fumbling briefly with the strap before he manages to get it clipped around himself. "I think I'll manage not to clutch in terror. But feel free to get your hopes up if you need to." He does scoot up a bit closer, ostensibly because he's still trying to manage his rucksack.

The teasing drops away almost immediately at the honesty from Nathein "Oh." Shan's reply suitably chagrined at the uneasiness coming from the man. Unseen by him green eyes roll for words on getting her hopes up "Just don't freak out on me is all." as he scoots closer for whatever reason "Sensory deprivation." she tries to explain "But only five heartbeats. It helps if you count them." Kaylith shifts beneath, wings coming upward and flexing in preparation for flight as strong hind muscles bunch up.

Bracing himself with his fists around the strap, Nathein answers a little gruffly, "Sounds like being really drunk." His laugh is a little hoarse, broken as Kaylith tenses beneath them. Nothing further from the glib passenger, he just waits for the inevitable blackness.

>> Kaylith disappears into Between.


You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...


You suddenly emerge...
Sky High in the Bowl, High Reaches Weyr

>> Kaylith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

>> From a distance, Llanarth bugles loudly, welcoming Green Kaylith home.

You glide to a swift landing on the ground.

Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr(#840RJs)
Standing on the eastern side of the bowl, you realize why this is one of the most striking Weyrs on Pern. Arrayed around the north rim of the bowl are the Seven Spindles: high crownlike points formed of old volcano flows which were eroded to sharp spikes. The bowl itself is a rough ovoid shape, with a large lake taking up a good portion of the southeastern part. The bowl seems to slant down to the lake shore, and the soil becomes a little looser in that direction. From the east, the slight aroma of herdbeast and wherry hide rises from the feeding grounds. The northeast section of the bowl is full of activity: training of dragons both young and old goes on in a large clearing near the entrance to the weyrling barracks and dragon infirmary. Several small boulders dot the area to the north, forming a winding path to the ledges leading into the weyrleaders' quarters.

The afternoon is clear, and the sun shines with a few small clouds floating past. There seems to be a light breeze and the summer air feels stiflingly hot.

Blinking out of *between* the little green carrying 'her' candidate hovers for a moment to allow Shan time to check on their passenger, which she duly does. Turning her chin over her shoulder, the wingsecond gives Nathein as much of a once over as she can from in front of him "You okay back there?" no tease, just genuine concern followed by an encouraging a smile. "No longer a virgin." the wink cast his way lending a playful cast to his first trip *between*.

"I think I'll live," Nathein answers hoarsely, deliberately recalling his words from the rock hit his leg. Bravado aside, he's pastier than he was before the trip, but he finds his good humor quickly. "That's been true for a while, /ma'am/. But it's a heckuva view up here."

Kaylith tucks verdant wings closer to her body and dives down in slow spiraling circles after delivering a bugle of greeting to Llarnath on her way past the Star Stones. Chuckling Shan returns "Twice in one day. I must be doing something right." His quip to her tease has her biting her lip in prevention of saying anything she may later regret "Welcome to High Reaches Weyr." clear pride swelling in the light voice as the greenrider sees her home again for the first time through the eyes of another "Do good by her and she shall treat you fairly." Hindlegs stretching down to find purchase on the bowl floor, the little green lands whisper soft as is her way with just a puff of dust to mark her arrival. Unstrapped, flight gear stripped off quickly, the redhead slithers down the warm side, then stands peering upward "Should I even bother offering you a hand?"
*later regret. "Welcome....

Nathein unshrugs his sack and slings it off toward the ground, lowering it as far as he can reach so that it lands at the bottom with a muted plop. Grinning down at Shanlee for a second, he takes in the last partially elevated view, then mostly slides his way down from Kaylith's back, landing with an inexpert wobble. "Think I'll manage," he answers once he's securely on his feet again. "I always thought there would be more snow."

The rucksack landing at her feet has Shan skipping backward out of its way but she leaves it lying right where it lands deciding Nathein could pick it up himself. Careful not to take notice of the wobbly landing, the wingsecond tilts her head back and scans the clear skies above, then swings it back down to take in the hustle and bustle of daily weyrlife going on around them. A few wingriders from Snowstrike casting curious glances their way then hurrying past as a 'look' is sent to them. With a faint smirk for her next words "Some may refer to us as the 'Ice Weyr' but its summer now." turning to lead the way to the barracks " that's a different story entirely. Snow, snow and more snow."

A gnarled old bluerider limping past scowls at Nathein assuming its him he's gawking at "Got a problem boy? Never seen a man with a gimpy leg?" the words coming out more slurred then spoken as he carries on his way. Not turning Shan flaps a hand in the air "Don't mind old B'rian, he's a pussy cat deep down." a chuckle floating out for the growl that comes from the old man. "Oh winter can be a lot of fun if you know where to find it." the greenrider's head half-turns over her shoulder the edges of an enigmatic smile appearing before she disappears through the doors of the candidate barracks.

Candidate Barracks, High Reaches Weyr
This is a large, high ceilinged cavern cut from the rock. There are rows of depressions on the floor, couches for the young dragons who will soon live here. For now, cots have temporarily been brought in for the candidates while they bide their time, waiting for the exciting day when the eggs will hatch. Men keep to one side and women to the other. At the foot of each cot lies a small press for storing clothing and other small items.

The cavern has been decorated with old dragon tapestries hung on the walls, their colors slightly faded. A threadbare rug in the middle of the room bears the emblem of High Reaches Weyr, a mountain range in black on a dark blue field. A few low tables, chairs, and pillows have been scattered about the room, and baskets of glows placed strategically throughout the room keep the place well-lit. An opening in the southwest leads out into the Bowl.

Nathein starts to say something, which begins with, "I actually have--" It's probably for the best that the old man limps off and Shanlee interjects before he finishes. About here is where he ought to interject something lascivious about keeping warm in the winter, but the look he takes through the doors waylays any cleverness. "Those are barracks, miss."

Striding on into the cavern, boot heels clicking out a rhythm on the stone floor, Shan comes to a halt in the centre of the aisle. Stopping and flinging her arms wide she executes a slow circle "Indeed." as she halts to face Nathein "And your new home until those eggs out there." a gesture toward the hatching cavern "Are ready to hatch." Most of the cots have seen better days, and the linen - well its clean if not exactly new. "Pick a cot and dump your stuff in the press at the bottom of it - neatly. Inspections will be held." Mentally going through a list "Oh, and today is a rest day for you to acquaint yourself with the weyr and the rules." a long index finger points to the noticeboard.

Nathein's expression shifts, not far off the look of a man who's just taken a bite of an apple and found half of a worm waiting in his next one. "Rules," he repeats, turning toward the noticeboard like it's a tunnelsnake. "This is hardly the glamorous life of rumor. I wasn't aware there would be a barracks involved."

"You bought into the rumors of weyrlife being did you?" Shan's brow rises, a challenging look fitting onto Nathein. Surprise replaces it soon enough "Of course there's barracks. Where else did you think you were going to be housed?" pause "If you impress it'll be another good 2 turns of barracks." Pausing, a long look travels from the tall man's boots and stopping on his eyes once again "You've changed your mind about standing?"
*....weyrlife did you?"....

"Only the ones that made it sound like a worthwhile place." Nathein admits this and shrugs, moves over to find a place for his rucksack and settles it to the floor with a heavy looking sigh. "It takes a man some time to get his head back into the realm of barracks life, miss, but that doesn't mean I'm turning tail. I'm just not exactly a thirteen year old boy any more." To deduct from the tall factor, he sits down on the lid of a press and looks around the big room with his lips pursed up. "Still, pass along to Kaylith that, in light of all this, there's no hard feelings about being beaned in the shin, will you?"

Shanlee shakes her head "Don't believe everything you hear. Although the ones about all candidates having to scale the bowl wall singing 'Faranth, faranth, hear my cry - see me climb, I'll show you why...." the rest of the words trail off as the wingsecond swallows the laughter rising up. It's let loose though when he mentions being mistaken for a thirteen turn old boy "Sharding biggest one I've ever seen." the words interspersing with mirth. Once he's seated however, the redhead steps up to him "Kaylith says to tell you she really is very sorry and that it was meant for...." eyes glaze then refocus " apparently." her tone turning gentler "Do you want that numbweed?"

Nathein tilts his eyes up to keep them on Shanlee, not really needing to do more than that to be on level height even with him sitting, her standing. "I'll live. You might want to look into why your dragon is throwing rocks at you. Maybe it has to do with needlessly torturing candidates?" he guesses, crooking a brow.

About to seat herself Shan realizes that for the time being she's on eye level with Nathein, though whether that's a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen. "She wasn't throwing her rock at me. She was trying to get my attention." is corrected a little huffily. "Either way, you need to get settled and I do have other duties to attend to as well." Casting a last look over her green's 'find' the redhead nods, a gesture of agreement of some sort "Clear Skies Nathein. I'll be back a bit later to see how you're doing and to bring you your candidate knot which must be worn at all times." Walking backward a few paces, the wingsecond turns and heads out the doors, just the echo of her heels left behind her.

Nathein 'getting settled' involves a fair amount of complaining in undertones, only at volume when he measures out his length compared to the cot. He leaves all that for after Shanlee has left, though.

nathein, shanlee, |nathein-candidate, |n'thei-search

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