Kaida wants onion peels. Which seems weird.

Sep 17, 2009 19:14

RL Date: 9/17/09
IC Date: 10/12/20 --Stolen log. :D

Kitchen, Fort Weyr
Fort's kitchens are both immense and well-appointed, which ensures that the kitchen staff is able to feed the Weyr's populace as efficiently as possible. The counters are carved out of the native granite, smoothed and polished through turns of use; there are several stoves and ovens placed along the walls, leaving plenty of room for various cooks to do their job and not be tripping over their fellows. Any ingredients or tools they may need can be found in drawers and cabinets, either within arm's reach or within reach of drudges. Hanging from the ceiling and on hooks on the wall are copper utensils, pots, and pans, all quite well-worn, but still serviceable.

In the middle of this room are a couple of 'islands', composed of wood and with marble countertops, to allow assistants to prepare things and not need to get in the way of the cooks using the main counters. Dumb waiters are located out of the way, but still convenient for getting food down to the living cavern, rather than needing to send people down the stairs. Despite the constant motion and activity -- which slows only at night, but never fully ceases -- everything is meticulously kept clean, from top to bottom.

Jaeyi should be working. Breakfast isn't really done yet, not with people still wandering through, though probably most of the real cooking has already been accomplished, but there's all the pre-lunch bustling that should be done. She's not working, though, not at this exact moment. She's sitting on a stool at the counter in the back, her elbow on the edge of that counter, her chin on her palm, one hand free to flick peanuts at Sugar every once in a while. He seems to be enjoying it, humming happily and making peanut-paste in the mawing-smacking way he gobbles them.

It's always obvious when someone who not only doesn't belong in the kitchen, but is also -completely- unfamiliar with it arrives. The wall-hugging and quick darts between openings, all accompanied by 'excuse me's and 'sorry-sorry's, though thankfully Kaida is nimble enough on her feet to avoid disaster. Thankfully someone on the route finds a couple moments extra to pause and answer the more important 'have you seen' question and direct the Weaver to the back. "You know," she begins in place of an actual greeting, "he's like to wind up too fat too fly." Warmly amused, with an actual fond glance for the 'lizard and Baker both.

There's also the dishwasher dropping silverware extra-loud as a dead give-away. He's all about nice legs, and Kaida's got some! Jaeyi's looking his way with threadbare tolerance when the reason for his distraction turns up behind her, has her pause in flicking the next peanut to Sugar, who goes through a series of complicated little warbly-unpretty trills to greet the weaver, hopping gracelessly along the edge of the counter. "He can still fly," with a faux-defensive sniff. "He just /chooses/ not to. And don't be mean. He liiiiikes you, after all." Just enough time for her brow to crease elapses before, "What're you doing in here?" Not mean, more like 'and why has the sun risen in the west today.'

Kaida chuckles, either oblivious of or just completely blanking the dishwasher. She's real good at focusing, and sadly for any straight-or-bi men present, she's only got eyes for her roommate today. "And I like him, too, the lazy little glutton," she continues, as she leans down to offer a brief one-armed hug to Jae's shoulders. The other arm being occupied with reaching out her hand to offer scritches to Sugar. She really does have a soft spot for the creature, despite her teasing. "I've come to beg you shamelessly for onion skins. I know I should've waited until you were off duty to come find you to ask." She glances around, her own brows drawing together slightly in that expression of someone completely out of their element as she tries to figure out just what's happening in here. "-Are- you actually busy? I can shove off if you need me to."

Jaeyi pretends to cover Sugar's ears at that remark, which really just means he nudges her hands away to go and nuzzle Kaida's fingers, while the baker hisses, "He's not lazy! He almost managed to deliver a message to Ella yesterday." Back to her elbow on the counter, her chin on her palm, she plops back down on top of her stool with a thoroughly confused expression; "You did say onion skins, right?" Mostly what's happening in here are people scurrying to get bread sliced, meat sliced, cheese sliced, lots of things sliced to be sent out for lunch. "Me? No. I'm being depressed because someone told me it's almost-snowing, so I think you people won't get anything more than graham crackers and peanut butter for dessert. So you can stay," like that makes it better!

"Oh Jae. I'll stop, promise." At least until the next time she's in a ridiculously good mood. And it's not like Kaida really has a leg to stand on when it comes to ribbing Jaeyi about spoiling Sugar, since he's likely to get petted until he gets tired of it or the Weaver leaves, whichever happens first. "Yes, onion skins. They dye yellow, and we're all out of yellow dyes thanks to that idiot Sanchen and his canvas painting 'project.'" Air quotes audible. 'Waste of time' would be a better subsitution. "I need quite a lot, actually. At least a kilo to start out with. Could you ask, please, that they start being collected instead of just thrown out or... whatever you do with them?" She hasn't the features to do big pleading eyes, but she manages earnestly hopeful passably. "Oh." Complicated expression next, as delight at the prospect of snow wars with disgust at the inevitability of the cold that comes with it. Disgust finally wins, with a heavy side order of sympathy. "For the sake of the Weyr's more sweet-inclined palates, shall I make an effort to see you wrapped up in very pretty but still warm shawls for the winter?"

Nose crinkled, Jaeyi looks off to an empty corner as if, right now, imagining it all stacked up with smelly onion skins. "I'll ask, but you better come and get them, like, right away, or I won't guarantee that somebody won't take it in mind to throw them out." Where somebody is her. "What's a canvas painting project?" Each of those three words is carefully separated, not real sure whether it's a canvas-painting project or a canvas painting-project and doesn't want to hook them together incorrectly. So happy is the firelizard with being petted that he totally forgets he was getting peanuts a minute ago, leaving the baker to pick at them absently, sulkily; "It's not shawls I'm wanting to be all wrapped up in. Winter's stupid. And won't anything you dye stink like onions?" Suddenly realized, yes.

Kaida purses her lips in thought for a moment, before suggesting, "How about if I come by at the end of each day, to take away any bags of skins that have accumulated? How many onions are you likely to go through in a day, anyway?" No, she really hasn't thought this through too far, not to mention she has no concept of what it's like to cook for even one person, nevermind several hundred. "Oh, he wants to make things like those decorative sisal scarves, all ethereal colour patterns and pretty pictures. But there's no way he's practicing on good sisal so... canvas." She shrugs, uncaring, and steps to the side a little to lean against the counter beside the little brown. "Sadly I can't do anything about that. But winter's not -so- bad, and doesn't really last all that long, actually. So don't get too down about it, huh?" Sadly, she's just not very good at the whole 'aw, cheer up it'll be okay!' sun-shininess. "No. The mordants and the wool itself will negate the smell, and it all gets washed after it's dyed anyway."

"Kinda depends on the day?" Jaeyi guesses, swiveling on the stool to look more at the rest of the kitchens, where plebs who don't make pretty pastries all day would be more likely to use up things like onions. Just for the sake of predictability, giving up on trying to guess at the onion consumption, she makes the big-eyes that Kaida fails at and points out, "You caaaaan do soemthing about it. You just choose not to. So," big sigh, "I'll just freeze and die. --And remind me not to wear anything yellow? I don't care for the idea of wearing onion skins. Probably other people wouldn't, either, if they knew about it."

Blank look, accompanied by a nod. Kaida will just take Jaeyi's guess for it, because she certainly can't make any estimations. "Well, if no one minds. It'll really be a big help, Jae. Bryanten's ordered some more dyes but I'd rather not take any chances what with all the problems lately." She pauses, struck by a thought that then solidifies into speech, "Actually, who'd be the best person to talk to about more than just the onion skins? We could probably get all sorts of good use out of various bits of your compost. Leaves and stalks and different peelings and such. Stop that." For the big-eyes, but the chide is softened by fondness, harsh voice mellowed by amusement. "I have my reasons, Jae. And you will not die, stop being so dramatic." Hand not occupied with firelizard scritching aims to press a gentle squeeze to the Baker's shoulder as she laughs. "Oh, not all yellows come from onions. And really, you can't exactly escape wearing plants. A lot of our dyes are plant-based. Leaves, berries, bark... all sorts."

Not exactly a ringing endorsement when Jaeyi says, "Well, I bet Melkyn could tell you /to the pound/ how many onions we use, probably on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly average, even. But if you just wanna good answer? Trish." She uses the rung of the stool to push a little more upright, peering toward a vacant workstation just visible from here; "Only, I think she's having her morning nap." Plop back down. "It's not dramatic. One pile of blankets and those little bitty beds does not make for the coziest of winters, but--" Another sigh. "I guess I'll quit teasing you about it, since you 'have your reasons.'" From the ends of the finger-quotes, she pats Kaida's shoulder-squeezing hand in turn. "I like to think all the colors I wear come from nice things, like berries and flowers and stuff. At least lemme have my happy little delusions?" Lashes.

Except that she's talking to Miss Detail Oriented who actually has the disgusting failing of -enjoying- playing with figures. So the fact that Kaida's eyes actually light up a little when Jaeyi's disparaging words are spoken probably isn't a good sign. Given the almost avid nature of that light, it's entirely possible the Weaver is already pondering the possibilities of that conversation. Of course, working out a deal to supplement their supply of raw dye-stuffs out of the Weyr's own kitchen would also be quite the feather in her cap. "Thanks Jae; I'll try to talk to both of them later." She tips her head and blinks back to the here-and-now, lips quirking into a crooked half smile. "I know. We should get you one of those ceramic warming pans that they put hot coals in, to warm the bed up before you get into it. I know, I know, that's not the same either. But it's better than just blankets?" She laughs then, rich and low and lets hope no one takes the way her voice just always makes that sound into one that's vaguely naughty in the wrong way. "Very well. Sweet berries and pretty flowers, on my word as a Weaver, are all that ever get used in the colours you wear."

"I bet I could burn down a considerable portion of the Weyr with something like that," Jaeyi guesses speculatively, lips pursed, eyes turned upward, envisioning the available havoc from a pan full of hot coals. For the record: Kaida's in the back corner with Jaeyi, anyone who's even remotely inclined to take the things the wrong way is absolutely going to assume clothes are all but flying off back here. "Thank you," she preens for Kay's word as a Weaver. "Just for that, I will make you magic cookies that are made entirely of healthy stuff and not butter and flour and sugar." Her smile sparkles into place, hangs there, then; "Did you go and see T'rev at all?" Testing the temperature tone.

Kaida arches her eyebrow, before letting her own eyes travel upwards to the stone ceiling for a second. "Uh huh. If by 'good portion of the Weyr' you mean the contents of our room. Which, I'll thank you not to set fire to. Lila," her spinning wheel, "would be damned expensive to replace. And my books." All three of them. She's -really- laughing then, manages to get out somewhere in the midst of it, "I do like ginger cookies, you know. But, neither do you have to. What's a small fib between friends?" Don't think about that question too hard. Really. A breath is taken, to quell the last lingering traces of laughter. T'rev's girlfriend, and so, game smile and an unhesitating and unflinching lie: "I haven't had the time to go looking for him. He's up and walking around, so it's not like he was hurt too badly, right?"

Jaeyi glances at all the surrounding stone in turn, but her expression is still pretty damn cocky; "Give me a little credit, Kay. If I set my mind to it, I bet I could do some pretty serious damage." All by her lonesome, never mind the pot of coals. Yes, T'rev's shallow, hung-up-on-good-looks girlfriend, who looks at Kaida with her game-face on and answers it with a crinkled nose. "I dunno. I heard he had broken ribs or something, and Kai punched him in the head a few times. And I tried to tell him--" No wait. "Anyways. I figured if anybody'd know if he got ugly, it'd be you. But if you haven't seen him..." She shrugs helplessly.

"Dear one," Kaida replies quite seriously for that cocky expression, "you've already set this Weyr on fire." Or at least, a significant portion of the Weyr's male population, and like as not some few females, too. "Just try to keep your destructive tendencies curbed a little, okay? I don't want to have to find yet another roommate because you got yourself kicked out." Selfish? Just a little bit. Fortunately for Jaeyi, her little slip, while noticed, is taken into the context of the information Kaida has available. Which means her answer to it is, "That he was being an idiot baiting B'kaiv with those comments he's been making?" A heavily edited reply, the disappointment that's allowed to show only enough to indicate a 'what was he thinking?' reaction. Maybe she should look more seriously into that whole poker thing that got abandoned. "Broken ribs will heal, and so will his face. And so long as he didn't get a broken nose or his front teeth knocked out, I'm sure he'll be as pretty as ever once the swelling and discolouration fade." That was supposed to be reassuring, really, in her eminently practical and straight-forward manner. Words and tone might not be much help, but Sugar is finally being abandoned as she takes that tiny step closer to the stool and offers a hug to the younger woman. Gossips, pick up thy jaws, yeesh.

"You're so sweet," Jaeyi chimes back to that first comment, obviously feeling much perkier than she did a despondent quarter-hour ago when Kaida came upon the scene. "And right. You'd think the Weyrleader," stress the title, "would have more sense than to go picking fights with... with..." Having gone through the 'what they think of B'kaiv' conversation more than once, she lets it go without more than an ugly face at the disappearing greenrider, an expression that takes its time smoothing out when Kay goes on to say things like swelling and discoloration. One cuddly but harmless hug (until it filters through the rumor-mill, anyway) later, she promises cheerfully, "I'll take your word for it. But, if he is ugly, you'll console me?" Happily, Sugar's almost as shallow as his owner, and he replaces being petted with eating the abandoned peanuts, yay~!

Kaida, sweet. That's funny. Nor does she bother to fill in any of the number of unpleasant and unladylike adjectives they could use to describe B'kaiv. Just, simply, a grimace of her own and an "Indeed." Then, with another of those fond smiles laced with amusement, "Of course. I'll pet you and feed you treats and make you pretty new clothes to wear, how's that sound?" And on some level she's aware of how long she's been lingering, another glance chasing across the kitchen before she sighs. "I'd best get back to work before Bryanten starts thinking I've run away again. See you later tonight?" She can wait at least for a proper farewell, before she'll dive back into the bustle to make it across to the door and out.

^fort seahold plot, kaida, *jaeyi-sr app, jaeyi

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