[Maitrey] Quick handshake between Maitrey and Levania.

Sep 14, 2009 19:56

RL Date: 9/14/09
IC Date: 3/10/20

Commons Cavern, Fort Weyr
While not nearly as large as the living cavern, the commons do serve something of a similar purpose as a gathering point for residents. There are a few scattered tables and chairs, with a section of counter carved from the native granite for general use. The typically cool floors are covered with a handful of rugs, while tapestries serve to blunt the chill emanating from the walls. Lighting is provided through glow baskets for the most part, although some individuals might bring in a lantern if they think to.

It's a fair bit quieter than the living cavern and is designed more as a location for residents to meet and work on whatever work needs to be done -- mending, cleaning, and tending to children are only a small sampling of the things that can be seen going on here. It's most active later in the day, after the bulk of the work is done and people start to settle in for the night, but it's never empty of people.

It also serves as a hub for a variety of useful caverns -- the nursery is located across from the residents' dorms, with the bathing cavern situated between the two. The candidates barracks are somewhat off to the side, closest to the tunnel that leads back out to the inner caverns.

Most people are busy already, hurrying off for the chores of the day or smack-dab in the middle of them, leaving the commons pretty quiet but certainly not deserted. Maitrey's actually in the middle of chatting with one of those disapproving old aunties, the ones usually absorbed in knitting and passing judgment, and she's just given his cheek a fond pinch before hobbling off to "get something warm for my old bones, sweet boy," leaving him to recline back into the sofa with his sketchbook and his mug and an amused grin chasing her out of the room.

Levania is moving into the commons with a rather sleepy look upon her face, a rest day, obviously. The young woman has an interesting bun worked up on her hair and it's looking horribly out of order. The exiting auntie from the boy and the commons earns a lift of her brow before she's turning her gaze to Maitrey sitting there. Curious, she ventures over and settles near by with a glance towards that sketchbook. "Hello," is drawled out in an easy greeting with a cheerful smile.

From time to time, Maitrey will shove that sketchbook outta the way where no one can see it. Today, though, it's apparently tame enough that he doesn't hasten to hide it, only looks up with the quick flicker of a smile to greet the young woman, and her messy hair. "Good morning," he answers, apparently far less bleary than she is. "Considering getting something warm for your young bones, perhaps? Or at least restorative?" he adds, a light jest for her evident sleepiness.

Levania nods, "good morning." She returns easily enough, but laughs at his statement easily enough. "Oh, 'm certainly not /cold/. Perhaps a restorative, what would you suggest?" There's a teasing little smile as her gaze drifts from the sketchbook to the boy himself. A pause with a look of confusion as she suddenly tries to place his face, "are you new here to the Weyr? Or, 'ave I just not seen you any?"

Maitrey's just drawing the old woman, it seems, in no particular hurry and no evident reason, since she's just taking up the bottom quarter of a page already mostly filled with other quick-sketches. "I'm guessing," he begins, leaning over the arm of the couch to peer behind it, to be sure the old woman has in fact gone off, "she means to go get herself klah." Low; "Spiked." Then, clearing his throat, wiping a few pencil-smudges off his fingers and onto his pant so he can offer over a relatively clean hand, he answers both her questions-- "Some combination of the two, likely. Maitrey, who has been here... a few weeks now? But has obviously not yet had the pleasure."

Levania looks down at the sketch he's working on again, giggling softly but then nods. "I see... Maybe I'll 'ave to try it." She muses idly, glancing towards the door with a thoughtful look before returning attention to him and his hand. Her own is reaches out to take his with a very dainty touch, "I see. Well, it's a shame I didn't meet you any sooner. Levania. It's a pleasure to meet you, Maitrey."

Trust a harper to pin the name straightaway; "The Weyrleader's sister?" Not a real firm-handshake guy, Maitrey releases her hand pretty quickly, his own reclaiming the pencil out of his left hand, though he doesn't look likely to resume drawing straightaway. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Levania, even if it took a few weeks. In your own right, of course, and not just for your relation to the man with the big knot," he tacks on, drops a quick wink there.

Levania nods sheepishly, "yes. His sister. I guess 'm talked 'bout some." She muses idly, releasing his hand and folding her own on her lap. "It is, but, I didn't do so to be slow. I take extra shifts now and then." A light flush at the wink and then she offers a sweet little smile in return. "T'rev ain't all /that/ scary, well. Not to me, but he might be to others. I've never paid attention to him being Weyrleaderly."

"I wouldn't necessarily say /talked about/," Maitrey answers with a quiet laugh, the pencil absently sent to spinning across his knuckles from pinky to thumb and back again. "Mostly, before they send harpers out into the big-wide-world, they try to give us a rundown of the corner which we'll be inhabiting. In this case, it was mentioned that the Weyrleader's sister was also at the Weyr, and that was about the extent of it. And the Weyrleader is only intimidating in the shadow of his position. He seems quite a pelasant fellow, otherwise." Talky. At the end; "Extra shifts doing what?"

Levania hmms and then nods faintly, "I see. That makes sense, wouldn't want you to be unprepared. In case I get uppity 'bout something silly like that." A wink is given before she pushes herself up from where she sits. "Yes, I guess that's how it works. He's real pleasant, best brother in the word." Is declared with such ease as she smiles, "workin' as a nanny. Goin' to find a drink and something to eat before working on a few things. Hopefully, it won't take us weeks to meet again. It was a pleasure." And then, with a cheerful wave of farewell, the nanny trots off.

maitrey, levania

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