Thirteen measley eggs, two girls, one firelizard, and cake.

Aug 16, 2009 20:18

RL Date: 8/16/09
IC Date: 6/28/20

Galleries, Fort Weyr(#745RIJMas$)
he entrance to the sands and galleries alike is little more than an archway and a section of flat stone before it dissolves into the sands proper. Although it's warm here, it's not nearly as hot as the sands themselves are. To the right is a broad pathway leading to the stands, with a set of stairs leading up one side all the way to the upper tiers. Also visible from here is an odd engraving on the wall -- an etching that details the rotation of the Red Star.

Lined along the right-hand side of the hatching cavern are the galleries, the seats carved from the stone wall and stacked backward to allow observers the best view possible of the golden sands. Those at the bottom are protected from wayward dragonets by a railing, while dignitaries from outside the Weyr -- Lord Holders, other Weyrleaders, Craftmasters and their ilk -- have a specially designated spectator's box at the topmost row. There are three separate flights of stairs leading into the galleries, with one near the entrance, another set in the middle, and a flight at the northernmost end.

Where there's eggs there'll always be gawkers - and though Amerie doesn't look like someone who's all that thrilled to be visiting the galleries, there she is anyway. With a reluctant step into the heat of the cavern, she self-conciously runs a slender hand over dark hair and starts down the steps. Anywhere that's near people - particularly large groups of younger weyrfolk - is where she does not want to be, and dark eyes scan the gallery seats for the least objectionable of options. Though her expression is neutral, her bearing is a bit too light for annoyance, so she likely won't be a total bitch to anyone nearby. Always a plus!

And, where there's eggs, there are candidates. A whole cluster of them down near the front, bonding and gaping and speculating and generally being young and hopeful in their self-contained little knot of people. Jaeyi's not among them, though she's got a seat about halfway up the galleries where she can watch them with her head tilted, without feeling the need to offer them any of the coffee cake she's picking at now and then from a plate on her lap. Amerie, not being a part of the candidate cluster, gets a hi-there smile. "Are you lost or...?" The idea that the weaver came to /look/ just doesn't factor into it.

Yeah, the candidates are pretty much what she wants to avoid, though the idea of watching them isn't so terrible; as Amerie reaches the halfway point of the steps, she stops - given Jaeyi's hi-there smile, and the fact that there's barely anyone around her. Maybe the coffee cake has something to do with it too, as dark eyes linger on the plate momentarily. Starting the baker's way, wryly, "I have to look. Otherwise, when people ask 'have you seen the eggs?', I can say yes and be done with it. 'No' always begs explanation, or warrants rapturous descriptions. 'Yes-they're-lovely' - all done." Sitting down carefully, she looks out over the clutch, asking, "Eggs or people?" There's a flick of her fingers candidate-wards.

Jaeyi offers the plate up with three fingers, though there's a disconnected squeak coming from the far side of her on the bench, and a little brown head pops up over the horizon of her lap to blink disconsolately at Amerie and the cake she's being given. His cake, oh his cake! "Oooohhh," is the baker's response to that explanation, lips pursed, a little puzzled, before she finally agrees with a short, bright nod. "I guess that makes sense. Though, do you actually think they're lovely, or you're just saying that so people shut up?" For her part, "Both. I never saw dragon eggs before, so. And then they were already here, and what I can overhear of their conversation..." Leaves her looking dazed.

About to take some cake, the squeak gives Amerie pause, and she blinks over at the tiny brown lizard, bemused. With a nod and with great gravity, she breaks off only a small piece and leaves the rest to starving over there. Before eating any, she glances Jaeyi's way with a shrug. "Mostly so people will shut up. They're eggs - though the colours are lovely. There's been attempts to reproduce them, but you can't get the - luminescence?" She's not sure that's the word she wants, taking a bite of cake to think that over. Eventually, she can concede, "They're impressive the first few times. And the conversation..." A purse of full lips. "It often seems like they run on far too little sleep to be wholly coherent." Like she listens.

To answer the bemused glance, Jaeyi offers a happy remark, one she's repeated a dozen times in the past few days; "He's cute, I think. But eat the cake, it wasn't supposed to be for him." And, seeing someone else pick at it, makes her pretty happy, truth be told. Things like luminescence are a little lost on her, though she angles a brow-knitted look toward the sands, trying to pair the word to the cluster of eggs down there. "I don't like them," she commits by and by, a rather candid confession, put with a look to Amerie, in case the weaver might take umbrage. No? "The candidates are kind of funny, though. That blond girl is apparently the daughter of a bronzerider at Benden and utterly convinced there's a queen in her future. I keep hoping that little brown-haired girl will sock her, but it hasn't happened yet." Ho-hum.

"I've understood they're a bit loud," Amerie says, seeming a little wary of the cute little squeaky thing. Even so, she tosses the bit she'd broken off his way and takes the plate from Jaeyi with a gracious nod. "He doesn't seem that old - have you had him long?" Candor of the confession's kind seems to go a long way with the weaver, as her lips quirking into a slight grin. "Like I said, they're eggs. How interesting can they possibly be?" Her gaze shifts down towards the aforementioned girl, fine brow arching, before back to the cake. Much more interesting. "Sometimes, the brats that talk a big game end up exactly where they want to. And fighting is very much a no-no. No queen in any girl's future that's willing to throw a punch. Usually."

The firelizard goes chasing down that bite, happy munching to ensue, and his new thing-- crooning tunelessly while he eats, hum hum hum glee. All of which Jaeyi likes immensely, though certainly people have a right to look at her pet with about the same bemused dislike as she favors the candidates. "Only four days. He keeps me company." And eats her crumbs gratifyingly. With her head tilting again, clearly more interested in talking to Amerie than in looking at the eggs or the candidates; "Did you live at a Weyr before? I mean, because you seem to know an awful lot about the lives of candidates and hatchlings."

The tuneless sounds are sort of cute, and Amerie's heart is not /totally/ black yet - so she does have a brief smile for the firelizard before continuing to pick at the cake - disappearing slowly, but steadily. Carefully though smoothly, "I can see some benefit in that." Her gaze might be on the candidates now, but her attention is on Jaeyi; with another elegant little shrug, "I was an assistant headwoman at High Reaches before I went to the Hall. It's been awhile, but the basics don't change. -- You haven't lived at at Weyr long, then?"

"It always sounds cold there. High Reaches." She doesn't say brrrr, but she might as well, with the pointed fake-shiver that Jaeyi takes on to the end of that location's name. "Did you like it?" A glance chases the ceiling, then comes back to Amerie with her eyes narrowed a little to add, "You must not have if you left, hmn?" Amazing powers of deduction, this one! "Over a year now, actually," she answers, a little knit in her forehead to reckon the dates. "But the last clutch, the one with Hattie and Kai and W'ton-- they were already weyrlings when I got here. I thought there wouldn't be any eggs till Elaruth had some."

With a grimace, Amerie confirms, "It is. And then, I went to the heat of Boll. Neither are my favourite." Which may or may not have something to do with her being at Fort, with less extremes one way or the other. For Jaeyi's question-and-answer, she glances over and notes, "I went to the Hall, and I wasn't posted elsewhere till now." Which isn't much of an answer either, but the baker's filled in the blanks with her suppositions. A touch curious at the last, "This was a surprise? I'm afraid I haven't exactly kept up on - things in the past few years."

Considering she's voluntarily been sitting in the warmest cavern in the Weyr in the dead of summer, maybe it comes as no surprise that, "I love Boll. That's where I'm from." Yay! Jaeyi beams, the firelizard chirps cheerfully, they're mental prowess may be just about comparable at times. "Howcome? Haven't you kept on things? I guess the Weaver Hall's not exactly ground zero for keeping up on Pern's politics, but it's not like you were totally out of the loop there, were you?" Chat chat chat, glad she sat down here still? As to the surprise-- "Uhhmn, well. Peirith flew not so long ago, considering it's Interval, so no one thought she'd go up again quite so soon, I guess? You're the first person I ever talked to that knew less about what's going on here than I do." With more cheer.

Amerie's really hopeful that Jaeyi's a bit brighter than the firelizard - after all, firelizards can't make coffee cake. At least, not a very good one. "I didn't mind Boll, but for the summer humidity - even this is a little much for me." Her hair might be a little wavy despite attempts to make it otherwise, at least by the way she touches it lightly. With a smirk for the questions - maybe the cake makes up for them? - she says, "Not totally out of the loop, but not paying much attention either. I was a bit older than the others when I started as an apprentice, so I suppose I didn't want distractions." As for the habits of gold dragons, "Ah. Well, I suppose it can't hurt, to have more dragons." Her lips twitch a little at the baker's last. "Glad to be of help in that case. I'm sure it'll all filter in eventually."

Jaeyi, to the girlish habit of hair-checks, "It's holding up pretty well, don't worry. I'll warn you if it starts getting--" Her hands gesture out from her temples, poofy. "How long did you have to apprentice, if you don't mind being asked? Kaida said she started late, too, and so she won't walk the tables till she's twenty, she thinks." /Twenty,/ said like it's just so old. Talk of more dragons meets a shrug, and she finger-flicks a crumb that her firelizard somehow managed to miss off the edge of the bench. "I guess, though thirteen dragons seems like an awfully small payoff for all this fuss, if you ask me."

For that, Amerie has a grateful glance - the sisterhood of vanity aids bonding again! "Thank you. And that sounds about right. I started at eighteen, and I had just turned twenty-one before my promotion - three years or so." Jaeyi's emphasis on twenty has her adding, amused, "The time went quickly at the Hall, but I can't imagine being at a Weyr helping." Finishing the cake - and laying out the crumb-filled plate for the brown lizard between them - she nods, glancing the clutch's way. "I've seen larger, but I imagine there needs to be a bit of a fuss regardless, otherwise one clutch might feel neglected in comparison to another?"

Envy's written all over Jaeyi's face; three years, says Amerie, and-- "I've been an apprentice since I'm thirteen." Siiiigh. She leans forward, a dejected elbow going to her knee, her chin coming on to her palm, and across her lap skitters a firelizard that has absolutely no need of eating crumbs, but still climbs into the middle of the plate with giddy aplomb. Greedy little bastard, humming to himself again. "So?" she continues in the same, disconsolate tone. "It's not as though they know all the trouble they're causing, right? They just sit out there a few weeks doing nothing, really." Beat. "I'm not usually cross, I'm sorry. Tell me you liked the cake and I'll feel better and we'll change the subject, hmn?" Brightening again.

"Well." Amerie's not really good for comfort, even with the big sigh from Jaeyi. Turning to the girl, really looking at her for a moment, she finally offers, "I didn't have much I cared about but my work when I started. And honestly, not much since then. Perhaps you have a more well-rounded life." There's a thread of amused self-deprecation there, and she tries the most common of reassurances for crafters; "It's different for everyone. And /they/ don't care, but /they/ do." Here she gestures the starry-eyed candidates' way. "They want to feel special. As for being cross, I'm hardly one to throw stones. And I did like the cake. One of the highlights of the move has in fact been dessert." She seems sincere about that, for all it's above and beyond.

With a more sly look sent over, head leaning to one side to tilt that glance; "Well-rounded is probably the best way I've heard it put yet. I may borrow that-- it's because I'm so /well-rounded/, sir." Jaeyi even play-acts a perfectly innocent, wide-eyed delivery to the imaginary journeyman before her, ends with a more characteristic laugh. "Anyways! Thank you for saying that about dessert, now I feel much better." Fib, but she doesn't try to pretend it's totally genuine or anything. "But what are you cross about? Isn't everyone being nice to you?"

Clearly amused at the sly look, Amerie waves a hand, both gracious and generous. "Feel free. It's yours. And I am somewhat serious about that. I have spent some time eye-deep in fabric, and not much else. When there's nothing else to do but work, a remarkable amount of work can be done." Some might call that sublimation, but it worked - works? - for her. With arched brows, surprised at the question, "Why? Well - they are. I suppose it's just usually my way."

"I think it'll fly aboooouuut as far as Sugar does." Presumably, she means the brown. Who has not, as yet, demonstrated any ability to do more than hop around and eat stuff. Jaeyi drums her fingers across her cheeks, tucks away the well-rounded bit as a very remote possibility for excusing herself down the line, and goes on to ask another somewhat confused question. "It's your way to be cross all the time? That doesn't seem like a very-- well, I mean, by choice?"

"Perhaps, but there's always the chance it'll make them laugh. I rather like that now actually; I'll have to tell a friend of mine." Amerie does, in fact, have friends, so she must be exaggerating about the whole angry thing. With a brief smile for Jaeyi and tilt of her head, she considers that for a moment before telling the baker, "Perhaps more - easily annoyed. And by choice? I imagine it's partially so, but I look at it more as a mode of being forced upon me by the general idiocy of the world at large." Present company excepted? As she rises from her seat, "I should get back to work - thank you for the cake and conversation. It certainly made this less dull than it usually is."

Jaeyi chooses to exempt herself from the general idiocy of the world. She's prettier than most of it, therefore not to be lumped in with the unwashed masses, see. "I guess I can see how you wound up spending most of your time with fabric," she deduces lightly, finds the whole concept more funny than frightening, and straightens up when Amerie stands. She doesn't get to her feet, just sits up straighter so the sunny smile follows upwards. "And I'll tell everyone that you had only lovely things to say about the eggs, so maybe they'll stay off your case. Thanks for sitting with me!"

Amerie has a gracious nod for Jaeyi, so maybe she's right about the pretty thing - pretty has to stick together. "Much appreciated," she returns, dark eyes brightened for the rest of it as well, and she drifts up the stairs and back out into the bowl.

amerie, *jaeyi-sr app, jaeyi

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