Fort Hold's spring Gather. (Part One)

Jul 22, 2009 21:13

RL Date: 7/22/09
IC Date: 4/9/20 --Now with 100% more whisper poses! ;)

Gather Grounds, Fort Hold(#869RJs$)
Down in the intersection of the Hall and Hold roads, the great beaten square of earth that houses most of Fort's gathers stands, free of any encroaching greenery. Meticulously maintained by Fort's groundskeepers, the area is devoid of structures when there isn't a gather on, only the brown of the hold's soil shows where festivities often take place. When the Lord has called a gather though, the wooden stalls are wheeled out from storage and set up in neat rows that make an aisle around the perimeter of the square. Strings of brightly colored lights are hung betwen the stalls and the harper dais is set up at the head of the dancing square along with a scattering of trestle tables and sturdy wooden stools.

To the northwest, the shape of the hold looms in the cliff while nearly due west the craft halls stand watch over the road. More cotholds pepper the fields beyond the gather grounds as far as the eye can see to the south and southeast.

You just don't get better gather weather than this, and the whole world-- or at least as much of it as lives within riding distance of Fort Hold-- seems to know it. The grounds swell with people, like brightly colored flowers in their finery among tents and banners, among music and food, among capitalism and occasional petty-theft, no doubt. It's exactly the kind of highly social affair that brings out the best in some people, people like Jaeyi. She's been at the Baker booth most of the morning, selling pastries with a side of smiles-and-sunshine. Just released, she ducks out of a small tent having managed to change clothes, to repin her hair, to look all set to join the festivities beyond the duties of apprenticeship.

Kwei is out and about on official business? Well it counts almost, he's wandering through the gather grounds, idly observing people as he walks, at least he would if he could see more of the crowd than the people towering over him, so easy to bump into people.

One amongst the crowd, this highly social occassion has brought out the use of Kaida as living mannequin. Which means that while she looks like just another relatively empty-headed party-goer, even without being shackled to the stall of Weaverly wares, apprentice duties are something she can't leave behind. A friendly face being spotted wouldn't go amiss right about now.

Her bag of not-real-gather-clothes stashed in the back of the Baker booth, a nicely metaphorical tart liberated from one of the trays, and Jaeyi dives into the crowds. She's just taken a bite, just bobbled a raspberry and caught it before pinkish-juice can stain all that red, and then there's a glimpse of ribbons and (what's more) a familiar face. "Kay!" starts out a little muffled, trying not to shout with her mouthful. Chew chew chew and push fitfully through the press of people, she manages to get nearer, adds another, "Kay! Kay Kay Kay!" 'Cause what sells dresses better than one set of cleavage but two! She's likely, given the way she half-pushes a few people out of the way, to shove someone right into a certain three-apples-high harper, yes.

Kwei is easy to get trampled, one of the problems of being short really. With a squeak which may not be as famous as his voice it certainly makes the big man give him enough room, probably thought he'd stepped on a girl or a child. It's with a slightly petulant look that he turns to see what all the commotion was and spots the girls, "Well hello there." He calls over at them as he pushes through into the clear with a much larger smile on his face. "How are you both?"

Kaida's first reaction is a grimace and curse, not for the calls but for the fact that she turned too fast in that blasted dress and almost tripped herself on the hem. Plucking at the skirt to bring in another inch or so above the level of her feet to hopefully avoid the occurance, she spares the use of her own elbows and just stays put. Since Jae's doing such a good job of enthusiastic crowd parting. "Heyla Jaeyi," she greets as the baker gets closer, her tones rougher than normal from all the talking she's been doing so far today. Her smile is not the too-bright-sell-you-a-lie kind, but crooked and warm. And transfers easily to a lower height, free hand lifting in a wave over to, "Kwei. Heyla to you, too."

Jaeyi's an easy sell. "Niiiiice dress. You should wander around the Weyr like that. Excuse me." The last is for someone that thought a clever way to introduce himself into this gathering trio would be to, whoops, bump into the baker's pastry-toting hand. "Though you kinda sound like you need a drink. Should we...?" Her head tilts off toward a tent boasting everything from steaming cider to iced cocktails, which leaves her turning toward Kwei just at his arrival. "Well, hello there yourself, little harper. I thought you'd be--" Though she can perch on her toes and kinda see the stage, chances are that it's utterly lost to his line of sight.

Everyone has Gather finery, even if some people's version of it isn't particularly fancy. At least all of what B'kaiv's wearing is clean and fits him; the latter of the two is very nearly a minor miracle. He steps away from the drinks tent with a battered mug in one hand and the press of the crowd carries him over to the eddy where the three crafters linger. "Hey," he offers, resigned but polite, and adds a nod and a, "Nice dress," to Kaida. Kwei gets another nod but no comment on his clothing, and Jaeyi? She'll have to settle for the 'hey'.

Kwei can't help but have a good gander at Kaida in all her finery and winks at her. "My you look absolutely delightful today." He congratulates her with a big smile, Jaeyi too gets the same treatment. "And yourself as always, beautiful." He grins and glances away again at the question. "Not yet, I'm playing tonight so I've got the day to myself. Or if you ladies prefer, I can put my charming self at your disposal?" He asks them, arms held out if they wish to take an arm each and make him a happy man. "Or I could just go fetch some drinks if you're not able to slip away." B'kaiv is probably still in the harpers bad books for his antics and is thus only briefly acknowledged with a nod of his head.

What T'rev is doing, is usually called schmoozing. Namely, he's walking the gather with Fort's steward, probably was doing the hand-press with Lord Savilan earlier, but now it's just Esraval, all gotten up to the nines and looking dashing and dissolute as usual. "... must be a relief not to have any of those supply problems anymore," T'rev is saying to the man. "Puts a crimp in buyin' fancy clothes," the Weyrleader notes further, pauses at the intersection of two aisles, before crossing to avoid getting swamped with cross-traffic. "It's to be hoped Fort Sea doesn't get any further strange notions," the Steward answers smoothly, "certainly Lord Fort is keeping a close eye -- and the Weyr's help is appreciated." The cluster of apprentices plus Kai draws the gaze of both in a moment and the Steward half-lifts a finger Kai-wards. "Isn't that ...?" he shoots a questioning look at the Weyrleader. T'rev inclines his head just a little. "He's done his time," is noted quietly. "Mm," is Esraval's non-commital remark, though that could be because he's eyeying Jaeyi and Kaida like so much candy.

"Why would I want to do that?" Kaida asks, eyebrows arching as her nose wrinkles slightly. A slanting, slightly annoyed look for the not-clever person, a flick of fingers as if to tell him 'move along, bub.' "That's where I was headed, actually, and I'd definitely welcome some company." With a slightly amused tilt as she turns to fall into place beside Jaeyi, as if somehow suspecting of the trouble this is going to cause. "If you need a shawl for your own finery later, drop by our booth, if you're still here when it cools off," she offers in an aside. "Thank you, Kwei," she can be gracious even if she -does- think the dress is a bit, well, over the top. "Our own personal Harper escort... what do you say, Jae?" Which laughing remark sees B'kaiv inadvertently gifted with a winning smile before it quickly disappears. But she doesn't fall into a glower, so that must be something good, right? "Hello B'kaiv." Polite herself, with a nod to acknowledge the compliment. "Are you meeting Su down here?" Weyrleader and oggling Steward will have to wait a moment or five.

Jaeyi will have to settle for a 'hey,' but it does nothing to dim the brightly smiling cheer that welcomes the greenrider. "See, here's what we need, Kay. A crowd-parter. --Always lovely to see you, B'kaiv." Especially when he's useful. She's taken a bite already, but she offers the rest of the berry-tart toward Kai, bribe? "There is safety in numbers, harper, we should all go and get drinks together," she decides happily, foregoing discussion of shawls for the time being with a nod to the drinks booth in question. There's a glance, a glimpse out of the corner of her eye, and a faint quirk to the edge of her smile, but Weyrleader and Steward aren't exactly in the thick of things, so no more than that.

Not that T'rev doesn't have an appreciation for the pair of red-garbed young women, but he actually clears his throat to catch the Steward's attention. "Would you care for an introduction? The ladies and the ah, shorter young man are all crafters at the Weyr, though I think you've met Apprentice Jaeyi before, ai-- haven't you?" Mindful of his speech today is T'rev. "Please," Esraval answers with a flashed smile. "It always serves well to know crafters, especially ones with such ... talents on display." Which probably just means the girls and not Kwei and might not even be all that polite of a remark, but he manages to pull it off. The poker face on the Weyrleader is pretty remarkable, given givens. "Then let's go have a word with them," he says brightly enough and leads the way over.

Kwei is more than happy to have one of the women on each arm. "I hope I'll have the pleasure of a dance from both of you later this evening either before or after my set?" He asks both of them as they start to move towards the nearest drinks tent. "It would certainly make my evening complete." Flattery of course, he'll probably have a few other options for dancing with his fangirls given where his particular talents lie, but this pair are special to him. "Come on then, though isn't that T'rev heading this way?" He doublechecks.

B'kaiv's got a wry little smirk for the declaration of his use, but he's not going to deny it. His, "Where you goin'?" is promptly answered by Jaeyi, and he uses his height to give the crowd an eyeing. "Sure, don't mind goin' back." His Gs are slipping. Still, he gives Kaida a nod and, "Yeah. Supposed t' meet her later. Thought I might see her around, but I ain't yet." The vintner's brother gets an eyeing, but instead of asking him the obvious question B'kaiv offers him his mug instead. "Wanna drink? S'just ale." He hasn't yet noticed the Weyrleader or the Steward in the crowd behind him.

Such a pity, Jaeyi will just have to eat her pastry all by herself, though it's a much smaller bite than the first one now, since there's chatter to be made. She starts to take Kwei's arm at that point, just about to get her fingers beyond his elbow when she stalls, turns. "And Fort's Steward, how nice. Everyone on their very best behavior, hmn?" There's a glance to Kaida's neckline-- she's definitely on her best!-- and then a more doubtful look lifted toward B'kaiv. Does he even /have/ a best-behavior?

If it were Kaida's -talents- on display, she'd have a nice little selection of sharp pointy objects somewhere near to hand. "Safety, hm?" A sidelong glance for Jaeyi, before a nod is being dropped to Kwei. "You know I'm always good for a dance," which sounds a lot less innocent than her literal meaning. "Hopefully I'll have been cut loose by this evening, so I'll come find you." The sooner they all manage to make it over to that drinks stall, the happier her voice is going to be. "Me, too," across to B'kaiv for meeting Su. "I'll tell her you were around, if she doesn't find us all together first." Which given her previous protective 'you just stay away' attitude might be cause enough for surprise. The Harper's latter question and double-check draw her gaze over thataway, an eyebrow lifting. "Who-" but Jaeyi's already answering. Forgive her next, "Crap." But she'll be all fake-smiles again by the time the pair get close.

Kwei quirks a faint smile at B'kaiv, he was never his favourite given he's dating his sister, and that was before he dung bombed his home. "I've no free hands just now." He glances at the two girls just as Jaeyi drops away from his arm, "Sorry." He apologises, insincere as it is he at least makes an attempt at keeping his tone as neutral as possible. "I'll pick up something fresh and cool from the vendors." He murmurs by way of a revised response as he pats Kaida's hand on his arm. "But you look wonderful like that." He teases her, "Though perhaps not quite so suitable for what you like to dance with me." Innocently said and meant, though he's turning his smile towards the new Weyrleader and the Steward, awaiting their arrival.

B'kaiv's /on/ his best behavior, because his best behavior includes swearing like this: "Shells," and looking around hastily for an escape. None to be found, alas - or at least not without making it obvious that he's running. He gives Kwei a tight little nod that accepts the spoken excuse and offers the mug to hoarse Kaida instead before falling back behind the trio like that will hide him or offer some protection or something. Perhaps he thinks his blank mask of an expression will do the same,

Kaida's neckline isn't only of interest to Jaeyi, the Steward definitely seems enchanted even before he and T'rev draw up to the little group. The Weyrleader has a warm smile for each of the four, though predictably it's Jaeyi his eyes linger on for a moment, before he does the proper introduction thing. "Steward, may I present B'kaiv, greenrider in my wing, Kaida, Senior Apprentice Weaver, Kwei, Apprentice Harper and I believe you may recall Jaeyi, Apprentice Baker." Esraval has one of those winsomely polite little smiles going on, the kind you put on for this kind of thing as he nods to each person in turn, extends a hand to shake for the men, though if he gets the chance, he'll bow over Kaida and Jaeyi's. "A pleasure to meet you, I hope we'll be enjoying your music today, harper? Rider, congratulations on your recent -- placement. Ladies, you both look absolutely charming. Such a talent for wearing red."

"Yes, the faster reels we enjoy are likely to kill me," Kaida notes quiety and wryly to Kwei, fingers of her free hand plucking slightly at fabric to twitch the hem of her skirts away from the ground. Of course by this evening she'll have either changed, or quick-hemmed the front so that she can actually walk normally, nevermind dance. Surprise registers on her features at the offer of B'kaiv's ale, but she's neither so snooty or so willing to potentially greet Fort's Steward with a husky voice better suited to a bedroom that she'll decline. Instead, "-Thank you.-" And if the taste of the alcohol makes her grimace slightly, unused to it as she is, at least it's wet and that's what counts. And somewhere along the line she'll either press the mug back into Kai's paw or across to Kwei, because ettiquette demands a proper responce to a proper introduction. Even if only T'rev knows her subtle tells well enough to possibly notice the evil eye he receives, right before she dips a very proper curtsey. "Weyrleader. Steward, a pleasure." With such a charming little smile and lowering of lashes, demure. No one dare laugh.

Of a similar height, it's easy for Jaeyi to put quiet words toward Kaida's ear; "You might want to keep the expletives under wraps, my delicate little flower?" One hand drops behind her back near the same time that B'kaiv starts trying to use two girls and one little harper as some sort of protective shield, and she casts an entertained smirk up and back at him. She offers the other hand to Esraval at the appropriate time, that and a nauseatingly charmed half-curtsey from the other side of the man's bow, less lowering her lashes than looking up through them. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. I don't think your Hold could have bought finer weather, Steward Esraval." She, of all people, wouldn't laugh at Kaida, at least.

Kwei bobs his head and dips an ever so polite bow to Esravel as he shakes hands, well trained this one. "Thank you Steward, We have a wonderful nights worth of entertainment lined up for you, it'll be dazzling." He can easily see that he's being rather eclipsed by the girls and their, attributes? So he gives up trying to impress the man and adds. "Just like the lovely apprentices present." A quick glance towards T'rev before he offers his arm back to Kaida again. Nothing else being said for now, though there is an amused look flickers over his face.

B'kaiv's either not a delicate little flower, or Jaeyi's figured out there's no point in chiding him for his language. Or both. He takes his mug back gratefully - another thing to keep between him and the Steward - and aborts his awkward half-bow to take the Steward's hand. "Afternoon, sir. Sirs. Steward. Thanks. This is a real nice, uh, Gather. Th' Hold's doin' itself proud." His declaration's followed promptly by a grimace, but the greenrider doesn't add anything to that, but hovers awkwardly in the background with the air of a man wanting to be anywhere else just now.

T'rev would never dare to laugh at Kaida, no, though it's entirely possible there's a flash of appreciation in his eyes for that low-dipped curtsey and what /that/ does to her cleavage too. "Hope you're all enjoyin' the gather," T'rev says sincerely, still in lost-consonant-land himself, in spite of a lot of effort to modulate his speech and if Kaida gets a quick wink for that subtle evil eye, well it's /quick/. "Was just recommendin' you all to the Steward here. Kwei, as Esraval says, hope we get to hear you later, Kaida, Jaeyi, hope the stalls are doin' a brisk business. You'll both save me a dance later, won't you?" The steward since straightened from bowing, gives smiles again. "I as well, perhaps after sun-down, may I look for you near the square? Also, I thought I saw a mug making the rounds, may I be so bold as to buy you a round?" His beam for Jaeyi has all the appearances of sincerity. "Fort is very fortunate today, in many ways," the steward remarks as a multipurpose response on both Jaeyi and Kwei's remarks. Double meanings? Likely. T'rev though is giving B'kaiv a little approving nod and a discreet thumbs up.

Kaida's got no responce for Jaeyi's quiet words, but a nudging elbow might seek out the Baker's ribs just before all that properness has to happen. None of those three words are particular apt descriptors of the Weaver, no. "Quite well, Weyrleader, thank you," she notes, which is probably more a responce about the stall than enjoyment, as she reaccepts Kwei's arm. Envious women everywhere might hate how much she -doesn't- work that cleavage. T'rev receives a smile that's more genuine than mere politeness, even though her "As you wish, sir," is still terribly formal. A slightly more reserved "If you wish," then for the Steward. He can -look- certainly, but he might not find if she spots him first. Though it also leaves an opening for misinterpreting as acceptance of a round of drinks, oops. too bad she can't share a sympathetic glance with B'kaiv right about now.

At mention of the Bakers' business, Jaeyi reveals the part-eaten pastry and offers it out on fingertips toward T'rev, sample the wares? An elbow to her ribs tumbles a berry off the edge of it, and she peers down toward where it lands with a quiet 'whoops.' "Of course, Weyrleader-sir. Especially since it'll be dazzling," she answers T'rev first, casting a sideways smile to Kwei for the promised entertainment; "Provided you remember the terms, that is." The offer of drinks shoots a look to the others before she'll just answer for 'em all. "I'm sure we'd all be very grateful for the drinks, Steward, especially since it beats our plans to stand in line. I'll help carry them, if you like."

B'kaiv's got no elbows in his ribs, but neither does he have a suicidal pastry. He does have a mug, though, and wields it to some effect, including an aborted attempt to offer it to the Weyrleader and Steward. "I got a drink already, but I could..." Carry them. Which Jaeyi already volunteered. Drat. Which leaves the greenrider standing there rather like a fifth wheel, having neither decolletage, a harper's skills, or a fancy knot to endear him to the Steward.

So he just shuts up instead. (B'kaiv)

"I'll look forward to our dance then, Kaida," the Steward answers with another charm-filled smile which promptly is also turned on Jaeyi at acceptance about the drinks. "Of course, no need to wait in line," Esraval says with a laugh and he'd be offering his arm to the baker, since Kaida's got Kwei's, only T'rev is reaching out to take the half-eaten pastry from her with one hand and his elbow is crooked for the baker to take should she wish. "Think we've all got enough hands," he says cheerily. "And I ai-- haven't forgotten the terms," more seriously spoken. "Thank you, rider," the Steward is prompt to take Kai up on the offer. Preferences are called for and then Esraval turns smartly with a little 'come along, you' gesture for the greenrider. T'rev probably thinks better of leaving Kai with the Steward and drops his elbow, leaning in to murmur something to Jaeyi, offers the other two a smile, then heads off to assist with drink-getting.

Kwei is at just the right height to appreciate Kaida's cleavage, though he is at least making a good showing of not getting caught looking as she takes his arm again. "I will indeed be playing later, two sets, one group and one solo with my harp." He explains to the group in general as he replies to T'rev, then to the steward more specifically. "If you like what you hear, I am available for concerts." Shameless plug as he moves swiftly onwards, hoping his charm will see him through as he adds his own agreement. "Drinks would be wonderful." He responds. "Some have been working rather hard lately and need a well deserved break, if you would like to lead the way?" He offers up the incentive to get everyone moving.

T'rev whispers "Those look even better on you than in the box, love. Lookin' forward to that dance later. Better go keep Kai from puttin' his foot in the Steward's mouth."

Kaida won't, but that perfectly polite smile has yet to falter, as she indicates a preference of ale. Something stronger than juice is required and she doesn't drink wine, so. The only give away to her current discomfort being the slightly tightened fingers on Kwei's arm, a half-step that might just lead into a gentle hipcheck: don't you dare drag me off after those men. Which is better than a swat to the back of the head, if she ever -does- manage to catch the mini-Harper's wandering eyes. After a somewhat narrow-eyed moment to figure out where everyone is going, her words are spoken to Jaeyi, "Why don't we see if we can't claim a bench nearby?" Because stationary and sitting is way better than stationary and standing, especially when you've already been on your feet most of the day.

Jaeyi winds up with the elbow of neither the Weyrleader nor the Steward. So much for best-laid-plans. Just juice for her, thanks, and she tests the back of an earring as the trio of them move off, commenting among the trio that stays, "Does anyone else think Kai sticks out like a sore thumb?" In between slick Esraval and charming T'rev, the pair of whom occupy the majority of her attention for a spell before Kaida's words stir her to a quick, smiling, "Hmmmmn? Oh. Yes. A bench. Let's! I think I see--" One. No, taken by the time she even lays eyes on it. A little more excuse-me pressing of people's arms at least gets her headed toward a semi-abandoned picnic table, only partially in the shade of an adjacent tent.

Kwei has a quick glance around, he bobs his head over the way Jaeyi's heading. "I'll escort the ladies over there and claim that table pointedly in your name." He adds for the Stewards benefit. He doesn't react to the little tells from Kaida while the others are present, though he's probably noticed judging by the gentle way he tugs her away, leaning over to ask quietly, quite the eyeful from that angle in the process. "Is this where we run away and escape or do we stick around to stay in the Stewards favour?" He's clearly teasing, though he does keep her arm for as long as she needs that excuse, not like he's got anyone to give him a row for it now. Catching up with Jaeyi he grins and nods. "Well, he certainly stands out in his ignorance." That's it though, nothing more abrasive than that unless prompted.

B'kaiv certainly doesn't look thrilled to have his aborted offer accepted, though he nods dutifully and moves along to the drink stand. At first he falls into the back of the line like a good little polite person, but then his head comes up - a thought's struck - and he hesitantly moves toward the front, checking to be sure this is not just accepted, but expected. He's not going to be the first to open any conversation, though, not in this exalted company.

Esraval of course, has waltzed right up to the top of the line himself and claps B'kaiv on the shoulder lightly. "Good man," he tells the rider and then there's a rapid-fire ordering of beverages that shows that for all his reputation, Esraval does have a good memory at least. T'rev brings up the rear, hands clasped behind back and nodding amiably as the server takes the order, turns to take care of it. Life can be so much easier when you have a big knot. It takes a few moments for the motley mix of beverages to be prepared, but T'rev makes sure he winds up with Jaeyi's juice and his order is identical to Kaida's which could lead to him handing off the one he's got as a sort of insulation against flirty Stewards who've picked up the other ale along with their own red wine. This leaves Kai to get Kwei's drink and perhaps a refill for himself. During the wait: "It's been a good Gather so far, it seems, sir," T'rev to Esraval, polite. "Kai have you gotten around the whole gather yet?"

Honestly, "I'd take B'kaiv first out of that trio, right at the moment." Because he's solid and honest, even if she is slightly jealous and rather of the opinion that he's an oaf as well. Of course, given who asked the question, Kaida's answer to it is probably going to be taken in completely the wrong way. She begins to relax as they all separate, tipping her head to reply equally quietly to Kwei, "As tempting at that first offer is, let's try not to embarrass T'rev hm?" Which is way more important than staying in the Steward's good graces, at least to her mind. "Thanks anyway, little brother," equally teasing, since he knows her relationship with his sister well enough. Wryly, and also loud enough to bring Jaeyi more obviously into the conversation, "I really, really hate being surprised like that." For appearances more than anything, she'll keep Kwei's arm until they've reached that picnic table, and her sigh when she gets her weight off her feet will say a lot.

Stacking up the leftovers of whoever sat here before is absent on Jaeyi's part, a minimal expense of effort, and it leaves the table clean enough that everyone's gather finery can survive without getting sticky or stained. Herself included, happy to take the middle of one side of the bench, facing away from the table to keep half an eye the fetchers of drinks. "I meant more..." She trails off vaguely after Kwei, illustrating the look of the three men with a wave of her hand, an outline of her finger, then a shake of her head to dismiss it. "Anyway. Even when they're pleasant surprises? I like his manners," she praises openly, so easily won. "Plus-- well. It sure can't hurt to have someone like Fort's Steward as a benefactor, can it?" Turning to Kwei, she looks for a word of agreement on that.

B'kaiv has no big knot, but he has big muscles - even if they're only being used to carry one small glass. "No sir, I ain't," he answers his wingleader, party manners as stiff as his party face. "I'm meetin'," pause, grimace, "Meeting somebody later though. I just got my own beer when I seen th' others." So no refill for him, no matter how desperately he might want it. "Is, ah." He glances rapidly at Esraval and ends with another limping, "I'm gonna dance later, maybe. I hope." Which is when the wineman returns and conversation is happily interruped to get glasses into the proper hands.

Kwei leads Kaida over and lets her get settled. "I suppose, though part of me thinks it would be more amusing to leave B'kaiv stranded with them and a handful of drinks." He muses with a smile as he pauses before sitting down, making sure he's positioned to keep Kaida safe. "He'd be a good man to get into business with, though he did seem rather admiring of the two of you." He adds with a slight smirk, not that he can blame the man mind you. "Either way, though, I can't stay around for too long, I need to go soon to help get things set up for tonight. If you do need an escape route, feel free to come along." He makes the offer before the others get back, just in case.

"You have a young lady?" Esraval inquires of Kai with the same polished manners he's displayed so far but a hint of upper class amusement caught in the corners of his mouth. "Young ladies are always well worth meeting up with later," the Steward remarks further as he places payment discreetly on the counter as glasses and mugs are doled out. "Ah, good to hear you'll be gettin' at least one spin around the floor," T'rev says, sincerely to Kai as he scoops juice and ale up. "I'm lookin' forward to the dancing myself, there --" the Weyrleader is cut off as the drink-seller's throat is cleared a few times. "Sir, I beg your pardon," the man says quietly, aiming to get Esraval's attention. The Steward's attention swings back that way, brows arched and the seller hastens to hold up one of the smaller of the marks the Steward just passed him. "I don't want to make a fuss, sir, but it's a fake. Like at Turnover." And that draws thunderclouds slowly down onto Esraval's attractive face. "Are you sure?" he says in a low, urgent voice, eyes narrowing on the mark as he picks it up. Scrutinizes it then makes a low, inarticulate sound of disgust. "I'll take care of it," he says simply and fishes in his pouch, sorting through and putting down a good mark in place of the fake. "I'll just take this, if you don't mind. And if you find more, don't bring it up, just set them aside and turn them over to the guards," the Steward adds in a lower voice. "Let's not disrupt the party."

Kaida's eyebrows lift as she considers Jaeyi, not surprised as such, just more unimpressed. It takes more than pretty manners and a mane of golden hair. "I wouldn't exactly call an impromptu introduction to the Steward of -any- Hold 'pleasant.' Some time to prepare is necessary, if one is to adequately represent and uphold the reputation of their Craft." Which is the crux of the matter. Simple flirting she knows how to deal with. It's dealing with it without causing embarrassment that presents a problem. Something of her normal crooked smile is given to Kwei, "I'm sure I need to pay my respects to some of the other players and wish them a good performance." So she might, or might not, run away with him. But the offer is appreciated. Turning slightly to slant a look over her shoulder, checking on the progress of the men.

"Such a heroic offer, my little harper," is Jaeyi's fond praise for Kwei's proposed escape route, paired with a pristine smile. Not that she plans to take advantage of the offer, but that's beside the point. "Prepare what?" Honestly confused, though now her attention is likewise returned to the progress of the drinks, the thoughtful purse of her eyebrows deepening while she contemplates the Steward in question from afar. "He says hello, you say hello, handshakes or curtseys or what-have-you? It's not like it was a formal introduction, just a chance to, mmn. Well, now he knows your name, that you're a weaver, and he's bound to remember you." Her forehead lowers, indicates Kaida's oft-referenced cleavage.

"Yes, sir," B'kaiv agrees to Esraval's not-quite-condescension, and drops T'rev a nod of - gratitude? Maybe. He watches the little play about counterfeit marks with something more than bland disinterest, complete with snort at the end. "Guess it ain't just W'ton," he mutters loud enough for T'rev's ears and flicks another tiny smile when the Steward's attention turns back to him. "Should get these t' people, before they think we run off with 'em or something."

"Let me know if you need help spreading the word or closing down exit by sky," T'rev tells the steward as his formerly cheery countenance is rendered serious by what's going on at that counter. Esraval nods once at the Weyrleader. "Thank you, if you could spread word amongst the riders here, with dragons above to question any departing dragons ... that would be helpful. We will take care of the foot traffic. Speaking of which, please excuse me Weyrleader, I need to tend to this," the steward says with a simple nod for both T'rev and B'kaiv. "Please give my regrets to the ladies about being able to rejoin them." Briefly his gaze flickers to the two red-clad young women, then away as he takes a few swallows of his drink, leaves the rest behind and strides off in search of the guard captain. "Well. It ain't a gather if there ain't somethin' goin' on," T'rev says to Kai and tips his head towards the group. "Let's get these where they're goin'," he agrees and steers his own steps back to the cluster, hands filled with cups and mugs.

Kwei chuckles a little as he listens to their views on it, "It's always good to be prepared for that kind of meeting, I get entire lectures and study on how to prepare for those kind of meetings, the prep is everything. Know your target, research their likes and dislikes, work out how to get in their good graces etc." He stops himself there before it gets more boring than it already is. "Either way, I can understand the reluctance to be pushed in without warning." He looks up to find one of his fan girls hovering nearby, one he at least knows and he gets to his feet. "Just going to chat with Tila." He explains, "Give me a sign when you want to go say hi to the rest of my lot." He tells Kaida, dipping a light bow to her, a sparkle in his eyes before he does the same to Jaeyi. "I'll catch up with you later for a dance my dear." With that he straightens and toddles off to the side to speak with Tila, until he's called to the rescue of the raven haired beauty.

Disbelief writes itself plainly across Kaida's face. "That doesn't matter with these people. The smallest hint of disrespect or insult, the slightest mistake of wording or manners will be remembered far longer than--" a pointed glance downward and an annoyed grimace follows the tilt of Jaeyi's forehead. Beating up her Journeyman for sticking her into this getup in the first place is sadly not an option. Nodding and pointing a finger over at Kwei, giving Jaeyi a 'there, see?' look. Grey eyes glance over, an easy grin, "Thanks Kwei, will do." Though thankfully the unknown trouble looks to be making any need for rescuage a not-immediate thing.

Jaeyi's confusion fails to taper after Kwei clarifies; if anything, it deepens, then again when Kaida goes on still further. "All you have to do is smile and look pretty?" The concept of bigger politics is just lost on her, yes; but, then, smiling and looking pretty have worked pretty well in her past, so. She's still half-watching the menfolk over yonder, though there's the promise of adding Kwei's name to her dance card before her finger outlines the shape of the retreating Steward. "Not that it matters now, he's leaving." Pooh. "Odds that Kai said something stupid?"

B'kaiv's got another yes-sir for the Steward's directive, and a heartfelt sigh once the other man's taken his leave. Relieved? Oh lordy, yes. He gathers up the spare drink, whoever it belonged to, and heads after T'rev to distribute the drink, even giving Kwei his juice before landing with a thump onto a bench. Happily, -after- Jaeyi's question has floated into the aether. "Now I /really/ need a drink," he decides, and has a hearty slug of his own well-traveled ale.

That would be the stray ale and since T'rev's handing the one he had to Kaida first, he'll relieve Kai of it once he's passed Jaeyi her juice. Quietly: "There's counterfeit gettin' passed again," the Weyrleader explains in an undertone. "Steward wants it kept quiet, but keep your eyes peeled for anything funky?" he suggests to the others, then smiles as he tucks himself in beside Jaeyi, casually drapes his arm along the back of the bench, not quite touching. Makes for more you know, room, that way.

"Slim to none," Kaida completely refuses to continue further along the lines of deeper politics vs. looking pretty. But then she is rather one who'd much rather be remembered for her true talent and not just certain generous attributes. "I don't think he'll have said anything without being prompted first." Just before the now-duo shows up and Kai's butt is hitting the bench with such force. Kay. Defending Kai. The sun is going to rise in the west tomorrow. "You and me both," she comments in an aside to the greenrider. But her smile of thanks for T'rev is short-lived. "Again?" A slow nod, lips thinning. "I'll make sure Bryanten knows. If we do spot anything... untoward, we're to quietly make sure who knows?" Funky. He's so cute sometimes when he tries to be serious.

"We should've made it a formal bet, Kay. I could have given you some fake marks." Thankfully, no one nearby is really daring enough to eavesdrop on a table occupied by Fort's Weyrleader, 'cause Jaeyi's not doing as good a job as the others of keeping her voice pitched low. With an apologetic shrug, she adds, "We must have seen half the marks on the continent this morning, and I didn't see anything, mmn, funky? But, then, I wasn't really looking all that hard. Can you sit without rattling the whole table next time?" She managed not to spill the juice, but she still leans forward to give B'kaiv an unhappy sniff.

B'kaiv lets his second ale go without a murmur of protest, only a nod for Kaida's sympathy. Not even a sideways, disbelieving look! "How're we s'posed t' know what one of them looks like?" he asks rhetorically, ending with a scowl for Jaeyi's snark-and-sniff. "No." But his eyes flick to her so-casual seatmate, and he amends grudgingly, "Sorry," before drawing shoulders protectively in around his mug. "Figured it were just..." And he shuts up again and stares at the table.

"Lines on the stamps are off," T'rev explains, "it's another beastcraft mark, someone's really got it in for the beastcraft," he says with a quiet little snort and a shake of his head, then he leans back, fishes in his pocket for a beastcraft markpiece. "See, how even the lines on the horns are and the way the eye sits? On a fake, the eye's too far back and the horns aren't impressed hard enough." The Weyrleader shoots Kai a questioning little look. "Just what? And thanks, Kay, hopefully they'll catch whomever it is this time."

Kaida sputters slightly on a sip of ale, scowls across the way at Jaeyi. Not funny, Bakergirl. Clearing her throat, she tries that drinking thing again. It goes better this time. T'rev's production of the mark prompts her to lean forward a bit, making note of the details he's pointing out for Kai. A curious glance, but the Weyrleader gets to asking for the rest of that observation first, so she doesn't add in her own echo. Just points out, "You're welcome, but you didn't answer my question."

No, he says. "Try," she suggests. Jaeyi lingers a look to make sure Muscles isn't going to make any sudden moves, then trusts to take drink that won't wind up dribbling. From there, reaching back and over T'rev's arm, she sets the cup on the table, then to reach for the sample mark once Kaida's had her look at it, ready to take a closer look. Like she's never seen a Beastcraft mark before in her life. "We can tell Esraval," she deduces brightly, tickled with her own idea, perfect excuse~!

B'kaiv shrugs to show that he's answering the question under duress, and mutters into his mug, "Figured it were just W'ton." He's not going to try, not for Jaeyi, so lets her demand sail right past without even an attempt at catching. There's a flick of a glance for the mark on display, and with a sigh he rolls onto one hip to dig in his own pouch and pull out the scant few marks there. He flips over an eighth and two thirty-seconds to display their backs, but neither those three nor the other two have beastcraft stamps. "Beastcraft ain't no where near here. That's Keroon. Wonder if they got any problems with 'em over t' Igen?"

T'rev does decent job of pretending that that reach over his arm didn't just make him a little light-headed. Blinking a few times he re-focuses on Kaida, nods towards subtle movement near the drinks stall. "Those guys. Find a guard, quiet word. Esraval's gone to talk to the captain and probably bring his lordship up to speed," the Weyrleader explains further, tilts his mug up for a long drink. "It'd be interesting to find out," T'rev says casually in answer to Kai. "Want to go find out, next couple of days?" Brows lift in the greenrider's direction and his hand lifts, brushes lightly against Jaeyi's arm for a moment, then drops back into place.

"I'd much rather not, thanks," Kaida says drily for Jaeyi's bright suggestion. Toddling after the Steward will be happily left within the Baker's purview. Observant, she hides her smirk behind her mug, waits for those brown eyes to refocus and doesn't follow T'rev's nod. Just gives one of her own in turn. As she expected, really, but it's always better to double check before someone gets their fancy pants in a twist. "Hmm... if they're turning up over Igen way my parents might know about it."

"Why would W'ton," of all people, that tone says, "want to pass around bad marks?" Jaeyi turns the borrowed mark around in her fingers a few times, presses her thumbnail into the indentation of the horns while she frowns at it. "He's too vain to want people thinking he's some kinda criminal," she concludes, hands the mark back with a shrug. "If I was passing around fake Beastcraft marks, I'd probably want to do it somewhere that they were less familiar. Like, at a Fort Gather instead of Igen Hold, where everybody'd be able to recognize the real thing without looking too hard."

T'rev senses "Jaeyi will leave her fingers in T'rev's after giving him back his money if so permitted, /discreetly/ sitting on the bench kinda out of sight."

You sense T'rev is not going to argue that, or pull his hand away, going so far as to cross one leg over the other at the knee so that the folded knee partially blocks the view of their threaded together hands. If it's the only touch they're really allowed, he'll be taking full advantage, thank you very much and running his thumb up and down the outside of her hand and otherwise doing fun things to make her heart rate go up.

"That a order, sir?" B'kaiv replies, looking up just long enough to find the bronzerider before collecting his marks and replacing the things back in his pouch. "Yeah, I guess I could. Rho's from there, though. Make more sense f'r her t' go poking around." A jerk of his chin at Kaida. Or her. A swig of beer and he fixes Jaeyi with a look of the 'I can't believe you just said that' variety. "'Cause he'd do that, an' more, if it got him things without him havin' t' work for it. You /seen/ how prissy he is?" As if prissiness led directly to or from counterfeiting.

"W'ton didn't do it on purpose," T'rev says with conviction as he takes the mark back, tucks it away again. His hand stays down on the bench after and the Weyrleader shifts, crosses one leg over the other at the knee and adopts an all-the-more-casual pose. Just talkin' here. "Sure, that makes sense, Jae, worth checkin' though you know? See if any rumors've sprung up. Maybe not just at Keroon but other places 'round Pern too. Thing is y'know, why?" T'rev grins over at Kai, shakes his head. "No it ain't an order, if you don't want to do it you don't have to Kai. But you could take Kay for a visit to see her folks, or pair up with Rho." The words about W'ton though fade T'rev's smile and he shakes his head. "He wouldn't go that far," the Weyrleader says with a quiet sort of firmness to his voice. "Just because he likes nice things, don't make him a thief."

Kaida's quarter mark on W'ton: "Not that I actually can say I know him, but from a long ago and brief deal with him, I think he's more the type to charm some girl. Less effort." Which isn't exactly a compliment, with the large implication there being that he's too lazy to bother with a counterfeiting operation. But as she said, long-ago-and-brief. "The bad marks first showed up last turn, at the fall gather, and then pretty much nothing since, right? So, could be whoever this is is moving around." T'rev gets a slightly odd look for his wondering of why, but whatever's going on in her head doesn't get vocalized. Instead, the look just gets odder before she slants a dubious look across to B'kaiv. "Uh." They might kill each other if left alone together that long?

Jaeyi looks right back at B'kaiv and points out, "Yes, I've seen how prissy he is, /and/ how much he likes being adored. Nobody adores a criminal. Surely you can attest to that?" The last is pitched with an innocent, tell-us-about-it tilt of her head, bat of her lashes. "Why what?" she asks, since Kaida didn't nibble on the seemingly out-of-place question. "It's gotta be easier to press a few hundred counterfeits than to find some legitimate way to earn them?" Beat. "Maybe. That would be a pretty big operation, huh? Not just some guys whittling on their mamas' porches."

B'kaiv snorts at all three of them and pushes ponderously to his feet. "Well, since you all know him so much better'n me, guess you're all right." He takes his mug, too. Then, belatedly, a nod to the two ladies and a salute for his wingleader. "If it ain't a order, I ain't going. It ain't like I got so many marks I can't look at 'em an' know when I been cheated. An' there ain't been no Gathers t' speak of between then an' now, 'cept maybe in th' South. Which I ain't been to. Bet W'ton has, though."

"Turnover, actually," T'rev corrects lightly for Kaida's benefit. "Three months of no gathers and they turn right back up at the Fort gather again. Other question is, did any turn up at Boll?" The Weyrleader's free hand rubs at his chin thoughtfully and he nods. "You have to have the stamps and have them be close enough to fool people," he points out about how the actual fakes get made. He also leans, nudges Jaeyi's shoulder. "Jae ..." quietly because of the impatience with Kai. "I just don't think W'ton's a dishonest man. He can be pretty thick sometimes, but he's not dishonest." He looks up at Kai with a flicker of disappointment on his face. "Chielyth might've liked the ride too," he says with a little roll of his shoulders. "I'll see about finding someone else."

"I just said I don't," Kaida points out with a much more normal (for B'kaiv) snap to her tone. If T'rev thinks -Jaeyi's- impatient with the greenrider.... "Whatever, it was cold," she notes to the Weyrleader, dismissive. But the lovebirds are about to get ditched, because with a little wave over at the not-forgotten Kwei and his fangirl, the Weaver is tilting her head at... Kai? Yes. And standing up, gathering her mug in one hand and sorting out her skirt with the other. Because whether he likes it or not, she's apparently going with him.

Leaning into rather than away from the nudge, Jaeyi raises a slight shrug, lifts her eyes to keep the rising greenrider in her line of sight, and offers a brief, "Sorry, Kai. I was being mean." See how easy it is?! She wants to argue further about W'ton, that much is written in the way she purses her lips when he looks to be planning his escape, the way her own free hand drums on the bench next to her, but nothing's forthcoming. The fact that Kaida's leaving earns a questioning look, especially since she seems riled too; weren't they all just enjoying a nice party and lovely weather, like, half an hour ago?

"Yeah," B'kaiv grunts at the baker, "You was." With an undertone of 'not that he's surprised'. He gives T'rev another shrug for his Chielyth lure; eyebrows go up at Kaida's apparent desire to go romping away with him, and he slowly, suspecting a trick, offers the Weaver his elbow. Off they go after that, leaving T'rev and Jaeyi at a table scattered with enough mugs and glasses for four.

B'kaiv strolls out of the grounds toward the road.
B'kaiv has left.

*jaeyi-apprentice, kwei, kaida, b'kaiv, jaeyi, t'rev

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