Things to make Kwei feel better.

Jul 09, 2009 19:07

RL Date: 7/9/09
IC Date: 2/26/20 --Log from Kwei. :)

Crafters' Workroom, Fort Weyr
Nestled a bit out of the way to ensure relative peace and quiet are the crafters' workrooms, a series of volcanic bubbles designated for various crafts. Each bubble is outfitted with worktables and chairs, with cabinets and shelving available to store any supplies, works-in-progress, or completed goods. The rooms are very well-lit, though lanterns and glow baskets can be moved if need be.

There are a few small niches set aside with cots for those workaholics who are loathe to leave their work, curtained off for a bit of privacy. That aside, it's generally a busy place, though not as bustling as other areas of the Weyr may be; there's a constant sense of things being done, even if it's not quite as loud as one might generally expect.

Afternoon finds Kwei tucked away in the corner of the workroom, nestled into the harpers niche with his beloved harp and some strings that he appears to be changing over from an old set to new. Concentration is the name of the game it would seem, either that or he's just generally oblivious to anything else going on around him, the way he's been acting lately, even Su would likely be worried if she was here.

Jaeyi, as a respite from her own little grievances, comes looking for someone who seems to be having a harder time of it than she is! There's no full-fledged basket this time, but she does have a big plate covered with a napkin, and mug of something-or-another carefully held out before her, and she swings into the room with a particular certainty-- no worry that she won't happen across her target, must have been asking around. "Little harper," is the ever-bright greeting, pitched while she's still some distance from Kwei's workstation.

Kwei glances round when he hears the voice and what can only be directed at him, it still takes a few moments before he actually turns with a faint smile showing through. "Hi Jaeyi." He murmurs quietly, "How are you?" He asks before turning back to the job in hand.

"Worse than usual." Not the cheeriest answer, but at least a very honest one. Jaeyi comes the rest of the way over, the plate slid onto a nearby worktable, the mug set down beside it, and has a nosey little peer at Kwei's occupation. "But better than some people. Do you want to talk about why you're hiding from the world?" Drawn to the edge of his workstation, she cuts right to the chase with a talk-to-me kinda smile in place.

Kwei's hands drop away from his harp, laying one of the strings down in the process. He doesn't look at her for a long time though. "Just not been feeling in a people mood." He explains quietly, it's not much of an explanation really but he does continue. "Things have gone wrong somewhere along the line and I need time to work myself out." Still not looking.

Her hand extends, hovers as though she might tap-tap his shoulder for that persistent not looking, but Jaeyi winds up tucking it behind her back again harmlessly. "People," she echoes, as if she herself personally is somehow excluded from that generic classification. "Okay. Do you want to tell me what's wrong? Or just eat something?" The solution to all her problems!

Kwei glances round to look at her, eyes somewhat subdued in comparison to their usual excitement at seeing her. "Would you go away if I said no?" He asks, a shake of his head soon following. "No I don't mean that, I just can't get it right in my own head, never mind talking about it all." He tries to explain, most likely failing. Big sigh. "I was dumped." His eyes cast down again.

Whether or not it's the truth, Jaeyi answers with a prompt, "Yes." And, where he may not have his usual cheer, she hasn't got her usual forwardness to just come and collect him and pet him, only staying at the periphery there with her hands safely safely safely behind her back. "And then you'd feel really bad when I left, so better if we just avoid all that." The confession softens her expression, turns it to sympathy at once. "I'm sorry, sweetheart," she says authentically. "Did she tell you why?"

Kwei gives her a wane smile and turns himself round, rather than just his head. "Pull up that other stool and sit with me for a bit then." He tells her as he ponders. "She did." He replies, "Not that it made any sense, I don't think she knows what she wants and she'd rather I wasn't involved until she can figure out what she wants, but hey it's fine for us to have sex or something, but only if I want to." His explanation is delivered in fairly dull tones, anger, hurt and confusion mostly rising every now and then.

"So I guess apples and cheese and beer won't make you feel better?" Jaeyi gives the covered plate and the mug a sad look, but she does draw nearer at that, dragging the stool over into his general vicinity, accommodating conversation that won't drift beyond this little realm. "If she's just confused-- well, it's nothing against you, is it? You shouldn't take it so hard, maybe?"

"But I want to help, I can't do that if she won't open up to me." Well other than the obvious that Kwei mentioned earlier. He sighs and shakes his head. "Either way, hey I'm single, confused and no idea what life is going to have in store for me round the corner, is she just trying to be nice or is it truly nothing to do with me." The offer of food hasn't been ignored, he's just on another topic right now.

Still sounding more apologetic than anything, Jaeyi points out slowly, "Maybe she doesn't want help. Maybe she wants to figure it out on her own?" Never mind she's just foisted her attention on Kwei, the rules don't apply to her the same as they do everyone else. "You make it sound so terrible. Young and single and talented and it's not like she never wants to see you or speak to you again?" She tries a small, hopeful smile, like maybe she can lead him along to see the bright side?

Kwei lifts his gaze to look at her, his fingers starting to twine round one of the old strings he's picked up, that nervous tic rearing itself again. "Young, Talented, and Single, see it's that last bit, if I'm that good, how come I was dumped?" He replies, his tone is angry, even though he's trying not to direct it at Jaeyi, it obviously hurt his feelings, or his rock star ego or something but it's Jaeyi who brought it up, honest. "I suppose, but I'm not wanting to be involved if all she's interested in is the sex." He sighs, head sagging again, the string tightening in his fingers.

The weirdest person in the world to be saying this, but-- "So don't sleep with her. If you don't want that kind of relationship, don't have that kind of relationship." Jaeyi, unlacing her hands, reaches toward the string's end to draw Kwei's attention to the fidgeting, making a face at the twitchiness. "Why you do call it dumped? It doesn't sound, to me, like that's what she meant. If she still wants to see you, maybe she just..." Breath. "I dunno. I'm sorry."

Kwei's eyes focus on the string in his fingers, the slight tug does enough to make him realise and he starts to slowly unwind it. "I don't and I won't." He states firmly while he unravels. Why dumped? Because she was probably his first girlfriend. "What else is it? She left me, doesn't want to trust me anymore?" He shakes his head, "Shells, why." He sighs. "I'm sorry, you're doing your best to be nice to me and I'm just grumping away."

"Not every relationship is black and white," Jaeyi suggests patiently, hands dropped back to her own lap to refold there simply, harmlessly. "Just because she doesn't want to be /only/ with you doesn't necessarily have anything to do with you. If it was-- well, if it was your fault, she wouldn't want to see you at all, right?" The apology makes her wrinkle her nose again, shake her head to chase away its intent. "If I didn't want to hear it, I wouldn't ask. I just want you to feel better, and if grumping at me will accomplish that?" She shrugs; go for it.

Kwei nods his head. "I'm getting to see that." He mutters, eyes closing to calm himself again before he looks at her more fully. "I guess I shouldn't hide away for ever, but given how hurt and confused I'm feeling when it comes up, and you're one of my friends, I like you. It wouldn't have been good for me to be speaking to others." He admits.

Jaeyi reaches across the distance between stools with her foot, hooks it on the rung of his perch briefly to give it a slight nudge, just a little touch-by-proxy. "You shouldn't hide away forever, exactly. Being anti-social never made anyone feel better, trust me. And most people aren't going to pester you the way I am, hmn?" With a smile that fails to apologize for boterhing him. "So. You know. Show your face sometimes, sugar. I miss you."

Kwei smiles across at her, the most normal thing he's done since this encounter began. "I know and I promise I'll try and get out more, sit and play for my adoring fans or something." He reaches over with one of his hands, "And to chat with my friends more importantly."

"Annnnnnd," drawls Jaeyi importantly, her fingers releasing their clasp so her hand hovers a second or two before she curls it carefully around Kwei's. "And don't take it so personally. Everyone's first relationship ends in tears. If yours somehow managed to go well, I'd probably resent you forever for it." The slight edge to her tone acknowledges that as cold comfort, at least.

Kwei shakes his head. "I have to take it personally, it involved my person." He does at least smile as he gives the jibe at himself. "I can imagine, first times I suppose are always the hardest, no matter what it is." He replies as he clasps her hand. "How are you getting on, have I missed anything that I show know about?"

Jaeyi points out with a tsk-tsk, "I said /so/ personally. Like, don't let it get to you so much? It's just..." She trails off, her other hand lifted so her fingers wave helplessly through the air; one of those insubstantial things that lack words. "I'm having a bad time lately, but it's no more than I deserve, and /I'm/ not letting it make me into a hermit." Which, judging by that self-important tone, makes /her/ a better person. "I brought you food. And beer. Because I think those things will always make a man feel better, hmn?"

Kwei gives her hand a light squeeze, "Anything you care to talk to me about, or shall I stay clear of the topic and we can just sit here and enjoy the wonderful fayre you brought instead?" He asks, his gaze finally flickering over to check out what she has brought. "There are many many things that will make a man feel better, the true question is for how long will the feeling last?" He ponders for a few moments. "Where your lunches are concerned, it'll last me a while."

Effusive positivism leaves Jaeyi saying, "It'll all work itself out, and it won't make you feel better to hear it, so let's skip!" She looks down a moment at the caught hands, shaking her head at some little joke that works for her but probably won't for anyone else, and starts off the stool at that, returning Kwei's hand to him. Genuine; "You poor thing." She draws in another breath, lingering sympathy, and departs only far enough to collect the plate, the mug, and give a glance to where the harper's working. "Can I set these down there, or will it ruin something?"

Kwei nods his head. "I'm a good listener, if you ever need it, my life experience in certain areas may be lacking, but I do read a lot so might be able to offer insight from elsewhere depending." The offer made he lets go and pushes some things out of the way to make enough space. "So long as nothing is spilled on the harp it's all good." He tells her. "This would all have been easier in the summer, a few long walks would have been enough to let me think things through, but I would have frozen solid If I'd tried that in this weather."

Down go the edibles, into that space, and Jaeyi wads up the napkin in one hand, leaving the plate of-- yes, cheese and apples all ready for the eating. Turning, hips against the table, she makes a face at the suggestion of outdoors; "I'd be very depressed if they hauled your body in here, frozen solid. Especially now that you're single! My goodness, it'd be all but criminal!"

Kwei's hand shifts over to nab something from the plate, "How do you manage to get your hands on this stuff in the middle of winter?" He asks her, picking up a piece of apple, taking a nibble before replying with a hint of his usual flirty ness showing up. "There'd be opportunity for plentiful hugs to thaw me out, but I'm not sure I'd really be in a state to appreciate it so I don't the benefits outweigh the cons. Especially with my new status."

"I'm people who knows people." With a wink, Jaeyi leaves her apple-finding abilities at that. Admittedly, they're not at the peak of perfection, those apples, but they're a sight better than jarred would be. "And, really, I'd rather hug you when you were already warm than when you were a harper-shaped ice cube." She pauses, realizing the joke with brightening eyes before she voices it; "I prefer my men stiff for entirely different reasons." Ba dum!

Kwei nods his head with a bit of a grin. "There is that option available, and I don't need to feel guilty about it now either." He says with a bit of a wink. "Jaeyi hugs." He murmurs with a wistful smile, though he doesn't make any moves to carry through on that one, least not yet anyway he's too busy shaking his head. "I can imagine, I've been under your watchful gaze before, you've seen what reaction you cause in me."

Jaeyi, sadly, doesn't make any moves to carry through the notion, either. The world might be broken! She just broadens her smile considerably, gives the plate an absent spin with one finger, an excuse to look down at that for a second while she contains her mirth. "Well, some time when you feel better, we'll go somewhere by ourselves and see what we can do about that reaction," she promises brightly. Ignoring the fact that he just said he doesn't want that kind of relationship. "Will you forgive me if I leave you here to eat in peace? I'm supposed to be working. In light of recent events, I don't think 'cheering up the boy I'm pining for' will go over well as an excuse."

Kwei smiles and nods his head at her offer, he has the look of someone who though he has probably wanted to take up on that offer for long enough, right now it would probably be a bad plan. "Pining for?" He repeats back softly, looking at her, trying to divine more in that statement than there probably is. "Thanks darling, it's much appreciated, I think I needed the prompting more than anything else." He nods his head and given she's not come an closer, he blows her a kiss instead. "Get yourself back to what you need to be doing, You know where to find me if you have the time later. Not many places I can go to hide."

Pretending to pluck that kiss from thin air, Jaeyi closes her fingers around the invisible with a cheery beam. There's no clarification for pining-for, no telling how serious she's being, as now she pushes off the worktable with a big, bolstering breath. "I'll find time," she promises. Just no specification as to when, exactly. At that, she trots off-- good deed done for the day.

*jaeyi-apprentice, kwei, jaeyi

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