Hattie's got an actual work ethic. Poor girl.

Jul 02, 2009 20:40

RL Date: 7/2/09
IC Date: 2/5/20 --Stole T'rev's log again.

It's just past lunchtime and there's a murmur of conversation and some laughter from over near one of the hearths. T'rev's sitting there with Jaeyi, smile suspiciously fond as he grins over at the baker. "... and then the fish jumped out of the pond and lickety split, my brother grabbed it and that was dinner for /that/ night." Storytime apparently!

Past lunchtime, but that does not mean people don't still eat. Jaeyi, with a bowl in hand, with a spoon in bowl, lifts the spoon out of the bowl-- which contains apple cobbler, for the curious-- to shake it dubiously at the tail-end of that story. "That," she begins, head cocked, expression heavy with doubt, "is quite the fish story."

Maybe there're no drills this afternoon for the wing Hattie's supposed to be shadowing, since she's minus work to go to and minus even stray wing members. This, it seems, leaves her rather disgruntled and trudging across the commons, faint, snowy footprints left after her. Whoops. She doesn't notice or doesn't care, only peers towards the nearest hearth and, finding that occupied by wingleader and baker, walks right on by to locate the next, shaking snow from her hair

"Hey, fish tastes best right out of the ocean or stream right? And over hot coals," T'rev argues a little with Jaeyi, smile wide. Hattie's passage lifts his head though and T'rev sits up a little, drapes an arm over the back of his chair and waves at the weyrling. "Hey Hattie, how's things going with wing training? Also - got an opinion on how fish tastes best? Ever had it straight out of the river?"

And over hot coals; "And when it jumps right of the pond and into your bare hands. Mhmn." The doubtful crinkle of her nose is as far as Jaeyi believes that particular tale, a nice match to the way she half-rolls her eyes before lifting them from her bowl toward the passer-by. "Please say you don't have an opinion," she requests with a lash-bat at Hattie.

Hattie pauses and turns back a little; takes two steps back as well, a ribbon falling from her hair to add insult to whatever injury she's sustained that has her looking so irritated. "They aren't doing anything," the goldrider answers T'rev, and those words could sound petulant were it not for obvious frustration. "If I wanted to learn how to waste time, then I'd be watching the right people. Shells, it's almost embarrassing. I'm embarrassed /for/ them." Dark eyes track to Jaeyi and she manages a smile. "Not much of an opinion. I can say that there was a time I wished my brothers would just throw the damn fish back in the river so we wouldn't have to humour them and have the poor things cooked." Blink. "The fish, not my brothers."

"That's y'know, convenient," T'rev drawls out with a look over his shoulder at Jaeyi about the pond-jumping. The rest of what Hattie says causes a rapid blink. "S'winter," he says simply. "Can't really drill if it's comin' down snow and howlin' wind and freezin'. Too dangerous. Winter was always a rest time even during a Pass," the wingleader explains further. "What're you thinkin' we should be doin'?" And back to fish. "Yeah I dunno 'bout cooked brother for dinner

"Yes, almost unbelievably convenient, wouldn't you say?" With a too-bright smile, Jaeyi points out, "Oh, if you want lessons from people on wasting time, you've come to the right place." Witness the middle of the day and the two of them /doing nothing/, though toasting her toes might count as some sort of industry. Maybe. "How many?" Pause, without the blink but a corresponding length. "Brothers, not fish."

"I'm not saying they should be in the skies, I'm saying they should be doing /something/. Not just turning up, discovering half the people aren't there and deciding to go home again," Hattie mutters, bending to retrieve her ribbon. "You know, making plans for what they intend to do - someday - what needs to be improved on, that if nothing else." She makes a face and holds up her hands, making a shoving gesture as though to just let it all go. "Two younger brothers," the weyrling breathes out more calmly. "Lots of fish," she adds, smirking just a little.

There's a beam Jaeyi's way. "You sayin' we're good at lazy, Jae?" he drawls with a wink for the baker then turns back towards the goldrider. "Only so much of that you can talk about without it just bein' rehashing over and over," T'rev notes to Hattie gently. "That usually happens y'know, periodically. Like, once a quarter or so dependin' on the wing. S'also y'know, Interval. Which wing're you in this seven?" he asks curiously nonetheless then bursts out laughing. "Yeah, two little brothers'll catch a lotta fish. Especially in summer when the days're long."

To both of them at once, to T'rev's questions and Hattie's complaints, Jaeyi perches the bowl on the arm of her chair and stretches in a way that is best termed languorous, toes wiggling toward the fire and all. "Industry," while she exhales that dramatic yawn, "is overrated, I think." It all ends with her elbow next to her bowl, her chin on her palm, and a look back to the weyrling. She might have asked more on the matter of brothers, but T'rev beats her to questioning.

"Hematite," Hattie wearily answers T'rev, managing to stop her gaze aiming for the ceiling, making it look like she's just staring at the wall or over people entirely. "Look, I don't really care what they do, but they should just get on with something. Either they're lazy or disorganized and I'll just be glad when I get to move on." She glances between Jaeyi and the bronzerider and only shrugs. "I'm not saying you guys can't be lazy right now; at least you're not pretending you're not."

Jaeyi's langorous stretch, perhaps predictably, draws T'rev's gaze back over to the baker though it's just the slant of his eyes. He seems to have bronzerider radar for that sort of thing. Momentary admiration is cut off by attention to what Jae actually says. "I dunno, there's a time n' place for work and a time n' place for havin' fun. Got t'get the work done before you can go harin' off to have fun, right?" Hattie's remarks make a little furrow in T'rev's brows though. "So it's more that they pretend to be busy and aren't, is that it? Are they really slacking that badly?" And he scratches at the end of his nose. "D'you think we kept you busy enough in Flint, in spite of the weather?"

Shrugging, careless, Jaeyi answers while she picks at what's left of her cobbler, looking for good bits, "If the work's, like, useful, sure. But it doesn't sound like drilling is all that useful. In the snow." The afterthought is a little pointed, as is the quirk at the corner of her mouth before she finds something worth nibbling, catches it on the end of her spoon. "You seem really bothered by it," she adds to Hattie, an unsaid 'why?' in tone and expression.
"You're asking the wrong person: I think everyone's slacking. Bar a very few exceptions."

Hattie might be joking about that, from the trace of a smile still left, but it's very difficult to tell. "I think you did what you were supposed to," she tells T'rev. "And I think they're /not/ doing what they're supposed to. I learned things with you and I'm not learning much with them." She glances over and Jaeyi and tries for a carefree shrug that just doesn't suit her. "If you're going to do something, do it right. If you're going to work, work, don't do it half-heartedly."

That little quirk of Jaeyi's mouth earns an all too sunny smile from T'rev. "Nah, not much use in drilling in those conditions. Not to mention, Thread don't fall when it's so cold as all that. All drilling right now is really just for practice. You know for the games and stuff and to stay sharp to teach it over the next -- uhh, 180 turns." T'rev looks back over at Hattie, expression shading thoughtful. "Not learning even about you know ... what you think a wing shouldn't be doing?" T'rev asks, head tipping to the side. "I mean, if you were J'ki, what would you do?" the bronzerider asks further.

With an eye to the ill-suited shrug, with a brightening of her eyes at the attempted gesture; "That's a very, mmn, commendable outlook you've got. Peeerrrsonally, I don't expect everyone to put their heart into things that it doesn't fall to naturally." That's Jaeyi's enlightened take on the subject. Quieter, more mumbly, "I'd have a hard time putting my heart into drills in the bleeding cold winter..." She trails off in time to attend the what-would-you-do poised to Hattie. Do tell.

"I'd make sure everyone turned the heck up for whatever we weren't doing in the first place," Hattie states. "You don't just accept that sort of thing or everyone thinks it's alright, it's normal, it's fine. I'd ask them to work together on something, even something random or 'fun'," since she's often not all that familiar with the term, "just to keep things going in one way or another. Not just let it fall apart and have that be the norm." She shifts awkwardly on the spot for a moment, frowning and glancing between the two some more. "Did I sign up for interrogation and not realize?" she asks, more quietly.

"Nah, just curious," T'rev says with an easygoing shrug. "Though y'know, those ain't bad ideas. Could make 'em as suggestions, J'ki ain't gotten much of anywhere with the wing since he stepped up as far as I know," the bronzerider continues carefully. "And yeah, winter is generally you know, kind of a break time for riders, except for sweeps and search and rescue."

To answer for the interrogation, Jaeyi grins in a guilty little way. "You walked up to two people holed up in the middle of the day by a hearth, telling fish stories and eating cobbler, and complained about people not /doing/ things. Also, just curious," to echo T'rev's excuse. No hard feelings, more amusemed than bothered with that tone, but still. "Do you feel interrogated? Do you want some cobbler to feel better?" Presumably not wthe scrapings left in her bowl.

The goldrider points at T'rev whilst smiling just barely at Jaeyi and declares, "He asked me about the idiots, blame him," meant to be joking as she collapses down into the nearest empty chair. Hattie shakes her head about making suggestions and grimaces. "I think I'll leave J'ki to it. He's probably as irritated with me as I am with him." Stretching out, she then slumps sideways in her chair and kicks her legs up over one armrest; peers and blinks over at the baker. "Where would I find some cobbler?" she questions, curious.

"Hey y'know, always innerested in what my friends're up to," T'rev says with an 'I'm innocent' lift of hands and smiles at Hattie warmly then slouches back down in his chair in the interests of doing nothing. That there was cobbler being eaten by him too, might become evident when Hattie sits, because an empty bowl is on the floor at the foot of his chair, though not visible until she came around to that side of the hearth. "Mm. Well if you don't mind, might slip him the word next time I invite him for poker," T'rev notes with a grin for the weyrling. "And I'm sorry if I made you feel interrogated." Sincere, that.

"I would suggest looking in the kitchen, or..." Mirroring the goldrider's actions in reverse, Jaeyi pushes herself out of her own chair, ruining all that work to look leisurely. Feet slipped into shoes, and she continues merrily, "Letting someone go and get it for you. As you look like you have fallen into that chair anything but half-heartedly." An echo of Hattie's earlier words with some attempt to find the same vocal pitch as well. "I'll be right back." And, on the way, nudge T'rev's bowl with her toe; needs refilling or done?

Hattie goes to rearrange limbs back to make the move back to standing at the mention of the kitchen; goes to protest cobbler being retrieved and in the end just shrinks a little more back down into her chair and murmurs, "Thank you," to Jaeyi, looking quite meek or embarrassed. Or just uncomfortable that she's not making the trip herself. It's a few seconds before she speaks again, with, "You'll probably be more tactful about it than me and he likely wouldn't take advice from a weyrling anyway, so you're quite welcome to," to T'rev. She waves off his apology whilst trying to accept it at the same time for such sincerity, which results in something that looks like the shrug of a hand, not shoulder. "No need. I sense a lot of question-time in the turns ahead, so might as well get used to it."

Bending down for his empty bowl, T'rev takes the spoon out and hands it up to Jaeyi with a smile. "Refill ... if you don't mind?" he requests, looking up into the baker's face for a moment. Slouching back after she's stepped away. "Depends on the wingleader," the bronzerider tells Hattie. "Some of them might take it as you know, an outside point of view, valuable. Others, yeah, they'll just bark. J'ki ... I don't think he's a barker."

For Hattie, it's a bright, genuine, "You're welcome." Meant to help dispel some of the weyrling's obvious discomfort about someone else doing-for. "If I don't mind..." That's the amused remark that Jaeyi leaves behind, that and a brief walk of fingers through his curls before she's off to the kitchens.

The smile in return from Hattie to the baker before she heads off is more baffled - maybe for the simple fact that one smile has prompted another - than anything else, yet she offers it over all the same. "You forget /I/ could be the barker," she jokes to the bronzerider. "But anyhow, main point - and don't ever pass this on or I will find some way to harm you - I've spent turns telling people what to do when it wasn't my right and I've got to start picking my battles. Right now, these circumstances, it's not mine. So you're quite welcome to it."

"Thanks Jae," T'rev's gratitude follows in the wake of that amusement and his head tilts upward into that touch, brief as it is, smile still bright. Hattie's remark about barking brings out laughter. "Ain't never heard you bark, though that might almost be funny to see," he jokes back. More seriously: "You're right, pickin' your battles, have to. Just y'know, I figure half the reason they have you guys in the wings isn't just for y'all to learn, it's for us too. That fresh outlook n' all."

"You bite, maybe I'll bark," Hattie teases, with the ease of one who knows - or just assumes - that nothing of the sort might happen. "Anyhow, I can't just blunder on in there and be that arrogant. Not now. It feels like we're in a very odd position and I'd kinda like to get my feet settled on the ground before I think about doing that kind of thing. I mean, Elaruth's nearly all grown-up. Which means I get to be a grown-up again, but not just /yet/. And in a different... world." She looks away during those last few words and studies her knees.

"/Bite/," T'rev says with dancing eyes and mock-snaps Hattie's way with a wink. "Thought you weren't into me that way," is further teasing with no weight behind it. "No, but see there's a way to bring things up with someone that ain't like that, ain't blunderin' in. It's all in how you say it. How you do it." He's silent though as she shifts the subject just a little and sympathy crosses his face. "Berit ... kind of felt the same way you do right now sometimes. Only you know, she was /the/ Weyrwoman. At sixteen," T'rev says quietly, thoughtfully. "It can't be an easy switch. Just y'know, you do have friends, Hattie. Friends who're friends with /Hattie/ not the junior weyrwoman."

The cheerful, "Who's /not/ in to you that way," heralds the return of Jaeyi and two bowls of cobbler. The first is for Hattie, around whose chair she sweeps with the mess of apple-and-crumb extended on the palm of one hand. "Will it help if I say I forgot you were-- or, well, will be a junior weyrwoman and admit that I just lumped you win with all those other weyrlings?" Probably not, but she puts it out there with one helluva smile to try and sail it.
sell it.

Hattie laughs, one hand outstretched to claim cobbler with a murmur of thanks, the other cast back across her forehead. "I know, I just can't take it anymore. I lied, I lied!" she cries overdramatically, before dissolving back into laughter once again. She tries to quiet and her shrug is easier this time. "You can say it," she tells Jaeyi. "And I can pretend to believe you or not, whichever you'd prefer," is accompanied with a small smile. The goldrider looks up and over at T'rev, only the remains of the smile lingering, but she's focused and she nods and doesn't say anything, which probably says more than her words usually manage. She's about to start on the cobbler when her name gets yelled across the commons and she reluctantly gets to her feet, bowl still in her hands. "If I have to go, I'm taking this with me," she vows, just before she's called again. "Thanks and... thanks," Hattie says quietly, directed at each and both, then she dutifully obeys the summons.

"You big liar you," T'rev teases Hattie further and tilts his head backward as Jaeyi re-arrives, smile fond for the baker. Hattie is called and T'rev waves as she goes. "GOod luck, Hattie," he says sincerely then reaches out a hand towards Jaeyi, aiming to tug her down into his lap. "Feed me woman," he says teasingly, eyes alight.

Jaeyi watches Hattie go, still holding the second bowl, still standing near the vacated chair, head tipped thoughtfully askes. "She seems likely to get overwrought," is the eventual comment, put with a thoughtful purse of her lips that only chases away once she's on her way to deliver the bowl. Or to be pulled into T'rev's lap, which works out about the same. Without missing a beat; "Feed you woman or feed you cobbler?" It's the latter she has poised on the end of the spoon, thankfully.

"She does. Often," T'rev answers after Hattie's out of earshot. "Cobbler," he answers quite seriously, arms wrapping warmly around her and snuggling her in close. Totally not discreet. It's for her ear though that there's softer words: "You can feed me the rest of you later, at home." There's a little nuzzle to follow that before T'rev leans over to steal that bite from the spoon. Swallowing is fundamental. "Shells, it's good, Jae. You have some serious talent with apples."

No less discreet than the imagined crumbs that Jaeyi hastily nibbles away from his lower lip, swipes with the pad of her thumb in a quick gesture before she's preparing the next scoop onto the spoon. "Later, he says," she remarks with a nose-wrinkle, a reminder that later is still not her favorite word of all time. Also, "You're easily impressed, and apples are easily dressed up." With that next bite all poised, "Why does everyone pour out all their problems to you?"

T'rev can get into nibbles, he can, maybe even drawing her down behind the chair's back for something just a little more than nibbling before her thumb makes that sweep. "Not too much later. You got the rest of your shift to do though, right?" Brows lift questioningly even as he leans forward to take that second bite. Both of his shoulders roll in an easy shrug. "I listen?" he hazards with a little grin. "Or y'know, mostly I don't judge. Mostly. Sometimes I do and then folks like Kai get mighty pissed off at me." That's not his hand wandering up her leg and coming to rest at her knee. "Easy or not, it's damn good," T'rev declares about the cobbler.

Jaeyi can get into more-than-nibbling, and she can sure as hell get into phantom hands, or so says the quick whisper for his ear, "Since when do you stop at the knee? Eeeven if I have to go back to the grindstone later?" Like she needs to test, she tries a small bite herself and gives a sort of so-so shrug at the quality of the cobbler, really just taking it as a matter of course. "/Mostly./ Judged him for...?"

Mischief in eyes means fingers wandering further since she's inviting. "I've got sweeps too. Boll again, so, won't see you 'til supper time," T'rev notes. "Don't wander off though? Wait for me?" he requests simply, smile fond. It fades a little as he considers about B'kaiv then answers slowly. "Insulting you. Thinking the way he thinks about women. You. Su. Any woman."

With an oh-so-innocent blink, Jaeyi repeats, "Wait? But what if--" Here's another bite, though the spoon gets withheld because she has better uses for T'rev's mouth at the moment. Or will in a second, if the leaning toward him is any indicator. "What if someone comes along while you're off on sweeps?" Arranging to be picked up later, then kissing him with that particularly promising quality promptly afterward really doesn't lead into talk of certain sexist greenriders, so it's a few moments later, the spoon reappearing, before she comments, "You probably ought to just let that go. If Su can live with it..."

Withheld bite, better uses for his mouth. T'rev can get into all of those. His head drops back against the chair, eyes closed and he just /breathes/ for a moment. "Bring 'em with if they like," he drawls out with a little grin on his face. "Or y'know, I can wait 'til you come out from wherever. Whatever works. Or consider that a reservation?" The drawling lilt in his voice only underscores the easy quality of his smile. A nod follows though about Kai. "Yeah, already have really. Just y'know. An example of me bein' judgmental. But Kai still tells me about stuff, so ... I dunno."

"You stopped." That with a glance down at her leg, his hand, then accusing Jaeyi's accusing eyes lift right back up to meet T'rev's, spoon brought out for use this time. Eat. "Resume and I'll think about taking reservations," with a beam. The fact that Kai still tells him stuff seems, with the brow-crease that surfaces, to bother her in some small way. "And you're too tolerant to tell him to just stop talking to you about this stuff." Fond, yes, but still bothered.

Obedient fingers do more than just continue. They tuck up her skirt, little by little until the hem reaches her knee, then they slide beneath and wander as directed. That frown earns a touch of puzzlement on his face. "Oh - not about that. You know. Other stuff. Stuff on his mind." T'rev takes that bite then, finally and keeps his mouth busy that way for a little bit.

The first "oh" is just to acknowledge the not-about-that. The second one is to acknowledge the business of his fingers. Diligently, another bite scooped and offered, Jaeyi manages to sit very still in an effort not to be a total giveaway to the activities going on in this particular chair. "Do you think anyone will notice?" is the bright-eyed question, followed by something the rest of the room is allowed to hear; "But that's stuff you don't judge him for, hmn?"

Munching, swallowing, T'rev takes that next offered bite and leans back a little further into the chair, slouching down so their heads dip lower behind its tall back. "Only if you give us away," he murmurs into her ear once her mouth is clear. There goes his hand again. Not innocent. Not at all. "And no. It's just you know, guy stuff. That stuff. He just -- he's got a lot t'learn." And then T'rev doesn't say anything for a little while until he clears his throat for a quiet. "Should let you go. Before we /do/ get into trouble."

"And you are, of course, the best person to learn from." It's hard to tell, given there's a little catch in her voice just at the moment, whether or not Jaeyi means that to be authentic or not. Both hands to keep the bowl from falling to the floor, as that would be pretty obvious, she tucks her head beneath his chin with her lips against his neck, thus rewarding T'rev with the full effect of quickened breaths against skin. "I'd rather just get in trouble." But she looks for a place to put the bowl so she can extricate herself from lap-and-fingers despite what she'd rather do.

"No," T'rev answers. "Just my opinion based on what all he's said. If he learns some of those lessons, I think he'll be a lot happier as a person." His turn to get that catch to his voice and his head turns a little so his cheek rests against the top of her head. Low down, longingly: "/Jae/" right before she puts the bowl down and starts to slip away. His hand flexes and withdraws. Being good. "I'll see you later," is a promise borne out by the slight flush in his cheeks. "And hope for storms over Boll to bring me home that much sooner." Very earnestly sincere.

Flushed cheeks that Jaeyi leans over and kisses before she leaves the proximity of the chair, somehow manages to win the battle against the will to climb right back into his lap if only because there's a promising, "I'll see you later." There's a brief, chiding tug of his hair on her way around the chair to the exit, to note, "I have family at Boll." As in, let's hope /against/ storms, thanks.

"Not the Hold," T'rev breathes out in the wake of that tug and stays put for a little bit. Has to you know. There's that cobbler to finish. Eventually though, duty calls on him too, though later promises to be fun indeed.

hattie, *jaeyi-apprentice, jaeyi, t'rev

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