The keys to Rodric's beach house.

Jun 29, 2009 19:32

RL Date: 6/28/09
IC Date: 1/21/20 --Schmoopy, as T-player calls it.

Commons Cavern, Fort Weyr
While not nearly as large as the living cavern, the commons do serve something of a similar purpose as a gathering point for residents. There are a few scattered tables and chairs, with a section of counter carved from the native granite for general use. The typically cool floors are covered with a handful of rugs, while tapestries serve to blunt the chill emanating from the walls. Lighting is provided through glow baskets for the most part, although some individuals might bring in a lantern if they think to.

It's a fair bit quieter than the living cavern and is designed more as a location for residents to meet and work on whatever work needs to be done -- mending, cleaning, and tending to children are only a small sampling of the things that can be seen going on here. It's most active later in the day, after the bulk of the work is done and people start to settle in for the night, but it's never empty of people.

It also serves as a hub for a variety of useful caverns -- the nursery is located across from the residents' dorms, with the bathing cavern situated between the two. The candidates barracks are somewhat off to the side, closest to the tunnel that leads back out to the inner caverns.

Here's luxury. The rest of the Weyr works away the last of the morning, and Jaeyi curls up in a big chair before the common hearth, seated sideways with her shoeless feet dangling off one side and her hair dangling off the other, drying. She only barely sits up at the tramping of busy little feet, kids darting through the cavern with a brief detour; where there's the baker, there are bound to be treats, and they've learned that she's only too willing to barter for peace and quiet. "In the bowl, on the table, and only two a piece, or I'll make sausages out of your fat little fingers." Grabby little hands make hasty work, leave her to shake out her hair and resume the business of lounging.

Snowy-haired and pink-cheeked, T'rev comes through with the distinct look of someone who's just been outside for a while. Likely up in the air given the time. In other words, the wingleader looks fresh off of drills as he ambles through the commons, singing in a quiet undertone, something with distinctly bawdy lyrics. A kid scooting for the treat bowl draws his attention first, that long mane of dark curls keeps it. Steps that were headed for his sister's room change course to bring him up to the baker, hands dropping towards her shoulders with familiar intimacy. "Mornin' gorgeous," the bronzerider drawls out with a twinkle in his eyes, the compliment is sincere, but there's something about his expression and one of voice that denote a hint of teasing too. "Nice and cozy, huh?" For her lounging position. "No work this mornin'?"

Kids push by T'rev hurriedly, one of them with a lump already shoved in his cheek, with a private, "Told ya." Jaeyi gives up tracking them around the time the bronzerider comes into view, a better thing to behold than greedy little rugrats, and she leans back enough to rake that chilled figure with a very warm look. "Breakfast is over, and I cut my finger--" Which she lifts, a very little bit of bandage wrapped around the end of her index finger. "--so I'm released to recuperate. Frozen solid, are you?" With eyes on snowy hair.

T'rev grins at the passel of kids pushing past, then bends to bestow a somewhat chilly kiss on the baker as he kneels down alongside her chair one arm aiming to remain comfortably slung around her, while he reaches for the injured hand with an exaggerated expression of sympathy. Predictable: "Want me t'kiss it and make it better?" Snowflakes slowly melt, winking out of existence under the dedicated heat of the nearby fire and leave dark pinpoints on the leather shoulders of his jacket. "Not anymore," for 'frozen solid'. Incorrigible. "Snow's comin' down pretty hard now, but thankfully, ain't no blizzard."

A chilly kiss, yes, but Jaeyi holds his chin between bracketing fingers at least until he takes possession of that hand, aims to do her part to warm T'rev. She relinquishes her right to keep him there, kissing her, right around the time a drop falls from the end of a tawny curl and splashes onto her eyebrow, earns a little nose-crinkle while she folds back into the chair. "It's not my finger I want you to kiss, but I suppose it's all I can ask for at the moment." The moment including the passage of people to and from rooms, including one disapproving auntie who might have availed herself of an empty chair had not these two people in particular already been ensconced here. "You're dripping."

Definitely a lot warmer after all that, T'rev smiles sunnily at Jaeyi and tightens his arm around her shoulders a little. "Mm, could put you over my shoulder and carry you off somewheres, but y'know, I should at least pretend like I'm bein' good," the bronzerider answers and solemnly draws her fingertip near to kiss it lightly. "Shoot, didn't think the dusting was so bad," is offered apologetically as T'rev draws back runs hands through hair to dispense with clinging wetness. He unwinds layers then too, scarf and jacket folded together and set to one side. Underneath, he's a lot warmer, no chill lingers in the folds of his shirt as he drapes an arm companionably around Jaeyi again and offers that disapproving auntie a charming smile and puppy dog eyes of apology. "So. You're all at loose ends for the rest of the afternoon. I'm lookin' for my sister, got some news for her, then sweeps unless the snow gets worse. Want me to bring you up anything from Boll?"

"Then pretend you're being good," Jaeyi obliges, swings her feet down to find the rug for the curling of bare toes, and, sitting upright with a lean into the arm around her shoulders, offers the now empty arm of her chair with a pat of her hand. "Sit? Behave yourself?" Though innocently intoned, the slow lowering of lashes and particular curl of her smile does ply that with a lilt of challenge-- behave himself, if he can. Quickly, those lashes flutter into a curious few blinks to T'rev, and her lips purse, suiting an envious twinge; "You're going to Boll today?"

Chuckling T'rev gives Jaeyi another little squeeze and it's only his fingers that trail naughtily along her arm before he shifts to perch on the arm of her chair. Perfectly decent. Of course the chair's back handily obscures the fact that his hand lingers at her shoulder now, within easy reaching distance of the side of her neck and the curve of one ear. "I'll do my best," he replies with mock-gravity on behaving himself and leans a little against the chair's back. "Sweeps down that way and y'know, I go down almost every evenin', to the trader camp in winter. Got Cedri to visit. Always welcome to tag along any time you feel up to bravin' Between."

Jaeyi brushes her hair back off that shoulder, and it's her fingers that suggest a path down the line of her neck, across her throat, and daringly down where buttons begin. "Tomatoes," she decides emphatically, tilts her head so it rests somewhat against the back of the chair and somewhat against T'rev's waist. "I've wanted a tomato and cheese sandwich for days, and I refuse to eat one made out of jarred tomatoes. It won't be the same." The upward glance accompanies the burgeoning pout and she adds, "I'm resolved not to go to Boll until I can stay there. But if I sent you with a package, would you leave it at the Hold for me?"

Fingers can be taught they can and that instruction is picked up, echoed by a careful motion of T'rev's hand that flirts around with the idea of plucking at a button and yet, he doesn't. "Tomatoes. Got it. And if I can't find any just right down Boll way, can pop down way south," the bronzerider notes with a fond grin downward at her. "You're right, ain't the same when they come out of a jar. Those make good sauce though, right?" That little pout finds his hand moving upward so his thumb can trace the jutting of her bottom lip. "I can play mail boy, sure. For your folks?" About the package. "And when did you decide about not goin' down there 'til you can stay ... and does that mean no more visitin' my Da?"

"South." Considering the trail of his fingers, is it any wonder Jaeyi has to pause and grin up at him like that, so encouragingly? "Mmn, they do, and if I wanted tomato sauce or soup," she answers, no more trespassing with her own hands than to trace the seam along his leg. The outer seam. "Then I would be very happy. --For my auntie. She has bad lungs, or a bad heart, you can never be sure which it is on any given day, so I send peppermints to keep her free of congestion." A very little mocking, fully aware how unlikely a cure she's asking T'rev to ferry. "He doesn't live there all the time, does he? Your father?"

"Seasons're completely opposite down yonder, so the tomatoes should be all ripe and comin' off the vines right now," T'rev explains with a slow smile in answer for her encouraging one. Fingertips trip downward again lightly, just playing with the neckline of her shirt in an exercise of delayed gratification. "Peppermints. Clear up the nose at least," he answers with a lopsided tilt to his grin. "S'a nice thing to do though. Little treat. Warms the heart at any rate." Whether cure or not, it's the thought that counts? "He travels with the caravan most of the time. Lives down at the camp through most winters, drops in at the Hall time and again, and once a turn at Healer Hall for a checkup. Usually stays for about a seven then, opens up the cothold, takes care of business." T'rev's fingers shift direction again, lift along Jaeyi's ear, then the backs stroke along her cheek. "Reminds me though ..." and he reaches down for his jacket, turns the inside outward a little so he can fish in an inner pocket and draws out a set of two keys. "He gave me these. I know you don't cotton much with headin' Between, but these're to his place in Nerat. He's sayin' he won't be goin' there for a long while and wants me to take care of it now and then, gave me free run of the place. So. If y'want to go sometime, just say the word."

Jaeyi and delayed gratification are not well-acquainted, blatant eagerness lowering her attention to fingers that go on to disappoint with their northerly climb. But she manages to smile against the backs of his fingers, to remark idly, "She believes they're curative, and who am I to disillusion an old woman?" She reaches to pluck the keys with a curious frown, loops the ring around her bandaged finger while she listens to the rest of the explanation. "Your father has a... what kind of place? In Nerat?" Boll may be a self-appointed limitation for her, but this-- this idea she likes immensely if the move to sit up straighter still, to shift to a kneel in the seat of the chair with an eager upward look at T'rev. "When? Can we go now?" Again, delayed gratification, not her thing.

"A moment of happiness ain't nothin' to sneeze at," T'rev remarks further about Jaeyi's auntie hand moving to sweep back a little of the baker's hair. Her kneel upward and that /look/ on her face draw out the mischief on his. "Near the beach. Good-sized place. Not as small as the one at Fort. I guess he means to retire there sometime. Used to use it to get away from the Hall for a little bit when he was Masterharper." Her eagerness sees his hand cupping her chin and brown eyes meeting hers with at least a semblance of seriousness. "We can. Though I've got that sweep after lunch. It'll be sunset there in about an hour or so. So, s'up to you if you want to stay while I do that sweep, or come back with me to drop you off here."

It's the kind of giddiness that would normally lead to Jaeyi climbing all over into T'rev's lap, but his particular seating arrangement doesn't lend well to it, so she settles for looping her arms around his chest. "We can figure that out later? Or maybe you can just leave me there forever and I'll set up house?" Her chin tilts up beneath his hand, a rare smile that is not, at the moment, trying to get him to take off either his clothes or hers. "A home on the beach at Nerat, your father is a lucky man. It's only fair that you get lucky too, I think." Okay, so maybe there's a little promise-of-nudity behind her eyes.

This might just be the Pern equivalent of Daddy giving one the keys to the Ferrari. What's a boy to do when faced with those eyes and that smile and 'think about it later'? Kiss her of course, which T'rev does. "Okay, go get your coat and bundle up good. Bring a change of clothes. Maybe a towel, dunno whatall Da's got stored down there. I'll go drop in on Vani while you're gettin' ready."

Luckily, a home on the beach is at least marginally more difficult to wreck or get arrested in than a Ferrari, though the whisking away of a teenage girl probably ought to lead to the latter. "Kitchens, then," Jaeyi decides after that kiss, after the remark about what might or might not be stored at Rodric's house. A little practicality will have her collecting attire suited for the venture and a basket of food, leave her looking very busy and not a little bit eager, much to the tsk-tsk disapproval those who can guess what Jaeyi and a picnic basket intend to do together.

"Sounds good," T'rev replies before he slips off the chair's arm and does a remarkably good job of only waving as he catches up his outdoor gear and heads off in the direction of his sister's room for that check-in and should she not be at home and on duty in the children's caverns, a note left behind will do. It's just outside the kitchen that the bronzerider meets up with Jaeyi, wrapped back up in layers for the trip. "All set?" he questions with a far too chipper look to him too.

Jaeyi, coat, hat, gloves, the whole wintry look is a dashed by the towel dangling out of the corner of her picnic basket, if the basket itself isn't sort of contrary to the dead of winter. "I am-- no, wait." She stops, puts the basket down at her feet, catches the front of T'rev's shirt, steps to him for a lengthy kiss that promises the lovely afternoon awaiting them. "Now," with a little nuzzle, nose to nose, "I'm all set."

About to offer her his arm, T'rev's brows lift at the wait, only to promptly drop again as his shirt is seized and she steps into him. Both of the brozerider's arms lift to wrap around the baker warmly and there's his own promise in return in response. A little breathless after, T'rev just smiles down at her, lifts one hand to touch her cheek lightly as noses bump together. "You could turn a man's head you could," the bronzerider murmurs very softly then gives his head a little shake as if to clear it and /does/ offer his arm this time for the walk out to one waiting bronze whose mind is likely more full of ocean water, fun flying and warm sun than what his rider is up to.

Bandaged finger tipped briefly at the end of his chin, Jaeyi beams upward at the compliment, no blushing little argument offered up in the giddy avidness of a girl quite comfortable receiving praise. She turns at the end of that big smile, collects the basket up in one hand and T'rev's arm with the other, the latter drawn around herself at the first step outdoors. As a change, she refrains from complaining about cold, about the impending emptiness of travel, about the fact that snow is getting her hair wet and her clothes damp and she hates it. But there's a considerable amount of snuggling necessitated to keep that complaining at bay.

To stave off the worst of that cold, there's the blanket take from Mecaith's pack and once everyone's well situated aboard, the slowly fading colors of that once-bright quilt are drawn up over them both, with the ends tucked in under straps and T'rev's arms wound around Jaeyi for the flight upward and then the short hop Between. That it's nearing sunset and Rukbat hangs low over the horizon on arrival may not have been calculated in the slightest, but is dramatic and lovely nonetheless. The hold is small, though larger indeed than the cothold at Fort. Built in an open style, there's a wrap-around porch that spans three side of the place, wide windows look out over the ocean, though there are sturdy shutters to close out bad weather and thread. The roof is tiled rather than thatched, its bright colors catching the ruddy late rays of the sun even from the hold's sheltered position back up in the trees on a slight incline up from the beach. Mecaith lands on that tan crescent of sand and stretches his neck out promptly with a low sigh. Ahh. Warmth. "Here we are," T'rev drawls out, looking up towards the place with his arms still settled in place around the baker.

On the warm side, with the blanket tucked so she can't really shed it, there's some shifting about underneath it indicative of the efforts made to unbutton her coat and, given who she's with, probably start the buttons of her blouse as well. This while Jaeyi takes in the lay of the land, actually shows some interest in the scenery rather than terror at the elevation, quietly attentive to the pretty landscape and the timing of their arrival, the hue of sunset-rosy water catching and keeping the rapture of her eyes for the last of their descent. "A very lucky man," she echoes her own words, squirms to shrug away the quilt as the welcome warmth reaches her.

Efforts to loosen up layers will be met with teasing exploration, given who she's with. Silent otherwise, T'rev seems either lost in thought or equally appreciative of the landscape. "Only been here the once," he explains, "to learn how to get here," is added and he lets out a slow exhale, nodding. "Yeah and me luck too, to have him for a father," the bronzerider says quite seriously. The quilt is drawn away, tucked into that pack again then T'rev promptly starts shedding layers too, before he even drops down off of Mecaith's back. On the ground, he holds up his arms for Jaeyi, face wreathed with a bright smile.

Jaeyi loses the actual coat, her jacket, several buttons, socks, and shoes, all handed off to T'rev trustingly before she makes to follow him toward the ground. "Lucky to have a father generous enough to leave you the caretaker of his retirement home?" she guesses, takes a last look up toward the villa before she gives up her perch between Mecaith's neckridges to accept the help down. "We should go and have a look around." While her arms slide eagerly up around his neck. "Before getting distracted. Because it really looks lovely, and it'd be a shame to come all the way here and get no farther than the sand underfoot."

"That and just -- him. He's a good person, even if he wasn't -- couldn't be there for me when I was a kid," T'rev elaborates as Jaeyi descends and his arms slide around her waist, evidence of distraction readily apparent in the way he steps in close and bends to kiss her again. "Mm, let me get Mecaith unstrapped, bring the basket and pack with us," T'rev suggests as he breaks away again, grin re-appearing briefly. He suits actions to words, unstrapping the bronze who slips away promptly to go enjoy the seawater. Coiled straps, pack and basket are taken up, discarded outerwear cast over the top of the pack. "There's two doors, one facin' this way, t'other is on the other side of the place. There's a track down to the road there, but it's a couple of miles at least to get there, which ain't somethin' we really have to worry about."

Wasn't. Couldn't. Jaeyi does nothing to distract the kiss that follows, but the change in verbiage surely caught her attention, accounts for the way she cocks her head before she steps away from him. "Soooo," she trails on, starts the buttons of her skirt and lets it land around her feet in delighted shamelessness. "There's no one around? Just you," while she turns up toward Rodric's love shack, attention on the buttons left done to her blouse, "and me?" While she shrugs out of the blouse entirely. "Innnnteresting."

T'rev just died and went to heaven. Pretty girl stripping down and walking away with sunset kissing her skin while he watches, even though heavily laden with all their stuff. Skirt and shirt are scooped up each in turn as he follows her up to the porch. "Yeah. Just us. For miles," T'rev affirms, clearly liking this idea just about as much as Jaeyi does. Even Mecaith is abandoning ship so to speak, at least for a little while, swimming out deep, then taking off into the sky, wings limned with ruddy light as he angles away from the beach and down the coast some way to find some interesting geographical features to fly around.

Jaeyi stops just at the porch, ostensibly to rid herself of the last scraps of clothing she still bears; curling an arm around a post, the ulterior motive is clear enough when her attention flitters from the pretty display of Mecaith quitting the water, splashes of red-gold water trailing off his wings, to the pretty display of T'rev trailing her to the porch, even if he is rather burdened at the moment. Perfectly aware how damn good she looks in this particular cast of light, she stretches out her hand to him and, grinning at the difficulty he ought to have in accomplishing any feat with his arms so laden, requests, "Key?" Leaning a hip into the structure; "Or shall we test the sturdiness of this post first?"

Those brown eyes of T'rev's are fixed on just one thing in all this prettiness and that's Jaeyi. The straps and her clothes go first, the former thunking down to the surface of the porch followed by the softer sound of cloth on leather. The pack follows next, likewise making a hollow sound that might indicate that the porch is raised slightly off the ground. The basket he's more careful about, setting it to one side. Boot the first goes sailing off in one direction and falls behind a covered deck chair. The other is left behind as T'rev reaches for Jaeyi, gaze gone suddenly intent as his mouth seeks out hers and the weight of his body aims to pin her to that post. One arm loops up under hers, his hand finding her hair to tangle into. The other is digging the key out of his pocket, then seeking out hers, fingers threading to fingers with the key pressed between palms.

The rest of the way around the post comes Jaeyi, a deepening smile while he puts away first one thing then another, merrily dancing eyes turned downward while he removes his boots. Finding the corners of the post with her shoulders, where it won't dig into her back, her fingers lace with his and there's a small, distracted laugh to find the key now in her keeping. But she's no intentions going into the house just yet, not now that she draws his keyless hand down to the underside of her thigh, a thigh she lifts to hook her leg around him promptly. "We tried," is all she can say, having made it so close to the door before she's pulling to meet his pushing.

What follows is quick at least on T'rev's side of things, more primal than calculated though his fingers have lost none of their talent as they slide back along the underside of her thigh when she hooks it around him. It's a good thing there's no one else around, because it might almost be funny, him hanging half in and half out of clothes. "Sorry," T'rev murmurs somewhere in all of that, "you're just too good to pass up," for 'we tried'.

Considering it's against a post, Jaeyi won't complain about quick, will instead respond as quickly so she can get her feet beneath her again. T'rev, the lucky recipient of a key-shaped imprint on his shoulder, is also the lucky recipient of an apologetic kiss for the pressure of her palm it took to get that mark there. "Mn, don't be sorry," while she helps rid him of what's left of his clothes before moving to slip away, toward the door they didn't quite make it through. "You can always make it up to me. There's still the doorframe, and I hope he's left the furniture?"

Casting a look over his shoulder, T'rev seems more amused than put out about the key-impression in his skin. "Happy to make it up to you anytime," the bronzerider drawls out as his shirt hits the literal deck along with trousers and underwear. One hand sweeps through his hair then he's snaking an arm out towards her again and waggles his brows at her. "Lemme carry you through?" he requests, good humor dancing in his eyes. "And yeah, there's furniture, lots of places to have plenty of fun with."

Key to lock, she troubles the door to open and succeeds, though only presses it a few inches open with the key left there before Jaeyi comes back to T'rev without hesitation. "You, my lovely bronzerider, may carry me damn near anywhere you like." Set to brace her arm across his shoulders, this time without trying to shove a key through his skin, she helpfully draws his arm around her in turn. "Do you think he expected this? Giving you the key?"

"Hmm, I'll have to think up some more creative places to carry you then," T'rev replies, letting her guide his arm around her. Somewhat recovered from recent activity, his cheeks are still prettily flushed but he bends and swings her up into his arms with relative ease. "He's not stupid and he knows me, so y'know probably. It's most likely not what he'd /want/ me to do with the place, but I'm sure he doesn't mind." And on they go through the doorway which might almost be romantic except for the fact that they're both butt naked and just banged each other againt a porch pole. Inside it's a little dim, with all the shutters drawn against the elements and a little dusty. Seems it's been a while since someone came through, but it's tidy at least. The furnishings are on the basic side: table and chairs make up a dining area, a small kitchen behind, a large leather sofa faces the windows that look out over the sea and there's a colorful rug on the floor. There's a hammock slung from the central support beams and a reading nook with a two big leather arm chairs. Otherwise the main living area is very open, would b e airy with the shutters pushed back. A short hallway leads backwards to the sleeping rooms and it's here that T'rev carries Jaeyi, passing one of the doors to another and juggling her carefully to open it. "Other one is Da's. We'll be in here. He might not be surprised if I bring company over, but I ain't messin' up his bed." Inside there's a good sized bed, a trunk at its foot and a cane chair in the corner. For now it's the bed T'rev aims for, for round two.

"You said he asked you to look after it, hmn? You can tell him that we chased away all the dust bunnies." Jaeyi looks to the closed shutters and the dimness of the room because of it, her chin looking up over T'rev's shoulder at the larger room on the way through. "Promising," is her summary of the furnishings, put with a busy nibble for his ear, very little concerned with heightening the romance and very greatly concerned with kindling his arousal. Reaching beyond his shoulders, traipsing her fingers across the closed door in passing, she has to add, "Amusing as the thought is to be in your father's bed..." She's just as happy to ease on to one that does not belong to the old man, to keep her arms around T'rev and bring him down with her.

"Yeah don't think there'll be any of those left by the time we're done," T'rev answers with a laugh that ends with little sigh, because all that nibbling is definitely working. There's further laughter though at her remark about his father's bed, before he's easing down into the other one with her to make this second time a much slower, more attentive experience for both of them. The covers still get nicely mussed up though and flame hued bars of light slant through the shutters to pick out a limb here, the curve of a shoulder there in the aftermath as the sun drops that much lower. "Should open those up," T'rev remarks, low-voiced and a little hoarse. "The view's pretty amazin'."

Praiseworthy, this time, with Jaeyi giving voice to her delight at T'rev's attentions, just sinking back into the pillows when he starts speaking of shutters, not shudders. "The view," she points out, her fingers finding a slant of light leaving an orange-red rectangle on his upper arm, her lips finding it soon after, "is already quite nice." But the stuffiness of the room, the likelihood that a breeze across still sweating skin would be worth the effort, pushes her off the edge of the bed to let in a rush of air and a flood of prettily-hued sunlight. Which gives her pause, to enjoy the effect, the look of his skin in that glow.

T'rev exhales long and slow when her lips brush his arm and that jaunty good humor of his flashes in his eyes. "Mm. Ain't got a single complaint 'bout mine either," he claims, looking down at her in turn until she slips away and he lounges down into the bed, one arm digging in under the pillows, head coming to rest atop them in turn as he rolls onto his side. The breeze chases any lingering mustiness out of the room, brings with it the scents of the sea and the greenness of the jungle. She pauses to look at him and his gaze follows every contour of her body, traced in that light. "Shells Jae, I think I'm goin' to be late for sweeps and I don't care," T'rev drawls out, with a touch of lusty reverence in his voice. Beat, quieter: "I'm glad we came."

Jaeyi leans fetchingly in that open window, the gathering of her hair up above the nape of her neck to be held with looped fingers, the elbow in the sill, the very intentional silhouette all designed to keep T'rev from thinking about anything but sweeps. "You said you didn't have to go back until after lunch," she notes, lingering eyes still traipsing the length of him in delighted distraction. "And lunch is still waiting on the porch." His quieter addition draws her smile deeper, eyes catching his with unchecked, tender adoration and an agreeing nod.

T'rev just keeps on admiring the view. Girl in the sunset, framed by that idyllic beach. "Hmm?" Success. He wasn't thinking about sweeps. "Oh, yeah. Well y'know, the lunch hour at Fort. But yeah, we should eat. Gonna need to keep our strength up, right?" Wicked, wicked, wicked eyes, innocent voice. He stretches his other arm up above his head, lengthening the lines of his body toes curling into the mussed up blankets. "Mmmph. Feeling good," he says simply, sunnily and there's a match for that kind of affection in his gaze in the wake of that stretch. "Want to eat in here or out there? And shall I feed you for once?" Fondly teasing as he pushes up out of the bed to come wrap his arms around her, turn his head into the sweet curve of her neck.

The quickening of Jaeyi's breath is visible, given the effort she's made to be sure every part of her is visible at the moment, a very earnest response to the simple pleasure of watching T'rev stretch. Stepping into the embrace, eager fingers tracing the shape of the muscles of his arms, she takes a careful step toward the door, careful so as not to allow the distance between their bodies to increase much. "Let's eat on the porch. And you may most certainly," so devout, "feed me. Whatever you would like to." The limited number of things in the picnic basket is hardly an issue.

It's unfair, maybe, but T'rev drops light kisses to the side of her neck, smiles for her choice. "All right then, have to go see how comfortable those chairs out there are. The /look/ pretty cozy, but dunno what's under the coverings." Another kiss. "And I'll look forward to feedin' you whatever you'd like to have," the bronzerider counters, chuckling lowly. Her move for the door is matched, his arm settling comfortably around her waist. Hips bump a little as they walk and it might take a careful sidling to get out the door without bumping into its frame. Out on the porch in the sunset, T'rev drags two of those chairs closer together and pulls the covers off, dropping them carelessly to the floor. They're lounge type chairs, but not padded, which calls for a trip inside to raid for some pillows and blankets, but in the end, he sets up a suitably luxe seating arrangement for them.

Jaeyi, meanwhile, rids the basket of all things that are not suitable for lunching-- clean underwear, a towel, a comb, all tossed toward wherever the rest of their clothes wait. Water is all she's brought to drink, a skin of it set at the foot of a chair, then the basket left within reach. Then, while he makes things cozy, she leans against the post again, this time to enjoy the red-turning-purple light, the loveliness of a warm evening, and the industry of a man quite concerned with her contentment. "It's not a bad thing, my life," she decides quietly.

Turning from the plumping up of a pillow, T'rev turns at those words, eyes seeking out Jaeyi, predictably lounging along her then returning to her face, a touch of questioning in his eyes. "Mine neither, very happy most of the time," he continues and holds out a hand to her. "Anything... that'd make it bad?" The breeze picks up a little, ruffles hair and out on the water lifts up a few whitecaps on the waves.

"The fact that, by all rights, I'm not allowed to be here." Jaeyi smiles rather than rails at it, though, amused attention dragged reluctantly from the pretty view out at sea, only brightened by the pretty view on the porch. "The same question to you?" she offers back, takes his hand with only a brief pause to dip her head, to press a kiss to his knuckles. The same gesture follows through to catch the basket by its handle, lifting it to join the pair of them in pillowed chairs.

That mention does knock a little bit of the wind out of the sails of T'rev's smile. "Do we need to be more careful, Jae?" he asks candidly a little more seriously then smiles again as she kisses his hand, joins him. He settles down comfortably on one chair and starts to go through the contents of the basket, coming up with something delectable to reach over and offer to the baker. "For me ... mostly things changin' again," T'rev says slowly, thoughtfully. "I think I'm gettin' to a place where things are just good and I'm happy and I don't want them changin'."

Casual; "Only on occasion. You and me and T'mic in the bar? Apparently, there's only so far the other way that people can look." Jaeyi raises a shrug, lowers to a seat, looks as unfettered as she ever does by the little rules and wrist-slaps. She takes the bite, having supplied the basket with everything from buttery crackers to cheese to pecan bars to peanut butter sandwiches, and only leaves a little nip at the end of his fingers. "Perhaps they'll only change for the better for a while. So you can just be happy for a time, hmn?"

"Mm. I was ... trying not to be too obvious," T'rev says, making a little face that's followed by a grin for that fingernip as he finds another bite of sandwich to offer her. "I don't want to get you in trouble. Don't want to cause problems between the Weyr and the Craft either, if someone complains. Believe it or not, I /can/ be a whole lot more discreet. I can wait for you outside after dark for instance, instead of you know, the usual," he waves a hand to indicate the way he comes to pick her up from the kitchens most nights. His fingers curl under her chin for a moment, gentle pressure meant to turn her eyes to his. "Yeah, I'm hopin' so and not messing this up rates up there with things to keep from changin' away from good to something less good. R'uen and Cirse'd be within their rights to lay a smackdown on me, or even tell me not to touch you."

Jaeyi's, "/No,/" is harder than it needs to be at his offers for discretion. She pushes away the bite of sandwich at that, all giddiness giving way to serious eyes that turn toward his at the pressure beneath her chin, a small dismay that he'd even suggest sneaking around as a solution. "Please don't," she qualifies, the ends of her fingers sliding into his palm beneath her chin. "They won't, Cirse and R'uen. Why would they? You're not hurting anyone, we're not hurting anyone, seems like it would be an awful lot of meddling for no reason. And R'uen is your friend, isn't he?"

"Okay," T'rev says for 'no', but then his hand drops from her chin to curl around hers instead. "No, y'ain't hurtin' me and I'm not hurtin' you. You're happy, I'm happy. But some folks could see it as an insult to the craft, see. Me, leadin' you astray, 'ruining' you," the bronzerider says quietly, seriously. "Just because Rev's my friend, doesn't mean if someone really complained, your journeyman, say, that he wouldn't act as he'd need to, as Weyrleader. It's -- it's something you have to be able to do as a rider, see. When you're on-duty, you got duty to carry out and you got to respect the chain of command. Off duty, it's different."

These are facts that Jaeyi does not like to hear, that cloud her expression while she admits, "Kaida told me that, that it was disrespectful to my craft. But it's not, it's-- they left me no alternative, T'rev." She squeezes his hand at that, and, were it not for being stark naked on a porch they've already defiled, would seem almost innocently confused with the round-eyed look she essays. "I realize that, I do, that he would do what he must, that you would do what you were told. But I-- I have played with discretion, and I was still punished for it. I would rather be honest and-- well, why would they expel a pretty and talented apprentice that will one day make them a great deal of money for doing no more than what people expected of her?"

"They? Your craft?" T'rev asks, brows knitting just a little then nods as the rest of what she says clears that up. "You were? Punished I mean? For being discreet?" That seems to confuse him and he nudges the basket aside a little, swings his legs around to lean closer to her, arms sliding around her waist. "And they could expel you for bein' too obvious, they could, though the Bakers ... they seem a little less y'know, uptight about that stuff than Harper, say. I guess it's more a question of whether or not you're postable after. If you get too much of a reputation. And well ... sometimes it seems like it's different for women than it is for men. I mean shells, look at my father? He had a daughter when he was a posted journeyman, outside of gettin' married. Brought her to the Hall and all. But he still managed to do a good job and people mostly ignored his reputation even if he had it and in spades and with reason."

"A perfect case in point. If I were a man, they would hardly bat a lash, but girls are expected to be chaste and..." A handful of stupid things with which she disagrees, which she dismisses with a flip of her fingers and wave of her empty hand. Jaeyi pulls his arms that much farther around her, turns kisses into his neck, and explains in a warm, frank whisper, "Discretion ended in tears, and what I wanted got taken away anyway, so it obviously didn't serve me well, did it? So I won't hide again. I love this. Us. You. And I won't let them make me feel ashamed of being who I am, with who I want." There's the feeling of a grin against his adam's apple then; "Though perhaps I won't pick up two men in the middle of a bar in the middle of the day again, just to avoid the lecture."

Kisses bring smiles though T'rev still slants a look downward though he can't quite find her eyes from such an awkward angle. "Ah Jae ..." he murmurs softly and though arms and legs both cradle her, one hand lifts to stroke through her hair gently. "I'm sorry you got hurt," T'rev says sincerely and drops a kiss to the top of her head. He's quiet for a little while, laughs for her last eventually. "Mm. Yeah, maybe a bit much. I can always tell Mic at least, to just y'know, meet us if you want to do that again." There's another little pause and a sidebar: "He's -- well he's really the /only/ guy I've ever been with and the only one I've been back to. It's not what I like best, I guess is the way to put it." Silence again then T'rev shifts his head back a few inches, reaches to tip Jaeyi's chin up, says softly, seriously: "I love this," a kiss for her chin, "us," one for the tip of her nose, "you, too." And the next kiss lands where it predictably ought.

For telling T'mic, Jaeyi's quick to shake her head and assert, "No, I'd rather you didn't. He's so sweet, I don't want him to feel bad at all." Her arms tighten then, ready to abandon the topic of sad-little-histories in favor of a brightening smile while she adds, "It was something to see, you and him. You and anyone, I think. Envious and arousing." She chases the memory by the time he takes to kissing her, by the time she's trying to convince that last kiss into something deeper and longer. Because the patio furniture hasn't been tested yet, and certain confessions really do lend to the sort of things they do best anyway.

That kiss gets pretty darned heated at that point and T'rev flails an arm out to catch up the basket and put it safely down on the ground, because he's got a patio chair to test out here. He does muster enough breath to mention: "Great guy Mic. Would do that again, for you. For that reaction," T'rev admits and then there's only such sounds as are natural to expect when one is drawing a girl down into a straddle within the embrace of a chair and making very good use of all angles to make sure that those sounds are both loud and entirely satisfactory on both sides. While they're busy, the sun manages to set all the way, vanishing in a glorious crimson haze into the sea, while the sky shifts slowly from flame to paler orange edged with periwinkle and indigo and the stars start to come out. Breathing hard in the aftermath, T'rev slides his hands up and down Jaeyi's arms warmly and closes his eyes, a silly smile on his face. "I asked Aleine to cover for me," he announces in a hazy, happy voice. "She don't mind, for all the times I've covered for her."

Jaeyi starts to say something, about T'mic given the point at which the unfinished word begins, but kisses and where they lead preclude anything further on the subject. The sun will have to do whatever it's doing unnoticed, because she is far too busy getting dizzy with pleasure, all the necessary clinging and crying out. In the gathering dark, trembling and grinning and leaving a leg curled around him, she releases a slow exhalation that puts her breath back on a regular track. "Aleine. I'll bake her a cake when we get back," she says, essentially just a little purr in his ear. "Do you think the mosquitos will devour us out here?" Because the likelihood of dozing in his arms is pretty damn high.

"Mm, good idea. She likes the kind with jammy fillings," T'rev notes still all muzzy-voiced. "And we really should eat ... sometime," he continues with laughter in his voice as he flails an arm over to claim a blanket from the other chair from when he got them all arranged all comfy nice. "Not in winter," the bronzerider answers about the various biting bugs. "Even though it's warm here, they ain't out bitin' right now, don't hatch 'til spring," he explains and draws that blanket up over Jaeyi, winds his arms around her for some mutual dozing, while the sea continues to murmur and hush half a dragon-length away and somewhere out there in the dark, Mecaith cruises the waters with moonlight gathering on his wings.

They really better eat. "We will." It's only the middle of the day at Fort, so it's not like the idea is to sleep through the whole Neratian night, just a cat nap beneath slowly collecting stars. Eventually, Jaeyi will wake, and then the basket comes in handy, all those fortifying foods to help bolster people who burn energy like bunnies. Suggestions about other things that might come in handy, like the sofa, the hammock, the arm chairs, all ideas on ways they can while away a few hours-- "Provided you think your father won't mind, of course." Way better than a Ferrari, Rodric, seriously.

It's just a light doze for T'rev to wake from, happy though a little sweaty which probably means Jaeyi's literally stuck to him here and there. Eating happens with gusto eventually, the bronzerider's appetite typically healthy. All those pretty stories Jaeyi has to tell about the furniture just bring a very very pleased set of expressions to T'rev's face. "If he minded," is his his counter, with mischief in his eyes, "then he shouldn't've given me the keys." Thereafter, almost everything in the house gets a work-out until it's time tidy up, close the hold back up and head back to Fort a lot warmer and satisfied than when they left. She might notice or not, that in the wake of those traded words, there's just something extra in the way T'rev looks at her, the way he holds her through that ride back to Fort, like he's finally let something loose that he was holding back and is comfortable with it.

Jaeyi might notice. Probably does notice. But, given past history, it should take anywhere from a week to a month before she gets around to remarking on it. Once it's become something unremarkable.

*jaeyi-apprentice, jaeyi, t'rev

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