Now serving numbers 11 AND 18.

Jun 23, 2009 19:20

RL Date: 6/23/09
IC Date: 1/6/20 --Log from T'rev. Lots implied, nothing real graphic.

The Glass Fountain, Fort Weyr(#533RJs$)
Despite its subterranean locale, the creamy wall paint, pale woods, and frosted glass give the cavern a light, airy feel. Oil lamps reflect softly in the polished wood of high-backed booths, glimmering through the opaque glass dividers that help lend intimacy to the seating arrangements; round-backed seats with deep, terra-cotta colored padding and the addition of strategic, lyric shapes painted in a subtle red shade at regular intervals around the walls add a little depth to the color palette. The sweeping, half-circle shaped bar with its top of smooth stone, backed by cut-glass-fronted cabinetry flows gracefully into the soft lines and mellow colors that dominate the Glass Fountain.

All the atmosphere aside, the main attractions of the room are clearly the massive, multi-pronged chandelier that hangs from multiple chains from the ceiling and the re-worked leak - which no longer resembles a leak at all, having been channeled through lass to become a beautiful piece of art. A curving wave and a series of glass bubbles guide the water past a bank of glows, allowing the light to shine through the water and turn it into a sparkling fountain. From its dark, dim, shabby history, the Glass Fountain has become - frankly - a swanky place with lattice-stands to hold the menus with their selection ranging from typical 'bar food' to high-end dishes and fancy desserts.

It's a little early for lunch, but T'rev seems to've worked up an appetite this morning. Rumor has it Flint was doing double drills this morning and then a lot of outWeyr duties for about half the wing to make up for some of those days when the weather has been bad. One windblown and pink-cheeked wingleader comes into the fountain ahead of the lunch crowd then, pulling gloves off and angling for the bar to put in an immediate order.

Jaeyi has hobbies that involve keeping her clothes on, contrary to popular belief. One of those hobbies is, apparently, learning to mix drinks-- a feat she has not accomplished with any great skill yet, but she keeps at it so long as her presence is tolerated. Considering she tends to "practice" in something at least moderately revealing, her presence is not only tolerated but profitable. So, right now, with a bartender's guide next to her, she's just getting an answer about what /technically/ makes a martini when in walks a pink-cheeked distraction. "Well, howdy, mister. Can I take your order?" In her very best cheerful-barmaid-drawl.

That chipper greeting earns a blink and then a wide smile in reply. "You surely can, miss," T'rev gets into the teasing and pulls up a stool. "On the drinks side, hot cider, the kind with a kick, pretty please, unless you want to surprise me with something. On the food side, steak n' them fried up tubers with the thick sauce." The bronzerider settles, gloves in pocket, jacket peeling off. "And how's it all goin' today?"

"I figure I better have a fall-back career that I can actually talk about at the dinner table. Just in case," Jaeyi volunteers, preens prettily on her side of the bar for a moment as if to ask if it's working? Good suit for her? Then it's a finger held up and she's off to tell someone that can actually help T'rev, since she's really just window-dressing. "It goes. I made a dirty martini, wanna try it?" With a smile that both sells the hell outta that drink and acknowledges that... well... it's probably not particularly palatable.

"Always good t'have options," T'rev answers with a laugh and perches his elbows on the bar, fingers lacing together as he considers preening Jaeyi and well she'd know exactly what that look in his eyes means, but he's being good. "And sure, I'll try anything dirty once," he quips. Bad joke, bad joke. "Do I get hit up side the head though if I tell you my honest opinion on it?"

Jaeyi has gotten good at pouring out of the shaker, at least, without spilling it everywhere, and so puts a nice, olivey drink in front of T'rev like it's perfectly innocuous. "That depends on your honest opinion, doesn't it?" As in, yes. Vermouth-y, that one. The bad joke, which is at least marginally better than a bad line, does make her grin, though. Naturally seized; "Aaaannnything?"

T'rev laughs some more and takes the glass, manfully has a sip and uses his best poker face to mask the reaction. "More practice," he also tells her bravely and slides the glass a little to the side. "Well y'know, anything that don't involve actual dirt n' filthiness," T'rev qualifies and beams across the bar at Jaeyi. "Havin' fun with this?" a gesture to the shaker and the liquors.

Jaeyi, with an injured-seeming sniff; "The last person that sat there said his was the best drink he ever had." His qualifier fits in another sniff, this one with a little sigh at the end of it. "So no actual mud-pies then? Shame." Someone is milling around to collect T'rev's actual order, yes, and the drink-part comes out quickly enough, which leaves the baker closing the guide, wiping off the area where she was making messes/practicing. "For now, sure. It's better than learning to knit, for example? I mean, hobby-wise."

"Somehow, I think you can take it, I might be payin' for that remark later though." That doesn't seem to be rubbing the smile off T'rev's face as he starts to laugh about mud pies. "Well now see, hadn't thought about that." And he makes much of running fingers over chin until his kicked up cider arrives and he curls his hands around the mug. "Yeah, you don't strike me as a knittin' kind of girl. Kay taught Su and Su made this scarf about a mile long waitin' on Kai t'get out of weyrling rules. 'Course, now he's all locked back up in the barracks again, go figure."

Yes, Jaeyi grins, and her eyes brighten appropriately beneath those oh-so-demure lashes. "At least you're likely to enjoy being chastised, hmn?" She's just coming around to take up the stool next to T'rev's, watching for his lunch, when mention of everyone's-favorite-weyrling makes her forego the act of depositing a kiss on his cheek. "The term 'glutton for punishment' sure seems to have found a home in that one. Poor Su."

There's a wicked glint to T'rev's eyes and he leans over as Jaeyi comes to perch beside him, drops an arm down behind her in a semi-hug. She might forgo the smooch, he doesn't, so at least one of them is getting a kiss on the cheek this lunchtime. "Mm. Yeah. Win's sayin' there's no way he did it alone, wants to figure out who else. I'm still kinda shakin' my head over the whole thing. Su was pretty upset, yeah," the bronzerider confirms with a little downturning of the corners of his mouth. He reaches for his cider, takes a sip and is rewarded a moment later with a full plate of lunch. "Hungry?" he asks Jaeyi. "Could feed you a bite or two." Because he's naughty like that.

Thoughtful; "I'm pretty sure I'd be offended, personally, if someone implied I didn't have the smarts to orchestrate a prank that... simple. Probably better not tell Muscles that a flouncy-little-bronzerider thinks he's not clever enough for a dung-dropping?" Jaeyi will tilt her cheek for the kiss, reflexive; she could be in the middle of damn near anything, and she'd still tilt her cheek toward T'rev without thinking about it. It takes a moment to give up the thought, probably of Kai beating the crap out of W'ton, the return of her attention to the here-and-now accompanied by a spreading grin. "Oh, I'm just famished. Best you put /something/ in my mouth before I waste away."

"Not so much that he didn't have the smarts, just that it wouldn't be in his nature t'go gettin' revenge on a hold like that, months after things were cleared up between the Weyr and the hold," T'rev points out. "I mean, ain't just a prank in the end. More like an insult to the hold, see. S'why R'uen's so annoyed about it." The tilt of her cheek duly earns the brush of lips and then there's laughter for /that/ quip. "Something, anything," he teases back, but then sets to cutting a few pieces off that steak, makes a pretty bite of meat that's not from the end with a fry and a dollop of sauce and makes to feed Jaeyi.

Jaeyi maintains a dubious squint. "If /I/ thought he meant Kai wasn't clever enough..." Imagine what the King of Jumping to Conclusions will assume, the twitch of her brows upward not real impressed with the thought. All set to be fed, one elbow on the counter so she can swivel to face T'rev, she leans-- ever the pretty display-- and waits for fork-to-mouth. But not before the quick quip, "I swear, we can't even eat lunch like normal people."

Sitting at the bar eating a very very early lunch, T'rev's actually got a well-composed bite of food held out for Jaeyi's delectation and is smiling at the baker fondly as she prepares to actually take that bite from his fork. "Mm, that'd be a swift pop to Win's face, for sure," T'rev drawls out though he's actually watching Jaeyi's mouth more just now. "Ain't this normal?" he teases her with a wink.

"For who?" counters doubtful Jaeyi, leveling over a really-now look for the wielder of the fork. There's not so very many people frequenting a bar at this time of day-- just the debauched ones, apparently, and a few people who come for the food. So, barstool-sitting, they comprise a fair percentage of the population. Jaeyi has no drinks, T'rev has two! There's probably more cleverness from the baker but, at the moment, she's busy chewing and, around the bite, manages the brief comment, "It's not bad. For steak."

A certain Istan greenrider ducks into the Fountain, cheeks flushed and his coat still firmly on even though there's quite a walk between here and the bowl. "Klah!" he calls toward the 'keep before angling that way; "Say, 've you seen - oh wait, never mind." Spotting Jaeyi-and-T'rev on his lonesome he grins and meanders over, hops up onto a barstool on Jaeyi's other side. "Just who I was looking for. Hey T'rev, hey, Jaeyi. How's Mecaith?"

She chews and T'rev smiles, starts to dig into his meal properly, taking a few more bites before he puts together another for Jae. "I like the gravy," he notes about the Fountain's steak. "But really, it's the fish they seem to do really well here," the bronzerider notes. "Kinda odd for a bar, but there y'go." Shrug. Chew and then a bright beam as T'mic approaches. "Mic! Long time no see, my friend," T'rev drawls out easily. "Mec's good, real good. Yourself? Aath? Paddy?"

The barked order earns a hitch of Jaeyi's thumb in that general direction, before she's bothered to see who's actually doing the barking. "See, that's why it's just a hobby and not a career." But then it's T'mic and what could have been a disapproving wryness turns to a quick smile, a wave-aside at the bite of steak so she can offer up an echoing, "Long time no see," while she swivels to face the bar instead of the bronzerider.

"It's cold," the greenrider declares as an easy, one-answer-fits-all reply while leaning an elbow on the counter. "They're all good. Aath was flirting with this blue with long wings even before we landed, and Paddy's off doing... something. Think one of his kids has a turnday coming up, or something." Vague, but that's Mic. "You two have a nice Turnover?"

"Mm, so demanding," T'rev jokes about T'mic, eyes dancing and he nods at the refusal of another bite, eats it himself, clearly enjoying his lunch at least. "Mm pretty darned cold," the bronzerider agrees with a sympathetic expression. "Need warming up?" Brightly offered and if there's an innuendo there, it could just be that T'rev is just that chipper for the most part. "A turnday? Aw, that's nice. Hope y'all have fun with that." Ready, easy acceptance of Mic's vagueness. "Mine just turned one. Time flies." More food.

Jaeyi contributes as an aside, "I met him. He was sitting-- just over there." Paddy, presumably, given the point at which she interjects that tidbit, points a pair of stools down from T'rev's location. Her interest in the turndays-of-children is limited only far enough to add, "He told me you need a day-planner but won't use one. To keep track of important dates." As to Turnover: "Adventurous, but no complaints. Yours?"

T'mic's klah arrives, and he pays off the 'keep with both marks and an assertion of undying gratitude before wrapping his hands around the mug and hunching over the steam. "Always need warming up. How many of you are making the offer?" He looks from one to the other, laughing. "I'd lose a day-planner within a day. I'll just keep Paddy instead. --Which reminds me!" T'rev eating, presumably, and not keeping Paddy. "I've got something for you. Both of you. Yours is out with Aath, T'rev; didn't think I'd see you here. Jaeyi, you want to wait for yours so T'rev doesn't get all jealous?" Not that he thinks the bronzerider will, but the gesture must be made.

"Took her from midnight to midnight," T'rev elaborates on Jaeyi's claims of adventurousness. "Nerat, Telgar n' back here. Good times. At least, I thought it added up to a really good turnover. There was some dustup at the gather though, bad marks bein' passed. Looked like they might collar one of the weyrlings here for a bit, but that got cleared up." He cuts more of his meat, making the steak, fried tubers and gravy disappear at a fairly rapid clip. Mic's quip earns a warm smile and a little shrug. "Could be one, could be two?" Brows lifting Jae's way, though it's possible he's not entirely serious about the implication there. Only then Mic's talking about having things for them. Blink. "You do? Huh. Well, thanks in advance! And s'alright, go ahead and give her hers while I finish up eatin'."

Jaeyi's answer is too late, since T'rev's already pressed on, though the look she casts over T'mic is pretty blatant; /she's/ offering, anyways. Few things are more important than arranging trysts, it's true, but presents might be among the few things that trump them. "I don't think T'rev gets jealous, so why don't you give me mine and--" The bronzerider confirms, so there's a big-bright-smile, and she turns expectantly T'mic's way. Give~!

T'mic blinks. "Your weyrlings are passing bad marks?" He squints past Jaeyi at the Wingleader, shakes his head when it gets clarified, and refocuses on the girl with a bright grin. "Not surprised. You wouldn't believe what I owe Aath for giving this to you, not her." And that would be...? He only half-opens his jacket before pulling a small bag from within; dangles it over her hands for just a few seconds before relinquishing it. Inside, a bright tangle of beads and silver. (

"Nah, they ain't actually, just one of 'em got one at the Gather and paid with it by mistake," T'rev explains as he wipes up a bit of graby with a tuber. He leans over after he's finished chewing to offer Jaeyi a hug for that blatant look, then aims to prop his chin on her shoulder even while T'mic produces her present and waits on Jae to open the bag itself. "Someone's gettin' well taken care of today," he jokes, though it's entirely likely his hand is settling comfortably at the baker's waist. Not possessive, just affectionate.

Here's how much Jaeyi cares about weyrlings and bad marks: "Pretty!" Not the most eloquent pronunciation, but a true one. That's after peeking in the bag, which she proceeds to open the rest of the way and upend onto her palm with a happy squirm and a cheerful, "Tell Aath I'm sorry to deprive her, just... not that sorry. It's nice, this being taken care of business." That last comment while she leans forward on her stool, dislodges T'rev's chin in the process, sorry, and aims a kiss to T'mic's-- well, it started out as his cheek, but on-second-thought aims to the lips instead. "Thank you, I like it."

"I'll fuss over her so you don't have to," Mic promises, beaming his delight at seeing Jaeyi's. He looks up in time to see that kiss and where it's detouring to, participates enthusiastically in his thanking and ends with one hand on the girl's shoulder. "I'm glad. Want me to put it on you so T'rev can see too?" He makes a little turn-around spinning motion with one hand, sips at his klah with the other. "Saw that, thought of you. S'just taken me a while to get up enough nerve to come back to Fort in the winter!" Poor Istan.

"Niiice," T'rev drawls as the baubles make their appearance and he leans back as his chin gets dislodged and Jaeyi leans forward to kiss Mic. The bronzerider turns to finish off the last of what's on his plate while there's thanks in the offing, pushes it forward empty towards the back of the bar a little ways, then claims his drink to sip on slowly. "Poor Mic, so cold here. 'Course the two of us don't appreciate cold much either, though I think I've built up a little bit of a thicker skin since I Impressed. Still don't /like/ bein' out in it much though."

Again, "Thank you, T'mic. It's very sweet. I didn't get you anything." Just for the record. "But I made fresh turnovers this morning, if you want to take some home with you? They were more clever /on/ Turnover, but I still get a snicker now and then." Unclasping it, Jaeyi spins again, holds the open ends of the necklace back at her shoulders to the greenrider, shakes her hair off to one side. "I'm gonna put 'don't appreciate cold much' up there as one of the biggest understatements I've heard in months."

T'mic says, "Oh, this isn't -for- anything. Just... you know. Saw it and thought of you." He's fairly skilful at placing necklaces on ladies, careful to keep clasp and hair apart until the former is closed. "There you are." Over her shoulder: "So is it as pretty as I thought?" Let T'rev serve as his mirror. "But if you want to give me Turnover turnovers, who'm I to say no? Is it a pastry, or a request?" T'rev gets a wink. "So if we all hate the cold so much, what are we doing sitting -here-? Why not Ista? Or Southern?"

If T'rev is the mirror, she's gorgeous, because that's the look on his face. "Hm? Oh -- Jae, not much for travel. Me just in from drills. But I do have a nice warm weyr," the bronzerider drawls with humor tugging up at the corner of his mouth. "Unless you're feelin' up to a Between, Jae?"

"I thought it was /for/ me." Jaeyi sends a quick, challenging look over her shoulder to T'mic, though there's more jest than chide. Promptly, she sits up straight to display the goods-- that being the necklace, not the usual. Gratification comes in T'rev's expression, and she flattens her fingers over the stones for a moment in simple, girlish delight. "Because getting to Ista or Southern is worse than complaining about the cold. I swear, you tell people over and over that you like staying home and all they do..." She trails off, consoling herself with sparkly stuff over the backs of her fingers.

T'mic meets that challenging look with wide-eyed innocence, barely repressing laughter. "Ah, but -get- there, and you can spend all the time you want wearing only as many clothes as you want." Instead of all these clothes they -must-. Letting his fingers rest lightly on her shoulders, he asks of them both, "Can you blame us, though, for wanting you to be as warm and cozy as possible? You'd look beautiful, all stretched out on the sand." Let her be distracted while he catches T'rev's eyes for a blatant second, before winking and retreating to his klah to tease further, "How warm's your weyr, though, if you've been out on drills? Probably let the fire go out, and it's just this side of freezing up there."

"Nope, stoked it back up before I came down, for lunch," T'rev claims with a wide grin for both greenrider and baker. "He's got a good point though 'bout you and and the beach," the bronzerider says with an answering wink for Mic. "I can definitely second warm n' cozy, definitely." His mug tips upward, forestalling further speech for now.

Still looking at the necklace, Jaeyi's actually talking to T'mic, on the heels of his logic; "So, subtlety is your forte, then?" And, just so the pot can call the kettle black, she notes in an off-handed tone, "I don't need a beach as an excuse to take off my clothes, boys." --For future reference, for T'mic's benefit, save the presents till after she's agreed to go-wherever; they make really good dangling carrots.

Mic obligingly lets the 'keep refresh his klah when the man comes by to take T'rev's plate away. "Don't think I -have- a forte. And maybe you don't, but it's a lot nicer to look at people when they aren't shivering and their teeth chattering away. Plus things get all crinkly when they're cold, and don't work so good." He twines a bit of dark hair around one finger, watching it absently. "S'up to you, though. You ever decide you want to visit, you know I'll be happy to see you. Either of you, of course, and as much of you as you want to show."

"Unless I'm crazy, your forte and her forte? They're the same," T'rev says deadpan, absolutely innocent, no really. "See?" Bright grin and he finishes off his cider too, passes it off to the 'keep before he leaves with the plate. "Thanks," he tells Al with a grin, leaves a good tip too. "So. Sounds like this afternoon is goin' to be a lot warmer'n nicer than this morning," he continues with the merry quipping.

"So we all have the same forte, good for us." Spinning back T'mic-wards, the long way around so as not to inadvertently get that bit-of-dark-hair pulled, Jaeyi slips off the edge of the stool with the intention of curling her arms around his neck. In the bar. In the middle of the day. So, yes, it's a good thing she's figuring out her career-path when the Bakers finally do kick her to the curb. "You're already here, and it'll be warm enough up in T'rev's weyr. So why don't we stay here," more like 'do this because I said so' than 'pretty please,' "and visit. And next time we can go somewhere sandy." With a sparkly, salesman smile.

The greenrider pouts a little when the hair goes bye-bye, but not for long: there's a Jaeyi to replace it! "Well hello there," he grins at her, grins past to T'rev for his armful while he's at it. "Why not? Long as T'rev doesn't mind. Have you shown him that little hidey-hole in the hot springs yet? S'a little crowded for three," he explains apologetically to the younger man, otherwise they could go there now! "--I don't think I've ever seen your place, have I, T'rev?"

Sliding down off his stool, T'rev pauses behind Jaeyi to trail his hand lightly along her back, then he's moving past the pair with a little crook of his finger and a rather keen look to him. "Mind? Shells no. And no y'haven't, so c'mon, I'll give you the grand tour."

Jaeyi, like the thought never occurred to her and now it has, "No. Damnedest thing, but I haven't told anyone." Which, despite the impending preoccupation, knits her brows pretty sufficiently, not like her for something like that to slip away unused. So, happily drawing one of T'mic's hands in eacho f hers, she starts after T'rev, adding brightly, "And you can get your present, T'rev."

Mic tosses back a last, hasty slug of his klah before he's caught up and towed, having been thoroughly distracted by first one, then the other passing. "Good thing I stopped by today, then. Who're you riding with, Jaeyi? I don't mind, either way." He drops Al a nod as the little procession processes its way out of the bar; only after does he try to slip one of his hands free and around Jaeyi's waist instead. "T'rev, come walk with us? Or do we get to admire your butt instead?"

"I'm gettin' more'n one today," T'rev drawls with a look over his shoulder at the pair. "Gets narrow through there," he notes for Mic's query. But he oh-so-casually rests his hands to the back of his head and yes, shimmies a little. You know, in the interests of providing ample opportunities for butt admiration. "I'm easy. On the ridin'." Badum dum ching.

If her hands weren't busy making sure T'mic doesn't bolt, Jaeyi would applaud the dance. A whistle will have to suffice, since clapping even with one hand loose doesn't work too well. "Well," she begins thoughtfully, leaning on in to that arm around her waist. "I kinda like Aath, and I don't think Mecaith cares for me one way or the other, so I'll go up with you?" The joke, the bad one, still makes her grin. "You're on a roll today, T'rev. You really are."

Pausing, T'rev lets the other two catch up and slings a companionable arm around /Mic's/ shoulders. "About to be," he quips back at Jaeyi merrily. Apparently, once you get him started, he's like the Energizer Bunny ... just keeps going ... and going ...."Mecaith likes you just fine," T'rev informs the baker more seriously though. "Otherwise he wouldn't take so much care with flyin' smooth and takin' off and landing extra special gentle. Not that he's not careful overall, but ... he puts in the extra. Go with Aath though, she's a pretty girl she is, might like it that some of those beads match her." Nodding to Jaeyi's new trinket.

T'mic whistles as well, though out of consideration for a pair of elderly aunties, refrains from hooting. He does in to Jaeyi, dropping his voice just enough so it's obvious T'rev's meant to hear. "Oh, we'll roll him good. And Aath'll love to meet you." That louder, as as T'rev falls back. "And since you're so easy, I'll take advantage and not give you your present until we're up at your place." Reminded, he fumbles one-handed at his coat, refastening those few buttons he'd freed before, and slides his arm about the taller man's waist.

"I met Aath. Remember?" Day-planner. Seriously. No coat, Jaeyi'll just have to make do with cuddling up to an Istan to keep herself warm. Never mind that he's the least acclimated person in the party. She helps with the buttons kind of one-handed herself, adding a crinkle of her nose for T'rev's assertions. "I'll have to take your word for that. He always seems kinda... barely tolerant. To me."

"He just ain't snuggly s'all, would you believe a guy like me wound up with a reserved dragon?" T'rev explains with a sunny smile. "If he's nosed at you at all, s'usually a sign of affection. Might get the odd welcoming croon. And if he's searched you, well he kind of remembers. So y'know, anyone he's searched he'll get a little extra affectionate with. Otherwise he don't show it much unless it's me and him in private." THere's a little pause. "'Course, it helps if you can actually /hear/ him too. He says that he enjoys the way your thoughts seem to bubble out of your head. Welcome to the world according to Mecaith."

Brightly, the Istan says, "She doesn't!" and with Jaeyi's help, manages to get his coat done up. "Thanks," he says with a little warm-up squeeze, before quieting to navigate Fort's tunnels and T'rev's recitation of Mecaith's good points. "Thoughts bubbling out of her head? Shells." He shakes his head with a fond smile. "Take your word for it, that's a compliment. Of course, Aath's selfish enough that she barely notices anyone, so..." He shrugs gamely and lets the others lead the way. "Just tell her she's beautiful and she'll love you as long as she remembers."

Still dubious, Jaeyi answers T'rev, "Maybe he just knows what's good for you? Steady, not so prone to..." A glance incorporates the three of them as an example of the term she can't quite come up with: impetuously debauched. "I will," she promises solemnly, too confused by the matter of thoughts bubbling out of anyone's head to seize on that one, "tell her she's beautiful." Scout's honor.

"He does know what's good for me. We go good together," T'rev says magnanimously of his bronze. "Very patient," he notes with a wink for Mic and marches on outward to the Bowl where it's plumb cold, but there's dragons to meet at least. "Other'n selfish, which you ain't, is that a case of like rider, like dragon?" Beat. "Easy?"

T'mic, ever the manly man, whimpers at the first touch of way too frakking cold wind, and snugs the other two close. It's purely to share body heat, of course. Aath's moved away from the blue at some point, and now is curled up a discreet distance from Mecaith to make eyes at him. "Guess so, yeah. Aath likes people to notice her - males especially, and male dragons extra-especially." As the trio approach the green glances away from the bronze to arch her neck at them and flutter her wings, getting them to lay just /so/. "You want some help getting up, Jaeyi? Or can you do it yourself?"

Jaeyi turns her nose down into the edge of T'mic's hair, right around the same time he whimpers; ostensibly, this keeps her nose warm. It's about instantaneous, the first chill and the huddling in on herself, but she will risk unwrapping one hand to curl her fingers in a greeting toward Aath. Being neither male nor male dragon, it may not have the deepest impact, but she'll still add-- with chattering teeth, "Hi again, lovely." As to her capability, she shoots a look off toward T'rev, a quick chuckle, "I could use the help."

Mecaith gives Aath thed draconic equivalent of a polite nod. It's likely his verbal greeting goes along these lines: << Good afternoon, Aath. Nice to see you again. T'rev tells me you will be sharing our ledge this afternoon. You are most welcome. >> His rider in the meantime, is slinging his jacket off and gallantly draping it over Jaeyi as he's the most acclimated of the group, which isn't saying much, but he'll survive the short flight up. "Should we bost you, one on each side, T'rev teases her and offers a hand for helping.

Aath? Gives Jaeyi's teeth-chattering greeting a warm croon, and flicks both her tail and an eye at Mecaith. /That/ is how you do it, buddy. "I'll get up first," Mic says, and pulls T'rev's jacket a little closer around the girl's shoulders. "Aath's not nearly as hard to climb as a bronze. You wanna be in front, so I can keep you warm?" He'll let her make her own decision, though, for he's up in Aath's straps and reaching down before waiting for the answer.

"If you get kicked in the face on the way up," begins Jaeyi, so grateful for the charity of that coat that she gives T'rev a baleful look for the teasing, "please assume it was an accident." Though she will pause and peck his cheek a moment, which probably makes it seem less likely she'll go kicking him any time soon. "And yes," to T'mic. "So you can keep me warm." Beam.

Those remarks, just bring the /wickedest/ grin to T'rev's face. "She likes the front," he tells Mic with disarmingly innocent charm. No really. That peck turns his grin cocky for a moment, that 'I'm twelve' look Jae's noted before then he's off to Mecaith and the short glide up to his ledge, playing leader in sedate fashion for Aath's benefit. Any buddy appellation is duly ignored.

"Likes the top, too," Mic calls down before helping Jaeyi into his arms. And straps too - mustn't not be safe. The ride up is warmer with jacket and greenrider, even if he doesn't do much more than cuddle her close. Aath doesn't bother with flashy flying or aerobatics: she's got her eye on one of Mecaith's handsome neighbors, and once the pesky humans have dismounted, she's already flirting outrageously with him. "In we go!" Mic encourages with shooing arms, and doesn't stop until they're safely inside and the nasty cold outside.

Jaeyi contributes unabashedly, "Likes to watch, too." Since we're running through the list. It's not pretty, her version of getting on a dragon; thankfully, she's more adept at getting on their riders. That's all the more she has to say all the way up there, hates flying nearly as much as she hates being cold-- and since the former exacerbates the latter... She'll just scurry on in and make sure the fire hasn't gone out. By sticking her hands in it.

T'rev's Arch-Ceilinged Den of Iniquity, Fort Weyr(#1226R)
The arch-ceilinged inner weyr itself would have been circular if it weren't for the reddish brick wall to the left, which both gives separation from the bathing area and provides the single flat wall in the whole place. Against that wall, shelves of books frame a large but plain bed made up with a simple red and white quilt, with a low dresser sitting at the bed's foot. The room's focus, however, is the hearth set opposite: large enough to host a decent-sized fire, though the mantel is very plain, its tiles having faded from the matching brick color they had been overpainted long ago. Before it is a warm-toned rug upon which sit a comfortable upholstered chair and side-table, angled to take advantage of the fire in cool weather, a handful of floor cushions at their feet.

Not too far from the hearth but closer to the front of the weyr are a round table and two wicker chairs, by which are a narrow, tall cupboard and, protected from the hearth's heat, a wine rack well-stocked with bottles.

Up top, Mecaith is a polite host and there's plenty of room on his ledge. He might even go so far as to point out the sights for Aath if she weren't distracted with that neighbor. T'rev meanwhile falls into step behind the other two after unstrapping his bronze. The reasons why it stays warm in his weyr become amply evident immediately: 1) The way it's shaped the inner weyr is very protected from the outside, 2) He has a bath. That gives off warm steam across the hall from the main weyr. "Just up them steps and to th'right, Mic," T'rev indicates. "Unless you want to skip right to the bath part," he says teasingly and follows inside. "Drink anyone?" Though they were just /in/ the bar. And this time it's Mic's shoulder T'rev gives a fond touch to as he aims to take the greenrider's jacket. "Hang that up for you?"

T'mic says, "I'm," easy? "Good," but shrugs out of his coat with another grin and thanks before offering the same courtesy to Jaeyi. "Niiiice. I think bedroom first?" with a look to the others for their opinion. "And does somebody want to take the lead, or should we figure it out as we go along? Jaeyi? T'rev?"

Jaeyi leaves T'mic with the coat, after having checked to be sure there's still a fire burning in here. That it's getting a little low-- well, someone else will solve that for her. She leaves her shoes there near it, to toast, gives T'rev a look at the drink offer-- no-- and T'mic a look at his question-- hah! "I'm gonna take off my clothes and get in bed," the first half of which she's accomplishing on her way through, her clothes being pretty familiar with T'rev's floor already anyway. "And trust that something pleasant will happen."

T'rev takes his own jacket from Mic, hangs both up and then there's the slow casual unbuttoning of his shirt and another lopsided grin. "She's /usually/ in charge," he notes. Still teasing, though his gaze is sliding along Jaeyi in very familiar, very intimate fashion. "Left or right, top or bottom?" he proposes to the greenrider with the last vestiges of merriment as he tosses his shirt vaguely towards a chair, gets the rest of his clothes off and perches on the edge of the bed with a chipper smile.

T'mic tsktsks faux-disapprovingly, even going so far as to shake his head as he trails the others. It takes him longer to get naked 'cause he's not as familiar with all of these 'layers' things, but once he is, he slips into bed beside Jaeyi and reaches across for T'rev. "Time to shake things up, then, don't you think?" he wonders, eyes twinkling. "Shall we show her what a couple of dedicated guys can do with a pretty girl first?"

The unfortunate thing about winter is that, no matter how warm it is in here at the moment, Jaeyi will insist on disappearing entirely beneath the blankets. At least until, well, there are more important things to consider than the temperature. To T'rev, it's a muffled, "Only /usually/?" At least someone's actually gotten /in/ bed with her, so she slides on over against T'mic happily. "Talk talk talk talk."

"Better make good," T'rev says with a laugh, makes the executive decision to take over Jaeyi's other side. There were three in bed but the little one ain't sayin' roll over because there's much too much fun to be had under those covers. Dedicated would be a good word for T'rev in this scenario. Very dedicated as he starts giving Jaeyi something else to think about other than the cold outside.

With a bronzerider on one side and a greenrider on the other, Jaeyi is not going to stay chilly for long, even if the greenrider occasionally abandons her to make sure T'rev doesn't entirely lose interest. This is also known as 'cheating'. After a bit he dives beneath the covers as well and wriggles south, letting his mouth take over from fingers (and anyway, those are working on T'rev). Perhaps it will be a lesson for Jaeyi after all: what a couple of talented and dedicated men can do with a lovely woman in their bed in order to leave her gasping and delighted.

Jaeyi learns a lesson, yes. Some part of that lesson is that it's difficult to be sure one is crying out for the right person when they're both doing such lovely things. Eventually, it's just a lot of confused T'whoever-ing on her part, a very tousled little wreck that-- having long since thrown away the covers-- clings to whichever one of them happens to be in clinging distance at the moment, informing, "I need a break or I'm going to die." So apparently it only takes two people (at the same time) to exhaust her.

Clearly, T'rev does not mind Mic's brand of cheating and might even give Jaeyi something or other fun to watch here and there, because he does reciprocate before the greenrider goes diving beneath the covers. This leaves T'rev the custodian of the upper reaches so when that cry for a break comes, it's him she'll likely be clinging to. He ghosts a kiss to her forehead, brown eyes warm with affection, cheeks flushed with a different kind of pink than that brought on by cold. "Ain't no dyin' allowed. Love that look on your face though," the bronzerider informs her a little breathlessly and peeks down to see how T'mic is faring.

T'mic peeks up from his spot between Jaeyi's knees, still grinning, still with his cheeks flushed (though for different reasons than before). "Can't have that," he agrees, and tenderly straightens her limbs before fetching the lightest of the covers from whereever it got flung. This goes over the three of them, and once more Jaeyi gets to be the filling in a cuddle sandwich. "You want to get your breath back, sweets, and go again? Or should T'rev and I entertain ourselves while you watch?"

Yes. Everyone's cheeks are flushed. Even Jaeyi's. There's a nuzzle for T'rev's throat, a very spent sigh there while she asks, "Aren't you the one that said it'd be a nice way to go?" Scooting, turning, she curls up into T'mic for a spell, where she rewards him with a sprinkling of kisses for his collarbones and shoulders between answering, "I'm going to have something to eat." Literally. Don't get ideas. "And have a bath. You two can entertain me while I eat, and then..." Slowly, with muscles that'd much rather just stay in bed and be lazy, she pushes herself up to a seat. "Well, you'll just have to be loud enough that I can hear it from the bathtub, hmn?"

"Mmm - yeah, I was exaggerating. Ain't in any hurry t'lose you," T'rev murmurs back as he drifts another kiss for her forehead then sprawls back a bit while she cuddles into Mic. He watches her sit up, eyes lazily half-lidded and starts chuckling as she goes on with that little scenario. "Hear that Mic? You're gonna have to pull out all the stops," the bronzerider teases. "Think you're up for it?" Oh. Bad line. BAD line. But the gauntlet has been cast. Food: there's half a cake covered on a shelf, the usual assortment of prosaic savory items and some Southern fruit. Dead of winter here, mid-summer there means /peaches/.

T'mic is perfectly happy to be rewarded, thanks, and offers some quid pro quo of his own before Jaeyi attempts to extricate herself. "Hmm. Almost say we should go get Paddy. He's a yeller." A hand in the small of her back provides a little support until the girl can manage her own, and then he stretches fingers to toes and grins challenge at T'rev. "When aren't I? You do me while she's recovering, then if that doesn't get her out of the bath, /we'll/ do /you/ in there." The tent over his hips proves that yes, he's up for it. Them. Anything.

The kiss Jaeyi turns back, leans on her palm to settle on T'rev isn't the most exciting one of the evening, a little thing by comparison, but it's a necessary sentimentality in the middle of some very serious debauchery. Scooting on down to the end of the bed after that, curling happily delighted fingers around that tent for just a second in passing, she collects herself one of the little throws off the end of the bed to wrap around her shoulders, saying with cheerful irony, "You boys behave yourselves." While she goes and gets provisions, settles to a lean against the table to pick at the cake-and-fruit and watch, the very height of voyeurism. Then a bath-- then presumably a looonng afternoon during which every combination of three people gets tested out at least once.

t'mic, *jaeyi-apprentice, jaeyi, t'rev

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