Meeting with Jenna after the Flight.

Oct 15, 2007 19:20

RL Date: 10/14/07
IC Date: 11/1/12

Dragon> Wyaeth senses that Niyath's intrusion is gently, politely done, << My rider would like to speak with yours if he is available? She can come to see him, if he would prefer? Or he could come to her weyr? >>

Wyaeth> Niyath senses that Wyaeth is a long time in answering. He acknowledges the query right away, the recipient, but his gritty voice takes time to return; << We'll come to you. Which weyr belongs to you? >>

Dragon> Wyaeth senses that Niyath sends a series of images, directions from the ground, as to how to find her weyr. << Thank you. >>

You walk up the stairs to the Weyrleader Complex.

Weyrwoman's Ledge(#5542RJLh)

This ledge is large enough for any gold who lives here and any visitors she may ever have. It's right off the low landing that leads to the Council Chambers, the Guest Weyr, and what would be a Weyrleader's Weyr. To the right as one passes the entrance there's a huge dragon couch. It has many furs and some pillows on it. To the left are a number of pegs each with a set of riding straps hanging from them. A cabinet lies just beyond this where dragon care items are stored, the doors emblazoned with the symbol of Fort Weyr. Past everything is a set of curtains, thick dark red wool for the first layer, thinner black wool for the second, and the third is a lacey layer of white.

Jenna's got a couple of chairs dragged out from her weyr, and is sitting in one, going over riding straps. Her flamethrower looks recently serviced, and is settled near the cabinet where the remainder of her things are stored. The curtains to her living space are open, revealing an ordered room beyond, and allowing the heat of her fire to warm Niyath's portion of the weyr.

Wyaeth must have been at the Reaches when the call came through, hence the delay in arrival, but he shows up from *between* only a few minutes later. His rough, uncalculated descent ends with a heavy-thud landing in the northeast bowl, and N'thei springs down afterward, pulls off flying goggles and helmet. Long strides bear him quickly to the weyrwoman's weyr, where he waits on the edge of the ledge with a may-I-help-you look on his face; "You sent for us, ma'am?"

The first thing usually noticed about Jenna is the cloud of platinum blonde hair that streams down past her shoulders. Stick straight, the front is usually pulled back out of her eyes, confined in braids and pinned at the crown of her head. Startlingly blue eyes peer out from a face that is all plains and angles - a sharp nose, pointed chin, and cheekbones jut in bas-relief across this rocky landscape - and are surrounded by the early stages of crow's feet. Her frame is tall and lanky, no hint of roundness at all to soften it. On the contrary, muscles from hours spent a'dragonback seem to call attention to her height and utter lack of feminine softness.

Jenna is wrapped in a dark blue woolen dress. The cut is rather simple, yet functional, slit high at the hip to allow for riding dragonback. Beneath it she wears a pair of dark green leggings to keep her warm. The bodice has a scooped neck and is trimmed with silvery gray and white fur, the accent also echoed at the cuffs of the sleeves. In all, the dress is actually flattering on her, and accents the good points of her lanky figure. On her feet are dark brown wherhide boots, lined with warm wool to match the coloring of the accents of her dress. Someone has even taken her hair in to rein, twisting the locks at her temple back into a coronet of curls at the back of her head, and secured it with what appear to be sparkling gems in blue and white. In all, a look that suits her and shows off the white-blonde strands to perfection.

Jenna wears the complicated knot of the Fort Weyr Weyrwoman in black and brown around one shoulder, with a strand of gold for her lifemate. There are also other small 'details' about her, a handmade pendant and a ring. She looks to be somewhere near forty turns.

Jenna looks up as the bronze emerges from between, and is scolding Niyath lightly, "You didn't tell me he wasn't /here/ when you talked to him - it could've waited until he came again!" Niyath looks extremely unrepentant, and her head swings around to regard the bronzerider, before moving to her ledge and peering off down at the bowl below to see Wyaeth. Jenna shoves the straps off her lap and rises, offering her hand. "I did, and I'm so sorry if we dragged you away from anything - it could have waited, and I wasn't aware you'd already returned to the 'Reaches. Please, come on in and have a seat, get warm. Is there a wingleader or anyone Niyath should bespeak to excuse herself? I hope we weren't taking you away from anything important?"

Below, Wyaeth finds another bronze loitering in the bowl, and swaggers right up to start comparing wingspans. N'thei spares a glance down to the dragon, and his smile comes, completely polite and unfettered. "The end of drills, madam, and I was happy enough to be excused before they dragged on." Before his gloves come off, he wipes a cold-running nose with his thumb and steps toward the interior; the hand he offers for shaking is cold and firm. "It's N'thei, in case word hasn't managed to make it this far yet."

Jenna smiles, crossing palms with a firm grip. "As long as you'll call me Jenna. I hear madam, or ma'am, and I look around for Leah. Please, have a seat. There's some wine to warm you up if you like." She gestures towards the skin, settled on a shelf nearby with cups. "I just wanted to get to know you a bit, inquire as to your plans." Her smile turns a trifle rueful, "And assure you that, should 'Reaches spare you, you're more than welcome to stay here. I'm sure the Weyrleader and our 'Second will keep you busy in a wing. We sorely missed Wrencath when he was off with Nabrimeth, it's kind of Reaches to lend us in return," she teases. "Your Wyaeth is from that clutch, isn't he?"

N'thei sits down delicately for someone of his size, testing the sturdiness of the chair before he gives his weight to it, and he looks exactly what he is: A slightly uncomfortable person in the presence of someone who far outranks him. "No, thank you, ma-- Jenna. I've skipped breakfast yet, and wine sits sour on an empty stomach. But as to all that." He smiles an apology; "I'll stay as much as you'd prefer. Zahava seemed ambivalent, and she thought Ciath wouldn't care much. And he is, Wrencath and Nabrimeth."

Jenna nods, retaking her seat as well, and settling back, informally tucking one foot under her in an attempt to make the young man more at ease. "It's difficult, as a queenrider, when your dragon is caught by one whose rider you've never met. I've had it happen several times. And when it's her maiden flight," she tilts her head symnpathetically. "And I'm sure it's just as awkward on the bronze or brownrider. But please know that you are welcome here at Fort. We'd like to make this as comfortable an experience for you as possible. If you'd like to spend more time here, and Reaches wings can spare you, you're more than welcome. I imagine," her tone holds a hint of sympathy, "You'd only just gotten settled in your wing when all this happened?"

"A few months." There's a certain disregard for the Wing factor, though N'thei maintains polite interest the whole time. "It wasn't so awkward for me, but I suppose there's a different expectation for male dragons. Short of him catching Nabrimeth for Teonath, I wouldn't expect to know the goldrider." He smiles in sympathetic apology for goldrider plight, nods along with her continued invitation. "Wyaeth's ego will require us to see the eggs once they're clutched, so I expect we'll be coming and going. Zahava showed us the weyr and everything."

Jenna nods. "Good. Ciath may take after Niyath - she's not at all broody, and doesn't mind if the sire stays close, though she does appreciate it when he hunts for her so she doesn't have to leave the sands." A gentle suggestion, perhaps? There's a light undercurrent to her tone, as if politely probing to see if the young bronzer has been decently treated or not. "Hard to tell with a first clutch though. And," she smiles a bit on this last, "We're warmer than Reaches in the winter, though we still get some ice and snow. Were you from there originally?"

N'thei, receptive to suggestion; "I will certainly see if that's something Ciath would appreciate. I was made to understand she's very independent?" Warm or cold has no effect on him perceptibly, and he moves right along with the flow of conversation. "No, Benden actually. This will be my-- third Reaches winter, and I'm starting to get to like them. Something poetic about freezing your as-- being very cold." He smiles fluidly to recover his linguistic transgression.

Jenna laughs at that. "Believe me, N'thei, my tender ears have heard the word 'ass' before. And the word's likely passed my lips more than a few times." She chuckles again and says, "early in winter we get more fog than anything - it takes a bit for the ground to cool enough for snow to stick. And the ice can be a real-" she stops, eyes twinking faintly at the implied word. "Ciath is her dam's daughter - independant and more strong willed than Niyath, I believe, though the turns have mellowed her." She shoots a fond look at her queen, who's rather interested in the display of testosterone below. Any excuse to look at bronzes is good with her. "And you are more than welcome here. I've high hopes for this clutch, though Telgar's Aleith and Sareith set the bar high. Four bronzes in theirs - hatched just last night. - At any rate, I shan't keep you when you're just in off drills. But please do feel free to stop in and chat any time. It's been a pleasure meeting you."

N'thei stands, quick to pick up a departure hint, or maybe just eager to vacate. "It's been a pleasure for me as well, Jenna. Thank you for all the hospitality, unused or otherwise." He leaves the chair as carefully as he sat in it to begin with; bowing his head in an approximation of formality, he heads off.

You head out to the bowl.

n'thei, |wyaeth and ciath, jenna, |n'thei-snowstrike

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