Oatmeal with a side of blunt-force honest.

Jun 09, 2009 19:38

RL Date: 5/9/09
IC Date: 12/20/19 --Log (and title!) from Kaida. :)

Living Cavern, Fort Weyr
The interior of the living cavern is luxurious, relatively speaking -- the walls are smoothed and there are wall sconces in addition to the myriad array of glow baskets and lamps used to keep the place well lit. It's a large space, suited to handle large numbers of people, with dozens of tables arranged strategically throughout; serving tables are also conveniently located at various intervals. Tapestries hang on the walls, many of them having been there for hundreds of turns and periodically taken down for cleaning and restoration.

Up a flight of stairs would be the kitchens, where much of the hustle and bustle can be heard, if not seen. Food is transported down via discretely located dumb waiters and dispersed by servers as necessary, but the aromas of food being prepared is as pervasive as the constant chatter of people as they drift through in search of food, drink, or company. Servers are generally available to assist and ensure that cups are filled and tables are cleaned regularly.

To the west is both the main entrance to the bowl and also the night hearth, which is kept stocked with fresh klah and pots of stew. Other hearths are scattered throughout, radiating heat and warmth as well as providing gathering spots for private discussions. To the east, a short flight of stairs leads down to the inner caverns, while a stout wooden door with a purple caduceus to the south leads to the infirmary.

Early, late, spot-on breakfast time... it depends upon one's schedule, personality and work ethic at this point of the morning. The rush has mostly cleared, leaving lingerers savouring that last cup of tea or klah and late-comers picking over what's still on offer at the serving table. And it's flipping freezing outside, so jackets and other cold temperature accessories are in much evidence upon those required to venture forth outdoors. But at least it's nice and cozy by the fireplaces, one such being where one will surprisingly find Kaida, usually firmly ensconced in the crafters' area by now. She's curled up in a chair pulled as close to the hearthstones as she can get it, a freshly steaming mug of tea on the small table near by, and a small book open in her lap. She's not reading though, but instead is staring mesmerized at the flickering flames, elbow on chair arm and chin resting in upturned palm.

Jaeyi flounces. It's just in her nature, and it's not something she can help, and it's not something she likely would change even if she could. Down the steps from the kitchens, carrying her oatmeal and her toast in both hands, passing by someone she's friendly enough to stop and chat with but not someone she's friendly enough to /stay/ and chat with, she's on her way through to the lower caverns when... "Hey, Kay," with a few back-tracked steps to eye the way the Weaver's all huddled like that. "Busy?" With a look at Kaida's occupation, with a lilt of irony, it's clearly a she-thinks-she's-funny moment.

The flouncing baker will have to wait a few seconds for her voice to penetrate past the semi-meditative state Kaida's settled in to. A couple slow blinks, an equally slow turn of her head that's accomplished more with a twist of her wrist than her neck, that results in a sideways tilt as she contemplates Jaeyi. Figuring out, perhaps, today's reaction. Which is ultimately a small quirk of one corner of her mouth into a half-amused smile, "Incredibly. I've got bundles of nothing to do today. How are you this morning, Jae?"

She'll take that as an invitation, probably because it wasn't specifically /not/ one. Dragging a chair over, complete with a nice loud scrape of the legs over the floor, Jaeyi drops down happily with her bowl balanced on her knees, a big-bright-smile all in place. "You look it. Primarily consists of... dozing in front of a fireplace? You're not getting sick, are you?" And she will reach a hand to test Kaida's fever, yes.

Kaida winces a little for that scrape, but hasn't really got any grounds to protest since she'd done the same thing herself when she claimed this corner of the living cavern as 'hers.' Nor is she protesting Jaeyi's joining her, simply watching the whole pulling-dropping-balancing with passive amusement still in place. "It's slightly less lazy and slovenly than dozing in bed all day?" is her quiet quip. Reaching up to intercept that hand, aiming to catch it gently and steer it away from her face. "No, I'm not getting sick. Bryanten banned me," indignation, "from working today. And tomorrow. And he'd better come to his senses the day after." She straightens up a little in the chair, though only tucks her legs more firmly beneath herself on the seat. "And you didn't answer my question."

Predictably; "Depends on who all is in the bed, doesn't it?" Jaeyi pulls her hand away with a testing smile in place, informs pleasantly, "I promise I don't have cold fingers?" But they retire to her bowl rather than Kaida's forehead, and she starts in on her breakfast without much zeal-- being oatmeal and toast without jelly, pooh. The explanation for the Weaver's indolence widens her eyes gradually, today /and/ tomorrow, and she hides her mouth behind her hand to speak. "What did you do?"

It's laughter rather than a disapproving look that Kaida gives Jae's predictable comment, along with a dip of her head into a nod and a brief tilting of one finger across to the other woman. Point. That gesture turns into a reach for her tea, as she levels her gaze on brown eyes, "That bad a morning, huh?" Since she's refusing to talk about it. An offhanded shrug of shoulders and a sip of her tea as mug reaches mouth, and she keeps a stubborn silence in the face of further questions. Quid pro quo, lassie.

"Oh, no, but do you really want to hear all about the tedium of reconstituting dried apricots?" Because, judging by the face she makes at Kaida right about then, Jaeyi highly doubts the other woman's interest in such a fascinating subject. "I was hoping," she continues, pushing around her oatmeal with a corner of her toast, "that your story would be entertaining enough that the overwhelming dullness of mine could go without mention. So-- what did you do?"

Kaida grins crookedly across at Jaeyi, "I can't even boil an egg. So I have no idea what you just said. I just don't like being ignored." Cradling her tea mug between her hands, she allows the whole set to come to rest upon her knees, carefully away from her neglected book. "My story isn't any better, I'm afraid. All I've done is work, efficiently and well." All day, every day, unless someone forcibly dragged her away to do something different. "He seems to feel I'm going to over-stress my hands and injure myself. Knitting." The lift her brows and the quirk of her lips are somewhere in the range of 'can you believe such idiocy?' "What are the apricots for? You specialise in desserts, right?"

Jaeyi, with big, indulgent eyes; "Would you like me to fuss over you instead?" Of ignoring her. "I tried, but you didn't seem to like the idea." She glances down at her refused fingers, wiggles them briefly, then attends the explanation with a deepening knit of her brows. "So, you got told you had to take some days off because you were working too hard?" she reasons out, totally puzzled by the idea of it. "Turnovers. The apricots are for turnovers. Can you actually do that? Overstress your fingers from knitting?"

Grey eyes roll ceilingward in responce to big indulgent ones. "It's simply polite to answer a direct question as to your state of being," Kaida points out matter of factly. "Honesty however is optional. A simple 'fine' usually satisfies even the chattiest inquisitor." Which the weaver most definitely is not. Usually. But then it's also usually easier to get other people to talk about themselves so she can sit and listen. "Not so sweet as those pastry things you inflicted upon us months ago, I hope?" Brief concideration given to one of her own long-fingered hands then, lifted away from her tea mug and teetered from side to side. "Apparently. He blathered something vaguely healerish about it that I didn't actually pay much attention to. It's not like I'm doing any heavy lifting or wrangling over-excited runners or something."

Jaeyi hedges a second, like she's not sure... but still; "Yeah, but it's kind of a filler question, isn't it? I mean, nobody ever really answers how they are, not beyond like 'great, but it sure is cold, huh!'" Kaida goes on to say essentially that exact same thing, yes, and the baker nods along with that, redundant. "Just for you, my darling Kay, I will be sure they are extra super sugary," with a smile that matches the description. She gives the fingers in question a thorough inspection, like she knows the first thing about them, hmmmmmmns and everything. "When was the last time you took a day off?" she guesses, flicking a look up to meet those gray eyes with a little shrewdness in her own.

Kaida's nose wrinkles slightly, even as she shrugs, "Depends on who's asking though, doesn't it? As to what sort of answer one might give." Between these two, those annoying little fillers for the sake of politeness are probably as good as it'll ever get, however. Unless one gets a personality transplant. "Oh no, please, don't do me any favours. Really." Ugh, sugar. She gives a steady, if narrow-eyed, contemplation of that shrewdness. "The Boll Gather." Which was... how many days ago? Not all that many, surely. "Not that I ever see you but when you're coming from the kitchens, usually bedraggled if you've not got breakfast in hand." Which covers all of the what, four times they've bumped in to each other? "So don't give -me- that look."

"I bet," Jaeyi begins, all super-cheer, "I could even get a big scoop of extra-sweetened vanilla ice cream to melt all over the pastry part, which isn't so very sugar by itself." She nods at her own brilliant plan, puts away the beginnings of a grin that knows full well she's poking fun at the lack of a sweet-tooth, and makes a face at the latter remark. "First off, I'm never bedraggled." Sits up straighter, tucks hair behind her ears, looks perfectly perfect. "Second, you really /have/ to take time off, Kay. Like, it's important. How long would you have gone without a day off if your Journeyman hadn't made you take one? Now that Gather seasons all done till Turnover?"

Skipping right past the poking-fun, mainly because she's too comfy and warm to summon up the energy to be insulted, Kaida smirks across at the baker. "Right. You're pretty as a picture even after hovering over large pots of boiling water all day. Truly." Her harsh voice and clipped Igen accent making her dry tones sharper than she intended them to be. Not that her opinion is very high of looking pretty for pretty's sake, to start with, but still. She doesn't actually have any desire to be -mean- to Jae. That would require active dislike, instead of the semi-amused, semi-disapproving neutrality of her current opinion. "I have rest days just like everyone else." Which doesn't actually mean she takes them to, you know, rest. "I simply have had some large projects that need to be completed under a timeline, recently." Pausing, eyebrow lifting, and her tones merely curious, "What do you care, anyway?"

Rather like that was genuine and not at all like it was cloaked in sarcasm, Jaeyi answers to her prettiness with a happy, "Thank you." And leaves it at that. Restdays, yes, but the baker-- for all her apparent fluff-- is not so very stupid. "What do you /do/ with your restdays, though? Take a break from knitting and crochet instead?" With a crinkle of her nose, disapproving in turn; she may not have a moral highground, but that doesn't mean she hasn't got her own reasons to occasionally look down her nose at Kaida. "Why wouldn't I care? We're friendly enough, right? I mean, aside from that you think I'm a twit and I think you're snotty sometimes."

She says thank you, and Kaida places her cheek back in her palm and finishes off her tea in three large swallows. Because it's better than cementing Jae's later comments as undeniable truth, really. "What do you do with yours?" she counters as she sets her mug to the side. "Spend them doing activities you enjoy, yes?" Eyebrows lifting to fully disappear beneath her bangs, and could that really be a smile lurking beneath the surprise? She's not really denying it, though. "You're unabashedly blatant in your disregard for the rules, which strikes me as being incredibly disrespectful of your Hall and Craft. A little discretion wouldn't kill you." Since they're being honest with each other.

There's a look at that first question, like-- does Jaeyi really need to answer that? Seriously, Kaida ought to be able to guess what she does with her days off. Done with her oatmeal, dropping toast-crumbs into the bowl, she shrugs at the follow-up candor; "My Craft-- Kay, sweetheart, they /know/. That's the whole reason I'm here, at a Weyr, instead of at Boll where people were all disapproving. Really, discretion's fine for you, seems to make you happy, but it's not like actually resting on your restday, hmn? It doesn't work for me." And her shrug is, if not apologetic, at least helpless.

"You've been told that in so many words, have you? Or are you just assuming?" Kaida is struggling to figure out how Jae's still got a knot on her shoulder, and her brow-furrowed expression pretty much gives it away. But the weaver's long legs are unfolding, stretching out and waving slightly as she gets the blood flowing again. Preparation for leaving, likely, since there's not too much farther they can really take this particular conversation. "Not that I can actually appreciate it, but you seem to be quite talented at what you do." Baking, really.

"Admittedly," with only a little twinge in her brows, "no. Not in so many words. But 'my dear girl, we think you would be better /suited/ to a Weyr, where your /talents/ will be more /appreciated/?'" Jaeyi shoots over a dubious look, pointedly drawing from Kaida's sort-of-compliment there at the end for the frame of her argument. "Anyway. It's very nice of you to worry or whatever, but don't? Just reeeeessst sometimes. It's good for you. And I'll even leave you alone so you can enjoy it in peace and quiet." Dangling carrot~!

"Ah." Pretty much says it all, when coupled with Jae's quoting and the still dubious but not quite so disbelieving expression on Kaida's face. "Clearly, the Masters at Bakercraft are rather a bit more lax than Weavers." She closes her book and gathers it up, rising to her feet. "I'll say the same for you. You seem like a sweet girl, but don't waste your time on me."

With a sunny nod, Jaeyi agrees, "Mhmn. I think it's probably because we don't have a real crafthall like the rest of you?" She looks ceilingward, considering the possibility at a bit more length, then surrenders the worry over another shrug. Whatever. "It's not a waste of time. If you drop dead or get arthritic fingers or whatever, who's gonna fix my gather dress for me? Enjoy your day off, Kay." Like she knows the possibility is slim.

Kaida nods slowly, her shoulders lifting in an echoing shrug. "Perhaps." Looking down at the still-seated baker with a lifted eyebrow, she smirks. "Yes, it is. And bring the dress by sometime later today, or tomorrow. It'll give me something to do other than this." The book gets wiggled, and her smirk notches up towards a grin. "Sewing isn't knitting, after all. Have fun in the kitchens." With a wave, she wanders off towards the inner caverns and who knows where beyond. Likely some squirrelled away bundle of knitting or spinning.

Jaeyi sure will! Drop it off. Don't make offers to this one unless they're legitimate.

*jaeyi-apprentice, kaida, jaeyi

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