Girls talk about boys and dresses, proof positive.

May 29, 2009 19:46

RL Date: 5/29/09
IC Date: 11/15/19

Commons Cavern, Fort Weyr
While not nearly as large as the living cavern, the commons do serve something of a similar purpose as a gathering point for residents. There are a few scattered tables and chairs, with a section of counter carved from the native granite for general use. The typically cool floors are covered with a handful of rugs, while tapestries serve to blunt the chill emanating from the walls. Lighting is provided through glow baskets for the most part, although some individuals might bring in a lantern if they think to.

It's a fair bit quieter than the living cavern and is designed more as a location for residents to meet and work on whatever work needs to be done -- mending, cleaning, and tending to children are only a small sampling of the things that can be seen going on here. It's most active later in the day, after the bulk of the work is done and people start to settle in for the night, but it's never empty of people.

It also serves as a hub for a variety of useful caverns -- the nursery is located across from the residents' dorms, with the bathing cavern situated between the two. The candidates barracks are somewhat off to the side, closest to the tunnel that leads back out to the inner caverns.

It's morning time, not all that long after breakfast, the commons steadily filling with people bringing their work to their chosen stations, groups forming based on friendships and duties both. Over next to a hearthfire, like night and day turned into sisters, one assistant Headwoman and one Weaver sit near to each other. The blonde with a basket of mending - that isn't getting done - by her feet. The black with a wax pad and her design book - also not being used - in her lap. "That'll work out perfectly then!" Kaida is saying happily to Ysar. "I'd just feel bad about having to charge you full price, and this way allows me to give you a sizeable discount without having to try to explain it to Bryanten." She shifts around in her chair, pulling up one leg and curling it beneath herself as she inspects the pretty embroidered handkerchief being held out. A skilled, critical examination that ends with an approving, "That -is- good, Ysar. Very nicely done; your stitches are very neat." But... eugh, winter. She rubs her hands along her bulky-wool-sweater covered arms, shuddering just thinking about it. "Snow... ice. How can either of those be -fun?- I had enough trouble getting used to how sharding -wet- it gets down at Boll." Though there is a little bit of a laugh, "I think even without the skating, I'm probably going to spend most of this winter on my backside. In here, where it's warm, preferably."

"It's really not that bad," Ysar insists. "There'll be bonfires down by the lake, and everyone has hot klah, mulled wine, buttered rum---all the good winter drinks. It can be almost like a party. Some of the dragons love the snow, and play with the kids. There're snowball fights, skating, all kinds of things to do." She grins, though, and nods. "But, I understand. I grew up with it. You'll get acclimated, I'm sure---and there's always snuggling with a special someone to keep warm." Eyes sparkle in the firelight. "Anyway, lots of folks stay indoors, too, so you'll have company, I'm sure. Thanks for the compliment. One of the old Aunties taught me when I was younger. She's gone now, but she must've been a Weaver. She was always sewing or knitting or something by the hearth-fire. She also told really great stories." There's vigorous nodding when Kaida mentions the discount. "I'll be glad to take you down there sometime. There's a trick to finding things in there, otherwise you can get lost t'wards the back. It's kind of dark back there, but we'll take plenty of fresh glows." She pauses, glancing up as people move through the cavern or gather for work. "Which do you prefer to work with, cotton or wool? There're dresses made of both down there, but I'm not sure of the colors." She also shifts position, letting her legs drop down to the floor, stocking covered toes flexing.

It's morning time, and all that matters is that breakfast is /over/, yay! Carrying her own meal, which is distressingly not as tooth-rotty as it should be consisting of porridge and un-jammed toast, Jaeyi manages to pry one of the kitchen boys off of her (not literally) with the remark, "I promise promise /promise/ that I'll teach you tomorrow, okay? But I'm starving and..." She puts the toast on top of the oatmeal to wave her fingers dismissively toward the hallway they've both just left to enter the commons. And, seeing as there are girls in here, she adds, "I'm so supposed to have breakfast with them, so run along." Promptly, she drifts toward the pair of them, relief just about palpable now that her shadow's flittered away.

Kaida remains dubious for all of Ysar's reassurances about how much fun winter can be. And she's not even polite enough to hide it, as she curls up a bit tighter in her chair. "Yeah I'll just... take your word on that, I think." Though there is an answering sparkle, a slow nod of agreement even as her words are properly, "Good apprentices don't do that sort of snuggling." Ha. "I should probably have gone sooner, really, just to see what's down there that might be useful. As long as I get the expected amount of work in, Bry's usually not too strict about -when- I do it, so whenever you've got some time free just swing by and we'll go play in the clothes bins." A slightly cheeky grin, a flash of humour. Like little girls digging through an unlocked wardrobe, or something. Whee! "Wool or cotton, depends on what you want and when you want to wear it. I don't mind." Settling back, engaging in a bit of casual people watching because, well, that's just what she does from time to time. An eyebrow quirking upwards, "Good morning, Jaeyi." While not exactly enthusiastic, her quiet greeting might also lack enough surprise to further that image of baker-supposed-to-be-here.

Attention drawn away from chatting about clothes-bin-diving, Ysar looks over in time to see Jaeyi dismissing the kitchen boy and heading their way. "Morning," she calls, waving a hand at the baker, perhaps helping validate the story she didn't hear Jaeyi tell the boy in the first place. "Bet you're glad to be out of the kitchen, hm? Cavern was crowded this morning. All the cold and wet has everyone wanting a hot breakfast, I'd guess." She grins at the baker, canting her head toward an chair recently vacated by someone heading out into the inner cavern. "We're just talking about raiding stores for material to make me a new dress," she explains the topic of conversation, "amongst other things. You doing all right, these days? I know you're from someplace warmer, too. I've been trying to convince Kaida that winter's not the monster she thinks it is, but I don't think she's buying it." Twinkle in her eyes for the mild teasing of both women. "Have a seat and enjoy the fire."

Jaeyi still thinks it's funny; "Hey, Kay." Her smile blossoms right into place at that small bit of frivolity. There's no rhyme to match it, but she adds, "Morning, Ysar. Long time, no see." She nods along with the guess about getting out of the kitchen, about the cold-and-wet, drops down into the chair to dust off the arm of it and use it for perching her toast-- without the benefit of a napkin beneath it. "I'm learning new ways to survive the cold. Most of them just involve staying indoors and keeping warm. Do you make whole dresses?" One thought has nothing to do with the other, but she turns the last question on Kaida before a piece of toast is broken in half, offered toward each of the other girls. "I mean, I know you do alterations, but the whole shebang?"

In a level of maturity sure to impress all and sundry - not - Kaida playful sticks her tongue out at Ysar. "Front Igen, to Boll, to here. I have -never- seen snow, so I think I'm allowed to be a little bit wary of it." It's laughter in her voice, though. A shake of her head is given towards Jaeyi's offer of food, "Already ate this morning," said in explanation. Quirking an eyebrow upwards, she confirms quite simply, "Yes, I do make whole dresses. Most of them even have backs."

"Well, you'll see it here, but probably not as much as other places, thankfully," Ysar says back to Kaida. "Be glad you're not in Telgar. My father said that was the coldest place he'd ever visited in his life." She listens to both warm-weather women and then laughs. "Warm drinks by the fire help, as well as wearing layers, like Kaida does. I just hate the rain. It makes everything so dismal and damp. We have to watch the storage caverns extra careful this time of year. If anything gets put away wet, it will mildew, and mildew spreads to other things. Why we store cloth and stuff away from the walls. Stone draws cold and damp." She sticks her tongue out at that, and idly picks up the thermal underwear in her lap. "Also, find yourself a pair of these down in stores. They're great under your clothes. Keep you really warm." They are folded and returned to the basket on the floor as Jaeyi and Kaida discuss dresses.

A quick, amused grin flickers across at the weaver for the quip about backs-- which Jaeyi also clearly thinks is funny, possibly even funnier than her very simple hey-Kay joke. "Not that I need one, but it's good to know. Will you fix mine for me?" Girls and dresses, could this trio possibly get more cliche? Declined, the toast dips into the oatmeal, pokes around in search of a raisin. Talk of snow twitches her nose, has her adding after Kaida, "Me, neither." /Never/ seen snow; gosh, the things these two have in common~! "I'm not a big fan of the rain myself, but I'm kinda sorry it quit. Still. No," with a look to those long underwear. Just: no, not happening, not Jaeyi.

"I am already thanking all my lucky stars that I didn't get slotted into that posting," is Kaida's very serious reply to Ysar's comment about Telgar. "I'm all for new experiences, but that would have been just a little -too- extreme." Though as the topic shifts into mildew, her expression is turning from dubious to downright disgusted. "Ugh, you don't need to tell me. Really. We have to be so careful down at the Hall during the rainy season." Whose bright idea was it to locate the crafthall based on textiles in a mildew-friendly environment? "Your black one?" she asks curiously of the baker. "Well, sure, I can probably do something with it. What's wrong with it?" Perhaps it's kindness that stops her from asking if the baker bust a seam.

"I can imagine," Ysar replies to Kaida's mention of mildew in Boll. "The one time my father took me there, I heard them talking about a kind of blight they were afraid was going to hurt the citrus harvest. The lady said it was like a mildew on the fruit." She shakes her head. "Seems like there's something bad about everyplace, doesn't there? Up in the north it's the long winters, down south it's the wet heat---just no place perfect, is there?" A chuckle. "It's really not too bad here. What they call temperate. Not too cold, not too hot. Not perfect, but not horrible, either." From clothes to the weather to clothes again. As for Jaeyi's decline of the underwear, Ysar shrugs. "Compared to freezing, I'll look a little frumpy," she murmurs to no one in particular. She sits back in the chair, just relaxing for the moment.

Jaeyi's black one? "No, I intend to be skinny enough by summer time that the black one's gonna fit again." Which involves eating toast without jam and oatmeal, instead of plates of pastries. "I'll show it to you later. It's just a little tight," with a squirm and a pluck along the side of what would be her bustline. Talk of Weaver-weather, of Boll-weather leaves her sighing a little into her oatmeal, but she declines to chime in. Though it's an effort, thanks, to stay off that wet-heat remark, the one that quick-twitches her brows. "Why? It's gotta be possible to stay warm and not wear..." Long underwear. Egh. "You're not wearing them, are you?" To Kaida.

"Igen," Kaida states loyally. "Igen is perfect. Hot and harsh and honest. With just a few secrets." Not exactly what anyone else would think of as perfect, no doubt. "Ysar, it would take a lot more than those to make you look frumpy." The weaver's gone back to fidgeting again, fingers teasing the stylus back out of the wax pad and spinning it back and forth. Back and forth. Towards Jaeyi, chin dipping into a nod, "Sure. Bring it around to the work station, or even my room sometime and I'll see if it can be let out a little. Uh... no, actually. Just three shirts, and a pair of leggings and long stockings under these pants." Because obviously an inventory was needed.

"I don't wear 'em under my dresses," Ysar explains. "They're good for when I wear trousers outside." She looks a bit embarrasses. "Didn't mean to start anything. I was just saying they keep you from freezing when it's a really bad winter, and I shorten the legs and sleeves so they don't show." A lot of detail that probably makes her sound very defensive. Looking down at the folded underwear, she sighs softly. "Guess they are pretty ugly, at that," she admits with a good natured grin. "I have some heavy knit stockings, but no leggings." She looks over at Kaida. "I really do need help with dressing myself, don't I?" There's a laugh, then. "See what I mean about no fashion sense?" This is, apparently, a joke for her. "I'm hopeless. You two always dress so nice. I should take a clue from your wardrobe. I might freeze, but I'd make a better looking corpse!" Laughter, now, full and rich.

Jaeyi gives Kaida a doubtful look about the perfection of Igen's weather, still doesn't argue about it though. Especially since she's now leaning over the arm of her chair to contemplate Kaida's attire, to try and make herself believe that anyone could possibly be wearing that many clothes. "I just... stay inside mostly," with lingering bemusement. Then, brightly moving along in subject; "They have weavers that do that, I used to know the one that worked for Lady Boll. Like, his whole job was just to make sure her wardrobe was up to snuff. That'd be a helluva job, wouldn't it?"

Kaida glances between Ysar and Jaeyi, a small frown coming into existence for the seeming defensiveness. Trying to bridge that little gap, a careful, "Well, it doesn't matter if they're attractive or not. It's not like anyone is going to see them... or care for very long if they do." The latter half of that comment mostly for the Baker, given her reputation. Though as the asst. Headwoman eases back into laughter, so to does the Weaver relax. "Don't worry, Ysar. Stick with me for a little, and we'll have dressed well enough to make a Lady Holder jealous," she says lightly. Though, Jae's remarks send a bit of a shudder through her shoulder, "It actually sounds boring. I mean, designing for just -one- person? After a while, you couldn't really do anything new or different. Just variations on the same favourite styles."

Ysar seems to consider that thought for a long time before remarking, "Does sound interesting," she admits, "but I have to agree with Kaida, too. Working solely for one person would get tiresome, especially if that person only wanted the same kind of things all the time. Might stifle the creativity of a person." A pause, then, "On the other hand, if the Weaver was only interested in designing for that one person, it would be a great job for them. Different things suit different folks, after all. We all have our talents." She seems to be in a much better mood, now, and chuckles at Kaida's remark. "See?---you're rubbing off on me." A playful wink to the Weaver. "Are you all thirsty? I've the makings for klah in my room. I could fix us a pot, if you'd like? Wouldn't take long." She shifts in the chair, ready to stand up if her offer is accepted.

"Yeah, but just think about it. Everyone south of Fort's gonna care what Lady Boll is wearing." Jaeyi, the voice of experience in her own mind. Anyway, a tip of her fingers dismisses the whole possible argument with a cheerful, "I'd probably like it. If, like, I was even remotely capable of it." The klah offer raises her attention across to Ysar, gives her a thinking-about-it tilt of her head back and forth, and finally, "I'll take it if you're gonna make it, sure."

Head-bobbing agreement for Ysar's thoughts, and one long finger lifted to tap the air in Jaeyi's direction. "You both make perfectly valid points," is Kaida's take on the conversation. There's a brief, considering pause as she looks across to the sole blonde of the trio, lips curving into a smile as she says to that wink, "I wonder how much more might rub off?" Fashion sense. She laughs quietly, gathering up her book and wax pad, stretching out long legs as she rises to her feet. "Hmm, maybe they keep pet Bakers, too? You could undoubtedly find someone willing to keep and pamper you, Jae. Thank you, but I'm afraid I can't Ysar. I'm sure by now someone's waiting to beg for compliments or try to grab my ass while I measure theirs, so..." With a wave, she strides off towards the Crafter's work caverns.

Ysar burst out laughing at Kaida's parting comment, and waves her fingers at the departing Weaver. "Wait here and I'll be back in a few," she tells Jaeyi. Rising, she heads off toward the room she shares with Levania. About ten minutes later, she returns, bearing two mugs with steam rising from them. "Careful, it's hot," she warns, holding out one mug for the baker. "Vani was in the room and had already brewed a pot," she explains. "That's why it didn't take me too long." Settling carefully back into her chair, she slips off her shoes again, and tucks her feet beneath her. "So, how's life been treating you?" she asks, holding the mug in both hands. "Did you get those bowls you wanted? I put the order in for you right after we talked about it, what, two months ago?"

Jaeyi takes a glance over her shoulder, down her back, at her derriere in response to the weaver's parting words, very clearly debating the possibility. Anyway, "I'd be soooo happy being someone's pet baker," she muses, not that Kaida's still around to hear it, though the long-haired girl does get a finger-curl as a wave for her departure. "We did!" she answers with cheer about the bowls, blowing on her fingers where they curl around the mug, the two girls settled in chairs nearish to the fire, the baker with the remnants of breakfast and the headwoman with new mugs of klah. "I broke two, trying to make souffles that would not cooperate, but it turned out okay. And I got petted at the end, so no harm done-- except to the bowls. How've you been keeping yourself?"

"Oh, good," Ysar replies, regarding the bowls. "I was hoping there'd be enough in the budget for those. Sorry to hear a couple broke, but alls well that ends well, I gues." She's smiling, and blowing on the top of her mug, then sipping gingerly. "I've been keeping pretty busy. We got quite a shipments of supplies in over the past couple of months, and that all needed to be inventoried, parceled out and the like. And, of course, there's the usual stuff that needs to be done everyday. So, same old, same old. Work, eat, work, sleep, and so on." She takes another ginger sip, then simply holds the mug between her hands. "I've often thought about applying to a hold when I hear of an opening for Headwoman. I've been helping Shevana since I was 12 or so," she ventures, then shrugs. "Not like I don't know the job. Might be nice to work in a smaller place." A pause. "Then again, this is home. I'll probably never leave." A soft chuckle at that.

Kwei appears to either have gotten up late or still hasn't gone to sleep yet, given he's entered from the caverns rather than the residential bubbles it's probably the later. . He's looking a bit dishevelled and seeing the pair, lifts a hand towards them with a wave. "Morning beautiful ladies." He greets the pair of them as he wanders almost absently across the cavern, his harp case slung over his shoulder.

Working on her toast while she listens, Jaeyi gets a decent way through her breakfast and leaves only little bits of crust and some scrapings of oatmeal on the bottom of the floor when she's done. Siiiiighing, stretching her toes toward the fire, curling down into the chair with her mug, she makes a face at Ysar's not-a-plan. "Try living at a hold for a while before you decide it's your life's ambition. I don't think I'd want to go back, except maybe to Fort, and that's only because it'd be, like, a high honor." Kwei's 'morning' has her peer around the edge of the chair, chase three-apples-high with a look, then fingers curl in one of her little waves. "Morning, little harper."

"That's probably a good idea," Ysar acceeds to Jaeyi. "I've been down to Fort, of course, but only for brief visits and gathers. I don't really know much about it. Living there would probably be a lot different than visiting." She sips at her klah again, a little less gingerly now that it's had a chance to cool. Kwei's greeting and subsequent approach have her peering out of her chair at the young man, eyebrows lifting slightly at his disheveled appearance. "Morning, Kwei," she says, looking him over. "You look ... ah, not well rested." The comment isn't meant to be insulting, merely observant. "Been up all night?"

Kwei offers up a sheepish grin to the girls as he walks over and pulls up a chair to sit on, probably Kaidas and it'll be pleasantly warm for his behind. "Not been to bed yet, been up all night playing and dancing at the gather." He admits as he flashes them both a charming smile, his eyes flickering towards the klah. "How are you both, not interrupting am I?" He asks, even as he's settling into the chair.

Jaeyi, at that little story, offers over her almost-full mug of klah toward Kwei with a surprised lift of her brows; "I think you might need this more than I do." There's a you-okay? look for what she now perceives as his ragged appearance while she holds that cup out into the space between two chairs. "You're not interrupting?" The question meets with a glance toward Ysar, to be absolutely sure she doesn't mind. "We were talking about party dresses and long underwear. Sure you still wanna stay?" Tease in the lilt, yeah.

"Gather?---didn't realize there was a gather going on," Ysar says, pondering. "I'm usually more up on things." A little bit of chagrin at this. "Didn't get rained out? The weather's been pretty bad, but I haven't stuck my head outside much lately, either. The rain's stopped, then?" she inquires. "If so, means it's going to get colder soon." She seems to be talking more to herself than anyone else, save for the questions to Kwei. "And, no, you're not interrupting. We were talking dresses with Kaida until she had to leave." As for his question. "I'm doing all right. Trying to get myself ready for winter, but not doing too good a job of it."

Kwei almost pounces on Jaeyi as she offers the mug over, "You're a darling, thank you." Both hands closing round the mug before she has a chance to retract the offer, never mind giving her a chance to let go. "First day of the Gar gather, the weather's not so great but the great hall there isn't to shabby for it." He replies, "They just didn't want to stop enjoying themselves, it's two days, but I had to escape and grabbed the first dragon out of there this morning." He tells them. "Leave this evening to the others." He glances between the two again, pondering before he answers, "Depends, if you're going to model them for me?" He asks with an impish grin, despite the obvious tiredness showing on his face. "I could play some run way music for you to pose to?"Jaeyi preens at the darling, something that takes years to perfect to achieve the flattered-but-not-really glow that lights her smile and tilts her head, shoulder lifted coquettishly. But only for a second, since the subject's quick to move along. "Did you make it to the one down at Fort at all?" she adds for Ysar. "It was really fair weather." Kwei's impish grin is answered with a hooked brow, a prettily challenging look; "Ysar's got the lung underwear right there, and I gotta new party dress that'd probably kill you. So don't make offers you're not prepared to keep, little harper."

Ysar glances down at the ugly underwear folded atop her basket, and grimaces. "Be kind. They'll scare the poor guy, Jaeyi," she says, chuckling, "or give him nightmares, at least." She gives another chuckle, but looks quite sympathetic to Kwei's appearance. "There's a pot in my room if you want more," she offers, taking another sip from her own mug. "I'll be happy to get it for you." And then she turns back to Jaeyi, a shadow crossing her face. "I got there the last night," is said slowly, as if she's carefully choosing how she replies. "I left early, though. I had to get up early the next day, so I missed the late night dancing." She looks down into her mug for a few minutes. "The music was nice, and I got a little tipsy from wine." A pause. "Another reason I went home early."

Kwei settles back into the chair, lifting the mug to his lips and taking a long drink, a very contented sigh escaping afterwards, his eyes almost closed, a pleased smile on his face. Opening his eyes again, just in time to catch Jaeyi's look he smiles right back at her. "I'd be playing my instrument." He states simply, "Though if it's a gather dress, is it made for dancing?" He asks her, "I may skip on the underwear though." He shakes his head a little. "The Fort gather was nice, I played a couple of sets before I caught up with Vani." And wasn't seen out dancing or drinking after that.

"I left early, too," says Jaeyi. With absolutely no shadow crossing her face, no attempt to pretend she didn't get lucky, and thankfully no attempt to pry the apparently dark story from Ysar. "But it was nice up till then, chilly though." Weather weather weather, it's very much on the brain now that summer's dead and gone. There's a little cough when she glances at Kwei; playing his instrument is a helluva term. "I haven't actually danced in it, so I'm not sure? It's red." That's enough for her to know. "And you're sure you'll pass? Ysar seems to be doutbing your fortitude in light of long underwear."

Ysar seems to be breathing a little easier now that the subject's changed, and she wasn't questioned. Her face clears, and she's more interested in agreeing the gather was fun until it turned cold. "I got a little cold on the way back, but it wasn't a long trip. We flew straight, and didn't Between it since I'd lost my jacket." No explanation where she lost it or how. "Tasted a new wine from Benden, a white. It was rather heady." She laughs at herself. "I'm a lightweight when it comes to wine, I guess. I don't usually drink very much." Nervous talk, for some reason. "Red's a good color for you," she tells Jaeyi. What? An hour talking with a Weaver and now she's an expert? Right. "Kaida says it's not for me, though I really like it." Finally, "Not doubting his fortitude, just not willing to risk giving him horrible mental images of me in them."

Kwei takes another sip of the klah before he glances over at Jaeyi, mug rising slightly in her direction, a silent offer to see if she wants it back given there is more on offer. "Have you seen that green dress of Su's?" He asks. "I wouldn't let her go out to the gather until I'd had a couple of dances with her in it, I didn't want her to find out she couldn't dance in it on the middle of the dance floor." He glances between the two at the ongoing talk about long underwear, an amused look on his face. "I think I could cope, I've seen you in your night clothes afterall." This last directed towards Ysar rather than Jaeyi. "It can't be that bad can it? Though I'll admit to not being an expert on women's undergarments."

At the confession about flying back without a jacket, Jaeyi's brows knit for a second and she notes, "I thiiiiink we're talking about different parties. You must mean the one in the summer? I meant the one, like, two weeks ago?" She casts her hand back to indicate the-past in a vague way, which flows right into waving aside the offer to return the mug, keep it. "I did see her green dress, actually, at that summer gather. I guess if I was her brother, I might not have appreciated it, but I thought it was sexy." The matter of long underwear is concluded with a simple, "I won't wear them. Ever."

Ysar blushes slightly at the mention of Kwei having seen her in her night clothes, and it deepens when he says he's not an expert on women's undergarments. "Um, well, they're not exactly /women's/ underclothes," she admits, reaching down to pick them up. Taking a bracing breath, she shakes them out and holds them up for his inspection. "They're for men." And, the truth is in the, well, it could be called a convenient opening in the front. She drops them down into her lap, eyes closing with a sigh. "See what I mean? They're ugly, but I don't wear them for their beauty. They're /warm/." A moment goes by and then she lifts her head. "Yes. The one last summer. I didn't go to this recent one. I was ... busy." She's not really upset, but she is rather disheartened. "It doesn't matter, anyway, no one's ever gonna see me in them."

"I'm man enough to admit she looked absolutely stunning in it, but there was no way I was letting her go out dancing in public if it wasn't safe." Over protective little brother Kwei, cute or annoying? "Well Okay then." He comments, going for the safer ground for the moment. "I'll admit they'd be warm, not all that sexy to be honest but warm." He replies with a shake of his head. "I don't think even I'd wear them."

Jaeyi does not, for a change, point out that there are better ways to keep warm. She does crinkle her nose at the look of the thermals, though, winds up wiggling her toes close to the fireplace in an effort to ignore the chill that would drive a person to such ugly undies. "I'm sure she was perfectly safe," she continues, not without a little bitterness. "B'kaiv descended on her, so I doubt anyone so much as /thought/ about violating her sanctity." B'kaiv-- which might as well rhyme with 'weasel-faced ass' the way she says it.

Well, that kind of does it for Ysar; too many negative opinions. No matter how warm the underwear has made her in the past, they won't this turn. They're balled up in Ysar's hands and tossed into the basket. "Point taken," she says with a glance at Kwei. "If even a man won't wear them, they've got to be worse than even I thought." She shifts her position, picking up the mug she set on the table next to her chair. "I take it B'kaiv has something going with Su?" she inquires. "I haven't kept up with gossip recently. Is he not a nice person, or something?" she asks Jaeyi. "I only met him once, before he Impressed."

The look on Kwei's face really suggests that he agrees with Jaeyi's sentiments when it comes to B'kaiv. "Safe from everyone else, but I saw how skimpy that dress was and I didn't fancy my sister exposing herself on the middle of the dance floor." Though his tone shows he'd rather she did that than expose herself to B'kaiv. "The man is an" He pauses a moment, taking a deep breath to change his words. "Wherry brained idiot." He says with a certain measure of calm. "Just don't say anything about this Ysar." He asks her gently. "We may not like him, but Su's made up her mind and I'd rather she kept her friends for when it all goes bad." Not an if, a when.

With a sort of fond tolerance, Jaeyi notes, "It wasn't skimpy, Kwei. She was decently covered." Mind, the baker's version of 'decent' might not jive with most of the world's. Hot on the heels of the harper's explanation, she contributes, "And he's all messed up about women. Like, he won't touch Su, but he's mad at me because I won't nail him. But she's not allowed to mess around with anyone else. It's--" She nods at the implied if-not-when, takes a resolute breath. "Anyway. He's an ass. And I don't care if you tell him I said that. Just leave Kwei out, I guess."

If there's one thing most people know about Ysar, it's that she doesn't have a reputation for spreading rumors or gossip-mongering. "Of course I won't," she assures Kwei. "There's no purpose in saying anything. I like your sister, and I don't want to see her hurt." There's nothing in her expression to indicate she has any opinion about B'kaiv at all. "He didn't strike me as being one of the swiftest wherries in the flock, but, as I said, I only met him once." Her brows knit at what Jaeyi says, and she shakes her head. "That's rather assinine, if you ask me. I'm not a big fan of the double-standard some men have about women. It's just plain stupid." Kwei doesn't seem to be in that category, at least. "Well, if Su needs a friend, I'll be there for her, but I'm no expert on relationships---good, bad or indifferent."

Kwei gives Jaeyi a Yeah huh! Looks. "She looked darned good in it, but it was still skimpy." He even admitted to her that his big sister was looking all grown up now. "I just want to make sure she's got plenty of friends around." He says with a sigh. "But for now I think I'd better go and try and get some sleep." His hand coming up to stifle a very large yawn.

"Well. Maybe it'll never come to that. Maybe they'll... figure things out." Not that Jaeyi sounds particularly hopeful, but she's doing her best to find a thread of optimism. To Ysar, all she can do at first is shrug and agree with a simple, "Oh well. If Su wants to let him get away with that, I guess it's her decision. Perrrsonally, I prefer everyone's just honest and on the same page, hmn?"

"Honesty seems to be the best policy, so I've seen," Ysar agrees. "But, it is Su's business, and the more anyone protests, the likely more she'll stick to him. I think you're handling it well," she says to Kwei. "Just being there for her." Her expression is sympathetic, and when the young man yawns, she agrees. "Yep, I think it's time for you to become one with your pillow," Ysar tells him with a soft laugh. "Can you make it there without a guide?" It's a teasing joke, yes. To Jaeyi, she says, "I don't have any experience with that kind of thing, but being up front with someone, yes, that's what I'd want, too. It would be nice to find someone who'd respect me for who and what I am, and not try to force his way of thinking over mine."

Kwei shrugs his shoulders a little as he pushes his way up to his feet, placing the mug onto the table that was mentioned earlier. "Honesty is a good thing in any relationship." He agrees with them. "I want Su to be happy, but I also want to be there to pick up the pieces and take a shot at him if he does anything more to hurt her, even though I d hope for her sake it never comes to that." He shakes his head and glances to Ysar with a smile. "I hope I can find my way, if all else fails, I'll end up asleep in your room." He tells her, the cheekiness of the statement lost in another yawn, though with any luck he'll be in Vani's bed rather than Ysar's.

Clearing her throat, looking neatly down at her toes when Kwei mentions taking a shot at B'kaiv, Jaeyi politely, generously doesn't voice the obvious: o m g he would be so many kinds of bloody and pulpy. "Sleep well, little harper," is where she leaves it. "It's just really about expectations, I think," she carries on, turning back to Ysar. "People have to be paired in that or it all falls apart. I find. Or you can just have a string of one-night-stands, which is okay but gets exhausting." Chatter chatter aimlessly.

"Our room's closer," Ysar says, being practical. "Just remember, her's is on the left. I don't want to get strangled in my sleep if she finds you in my bed." That's a joke---she hopes! "Seriously, the door's unlocked, and Vani was in there last I knew. I'm sure she'll take care of you." Double meaning to that? Possibly. "I guess you're right," Ysar answers, shrugging one shoulder. Feet are slid from beneath herself, toes wriggling. "I'd like to find out someday, but I'm not going to rush into anything, either way." She seems to consider saying something more, but doesn't, instead, scooting forward in her chair. "I may not be looking for anything permanent, but one night stands don't sound very appetizing to me. There's got to be something in the middle." Leaning forward, she slips her shoes back on.

Kwei is the brave sort of foolish hero who would give it a spirited bash for the sake of honour and all that, even if he knows he's going to end up in a puddle of blood on the floor. "Thanks dear." He replies to Jaeyi with a sleepy smile, bending over to pick his Harp case back up before he turns to nod the same sleepy smile to Ysar. "She might get as far as getting my shoes off before I'm fast asleep." He says with that same sleepy smile, he can't quite get the teasing to appear at this stage before he nabs the mug and wanders off, assuming it's going back to that room.

"There is," says Jaeyi lightly. "I don't think there's a name for it, but you find someone that you... can connect with... in the right way. And you stick with them. I fool around, he fools around, but he's there when I want him to be and vice versa." The /actual/ voice of experience and not just the thinks-she-is for a change. "This conversation's even more girly than the one about dresses, isn't it?" With a slow grin.

"That's what I'd like, yes," Ysar says firmly. "To be with someone, to enjoy being with them, but not ..." She pauses, apparently looking for the right word. "Not stuck with them, or them with me. To be able to walk away without regrets, or a whole big, emotional scene." She gives a soft snort. "It's one of my hope fors." She leans back in the chair, kind of slumped down, half reclining. "You're lucky to have that, Jaeyi. Let me know if you find another one of those types out there." She's laughing, but she might be serious, too. "Yeah, dresses, underwear and sex. Girl talk, all right."

Grinning still, Jaeyi points out, "If I find another one, don't you think I'd add him to my repertoire? Besides." More seriously. "Uhmn, haven't you... never?" Speaking of girliest conversations ever!

Ysar laughs. "No, I guess that would be asking too much, wouldn't it?" She laughs, but when Jaeyi gets more serious, Ysar sobers. There's a bit of color rising in her cheeks. "I was telling the truth that day in the kitchen," she says quietly. "I've been grabbed once or twice, during flights, but thankfully nothing came of that." There's a shrug of her shoulder. "No, I haven't." She chuckles, looking down at the mug in her hands. "Isn't it kind of obvious?" A few seconds of silence. "And, yes, I'm a probably some kind of freak in a weyr."

"Maybe not a freeeeak." Jaeyi makes a face at the term, at the implications behind it, at the girl uttering it. And she finally collects her bowl with a sort of finality to the gesture, like she's actually committing herself to peeling out of that chair after all this time. "I mean, it's okay to be discerning and to wait for the right person and stuff? /I/ couldn't live like that, but if it's working for you?" Her turn to shrug.

Ysar shrugs. "I guess it's working," she says, but there's very little enthusiasm in her voice. "I really don't want to fall into bed with someone I don't have any feelings for. Doesn't have to be love, but I'd like to at least /like/ the person." She gives another shrug. "At any rate, not like I'm going to die of terminal virginity," she adds with a snicker. At the sight of Jaeyi getting ready to stand up, she does the same. Her mug is drained, then the basket is grabbed as she shoves herself upward. "It's been good talking to you, Jaeyi---and if you do find a likely prospect, toss him my way when you're done with him." She laughs. "Not that he'd likely want anyone besides you, but still." That /is/ a joke.

What can she say? Jaeyi doesn't exactly live in the same world as Ysar in terms of who she would and wouldn't sleep with, so she just has to give the headwoman a little squint that tries to commiserate but... "Mmn, don't take other people's leftovers. Is my suggestion. There's ample available men around here, and they're not all predatory." Though the two of them are bound to have suffered a leer or two during the duration of that chat. "Have a good afternoon, Ysar," now that she's collected her things.

"Oh, no, I really was joking about that," Ysar assures her. "When the right one comes along, I'm sure I'll catch on." There's a smile for the baker, and a nod. "Don't take everything I say seriously, please. I have a warped sense of humor sometimes." At this point, she's moving toward the residents rooms, and lifting her hand in a wave. "You have a good day, too, Jaeyi. Don't over work yourself." They may have been the object of a couple of leers, but Ysar was oblivious to them. With a final nod, she takes herself off to her room, where in all likelihood, there is a sleeping Kwei pleasantly snoring away with her roommate.

ysar, *jaeyi-apprentice, kwei, kaida, jaeyi

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