Ever wish you were invisible?

Apr 27, 2009 19:33

RL Date: 4/27/09
IC Date: 8/3/19

Lakeshore, Fort Weyr
The lake's shore is a broad crescent of golden-hued sand, stretching from the southwest wall near the feeding grounds and arcing toward the southeast and overlooking the blue waters of the lake. Where the lake deepens, that water turns a murkier blue-green, hiding an untold number of perils in its depths. It is an oft-used location for dragons seeking a place to sun or for residents and riders who feel a need to take a stroll; the sand is generally kept pretty clean and while there are no shells, there are periodic bits of obsidian and other volcanic stones to be found if one feels like picking around.

The puffy white clouds. The perfect temperature. The happy lap of waves. What's not to love about mid-morning on the lakeshore? Finding respite from the kitchens, sitting on a battered patchwork quilt to keep her butt off the dirt, Jaeyi is eating nothing more sumptuous than grapes for a change, laying on her back and plucking them off the stems in such a way as to make a weyrling passing by on his way to the living caverns nearly fall over his own feet. He survives, fortunately.

For some, the morning might be perfect for lounging around. For others, it's apparently perfect for torturing oneself by going for a run. Kaida is apparently one such insane individual, jogging with easy, loping strides along the beach. The weaver's normally immaculately conservative dress is missing, and it's decidedly scruff she's looking in tall, well fitted boots laced tightly to her calves, tight black trousers and an over-sized, open-collared grey shirt - sleeves missing - that's beens shortened with a knot above her right hip. One could safely assume that the lake was her final destination, her stride shortening, slowing, becoming a walk as she nears the grape-eating lass on the blanket. "Eyes front!" she calls laughingly after the stumbling weyrling, just to make him blush for being seen.

Jaeyi, cheerful; "I like when they fall!" It does the poor weyrling no good, except to dip his head, brighten his cheeks, and send him hurrying on about his business, leaves the baker peering after him then flopping back on to the blanket with the tragedy of a sigh. "Nice outfit," she adds, having taken just enough time to rake Kaida with a head-to-toe look before resuming her grape-eating pasttime.

"Because a faceful of sand is ever so much fun?" Kaida's raspy voice harsher than normal, still breathing hard after her run. She continues on past the baker, heading down to the water's edge to splash water up onto heated face, and dump a double-handful down the back of her neck. "Ai-yah!" Even though she knew the water was cold, the yelp comes anyway. As she turns to walk back up the gentle slope of sand, one eyebrow quirks upwards. "And what would you choose to run in?" she counters.

Same cheer while Jaeyi answers, "Well, not for /them/ obviously. But I--" Get off on it? The holler prompts her to sit up again hastily, wide-eyed blinking toward the shoreline and Kaida's location thereon. She can't think of anything appropriately clever to say in response to that, so... "Uhhhhmn. I just choose not to run. Do you do this--" She gestures with a grape-stem to the whole schtick, the crummy clothes now quite soaked, the whole sweating exercise look. "--often?"

Kaida settles her hands in the small of her back, bending over backwards in a stretch. Let's add some sand in her braid, just to thoroughly complete the vagabond image. She doesn't reply to Jaeyi until she's snapped herself upright again. "Every day I can manage it. Which makes it about twice a seven, if I'm lucky. Need to do something to keep this figure, 'cause sitting on my arse making clothes certainly isn't gonna help." Pale gaze roves over the lounging baker, "Haven't seen you since the First Day dance. Been keeping th' lads at bay?"

Jaeyi's blink is pricelessly confused: "Why would I want to do that?" Keep them at bay, that is. Briefly, she contemplates something: Kaida is very wet, and her blanket is very dry, but she ultimately flops back on to her elbows again and pat-pats a spot on the quilt next to her in a help-yourself kinda gesture. "I could never do that. Run. Does Su do it too? That'd at least explain things." So would the fact that Jaeyi is /constantly eating/, but she neglects that.

Kaida's laugh starts as a growl low in her throat, before it finally builds enough to be a recognisably humourous sound. Pricelessly confused expression is pricelessly funny, too. "Because the lads, while fawning, aren't nearly as interesting as the men?" is her rejoinder. She gives a considering tilt of her head, eyeing the blanket instead of the baker this time. A testing pat of her own rump to make sure her trousers aren't nearly as soaked as her shirt, before she helps herself to a corner of the offered blanket. "Thanks." A shrug follows, "Y'know, I don't know if she does or not. Though she rarely seems to -eat- so she probably doesn't need to. I swear that girl lives on sunshine and juice."

"Mmn, but they serve different purposes, don't they? Boys and men." Luxuriant to think about it, she plucks another grape off the stem, tilts her head back, and lets the sun smack her in the face for a little while. "I wish I could learn that trick. Eat?" she suggests, tilting the half-full bowl of grapes toward the weaver in the same sort of help-yourself way as she offered the blanket. "Sunshine and juice and oh my gosh, have you seen her with Kai? It's, like, gross."

"I guess that depends on the type of person you yourself are," Kaida replies thoughtfully. "I don't envy you. Having so many people pestering and pawing and drooling... I'd be like to go hunt down one of the flamethrowers they use for the ground crews during a Pass. Don't you ever just wish you were invisible for a while?" Genuine curiousity there. The question is followed by another murmured thanks, as she reaches out to snap a small cluster of grapes from the main stem. Holding them cupped in her palm, she plucks one off and pops in in her mouth. "No, thankfully, I haven't. But I've seen her -after- she's been with Kai, or before, or when she's thinking about it, and I really think that might be worse. Talk about moonstruck. I sure hope she's prepared for what's gonna happen once that green of his grows up."

Jaeyi shrugs carelessly to clarify, "You can either hate it or you can own it, I figure." And she's obviously decided to own it. "Better to be over-looked-at than just plain old overlooked, right?" She has to pause, lips pulled askew, to consider whether or not that actually made any sense... then move on before she gets bogged down trying to work through it. "I hope-- well, no. I like Su, so I hope /she's/ prepared. But I really hope he winds up with some super-butch brownrider for his very first flight. Personally." The way she eats that grape, quite slowly, clearly indulges that thought.

Kaida chuckles, shrugging, "I think I'll take option number three, and avoid it." A thoughtful, if rusty-sounding, hum as she nibbles on another grape. "Weeell, I guess it also depends on who's doing the looking. If they're worth looking back at, y'know?" Whether or not the sentence would make sense to anyone else, the weaver apparently puzzled it out in the end. Her eyebrows arch upwards, disappearing beneath her bangs as she drops her gaze to study Jaeyi's face. "You really don't like Kai, then, I take it?"

"Okay, I'll grant that. Though, I have to admit, a lot of it's just to stroke my own ego." Like making weyrlings trip for no reason at all, but at least Jaeyi can be honest about it. The plucked-bare grapestem gets tossed sort of toward the water, where presumably it will make a nice snack for a fish later on, and she laces her fingers behind her head, crosses her feet at the ankles, and watches puffy clouds to make chitchat. "I don't not-like him. I just... think it would be appropriate if he got--" Rammed in the butt really hard? "We had a falling out," she clarifies with a smile near as sunny as the day. "You? Get on with him?"

"Aren't you worried about what kind of a reputation it gives you?" Kaida's working her own way through that tiny grape cluster very slowly, really only just holding them now. "Something like that gets back to the Masters at your Hall, could hurt your chances at walking the tables. Nevermind the risk of..." Pregnancy. Shudder. While Jaeyi studies the clouds, Kay continues to study Jaeyi, thoughtful and intent, as if the younger girl were a fascinating puzzle she's just got to solve. "Can't really say that I do or don't. I've only met him once, playing messenger-girl for Su. I'm prepared to get along, for Su's sake if for no other reason."

Uhmn, "No. I was sent here for, like, exactly that reason." So at least it's all working out! Jaeyi does the shrug-and-smile routine, totally failing to grasp the reasons that might set Kaida to shuddering like that. Sixteen: invincible. "He's a prick," she summarizes succinctly, nose twitching at the thought of the greenrider in question. "But, hey, makes you a good friend if you'll put up with that just for Su's sake, as you say. I tried, but I'm not bending over backward." Pause. Grin. "Well, not unless there's a nice reward involved."

Eyebrows climb for the second time this conversation, though instead of surprise, this time it's shock. Nope, Kaida just can't fathom how anyone could risk getting booted from their Craft. As her next question reveals, "You -really- don't care? But...." Verbal flounder, hands waving helplessly. "It's your -Craft.-" Lamely. A pause while she gets her incredulity under control, before puffing out a sigh. "A good friend, yeah, right. What kind of a friend encourages someone in their infatuation, helps it along even, while standing by ready to pick up the pieces of an inevitably broken heart?" A right ass of one, if her tone of voice is any judge of her opinion. She breaks off the final lone grape clinging to the cluster in her palm, sinks her teeth into it a mite more savagely than required. Around the bite, "I'm afraid to think what you might think a nice reward would be, after being bent over."

"Uhhhmn," this time she actually says it out loud. "I do care. I mean, I don't /want/ to get kicked out? But it's kind of like-- they sent me here because they figured a Weyr would be better for me, so they must /know/ already, right?" Jaeyi can't think of a better way to explain that, so she shrugs again. As to the kind of friend? Well, she sends a dubious look over to the weaver and answers without charity, "A sucker. I doubt he'll break her heart so much as... I dunno. I should just keep my mouth shut. Your hair's killing me." Left field~!

The second question actually prompts a chuckle, "Well, perhaps that'd be for the best then. So long as no ill luck befalls you, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. You planning ahead yet, about getting your Journeyman's knot?" Kaida, career oriented. She could talk shop all day if a body'd let her. Jaeyi's rather blunt observation causes her to clench her jaw, looking down at the grape stem within her hand. A grape stem that's slowly starting to be shredded by long fingers. "So much as...? C'mon Jaeyi, please don't do that to me. If there's some trouble on the horizon for Su, please tell me? I-- what?" Utterly bemused blinking, as she twists to look at the coil of braid resting in the sand beside her hip. "What about it?"

Jaeyi bites her tongue, because the last thing she needs? Is to be a gossip /and/ a slut. Seriously. "It's, like, ridiculous? What's it take, about six years to comb it out and an extra couple months to braid it like that?" It's a long reach, and a little flailing, but her arm searches across the distance like she'd catch the very end of that freaking rope.

Kaida's been successfully diverted now, Jaeyi managing to hit on the weaver's one physical vanity. Even if it -is- being allowed to drag carelessly in the sand. "What's so ridiculous about it? It's just -long,- that's all." Her eyes track that flailing hand, but she doesn't do anything to impede the grab. So long as Jaeyi doesn't yank on it or produce a pair of shears out of her impressive cleavage, she can do what she likes. "You're the one being ridiculous. It's not -that- hard to take care of. Just an hour or so, two after it's been washed. And the braid is fast enough to do, it's just a simple three-plait, not a herringbone or anything."

If Jaeyi could-- produce the scissors-- she'd probably have a better career than Failing Baker Apprentice. As it is, she does give the end of the braid a little pull, but not enough to even take up the slack. Shaking her head, she says as if chidingly, "But isn't it heavy or-- in the way?" The same way she's always plying skinny girls with sweets, she has to pester girls with prettier hair than hers about it. But at least it's kind of appreciative. "Ooohhh, you should do that. One of those herringbone braids."

Kaida draws her knees up, resting her forearms across them as she watches Jaeyi. "It's heavy, but I've had long hair for as long as I can remember. It only ever gets trimmed but twice a Turn... guess I'm just used to it?" She shrugs. "And I keep it braided so that it's not in the way. But what could it get in the way of?" A pause. "Well, okay, so I did accidentally start spinning it once, but that was Turns ago." She lifts up one loop, eyes it consideringly, drops it again. "Now that -would- take forever. It's takes a good hour or more to do a proper herringbone on someone with hair that only reaches the middle of their back. Can you just imagine how long this'd take?" She does seem rather pleased by the suggestion, however. And speaking of left field, "You're not so bad, Jaeyi."

What could she get it in the way of? "Like. Life?" Here's an example, showed when Jaeyi picks some little bits of damp rocks out of the end of the braid, then sort of tosses it back in Kaida's general direction. "We should do it sometime. Only-- we'll need someone who knows how. Or I could learn, but I think that might be a big project for minimal payoff." Hands relaced behind her head, she can't help but laugh at the end and ask airily, "Because you'd heard I was, I take it?"

"My hair getting in the way of my life would require me having one for it to get in the way of in the first place," Kaida says with simple, if perhaps confusing, honesty. No lover(s), very few friends, she's pretty much got her Craft and that's it. "Oh, I know -how- to do a herringbone, but I can't do one behind my own head. I could do yours though, some day?" is offered. And, again with the simple, straightforward honesty, "Last time I heard anything about you from someone worth listening to, she was a hairsbreadth away from calling you a meddlesome bitch. Clearly, things've changed since then. And what the cavern's women say, well, they're not worth listening to." She curls her legs underneath before pushing to her feet, with a disgruntled look towards the height of the sun in the sky. "Should get back and cleaned up, and get something productive done. Hopefully we can chat again sometime soon?"

"I kind of. Am?" And mostly unapologetic about it, a remark that ends with Jaeyi sitting up on her elbow long enough to curl her fingers in a byebye wave to Kaida. "Show me how to do it, and then I'll let you do mine and you can let me practice on yours. Good luck with the cleaning up and the producing?" While she sits out and gets some sun on a patchwork quilt, soooooo industrious. "I'm sure we'll make some chat-time again." Friendly as you please~

Kaida chuckles, shaking her head. "Well, at least you're an honest kind of meddlesome bitch, then. Take care, Jaeyi." A wiggle of long fingers in return, before she, disgustingly, heads back towards the Weyr proper in a loping run. Again.

*jaeyi-apprentice, kaida, jaeyi

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